Kitten's Father's Story Ch. 02


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As we turned to go for dinner, I thought so too, then envisioning the three girls on the floor. We could do that too, and had two large beds! As we were about to leave my room, I sent them back to theirs, telling them to close the door between our rooms. They did, and I closed my door. When we met in the corridor, they both nodded. I didn't have to tell them it looked less suspicious, if the three of us didn't come out of one room, and that the hotel staff didn't have to know that that we opened the doors between the room, whatever they might assume.

In the taxi, I had already seen that the restaurant on the other side of the street with its many tables outside was still there. I suggested we go there for dinner, and the girls took my arms again. I remembered that they both had put on their bras again and liked that they had. It was all right flirting with just my daughter, like we had the last evening in Florence, but with two girls' nipples popping out - especially Marlie's - would be ... well, suspicious, even if some man could think that I was lucky. I was. Did I hold my shoulders back and draw in my stomach? Probably. I know that I did later, when I was escorting the girls in Venice and saw men looking at them.

The restaurant had menus with an English translation of the items, but no tourist special like the ones in Florence. That was what was nice about the Lido, that it wasn't so touristy, that there were mostly Italians in the restaurant and on the street, obviously local residents, meeting on the street for a drink at places that served outside.

We shared a plate of antipasta and had different meat courses with vegetable side dishes, and, of course, a flagon of house wine, and another one. When Kitten said in English that she had "to go," Marlie immediately understood this time. I did too. While we had been eating, people at the next tables had been interested that the girls occasionally spoke French, or maybe they had only taken that as an excuse to glance at them. I hadn't needed any excuse to look at them, and when a suggestive remark fell - a few did - Marlie just smiled at me with her pursed lips. Her nipples had popped out, and she wanted me to know.

I paid, and we agreed to walk down to the pier, talking about the shops we passed. On the pier, we looked at the silhouette of the Venice against the night sky. When Kitten took my hand, I took Marlie's. We exchanged fond hums, clasping hands. The vaporetto came, blocking our view, and we returned to our hotel on the other side of the street, dropping hands as we approached it.

In our rooms, the connecting doors were immediately opened. The girls were smiling sweetly. Then Marlie said:

"Oh, I forget to thank you for dinner." Had she? Hadn't she?

Before I could think further, she had her arms around my neck and her mouth on mine, her body against mine down to our knees. I suddenly recalled how Kitten had embraced me, when she had read my present about her going to the school, but she hadn't kissed me. Had she already known how to kiss like Marlie was? My arms went around her lithe body. A kiss in thanks was something else!

I heard Kitten's "harumpf," and then she said:

"I didn't thank you either."

Marlie took the hint, caressing my tongue a last time, and then loosing her hold around my neck. I let her slip out of my arms. A moment later Kitten was in them, chuckling, as her arms went around my neck. Had we ever kissed like that standing up with all our clothes on? Lots of times when we were naked in bed together. She retrieved her tongue and chuckled, murmuring:

"Should have kissed you like that, when you gave me my birthday, Christmas present."

She had remembered that too! I asked:

"You knew how, 'like that'?"

"Mmmm! Hadn't, but I would have."

She was showing me again how she would have, when Marlie hummed and said something in French. Kitten understood and nodded, loosing her hold around my neck and pulling out of my embrace. She turned to Marlie and said:

"And I should thank you, and Pierre too."

Then they were embracing and kissing as intensely as they both had me. It was surprising to see two girls kiss that way for the first time, but also delightful, knowing all I knew about them, and I wasn't going to interrupt them, like they had each other had with me.

God, they were enjoying it! Had they forgotten where they were, that I was there watching? They were going at it as though they hadn't seen each other in a long time. Was a "long time" for them just the couple of days since they hadn't been able to do what they did with each other - forgetting what the three of us had done before dinner?

They weren't just embracing, their hands were holding each other's ass. I could seem them rocking up together, and that they were shifting them from side to side. They liked that? It seemed like they were trying to rub a cock between them. I could understand their wanting to do that, but there wasn't one. Girls liked to feel that their pussies were just so close?

They were really forgetting that I was there, forgetting where they were; their hands were back at their waists, pulling up their shirttails, wanting to feel bare skin, and finding it. God, it was arousing to watch two girls turning each other on! Even though it suggested that they didn't need a man, my cock was beginning to feel like it needed a pussy.

I stepped back in my room, glad that I hadn't turned on the light in my hurry to open the door, now liking that I hadn't cast a shadow whose movement might have caught their attention. It didn't look like anything would. But one of them had flipped on the light in their room, thank goodness, letting me watch them. It sure didn't look like this was the first time they started like this. They were kissing with encouraging little moans, as I saw their hands shoving the other's blouse up and caressing, and then reaching up, their fingers out of sight under them, but obvious about to unhook her bra. Better, encouraging moans let me know that they both had.

Whether they need me or not, I stepped back further in my dark room and silently started to undress, my eyes not leaving them. They tried to continue to kiss, as they separated a little to let their hands open the other's blouse. They really didn't need me, but when I slowly, silently unzipped my pants, my cock wanted to spring out of the fly of my boxer shorts. I stuffed it back, so that I could slide them down without unsnapping, not want to make the slightest noise. I had already shuffled out of my loafers and lowered my pants and shorts together.

I watched them open their blouses and let them slid down their arms, and then they were embracing and kissing again, but only to have their hands back to unhook and unzip each other's skirt. Their hips separated, and their hands shoved them down. Had they really forgotten where they were, or were they intentionally letting me watch them?

I rather liked the first idea, that they could be so aroused, like many times before, that they had forgotten me. I almost chuckled; that made my being a voyeur somehow more genuine, delightful and arousing, not that my cock - oh, right, now their "dick" - could be much more aroused. Panties or bras next, I wondered. They had stepped out of their skirts, and were embracing again, and now I could really see how their hips rocked up together. It didn't look like they need any encouragement from the hands clasping them.

Oh, I had missed something, when I had glanced down to step out of my pants and shorts. Now their bras were shoved up above their breasts. Mmmm! Courbet and Botticelli breasts pressing together. I was unbuttoning my shirt, pleased that I wasn't wearing an undershirt, not wanting to make the greater movement to strip it off and maybe catch their attention. As I let my shirt slide down my arms, I hummed silently with a smile and nod. Their hands were now pushing their panties down over each other's nice round ass, firm asses I remembered. Marlie's dropped, when her thighs moved a little, but she had to lean down - breaking their kiss - to push Kitten's further down her thighs. When hers then did drop, Kitten didn't let Marlie stand up, urging her to suck her nipple.

Lucky girl, Marlie! I knew what she was enjoying, licking my lips, almost feeling Kitten's nipple between them. When was I going to get to lick and suck Marlie's nipples? Was this the way they always started? Weren't they wanting to get in bed, or would Marlie drop down and want to lick Kitten's pussy? She was moaning softly, her eyes closed. Oh! I was fondling my balls. They wanted to again. Marlie was sucking Kitten's other breast now.

Kitten's eyes suddenly open, and she had a surprised expression, looking around, really as though she had forgotten where they were. She urged Marlie to stand up and said: "Daddy?"

I couldn't tell if she was just remembering that I was there somewhere, or whether she was calling me. When Marlie then said: "Richard?" with her French pronunciation, I also couldn't tell if she was correcting Kitten for calling me "Daddy", or if she was also calling to me. Whatever, then Kitten did call me:

"Richard, where are you? We need you."

I stepped out of the shadow, back into the light from their room, and replied:

"I need you too, either of you."

They both turned and looked at me and smiled. When I looked pointedly down at my aroused dick, they nodded with smirks.

"You do," Kitten remarked with a chuckle. Marlie nodded with an "um-hmmm!"

"Maybe more than you two do ... from the look of it," I remarked, entering their room, recognizing that I still had my socks on.

"But not without you, Richard," Marlie replied with smile, reaching out her arm for me to join their loose embrace. Kitten's arm also included me in it, and my arms went around their waists. We all chuckled warmly, and I ventured to remark:

"It looked like you had forgotten me ... and where you were."

"Maybe, a little," Kitten agreed with a smirk. Marlie nodded, but added:

"Not now," and hugged my waist.

"Anything you want to do, now that I know you haven't forgotten me."

Kitten purred and murmured:

"What I didn't get to do before."

"Anything you want," Marlie agreed generously.

I moaned with grin and said: "We better open up your big twin beds then; no need for a blanket on the floor."

The girls nodded with grins, and a few moments later the covers were flung back. Chuckling, we lay down in a triangle, Kitten's head on my thigh and mine on Marlie's, hers, of course, on Kitten's.

Then my cock was in Kitten's mouth with no preliminary licking; it had been there so many times before. As I drew Marlie's hips closer, I hummed, in anticipation of licking her pussy again, of course, but also that their telling me about their experience with Liliane had let me half way subtly suggest what we do - not that the girls wouldn't have thought of it.

Anticipation of licking Marlie's pussy? Very! If I could make her come that good again, turned this way, she would squirt right in my mouth! What a delightful challenge! I began, also reaching back and finding and fondling Kitten's breast to confirm my appreciation for what she was doing, then finding one of Marlie's to underline how much I was enjoying what I was doing.

When Kitten's hand slid around my hip, her fingers creeping in my crevice, I moaned with nod, then wondering if Marlie's hand was already around Kitten's hip. It must be, or would be; Kitten had told me what they did. She also had wanted me to lick Marlie's asshole, rocking her hips up so that I could. Marlie wanted that too, again. I squeezed her breast and slid my hand over her side and down to her ass. When my fingers rubbed over her asshole, and it contracted, she responded with emphatic "uhn-hnn!"

Kitten had already shoved her finger in her mouth next to my dick, it now probing. I had to wait for a moment for it probe deeper when my asshole relaxed. When it did/could, I moaned with a nod, and my finger then quickly found its way in Marlie's wet pussy, returning to do what Kitten's had.

Marlie moaned again in her throat. Yes, she wanted that!

Did we all then moan for the same reason? We moaned many more times. I was more interested in experiencing Marlie's orgasm than caring about my own. I knew what it would be like, but I wanted hers to be like I hoped I could make it and feel her squirt in my mouth. If I could, if I could catch in in my mouth, it would be full of her sweet pussy juice!

I could, both ways! My mouth was! So good! Of course, I also came - before or after Marlie did? It really didn't matter; she had, the way I had wanted her to. But Kitten sounded like she was still waiting for her orgasm. Had I distracted Marlie from what she was doing? If so, I liked the additional confirmation that I made it so good for her. Oh, Kitten had rocked her head back, letting my dick spring out of her mouth, and was whimpering the way I knew she did before her orgasms. Their girl-girl thing, Marlie knew exactly how it was feeling for her, knew what she wanted, needed.

Kitten's body convulsed, not just once. Marlie really knew what she wanted and how much she wanted! I had been surprised that Kitten had wanted me to continue, but I never had the way Marlie was! Kitten sounded like she as suffering, but apparently Marlie knew that she still wanted more, could stand more.

When Kitten finally rolled back with a final gasp and long moan, it occurred to me that girls shouldn't do that, know how much more they wanted than I had ever imagined. What did they need men for, if they could satisfy each other that good? I had also made Marlie come as good as I had hoped, and she had then returned to arousing Kitten. But should I have continued? Would she have wanted me to make her come again like that, filling my mouth with her pussy juice again?

I rolled back, and Marlie did, and we all took deep breaths, moaning softly with long sighs. After my last thoughts, I was feeling a little inadequate: two girls, and me, as old as their combined ages.

I fondled their breasts again - soft nipples now, even though Marlie's were always more prominent than Kitten's. Then Marlie rolled back towards us again, and her hand reached out and found my soft dick. Maybe I wasn't inadequate, superfluous, if she wanted to do that. She started to say something in French, then said:

"We have to do that again."

"Not tonight," I murmured.

"No, but the other way," she replied, holding my dick.

"Anything you want," Kitten enjoined, repeating Marlie's last words before we lay down together.

"Um-hmm," I agreed.

If they could agree so compatibly on sharing me, I thought, we all were going to have a very nice week together. Oh, it was going to be, if we had gone from zero to one hundred percent just the first day!

Who was going to suggest that we had to go? I did and said said so with a snicker. Kitten replied that she hadn't wanted to say it, and Marlie agreed. I turned on the light in their bathroom, and Marlie passed me, choosing to use the bidet. Kitten sat on the toilet and glanced at the shower, then at Marlie and looked me with a slight smirk, nodding at the shower, and murmured:

"We did once after Easter, only once, afraid we might be caught."

Marlie, facing the wall on bidet, hadn't seen her glances and apparently not completely understood Kitten's remark, looked around and asked:

"Did what?"

"That time in the shower, after I told you. You wanted to."

"Hmm! Oh, that! Yes, you told me, but it was you who suggested we do it."

"But you did too, ... and didn't mind."

"If you two had, and you liked it? ... Oh? You want to do it again?"

"Just thought of it, seeing the shower," Kitten replied.

I didn't say anything and used the washbasin, again having to wash my dick and face. I didn't really have to wash my dick; Kitten had pretty well licked it clean. When I flipped the washcloth this time to Marlie, she washed her face with the water from the bidet, then handed it to Kitten. I stepped aside for her to wash at the basin.

We returned to the bedroom. It was late enough to go to bed and and just sleep. We had done everything we could with each other, except that Kitten hadn't come when she was sitting on my face. In the old hotel, there wasn't a switch by the bed. I turned off the light and joined the girls in bed, not surprised that they expected me to lying between them. I clambered over one, not sure which one in the dark, and lay on my back. Before I could wonder which way I should turn, they were both rolling towards me, drawing a thigh up over mine and resting an arm on my chest. When their hands touched, they clasped. Marlie purred and murmured:

"I told you what I told Kitten on the train. Seems like we have already, thank you."

"It sure does, much to my surprised and delight. Thank you! And you, Kitten."

"And you, for being the very nicest a father a girl could want to share."

"Um-hmm!" Marlie agreed. Then she almost giggled and said:

"Oh, before you arrived, a couple of days ago, she told me that what I had written on her letter could be understood differently."

Kitten nodded with a chuckle, and I said:

"That you were looking forward to coming with us? You sure have, and we have too, with you."

Marlie nodded and murmured:

"And like I never imagined we would, especially today, this evening already."

"With Kitten's help, ... for us both."

"Thank you, Kitten," Marlie murmured, and I felt her squeeze Kitten's hand.

"My pleasure, with both your help too, thank you," Kitten replied.

This was being just too nice, all our agreement, but which way was I going to turn? Kitten settled that:

"Marlie wants to wake up like I did the first morning."

"I do to, then, but no promises."

Marlie purred again and rolled away from me. When I rolled towards her on my side, however, I felt the edges of the adjacent mattresses, one sinking deeper with my weight. I suggested we move to lie across the beds and did, bringing the pillows with us. As we were settling down again, I reminded myself that we couldn't leave the pillows there when we left the room in the morning, like we had to remember to close the connecting doors.

I curled up behind Marlie, she immediately clasping my hand on her breast, and Kitten curled up behind me, sliding her arm down between Marlie and me. Marlie said good night in French, and Kitten did, and I tried to repeat their words.

I began to review the whole day, beginning with the episodes in the train, but fell asleep before I had finished them. When I rolled over in the night, I hardly woke up. I guess I had felt the vacuum behind me, when Kitten had. It must have just felt so familiar again to curl up behind her and have my arm around her.

I woke up that way, now with my stiff dick between Marlie's thighs, also very familiar and nice. She wasn't going to mind in the least if I woke her up by moving it. She didn't mind, moaning softly, but then she was more awake. Instead of feeling her help my dick find her pussy, I heard a disappointed or disapproving "uhnn," and she murmured:

"She wanted to wake up like this."

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DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 5 years ago
Three's a family

I shall miss this family of lovers and voyuers, as it appears you have moved on from them, but I have enjoyed their stories and hope you revisit them sometime in the future .

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

There's no point in giving this 'author' points on grammar, spelling, story construction, punctuation, or even how to make sense, as he's convinced he's a leading authority on all those things, and will only give you a long-winded diatribe about why he's right and you're so very wrong. Leave him be, he's obviously autistic...

PS No Stars

rhimshot415rhimshot415over 9 years ago
A Good Story, Not So Good Grammar

You need to learn English grammar better. You used "passed" where the context called for "past." You must learn the difference and use the correct verb form.

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