Kindred Nights Ch. 00

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A man with nothing to live for gets a chance at unlife.
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Hello everyone. Before you actually start reading this story, understand that it won't be like my other pieces. The smut will be strong in this series, but it's going to be an Action/Drama with sexuality weaved into it rather than having it *always* be the main focus. Nonetheless, I write to entertain. Have a fun read!


"Lactogen stocks experiencing a sharp increase over the last two months... How to tell if *you're* ready for tiny home living... viral celebrity Anita Maxson on her world tour... Spurtmaxxing, the new internet craze?!?"

I could hear the news in the background, spouting on and on about their random pieces. I was never a fan of cable TV and the fake smiles and plastic, busty weather reporters didn't encourage me to change my ways either. It's not like that was really at the forefront of my mind anyways right now. Currently, I was doing my best just to not feel the pain. I'm not feeling a whole lot of anything right now, including some of the good stuff. Like a heartbeat. We're not there yet though, so I guess I can give some context.

Just earlier in the day, I had gotten laid off from my old job. It was a random temp firm, nothing too special. I wasn't the best worker, but I was definitely above average at least. I guess they finally got sick of my painful blandness and cut ties.

Wouldn't be the first to do that. Lost my girlfriend just last week too. I knew she was losing interest, but there just wasn't anything I felt was worth doing that could keep her around. So I just let it happen and decided to cry about it later.

To celebrate hitting rock bottom, along with my eviction notice, I fucked around and hit up a random club in search of some half cheap booze. Luckily, they had some okay stuff that washed away the pain and feelings in this hole-in-a-wall.

A couple hours in, I was definitely feeling it hit me, then an odd figure started walking up to me. I had taken my glasses off so it was hard to get a good look at her. However, by the time I'd put them on, she was already at the barstool next to me, staring directly into my eyes.

Just at a mere glance, I could tell she was beautiful. She didn't show much skin with her all-black getup, but it was almost a pearlescent white, allowing her blue veins to shine through her face. While you'd usually think that looks creepy, on her it looked like an intended feature to accentuate her mysterious form.

It was hard to take in everything since I was already kinda hammered, but no amount of inebriation could take away from the primal feeling of attraction I had for her. I must've started to drool in my stupor with how long I'd fixated on her skin alone, but I snapped back to reality with some effort.

"Would you like to go somewhere away from here, my sweet ~Darling~?" The end of her tantalizing sentence hit me like a 2 ton pillow, almost putting me to sleep instantly. I physically reacted with exasperation, before recovering from the phantom narcolepsy. Something was definitely off, but I had to keep it together so I wouldn't look like a super weirdo.

"Ahem, thanks for the offer, but why do you want to go off with some random scraggly dude? What are you gonna do, kidnap me or something?" It was a weird thing to ask someone way out of your league, but I was just kinda happy for the attention.

"Aheh. Ha... ha... ahahahaha! Oh my, I must be losing my touch. Usually when I ask people that question, they don't ~dwell~ on it much."

The same wave hit me again, even harder. I could feel my body freezing up, surrendering control to a dominant entity, but it was like another 'version' of my body resisted, eventually winning the intense struggle. On the outside, I definitely clocked out and slumped on the counter for a moment, but I was conscious still. It was an exhausting sensation, but I was weirded out more than anything right now.

"Haah, sorry about that. I think I might've been roofied or some shit." We both looked down at my skinny, unappealing form. "I think they chose a shitty target."

The woman stifled another laugh before opening her mouth, "Well, I would hate to see you taken advantage of. Maybe I can help you call an emergency contact. Parents, friends, an unaware spouse?"

The memories came rushing back to me, causing my face to deaden a bit. "Nah, none of that. Guess I'll just prepare myself for a lifetime of sex trafficking." I joked a bit.

"I suppose you can always choose to get kidnapped by the devil you don't know, or the devil you do." She put out a hand for me to grab, "The choice is yours, dear."

Even through my inebriation, I could tell that was a smooth line. With nothing to lose except for a kidney or two, I took her hand and she led me out of the dive bar. From that point, I couldn't remember much on account of the drinks, but we hopped into a cab and ended up heading to another place.

Once the taxi ride was over, she led me into what seemed like a rundown motel, with the classic yellow wallpaper and popcorn ceiling. The air smelled a tiny bit musty from mildew and trash, but nothing I would retch over.

As I inspected the bed, I could see visible stains on the sheets, but there was no stench on them, so I flopped over and rested my head on the dingy pillow. The door clicked behind me, and the woman lowered herself onto the loveseat beside the bed as I looked at her.

"Ya know... I don't think I ever got why you're doing all thish." I slurred drunkenly.

"To be perfectly honest, I did assume you to be just an average mope before I actually started to talk to you. I have to say though, you're more 'interesting' than you let on, dear. Why, I've brought you all the way here without even asking you what your name is! Please do tell me of it kindly."

"Millithent. Millithent Carver." I said, muffled and impeded by alcohol and low-quality bedsheets as my face buried into the comforter..

"Well then, it's nice to meet you Millicent. My name is... let's say it's 'Violet.' I would say I am a very curious person, and I live quite the odd life. Through that, I have many a story to tell and many skills I have acquired. I may or may not have used some of those ~skills~ upon you tonight, understand?"

I felt that sensation again, but it was different. This force was altogether crushing and imposing. I couldn't resist whatsoever, but I wasn't being put to sleep this time. It actually forced me up for a bit, and I lifted my head from the bed involuntarily. By the time it had passed, my heart was thumping in my chest as if I was running from a predator. A predator that liked to toy with its prey.

"You see that? Something like that would be liable to *kill* a normal person, but you took it with relative safety. *That* is why I'm interested in you, Millicent. On its own, this means nothing. But I take heed of any sign that shows itself to me, and you are one of those omens. So tell me, my childe, what *are* you?" Violet leaned out of her chair, staring with her deep black eyes, peering directly into my soul.

I could hear everything she said, but I felt an ear-splitting headache at the same time radiate through my skull. "Ahh, I don't even know. I'm literally just some fucking loser. Lost my job, my girl, my place. Don't have any friends or money. I've got absolute shit. So the answer is nothing. Absolutely fucking squat."

Violet sat back in her seat and pondered for a moment. After a few seconds, she spoke up. "I think those who have nothing to lose can be also seen as the ones with everything to gain. It truly comes down to the drive and means to make that happen. Do you know what your drive would be, Millicent?"

The last words shocked me. I'm not sure if anyone had ever asked what I wanted before, especially not someone like her. It took me a moment to respond, but eventually I had something. "I...I think I just want a *chance* to win at this shitty game everybody calls life. It feels like everything was decided for me when I was born. It was decided that I'd grow up poor. That I'd lose my mom AND dad to cancer. That I'd ever be able to give a shit after all those fucked up things. It's like, can I make my own damn decisions for once?" I nearly shouted out, staring into the ceiling. A tear was forming in my eye when I remembered that I wasn't the only one in the room.

I looked down to see Violet with her hand on her chin, scratching it lightly. "Well, it's obvious that you are quite fed up with your current situation, and I must admit there's nothing I can do for that directly. However, we might be able to 'change' that in some periphrastic way. My only question at this point is, are you willing to ~chase~ it?"

That wasn't a normal question. I knew that this meant something serious. Whatever she was really asking definitely mattered right now, but instead of anxiety, I felt a real flame light up in my stomach, ready to give the most resolute answer of my life yet.

I stared directly at her, just as she had been to me this entire conversation. "Remember that thing you said about losing earlier? Well I'm really feeling like gaining a lot right now." I buried my fist into the bed, heart thumping with sheer vitality.

In response, I saw her show a grin I wasn't aware that people were capable of making. Almost cheek to cheek, her mouth opened up to show her pristine teeth in a malicious smile. Even the ends were pointed and dangerous. I would be scared, but I could tell that this was true excitement shared between the both of us, at this pivotal moment.

"That was the right answer. It would be a shame for you to waste the potential that lies before yourself. Now you have passed the first test. However, the next step of this process will be less philosophical, and a bit more ~carnal~. Observe."

All of a sudden, the feeling of drunkenness was completely flushed out of my system. I sat up immediately, shocked from the change and turned to fully face Violet. She stood up from her chair, and as her large stiletto boots clacked softly against the cheap carpet, she came to stand at the foot of the bed, posed directly in front of me. With a suspiciously long fingernail, she ran it down the entire front of her velvet black dress, as I heard a ripping sound. Then in a quick motion, it blew off of her completely in one forceful motion.

I couldn't even react before I saw the entirety of Violet's form. I realize that it hadn't been a single time that I looked at her full body, but her nude figure stood before me now. The trend of her pearlescent skin continued on for the rest of her, but she also carried two unbelievably large breasts on her chest. Each one almost the diameter of porcelain dinner platters, they stood firmly as if blessed by perfect genetics. Each one was also capped by pale greyish nipples about the height of pinky fingers. I was in awe, but there was more to discover.

She had a nice toned midriff to accentuate her thin waist, which then flared out to respectably wide hips. It was like I was staring at a white marble countertop with her shade and blue veins subtly showing across her body.

A bit further below, she possessed a vagina which showed no blemishes or imperfections at all, making it seem almost unreal. It was completely rounded, her inner lips not peeking through at all. Her legs stood long and slender. A small amount of muscle existed to imprint on her thighs, but sensual moderation embodied her lower half. Thick enough to fit on a woman with looks like her's, but they merely acted as a background to every other mesmerizing part of her.

I didn't even try to turn my head as I knew she wanted attention like this, to be worshipped with my eyes. It must've been minutes before she spoke up. "As expected for you to be frozen by my unfathomable beauty. I could expose you to something more extreme, but I believe you may not be ready for that side just yet. In that case then, I shall proceed with ~alternative~ methods."

The mysterious force made my body start to vibrate slightly. I felt my skin turn warm, and my cheeks flush. My penis was already half erect, but the wave made it stand to full mast at its full, mediocre 5 inches. My eyes were wide open and receptive to whatever Violet had up her sleeve.

She bowed down, coming to her knees as her head came level to my phallus. She casually pulled my legs to move it closer to her mouth with strength unbefitting an average-height woman. When my crotch and her mouth were mere inches away, she took my penis into her maw with one quick motion.

The energy I had been feeling all night could be likened to a draft of air, wafting in my face. As soon as our bodies made contact, that air turned to a freezing liquid, crashing upon my body. My hips bucked with instinct and force. Violet reacted with indifference, unphased by my motions. The feeling assaulted every conceivable manner of myself. There was absolutely no defense against the commotion I experienced. The ice cold feeling seeped through my penis, creeping into my veins and flooding my organs. I couldn't breathe, my eyes felt dry, my lips cracked from a lack of moisture.

Violet continued on, as if nothing were happening. It was like she was extracting my being, consuming every parcel of life within me. With a loud and satisfying pop, she removed her mouth from my groin. Oddly enough, a luminescent, purple energy dribbled from her mouth, only for her to wipe it with a part of her destroyed dress.

She let out a coo, basking in an intense pleasure, seemingly from the liquid she was ingesting. "Ohhh, it's almost a shame to sacrifice a pleasure like this." Violet then crawled on the bed, moving past my desiccated body, then hovering over my face. "But I know that only speaks to the possibilities of your peak form. Millicent, The Unleashed, take your first breath into a life of The Undead!" Violet pushed her lips into mine, then an unbearingly hot liquid rushed down my own mouth.

It wasn't like it was physically burning me, but I could tell it was scalding to some incorporeal version of my form. Involuntarily, I began to writhe and shake as my body and spirit both rejected whatever substance had been fed to me. Violet had gotten off my body and now watched the scene from the corner of the room, waiting in anticipation.

"Even after so long, I remember what you are currently experiencing as though it were my own last, living night. It is a gruesome pain, and I do not envy you. However, you risk it becoming permanent if you do not listen to me." She looked into my eyes with extreme intent, showing off a bright purple hue in her eyes I did not see before.

"Currently, you are effectively dead. I rended your life force from your body, resulting in your immediate decomposition, as evidenced by your non-beating heart and acute rigor-mortis. However, I bestowed a corrupted version back into your body, and it is currently being rejected. In order for you to not become a cursed husk and retain your soul, I need you..." Violet walked to the other side of the room and pulled out a vial of murky white liquid, "... to drink this, and complete your transition into Kindred."

My mind could barely afford to think of her words right now. My convulsions led to me falling off the bed with a crash to the floor. That leaves us here, at the real 'start'. I lay at the border between life and death on some random Thursday night. Nothing matters, and no one cares if I die like this.

At least, that's what I could be thinking right now. Instead, my body and mind act more in sync with each other than they ever have. Energy pools and mixes between both forms to create 'something' out of nothing, all with the express purpose of getting me to move forward. Fuck nihilism, and fuck everything before this. Right now, I can *do* something, and do something I shall. It was extremely hard to think about anything that wasn't my own physical suffering, but I knew that submitting to the pain wasn't my key to success.

I had to force myself out of the fetal position, just to lay prone on the grimy carpet. With immense effort, I was able to grab the bedpost in order to prop myself all the way up. Now on one knee, I felt like the heat was scalding the binds connecting my flesh and spirit. That couldn't be helped right now, the biggest priority was standing up.

My eyes and ears ached with pain, possibly bleeding from the orifices, but all my attention focused on one foot, and I poured every ounce of effort into raising it. With a strain and heave, I could now lean on the bed post, my two feet planted on the ground. Unfortunately, the battle wasn't over, as I still had to hobble the most excruciating 15 feet of my life to Violet.

Even with all the pain going on right now, I hadn't once blamed her for it. It would be stupid to divert any attention from pure survival right now. At this exact moment, I was purely focused on moving each foot forward, even without feeling in any of my toes.

It got to the point where I needed to let go of the bedpost, and there wouldn't be anything to hold me for the shuffle. I gathered what meager force was left in my arm, then shoved off of it, stumbling out into the empty plane. I caught myself from falling, then continued to walk towards her.

Left. Right. Left. My mind had become a machine, hellbent on one specific goal. Even as my vision became blurry, a sixth sense activated that could accurately pinpoint just where that essence was. I could tell time was running thin as various concepts left my mind, like love, or pride, or ~satiety~. My mouth watered with animalistic hunger, human instinct eroding from my psyche.

I was almost there, I could taste a sweet scent that hovered near the bottle. I reached out my hand, as far as it could go, then I was betrayed. Violet uncorked the bottle, then drank it all down her cavernous gullet.

"Oh, I am so sorry~, I just realized that I was feeling a bit parched myself, so it was only natural to sate my hunger. I suppose that leaves you with little option, doesn't it? Oh well, not everyone is fit to jo-" Violet's gloating was cut short. In a last ditch attempt, I lunged at her with the absolute last bit of life force I had left and clamped my mouth onto hers. I sucked forcibly as her plump lips mashed against my decrepit mouth. There was nothing else I could do with this, so the concept of failure wasn't an option. Although she was taller than me, her head craned down to lock our position together as I held the back of her neck in a literal death grip.

As the very edges of my soul were almost consumed by the burning, I felt something wonderful. Beginning to rush down my tongue was unequivocally the most wonderful taste I'd ever witnessed. With an ambrosia like that, I gained strength to suck harder, to take as much as I possibly can. The heat dissipated and my fingers regained feeling. I could stand strong again as my vision unblurred. I was eventually able to notice Violet's own eyes, casual and half-lidded. It was clear that she wasn't resisting, enjoying this, even.

I would be confused by her reaction had I not been going through my own intense sensations. My torso felt like it was squeezing together, building itself anew from my deathly form. My chest gained a new, pleasant weight with completely revitalized nerve endings. My hips stretched wide, as if taking its own breath. The entirety of my skin molted away to reveal a smoother and healthier luster. My entire form shed its cocoon to rebirth an improved version of itself.

Violet peeled off of me in a smooth motion, then whispered to me, "Welcome, Kindred, to your new unlife. I apologize for sending you through such harrowing trials, but I needed to make sure my spawn would be fit enough to justify the risk I take." My body fell limp, as if it received a 4 hour massage. "We do not have much time to talk now, but I will eventually seek you out. For now, I want you to find your true self in the new world I have exposed you to. Good luck."