Kit's Stories - Sofia Pt. 03


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Whap! Whap! Whap! When Sofia tried to wriggle away, he easily held her in place with a hand in the small of her back.

"Do you want more? Sofia, answer me or I will turn your brown ass red as Christmas candy."

When Sofia saw Kit raise his hand again, she cried, "Wait, wait, I'll get dressed."

"Roll over on your back, and pull your knees to your chest," Kit said. "I forgot the aloe vera lotion."

Sofia complied with no compunctions as she opened herself to her young lover as she had never done for any man. Kit stroked the cool herbal lotion over her freshly shaved crotch, and then using both hands, he cooled her stinging buns with the lotion. The lotion was quickly absorbed by Sofia's skin leaving her in a state of tingling lust. Below her waist, she felt electrified,

"Get dressed now, beautiful, so I can show you off on the beach."

All thoughts of expressing her ideas fled Sofia's mind; she meekly went into the bedroom to change.

Sofia quickly returned in the black bikini he had seen in San Antonio. The black material contrasted with Sofia's bronze skin to emphasize the weight of her breasts, the narrowness of her waist, and the abundance of her hips. She had pinned her hair up in a rough bun leaving the delicacy of her neck and shoulders exposed.

Kit sighed, "Sofia, you are truly beautiful. I may have to fight them off all up and down the beach."

"I don't look too old? Too thick? Too..." Sofia/s insecurities began to crop up as she neared public exposure.

"Trust me, and watch the reactions you get when we walk down the beach."

"Maybe, if you are telling the truth, we can have drinks at the indoor pool downstairs. I fanaticized about making everyone realize that I was truly over Primo. Do you think...?"

"We will give them something to talk about when we get back, but first the beach."

Sofia slipped a light gauzy cover-up over her suit and Kit picked up the beach bag with towels in it. "No swimsuits in the lobby" was the sign. They rode quietly down in the elevator and through the lobby. They waited to cross Seawall Boulevard with a group waiting at the crosswalk. Kit whispered to Sofia. "Give me your cover=up, I'll put it in the bag." When Sofia hesitated, Kit caught the material on each of her shoulders and lifted. Sofia sighed, but lifted her arms as Kit unveiled his partner. The brief drama caught the attention of the crowd waiting with them for the light. A heavy-set middle-aged man whistled softly and said, "Damn, boy, where can I get one of those." His chunky wife backhanded him across the chest, "Harry, behave yourself."

Sofia reddened and Kit grinned. "There is only this one, and I am so lucky to be here." He draped a possessive arm over Sofia and kissed her loudly on top of her head.

Sofia smiled up at him and hooked an arm around his waist. The light changed and they crossed to the beach.

"Which way do you want to go, Sofia? Toward town or toward the pier and Menard Park?"

"There are fewer people toward the pier. Let's go that way,"

They walked slowly in the hard, wet sand south toward the pier. They said little, but watched the reactions of the other beach worshipers. As they approached the pier, the sweet smell of marijuana drifted to them. In the darkness, beneath the pier, Kit stopped and bent to kiss Sofia. Lightly at first, he cupped her face and tasted her rich lips. When she moaned and moved into him, he caught one breast and began to ravage her mouth with is tongue. Sofia's tongue answered and she straddled his thigh to press herself to him.

"Let's go back to the room, Kit. We don't need the beach."

"I need the beach, Sofia. Let's take a short swim and then we can head back."

Out of the darkness of the pier, a voice slurred, "Get a room, white boy, and take your mini-whore with you."

Kit's head jerked up and he said, "We're going, be cool." He started to lead Sofia into the relative light beyond the pier. He heard a feminine voice say, "Duong, you don't want to start something tonight."

"I don't want to look at any tall, white boys grouping their sluts. Why should he have it good? Danh will never have another woman. That white boy better get out of my sight."

A man's voice said, "Duong, is not listening to you, Anh. He is too full of Lone Star Beer and the righteous weed."

"Shut up, Huu. Don't tell me how to act."

The darkness lapsed to silence as Kit and Sofia walked further south along the beach. At a relatively empty space, Kit dropped the beach bag above the waves and led Sofia into the water. The waves were small and regular as the beach sloped gently into the Gulf of Mexico. The water was cooler than the warm air, but comfortable on their skin.

"Oooh," Sofia, cooed as the water reached her swim suit.

"What?" Kit asked.

"It feels different on my lady parts, Kit."

"Wait till we take your bottoms off and you feel the water flow over the smooth skin ."

"I'm not taking my bottoms off on a public beach, Kit. Forget that!"

"We will do it out where no one can see; you'll like it."

"No I won't because I won't do it."

"Sofia, don't make me bring Captain Morgan out again. The water is deep enough now for you to catch my shoulders and I will wade out a little further."

The water was up to Sofia's chest, so she leaped on Kit's back as he towed her into deeper water. When they reached a level just below Kit's shoulders, he stopped and said, "Now, come around in front and we can bob in the waves for a while."

Sofia moved around to lock her arms around Kit's neck and her legs around his waist. He grasped her ass with both hands and pulled her snatch against his belly. He could feel the heat of her sex as he slipped his hands inside the legs of her bikini bottom and run his fingertips through her ass crack. Sofia reached up to kiss him lightly with salt water tasting lips. Kit made small, controlled hops to keep their faces out of the water. Sofia had nothing to do but relax in the gentle swaying of the surf. Her sensitized cunt rubbed lightly on Kit's belly as they moved in the waves Sofia's belly tingled and she felt the pressure and heat of her lust. She began pumping Kit's belly lightly. Kit reached between them to cup her sex while pinching her clitoral hood softly. When he began circular movements, Sofia pulled herself up to take Kit's mouth aggressively.

As he returned her kisses, Kit reached down to unlock Sofia's legs from his waist. Catching the top of her bottoms in both hands, he said, "Wiggle yourself out of these, Sofia, and feel the Gulf as you never have."

Sofia's earlier declaration seemed silly out in the surf. She aided Kit in removing her bottoms, but said seriously, "Don't you dare lose them, Kit. I have to get out of the water sometime."

Kit slipped them over his head and around his neck. "How's this? Think you can crawl back in them from here?"

The woman clinging to him looked at Kit seriously, "Maybe. Maybe I don't even know who I am anymore. Senora Arredondo, pillar of Hispanic society, is swimming bare-assed on the public beach in Galveston with a crazy boy who is way too young for her. And she is happy for the first time in a long time, so maybe she could climb back in those bikinis just so she could sit on his face again. What do you think of that?"

"Sounds like a deal to me," Kit said. "After I swish you around to let the Gulf taste your sweetness, I think I will take you back to the room for some serious loving. Hold tight onto my neck." Placing his hands on Sofia's hips, Kit began to spin and twirl her small body,. "Open your legs, Sofia, and let in the wild," he laughed. They splashed and kissed in the Galveston waves until Sofia caught Kits face in her hands. She kissed him long and tenderly and said. "Put on my bottoms now, and take me home, Kit."

He lifted her bikini over his head and held them for her to wiggle back into. Silently, Kit towed Sofia through the waves to the shallow water where they could walk hand in hand to the beach bag and towels. When they reached the pier, the same aggressive voice came from the shadows, "So you decided to bring your old whore back to watch you get your ass kicked, du ma."

Kit answered, "We are just passing through, chill, bro."

From under the pier, a young Asian man leaped in front of Kit and Sofia. He assumed a stance that Kit recognized as karate, but with hand movements unfamiliar to him. Kit assumed it was one of the new styles such as cong nhu developing in America. Kit assumed the jujitsu defensive posture that ten years of training had taught him. Kit's father had served in Korea as an Army Ranger and had been impressed with the martial arts unarmed combat techniques of the South Korean soldiers. When Kit was an awkward eight years old, he began the study of the gentle way with Master Li. His natural athletic ability was enhanced by the lessons of balance and posture. When he grew to his full height of six feet five inches, Master Li was ecstatic with the reach and leverage of the tall young man, and he encouraged Kit to enter the competitions around the state. Kit had a closet full of trophies won before he entered high school, but quit competing in favor of the team sports that he carried into Taylor University. He continued once weekly visits to Master Li.

A girl ran from the darkness to stand between Kit and his assailant. She held her hands toward the young man and said, "Duong, don't do this. It will not bring Danh back."

From his karate stance, Duong lashed out with his arm to knock Anh's arms away. A swirling kick to her hip sprawled her in the sand. "You may not honor our brother, but I do. Stay out of the way, bitch, while this lo dit takes his beating."

"I guess a lo dit is not a best friend," Kit remarked.

"It is an asshole, round eyes." Duong said as he launched a leaping spin kick at Kit's head.

Kit easily stepped back and slapped Duong's leg upward. He felt the air rush by as the Asian boy landed clumsily on all fours, but quickly regained an attack position. "We don't have to do this. We are just going back to our hotel." Kit said.

"Yes, we do," Duong replied, as he faked a kick at Kit's groin and spun into an elbow strike at Kit's neck. Kit stepped inside the fake and caught the left elbow as it came around. Using the momentum of the spin, Kit pulled the arm straight and used the leverage to throw Duong away from him. Duong's inertia and intoxication made it impossible for him to stop himself and he lurched head first into one of the massive piling holding up the pier. He melted face down into the sand. Kit's heart jumped and he leaped to check the unconscious Duong.

As Kit rolled Duong over, the girl and an older man came to his side. A small cut oozed a trickle of blood in Duong's spiky hair, but he was breathing naturally. "I didn't mean for that to happen," Kit said to the pair standing by. "I just meant to throw him away from me. I will pay for a doctor. He needs to be looked at."

"You couldn't hurt that hard head with two bumps on the pier," the older man said. "He doesn't need to go to the emergency room smelling of weed. He has already seen enough of the Galveston police. We will watch him and you should go on your way. I am his uncle and Anh is his sister. Their brother was killed in the fighting in Vietnam and we just got the word today. None of this was your fault, so go now before he wakes."

"I am so sorry," Kit said. "My father was a soldier and I honor your sacrifice for our country."

Anh replied, "I don't think you understand. Danh fought for the North. He was fighting against your country."

Kit was stunned. "I am still sorry for your loss. What a fucked up mess! We will go now."

"Go with a clear conscience, young man; you did nothing wrong."

Kit and Sofia gathered up their towels and walked silently north toward the Galvez. Sofia slipped her arm around the waist of her young man and when he draped his arm over her shoulder, she reached her other arm around him and brought him to a halt. Her breasts pressed into Kit's stomach and he could feel her hard nipples as she hugged him tightly. "I was afraid that you would get hurt, and then when it was over I felt a huge surge of lust. My caveman protected me and I just flooded on the spot. If you had wanted, you could have had me there on the sand in front of God and all of Galveston. I guess I am the slut Primo always said."

"Don't be ridiculous, Sofia: it is adrenalin. It affects people differently, and I think maybe we better hurry to the hotel to work some of it off."

"You really know what you are doing, don't you. That thing with Primo was not just the accident I took it to be. That young man was dangerous and he intended to hurt you badly."

"I have ten years of martial arts training. Jujitsu is called the gentle way. Though it didn't turn out too gentle tonight. I hope he is OK in the morning."

"Kit, my new inappropriate love, we are going to be OK in the morning because you are going to play golf tomorrow with a sexually sated smile on your face.'

"How about we jog to the hotel, Sofia?"

"Nope, we are going to walk slowly with my arm around you and my boob mashed into your side. I may pat and honk your butt when we go through the lobby, and you can feel free to group whatever you choose for those who are watching. No need for a drink tonight." Sofia's luscious mouth smiled up at Kit as the last scar tissue from Primo broke and dissolved.


As they crossed the road and approached the hotel, Kit asked if Sofia wanted that drink in the bar.

"No, Kit, I want our suite and some privacy with you."

When they stepped into the elevator alone, Sofia moved in front of Kit and began nuzzling and nipping his nipples as she ground her chest into his lower belly. Kit's erection advanced from a gentle swelling to full scale. "Oh, Sofia, that is wonderful." Kit moaned. In reply she stepped closer straddling his thigh and began rocking her crotch on his thigh.

"It feels different without the bush," she said, "and your sea salty shirt is just the spice for me." The door opened and Sofia reached down to grasp Kit's cock to lead him from the elevator. "I always wanted to this, but Primo's handle didn't fit my hand so well. " Kit only grinned and followed; meekly. She led him through the sitting area straight to the bedroom. She pushed him to a sitting position on the bed and told him to undress. Kit complied in record time, the damp swim trunks and t-shirt flung away quickly. Sofia stood and watched with her hands on her hips. "Now I am going to take off this ridiculous piece of fashion and show you again what is yours for the weekend. You have taken care of me emotionally, physically, and socially and your reward is me. Whatever you want is yours, Kit, with all my affection and gratitude. I expected to find a golf partner, and perhaps a lover; I didn't expect a friend and confidante. So now I need to try to repay your efforts."

Sofia reached behind her and untied her bikini top. The weight of her breasts dropped her hard nipples free as she reached up to untie the halter around her neck. She tossed the top away and shook her upper body to make the girls sway. "Do you see anything you like?" Kid could only nod. Sofia lifted both breasts and licked her dark buds causing them to grow even harder. "Do you want these, toy boy?" Again Kit could only nod. Sofia dropped her hands to her sides and pushed the bikini bottoms down to her knees. When she lifted one foot, they dropped to the other foot. and she kicked them at Kit. Her aim was perfect and the bottoms hit him in the chest. He instinctively caught them and raised them to his face to sniff and then kiss.

As he looked up to make eye contact with the beautiful Latina before him, Sofia cupped her naked sex with both hands and widened her stance. She began to gyrate her full hips as she stroked her sopping labia. "You've teased me, and pleasured me, and protected me. Now it is going to be about what you want, Kit. What do you want?"

Kit jerked his eyes from the body to look into Sofia's eyes. "Since we left the elevator you seem to be in charge. You've been perfect so far, and I can't even put two thoughts together looking at you right now. Why don't you continue in charge and if something comes to mind, I'll mention it." He grinned at her as he sat naked on the edge of the bed, and she pounced on him, pushing him onto his back and straddling his waist as she hunched her wet pussy over his hard cock. She moved forward to drape her breasts in his face and gave him a brief kiss on the lips as his hands came up to grip and maul the heavy hangers with fingers and mouth.

"OOOH! That is wonderful, but I am going to mount that dick and ride you like a barrel horse. Do you know what that means?"

"My grandparents are ranchers out at Ft Davis, Sofia: I've been to a rodeo."

"Good, because I think tonight I am going to be a barrel racer, and a bareback rider, and last I will be a bull rider until my bull is worn out. I've never really had sex just for fun, so this may last a while." She moving backward as she spoke and reaching behind her guided Kit's eight inches to her entry. It easily slipped into her lubricated channel as her eyes widened and she smiled. "Oh, yesss, it is different without the bush; more sensitive."

She reached back to grip the bottom third of Kit's cock with her small hand. "That is as deep as Primo ever got and you still have more for me. I've got to get used to this." Sofia wiggled her ass as Kit lay still to let her explore the new sensations at her own pace. Sophia rocked gently back and forth and took a couple more inches into her stretching gash.

She tried a circular movement which raked Kit's rock had pole over her G-spot. "Oh, my, that is nice." She tried pushing back farther for more penetration, but the tip of Kits. Dick bumped up against her cervix causing another shock to her system. "Primo never got there, Kit; you are in unexplored territory."

"Sit up, Sofia; you can control the depth better and I can watch you enjoy yourself," Kit finally offered a suggestion.

Sofia's face had moved downward until she was halfway down Kit's lengthy torso. When she sat up, her angle of penetration and weight, stretched her vagina to totally encompass Kit's shaft. Sofia's mouth flew open as Kit reached to grasp her generous tits. "Now ride, cowgirl, ride, But this first one may set an arena record for quickness."

Sofia began with small rocking motions, the gentle circles, and when Kit released her breasts and grasped her hips, she began raising and lowering her ass on the slick pole.

"Lean back Sofia and change the angle." Kit suggested. When Kit's helmet began rubbing her G-spot Kit reached down to frig her clit with his thumb." Sofia's orgasm hit like a tidal wave and she began spastically pumping as the sensations swirled through her. Kit's own limit was reached and he began filling Sofia's snatch with a large dollop of baby juice. The hot sperm hitting her cervix and the additional slickness fired Sofia to greater heights until she felt faint and collapsed again on Kit's chest.

Kit stroked her hair and back as they rested to recover. "I think you won the barrel race, Sofia. Are you going to be up for more events?"

Sofia looked seriously up into Kit's smiling eyes. "It's never been like that for me, Kit. Give an old lady a moment to get her thoughts together, and we will try bareback."

"Sounds like a winner to me, we've got all night."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Finish this. Put primo and bimbo in thrit plsce

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Where did the rest of the chapter go.

Come on, give us some more. Really liked these first two & a half chapters. Give us another 2 please.

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