Kidnapped and Defiled Ch. 05

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Lois' ass is brutally forced, then lovingly licked.
4.7k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/13/2014
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The soporific administered to Lois by her new owners left her semi-conscious as the motor yacht thrust through the water. At one moment in her dream state she was reliving those excruciating first experiences at the hands of Junior Allen. She had carelessly accompanied him below to see his new cabin cruiser. What had she been thinking? Inside the cabin, Junior closed the door and locked it. Suddenly she had recognized how threatening was his hulking presence, and how alone she was. His considerable bulk blocked the entrance; there was nowhere to turn. The close air of the cabin emphasized the sharp smell of sweat - and testosterone - that he emitted.

"Take off your clothes."

She looked at him aghast. Surely he must be joking?

"Take them off, or I'll rip them off you." He stepped threateningly towards her. Towering over her, he reached out, grasped her slender shoulder, and shook her. Then smacked her, not too hard, on the side of her head. Appalled, face reddening, her instinct was to obey, and she began to nervously unbutton her crisp white blouse.

"Now the pants." Blushing, she stepped out of her shoes and unbuttoned her slacks, drawing them off and laying them neatly on a chair. Now she felt truly vulnerable, her shapely slender limbs clad only in a plain white bra and panties. Shamed, she looked in every direction but his. He leered at her, evaluating her tender flesh. "Keep going." She had never felt so vulnerable, and she looked desperately around for an escape. But instead he seized the dark, silky hair at the nape of her neck, wrenched it downwards, then abruptly pulled it up, causing an agonizing pain to shoot across her scalp. Beginning to sob, she hastily unclipped her bra and drew down her panties. She was naked in front of him, cringing in fear and embarrassment.

"Turn around. Show me your ass." This accompanied by a vicious pinch of the nipple of her small, perfect breast. She squealed in pain, and turned around to expose her small round buttocks to his gaze. Her skin had a velvet sheen, unflawed and pale; her long back tapered to a gentle swelling of hips and ass. She felt his stare probing her secret places, and flinched.

"Please...please let me leave."

"Kneel down and take me in your mouth." Turning, she saw with horror that he had unbuttoned his pants to expose his thick, pulsing cock. He was fully erect, and a drop of liquid oozed at the uncircumcised tip. Lois had heard about oral sex from her sorority friends; she had shyly offered to perform it on her husband on their wedding night, though she had had no experience. But he had pulled away when she gingerly kissed his small penis; less than six months after that he told her he preferred men, and the marriage ended.

"Are you going to mind?" He raised a hand the size of a shovel threateningly. Quaking, she descended to her knees and presented her soft, open mouth. He promptly thrust his cock into it. Gripping the sides of her head, he proceeded to fuck her mouth hard, pushing into her throat in a frenzy. Choking and gagging, she inadvertently scraped his shaft with her delicate teeth. A stunning slap made her see stars. She collapsed on the floor, weeping in pain and fear.

Junior pulled her up by her hair; she screamed in pain. He seemed calm as he bent her, face down, over his lap; he held her legs between his in a vise grip, and easily encircled her narrow wrists behind her back in one large hand. "You're going to learn to please. Or you'll wish you had. Now, this is just a taste. You better be ready to suck and fuck whenever I say, you hoity toity little bitch. And you better do it the way I like. First I'm going to warm up your ass. Then I'm going to fuck it. Might need a little stretching out; you might not have had a dick up the back before. But we'll shape you up."

With that his calloused hand smote her bare bottom with great force. The shock and pain took her breath away; but it was immediately followed by another staggering slap. Junior proceeded to spank her up and down her tender bottom, which quickly glowed bright red. She began to plead, but words were replaced by squeals of agony and humiliation, and each time she tried to beg a moment's respite another stinging, burning swat knocked her breath out of her lungs. She writhed from side to side to protect her buttocks; but his immense physical strength completely immobilized her, so that he was able to pick and choose his targets, sometimes addressing a still pale, untouched patch of skin, at other times delivering a series of blows to the same area and creating an agony of sensitivity. Lois was soon sobbing hysterically; yet the spanking continued until Junior was finally out of breath.

He continued to hold her helpless while his breathing became regular. Through her tears she felt him reach over to the cabinet. Suddenly a new outrage seared her behind; Junior had thrust two stubby fingers, coated in vaseline, into her anus. Never before had another touched her there; that somebody would probe her soft little bud was unthinkable. Ignoring her cries of pain, he violently massaged her entrance until it was coated in grease and stretched open.

He took her by the hair again and flung her face down on the bed. Crushing her beneath his massive body, he positioned his throbbing cock at her anal entrance and pressed forward. She screamed and sobbed at the painful intrusion; penetrating her two or three inches, he held himself temporarily still. Then, as her cries of pain quieted, he pushed slowly forward. Lois gasped and writhed, impaled; never had she dreamed of such pain and humiliation. The massive intrusion into her most private place left her helpless; worse, she had an overpowering urge to empty her bowels. Junior began a steady thrusting back and forth, pushing a little deeper with each thrust. Lois squealed and wept, tears slobbering her face; she was pinned like a butterfly, filled beyond measure, raped and plundered.

She was helpless, boneless, invaded to her very core; her anus was stretched tightly around his phallus, and as a final humiliation a very faint waft of shit seemed to assault her nostrils as her rectum relaxed somewhat and Junior's in and out became less impeded. He exulted as her passage yielded to his assault; his dick now plowed it more freely, creating a series of liquid sounds and stimulated by the velvet clasp of her rear passage. She felt his cock swelling, deep in her ass,; she squirmed wildly to dislodge the thrusting phallus that stretched her unbearably, but his weight was too great and she succeeded only in admitting him deeper. She moved helplessly with its thrusts as a deeper note entered his voice and he began a build up to a convulsive, spurting orgasm that seemed to spray her deepest core like a hot fountain and caused her to emit her most intense scream yet.

She lay face down, utterly spent, Junior's heavy body pinning her down, his cock softening in her plundered ass. Her mouth was pried apart; Junior thrust into her soft orifice the two fingers with which he had prepared her rectum for service; they had a musty taste. Her palate and tongue were insolently probed; she instinctively obeyed his growled command to suck them clean. Her anus seemed still gaping open; liquids trickled inside her.

"I'll bet you know you've been fucked. That's a sweet ass; needs to be stretched out some. Which it will be, soon enough. We need to teach you to suck, too. You're going to swallow my come and thank me for it. I'll be warming up your ass most days, maybe with a whip, maybe with a paddle. A cane when you not cooperating. I like seeing that pretty white skin all red and stinging; think tonight we'll use a whip on you. Crying and begging won't help you any; just going to keep on you till I feel like stopping. Sancha likes to whip too; maybe even more than me. You're not a society miss any more; your job is to please, use your mouth, ass, pussy. Both of us going to like to see you screaming and begging, tied up and punished, knowing that we'll only stop when we feel like it. You're our property now, and you won't be sitting down too comfortable, just seeking ways to please."

There was a knock at the door. "That'll be her. Go let her in." Trembling and shaky on her feet, Lois stumbled over to the door. Opening it, her face smeared with tears, her ass glowing and gaping, a trickle of come finding its way between her buttocks, she encountering Sancha's fierce, leering gaze.

(More of Lois' brief, but intense time with Junior and Fancha can be found in Kidnapped and Defiled Parts 1 through 4.)

Lois awoke with a start. The nightmare had been all too real. In the three weeks she had been Junior's captive, she had been whipped or caned most days, fucked anally with the same frequency - once she had had two dicks simultaneously in her little ass - forced to suck and swallow countless times. She had been obliged to service Sancha's pussy and ass with her soft mouth, and every few days Sancha had forced her to the ground, squatted over her, and urinated at length into her unwilling mouth. Holding Lois' nostrils closed, she had obliged her victim to swallow a good deal of her acrid yellow urine. Only a steady consumption of vodka had kept her desensitized enough to keep her sanity.

She stirred, and was pleasantly surprised to feel the touch of fine lawn sheets on her naked body; a change from the stained mattress she had slept on in Junior's cruiser. The air was delightfully cool; the room was a sizeable one, in shadow yet with blue showing outside the windows. She stretched languorously; and looked around fearfully in case Junior was watching her, ready to pounce. Then she recalled how the brute had sold long ago? She was conscious of an intense thirst, as well as an overpowering need to go to the bathroom. Slowly raising herself off the bed - her legs trembled and she had to grip the post for support - she moved into the adjoining bathroom, which was tiled and well appointed. Collapsing on the commode, she released her bladder in a long, tinkling flood. She gasped with relief, and then with fear; a figure had appeared in the doorway.

A young woman was standing there, holding a tray. Lois observed that she was young and shapely, dark haired, wearing a diaphanous gown, and gazing with interest at Lois' naked body. The American blushed; Fancha had obliged her to shave her pubis, so that her soft labia were fully exposed, plump, pale and now glistening slightly with urine. The young woman smiled at her kindly, and stepped back; Lois looked hopefully for a robe or towel, but was obliged to walk naked back into the bedroom. As she passed, the new arrival saw the stripes that criss-crossed her sweet bottom, and made a sympathetic sound. Moving forward, she poured Lois a drink; it was delightfully cool and refreshing. She took Lois' hand and drew her up again, guiding her back in the bathroom and pointing to the large shower.

Lois willingly stepped in and her companion turned on the taps full blast, while Lois slumped under the wonderful warm water, feeling as though the agony and humiliation of the past weeks were being washed away. Her buttocks burned from the heat; her helper tutted and began to tenderly spread a soft soap all over her body, gently massaging her skin and allowing the shower to wash away the suds. The stimulating flow revived Lois; the girl smiled and began to soap her pussy, caressing it as she worked; then moved her hand between Lois' buttocks and washed her there, delicately circling her anal entrance (now surrounded by a raised ridge, from the frequent plundering of her rectum) and drawing a gasp from the American as the helper - whose name, it transpired, was Dalla - gently slipped a soapy finger into her back passage to complete the ablutions.

Lois was still not fully awake; but Dalla's gentle caresses spread a soothing warmth through her body. To be stroked kindly and affectionately, instead of being brutally used; Lois felt a surge of heartfelt gratitude. Dalla moved her slender fingers to Lois' pussy and slipped them inside, beginning a sensitive but persistent motion. Lois squirmed to let them in a little further; her pussy had been generally disregarded during her captivity, Junior preferring to employ her ass and mouth. She felt herself getting wet; Dalla intensified her stroking, softly touching her now erect clitoris, sending a thrill through her. Dalla pressed her mouth against Lois' protruding nipple, and lightly touched her anus with the other hand. Shortly after, Lois came, almost sobbing with the release and experiencing an enormous rush of affection for the considerate stranger.

The view from the window of the room looked out over a far stretching vista of rocky formations and vibrant greenery; evidently they were high in the mountains, and something about the light and the sun's position made Lois conjecture that it was somewhere in South America. She found that she shared a room with the friendly young woman Dalla, who spoke a little English. A hallway with a long row of arched openings adjoined their room; however the door at the end, solidly constructed of carved hardwood, was locked.

Occasionally Dalla would leave the room, returning with trays of light, excellent food; tastily prepared chicken and fish, fresh vegetables and fruit, served with a light, fruity white wine. Their conversation was necessarily limited - Dalla's native tongue was mostly incomprehensible to Lois - but as far as the latter could ascertain, she was to rest and recover from her previous experiences for a few days. Then, Dalla conveyed, she would be ready to undertake new duties for the master and mistress of the eyrie. What those duties involved was not completely clear; however Lois guessed from Dalla's hesitating words and vivid expressions that they would apparently not require her secretarial skills.

It appeared that Lois was free to relax and recuperate; and she found her appetite returning along with spells of deep, dreamless sleep. Gradually her natural vitality returned; the stress lines went away, and she found herself laughing and smiling as she played simple card games with her sweet tempered companion. And the first night, when the room was in darkness, Dalla slipped naked into Lois' bed.

Before her captivity Lois' sexual experience was extremely limited; on Junior's cruiser she had been compelled to service regularly with her mouth and fingers the double-gaited Haitian slut Fancha. Lois certainly had sexual desires; sometimes, in spite of the general brutality with which Junior and Fancha served her, she became highly excited in her submissive state and came explosively; which, needless to say, provoked her captors to deride her even as her irrepressible cries of excitement spurred them on to additional humiliations.

Thus Dalla's arrival between her sheets was not a total shock; and when the sweet smelling girl nestled against her and began murmuring endearments and delivering light, fluttering kisses, as her fingers gently squeezed Lois' nipples before trailing slowly across her belly to her moistening lower lips, Lois was not reluctant to welcome her. The girl had a lovely body, a little more fulsome and curvaceous than Lois' slender, but near perfect frame; she smelled wonderful and her lips and touch were exquisite. She was evidently highly skilled in sexual matters; when she began to nibble and lick between Lois' legs, it was the most exquisite experience of the American's life. The touch of her tongue on Lois' erect clitoris sent wave after wave of delight through her; it was not long before they were top to toe, passionately licking and sucking each other as they came again and again.

Lois lay nude on her back, her legs apart and drawn back for the best possible access, a pillow beneath her head, with Darya, whose lovely pubis was equally bare, spread open on top, pressing her wet, silken pussy against Lois' open mouth. As Lois' excitement increased she began to fondle the other's smooth buttocks and lap the length of her lover's wet openings, from asshole to clitoris, alternating smooth lingual caresses with probing thrusts. Dalla had hooked a slender finger inside Lois' anus, and pressed against the sensitive interior as she skillfully licked Lois' pussy, flicking her agile tongue against Lois' clitoris till the American squirmed in ecstasy, then switching the finger slid into Lois' ass to her pussy, and transferring her tongue's caressing to Lois' now slippery anus.

Slowly and lovingly each brought the other to a succession of mind-blowing orgasms; both girls' faces were wet with secretions. Lois found she could slide her whole slender hand into Darya's sweet tasting pussy; manipulating her as she teased the girl's clitoris with her pointed tongue, she wrung a muffled scream of pleasure from the other, which was quickly reciprocated as the delightful caresses of her rectum and vagina became almost too much to bear. Shifting position, they each began to lick and suck at the other's anus, probing into the passageway. The delightful fluttering caress of Darya's tongue at her back door sent thrilling sensations through the young American; she eagerly reciprocated, licking the small muscular ring and dabbing the point of her tongue into the wet center. After several passionate meetings, finally sated, they slept the night enfolded in each other's arms, in a cloud of perfume and sex.

The following day Lois emerged from the shower to find a tall, slender, older woman in the room talking rapidly to a subdued looking Darya. The woman's hawk-like face had clearly been quite beautiful in her youth; her expression was one of authority. Flashing her black eyes at Lois' towel-wrapped form, she nodded haughtily and directed a torrent of words at Darya, who nodded obediently.

"This is Lydia. She is our...mistress . She says to put down your towel...she wants to see how you look." When Lois hesitated, Darya quickly pressed her. "We must do what she tell us at once. Do not make her angry." Memories of penalties incurred for disobedience caused Lois to immediately put down her towel and stand submissively before Lydia's searching gaze. Signaled to turn around, she pivoted and felt the woman's eyes examine her naked buttocks, where the last traces of Junior's whip lingered. A tap on her back told her to bend over; she touched her toes, and felt strong fingers squeeze her exposed pussy. Straightening up, she saw Lydia nod somewhat approvingly and address Darya again in their language.

"She say you are to be with the master's guests tomorrow evening. She say you must do everything they want, must please them. Or there will be a bad whipping. I must prepare you properly, bathe and pluck you, make sure you know how to give the most pleasure. You must do very well; Lydia means what she say. When she whips it is very painful."

In the weeks with Junior and Fancha Lois had experienced every kind of sexual act. She had learned how to suck, fuck, and be taken in the ass, sometimes all at the same time; at least once a day she had fellated Junior slowly and sensually, stimulating him as he thrust into her throat, then swallowing his jissom to the last drop. She knew the exciting effect of her small, muffled gasps of pain and pleasure; could grip and milk Junior's swollen cock with her anal muscles. On those occasions when he wished to penetrate her vaginally, she would draw her legs back to admit him as deeply as possible, allowing him to enter her vagina and rectum alternately.

Her congress with Fancha had educated her in making love to a woman. Yet she also remembered how none of her skills had substituted for the sadistic delight her captors experienced when, bound helplessly, she received the cutting lash of a whip or cane across her naked, tender buttocks and thighs. Could she rise to expectations, avoid more corporal punishment by the degree of her lascivious skills? Junior had talked of branding her with a hot iron on her ass, and had been prevented only by the lack of suitable equipment on the boat. Perhaps that dreadful penalty was now in store for her.