Kitty and The Dragon

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Kitty satisfies a dragon's need for young flesh.
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Kitty woke from troubled dreams to the sound of something going bump in the night - a bump that knocked her green dragon dildo to the floor with a dense thud.

"Shhhh, be quiet ye spindly git."

"Quiet yeself, you'll wake the pigeon."

Cold horror settled into Kitty's belly. Her eyes strained against the darkness of her room but saw nothing and she didn't hear another sound. Maybe she was still dreaming. Ellie hadn't barked, and she barked at everything, so it must be nothing. She thought about turning on a light but was too afraid to reach for the bedside lamp. Instead she willed herself invisible beneath the covers, and waited for her heart to stop hammering in her chest.

Kitty had just about convinced herself she was alone in her room when a pair of forms loomed over her out of the darkness. Well, perhaps they didn't loom, since their heads barely came up to the level of Kitty's trembling body, but they terrified her all the same. She drew in a breath to scream but before she could exhale a sweet smelling mist puffed in her face.

"Oi lass, none o' that now."

Kitty coughed once and then her head began to spin. She had an odd thought about her mother warning her to wear clean underwear in case she was ever kidnapped, and then remembered that she slept in the nude, before rolling away under a wave of oblivion.


Kitty woke in a muzzy fog, but she quickly became aware of two things, she was still very much undressed and her hands and feet were bound in rough cord. It was the second fact that jolted her awake and banished any notions that her previous experience had been merely a nightmare. She tried to sit up, but her muscled weren't cooperating and her bones felt like jelly. She made do with twisting her neck to scan the dim room, her vision spinning with the effort. She seemed to be in some sort of cabin, with roughhewn, unfinished walls and a low fire in a stone fireplace. Kitty had a panicked thought of cannibal rednecks playing banjos, but what came through the door was even stranger and more frightening.

Three creatures entered the room. The first was almost comic - a very short man, a little person, with a long white beard and a pointed red hat. He looked like a lawn ornament come to life. The other two were not much bigger, but not at all jolly looking. One had a round, hairless head that reminded her of a toad, including warty gray-green skin, though no toad had the mouth full of pointed, snaggly teeth this creature did. It was dressed in rough spun clothes over a stout frame and she shuddered at the thought that its oversized hands may have touched her bare skin. The last creature was thin and wiry, dressed in dark, oily leathers. It had huge bat-like ears and its pointed nose and chin were each so long they nearly touched.

The thin one spoke first and Kitty recognized the voice from her bedroom, "What'a ye think boss? Will the master like this one?"

The gnome-like fellow came close and Kitty instinctively drew herself into a ball. "Well she's awake already, so she has spirit." He tugged his beard in thought, then leaned over to pinch Kitty's round ass. She let out a terrified squeak. "And there's more meat on this one than the last scrawny thing you caught." He straightened. "She'll do."

Tears blurred in Kitty's eyes as fear and indignation battled inside her. She opened her mouth to speak, to protest, to scream for help, but before she could decide which, the ridiculous gnome produced something resembling an old-fashioned perfume bottle and gave her a puff of now-familiar sweet smelling mist. Kitty's head dropped back immediately, her fear fading with her consciousness.

"That's better," said the gnome. "The master don't want us to get you worked up and screaming. Likes to do that himself."

Kitty drifted off to the sound of their hideous laughter.


Kitty was getting tired of waking up in strange places. This time her eyes fluttered open to a sea of green. She squinted and blinked against bright daylight until she could see that she was in a forest. It took her a moment to realize she was sitting upright, but it was a woozy lean to her right and the resulting jolt of pain in her shoulder that alerted her to her true situation.

Her wrists were bound with crude ropes that each led to a stout sapling. She'd been sleeping with her arms suspended up and out to her sides and her shoulders protested every move she made. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, willing herself to stay calm. Panic nipped at her bare heels, but she managed to keep it at bay while her head continued to clear. She got to her feet, relieving the strain on her arms, and surveyed the situation. Her wrists were wrapped a dozen times each with a rough cord as thick as her thumb. She pulled experimentally at each and found that the saplings had just enough give to sway a little, but not nearly enough to bring her arms close to her body, she couldn't even bring her hands near enough to gnaw on the ropes with her teeth.

Kitty gave up trying to escape for the moment and tried to think. She was in a clearing in a denser wood. The ground was rocky beneath her feet, but cushioned by a thick layer of moss. Dappled light fell though air that was scented with earthy forest mulch, tinted with wildflowers. Water flowed musically in some nearby stream accompanied by an assortment of songbirds. If she hadn't been kidnapped and left bound and naked for some unknown fate, it would have been an idyllic setting.

Pausing in her survey of the environment, Kitty had a moment of dread thinking about what her fate might be. References to a master suggested she wasn't going to be alone for long. But what did this master want with her? And why did it involve her being tied up in the woods? The most obvious answer was terrifying enough, but the monstrous appearance of her kidnappers as well as references to her "meatiness" made other horrors dance through her head.

Panic had just about overtaken her when a faint sound made her freeze like a rabbit. Had that been a stick breaking? Maybe a squirrel alighting on the forest floor? Her heart hammered while ears and eyes strained. A shush of leaves behind her, a scritch of claw on stone. Kitty held her breath, didn't dare to blink, and wished she could silence the heartbeat that surely echoed from her chest all the way to the tree tops. The scent of apple blossoms wafted through the air, the pleasant sweetness at odds with Kitty's terror. She felt the creature before she saw it, a creeping buzz along her skin, followed by a shadow moving in the corner of her eye.

When the creature finally crept into sight, Kitty's brain had trouble making sense of what she saw. It took several moments before the disparate parts - the shiny deep green scales, the sinuous neck, the flashing golden eyes, the enormous curved claws - finally coalesced into a coherent image. A dragon.

The creature circled to her front, its sun-bright eyes fixed on her in a predator's stare. Kitty backed up as far as she could, her arms straining against the ropes. Again she wished she was dressed, not that any clothing short of steel armor would help her now. When the dragon's forked tongue lanced out in her direction she finally let out the scream that had been threatening to burst forth since she first heard something bump into her bedside table.

She screamed and screamed, as loud and as long as her breath would allow. Birds started and small animals fled for a mile around, but Kitty took no notice. She was deaf to everything but the pounding of her heart in her ears. Deaf to everything at least, except a single word.


Kitty stopped, though she wasn't sure why. The silence descended like heavy blanket. Kitty stared at the beast, not quite believing that it had spoken, though there was nothing else in sight that might have done so.

"Do not be afraid."

Instantly, Kitty felt her chest relax and her breathing slow. The voice was low and musical and felt like warm water running over her skin. She didn't lose all of her caution and confusion, but the raw terror drained away. Indignation quickly took its place.

Pent up anger and frustration came bubbling out of her small frame. "What the hell is going on? What's the idea of tying me up like this? Let me go this instant!"

"Of course. As my lady commands."

Kitty was shocked silent by the reply. She narrowed her eyes and watched the dragon carefully to read its intentions. She didn't trust it, no matter how soothing its voice was. The creature had approached from behind and circled to her left, and now it stood facing her at three quarters angle. The beast was large, but not gigantic - maybe twelve or sixteen feet long. It was hard to judge since nearly half that length was, narrow, rippling tail. It stood about five feet at the shoulder, but again it was difficult to tell as it held itself in a low cat-slink posture. When it moved towards her it was with the speed and suppleness of flowing water, and Kitty gasped, despite her generally fearless state of mind.

A graceful, equine head darted out on a long, slender neck. Jaws slashed and the rope on Kitty's left wrist went slack, followed quickly by the right. Kitty stumbled backward as the tension was released, but managed to catch herself before landing on her bare rump. Kitty instinctively brought her hands together to rub her wrists and gasped from the pain of cramped muscles. She ignored the pain and began tugging at the severed ropes encircling her wrists.

"Please my lady, may I offer assistance?"

She looked at the dragon, now sitting on his - the voice, she had decided, was masculine - haunches and facing her from a few feet away. Seated like that he was about her height and looked her in the eye. Her gaze dropped to her wrists, disconcerted by the dragons stare, and worked at the ropes.

"I don't need assistance," she was saying, her anger flaring again. "I need answers. Where am I? What do you want? And how the hell am I going to get home."

The dragon's voice rumbled across her skin like phantom fingers. "Your questions will be answered in time, but meanwhile, please, be at peace."

Kitty felt a pleasant calmness fill her from the soles of her feet to the top of her head and for a moment nothing seemed to matter. Then she shook herself, some of her natural contrariness asserting itself at last.

"Stop that. I have the right to feel upset. I'm kidnapped, and naked, and talking to a dragon and no amount of Jedi mind tricks is going to change that."

"Of course you have the right to feel however you wish and you may do so as you please."

A subtle weight lifted from her as the compulsion was released, but strangely Kitty was not overcome with fear or anger. Irritation certainly, and apprehension, but she felt in control of herself. She finally worked the knots off of her wrists. Beneath them, the skin was red and raw.

The dragon evidently noticed the sore skin. "I must apologize for the injury that has been done to you. I can help you to heal if you would permit me."

The dragon shifted his weight slightly forward and Kitty instantly retreated holding up a hand. "No thank you. You can stay right where you are."

"Your wish is my command," he said settling back onto his haunches. Kitty wasn't sure but she thought she detected a hint of humor in the creature's tone.

Kitty glanced cautiously around. There didn't seem to be anyone else nearby and no signs if civilization. There didn't seem to be any point in running, she had no doubt that the dragon was faster than she was, and in any case, she had no idea where she would go. She rubbed nervously at a wrist and sucked in air through her teeth at the pain.

The dragon narrowed his eyes in a look that might have been concern and said, "I do apologize again for the ropes. My subordinates do not possess my gift for calming inflamed emotions. They must rely on cruder methods to engender compliance."

"Then why use them?" Kitty snapped. Soothing, musical voice or no, her anger at the situation was boiling up again.

The dragon answered calmly. "What they lack in gentleness they make up for in their ability to travel more freely than I. I would not have been able to spirit you from your abode."

"And why did you 'spirit me from my abode'?" Kitty was still upset but with no immediate danger presenting itself curiosity was beginning to take over. She settled cautiously into a sitting position. She made no attempt to cover her nudity. Aside from the feeling of vulnerability she had no problems with being naked, and she supposed, the dragon was naked too.

The dragon leaned forward to rest on its elbows, cat-like, bringing his head close to level with hers again. "I enjoy the company of young women." The dragon replied simply. "And there are none hereabout."

Kitty swallowed, relieved that he said 'company' and not 'flavor.' "Where are we exactly? And how far are we from my house?" She had been unconscious twice, but she didn't have the feeling of a large amount of time passing, so they couldn't have taken her too far, could they?

"You are in the Forrest of Eiharrowill, one of the Thousand and One Realms of Faery, which is both very near and very far from your home."

The answer made little sense but Kitty supposed it didn't really matter. She would have to find a way home regardless. An even more pressing question pushed its way to the front of her mind. "So why do you want the company of young women?"

"So I can enjoy their flesh, of course."

A dam broke in Kitty's mind and fear hit her like a bucket of ice water. She stood awkwardly and turned to run, her feet stumbling over themselves in her haste. The young woman only managed to go a step or two before she inhaled a familiar sweet scent, apple blossoms she thought, it smells like apple blossoms, and then collapsed in a heap upon the ground.

Kitty landed face down and could see little more than the moss covering the forest floor. She heard, though, the soft susurration of scales and could feel the dragon's presence just out of her field of view. A low, purring rumble tickled its way through Kitty's tight chest, then the dragon spoke.

"Forgive me, my lady. I did not mean for my little play-on-words to frighten you so."

One of the dragon's forepaws came into view, the fingers tipped with meat-hook talons. Kitty held her breath, waiting for the claws to sink into her flesh, in spite of the creature's reassuring words. But when the touch came it was gentle. The fingertips were surprisingly warm and the claws never so much as brushed her skin. The dragon turned her so she was lying on her back, face toward the sun-dappled leaves overhead.

"Truly," the dragon rumbled, "I will not harm you."

The dragon was gently manipulating one of her arms and then she felt something warm and wet slide along her wrist. Her heart hammered, but not completely out of fear.

"I must apologize for incapacitating you again. I was afraid that in your haste you might come to misfortune. The affects should be wearing off soon."

As if in response to his words Kitty's mind began to clear and conscious control returned to her body. She turned her head to see the dragon licking her wrist with its long, forked tongue and pulled away instinctively. She wiped at the saliva with her other hand and felt a warm tingle in her fingers. The redness on her left wrist was gone and the pain from the rope was quickly fading.

"Let me tend your other hurts."

The dragon's head was close now and Kitty could see the intricate pattern of scales, not solid green, but a subtle mix of shades that seemed to dance in the leaf-filtered light. One huge eye was tilted in her direction, flecked with yellow at the outer edge, orange in the center, and faintly reflecting her own frightened, but curious gaze.

Hesitantly, Kitty held out her other wrist, her breathing quick. She couldn't stop a gasp as the long, purple tongue snaked out and wrapped itself around her arm. Immediately, she felt a warm tingle on her skin and the pain of the rope burn began to fade, but as the unpleasant heat on her skin faded, another, more intense heat began to form deep in her body.

The dragon finished laving her skin and sat back on his haunches. Kitty pushed herself up onto her elbows to see better, but winced at the soreness in her shoulders. The dragon, acutely perceptive, cocked his head and extended the tip of his tongue towards Kitty's left shoulder. Kitty gave the barest nod of consent.

Electricity seemed to course through Kitty's body from the point of contact with the dragon's tongue to the very core of her being. She couldn't tell how much of what she was feeling was due to whatever the creature had in its saliva and how much was born of her own growing excitement, but she soon ceased to care. By the time the dragon was finished with one shoulder and shifted to the other, Kitty was lying languidly on her back in the soft moss and the dragon had shifted to bring its body alongside of hers.

To reach her right shoulder the dragon had to stretch its neck across her, and Kitty surprised herself by reaching up to stroke the creature's scales. They were hard, but smooth, and warmer than she had expected. She'd held a friend's pet boa once, and the sensation was similar, especially the feel of powerful muscles shifting beneath the skin. Soon Kitty's hands were roaming freely over the dragon's neck and head. She delighted at the feel of the smooth scales contrasted with the warm fleshiness of the frill that ran from the top of the dragon's head to the tip of its tail. She ran fingers up and down one of the spiraling horns that extended back from above the creature's delicately arched brow ridge and she thought she heard it sigh. She smelled apple blossoms again and her head swam pleasantly.

Kitty wasn't sure exactly when the dragon shifted its attention from her formerly aching shoulders to a more general exploration of her chest, but when its prehensile tongue found her hardened nipple it was like a shot of pure adrenaline into her veins. Her hips bucked involuntarily and the dragon hesitated, pulling its head back enough to look Kitty in the eye. The dragon's gaze was alien and predatory, but there was no mistaking the creature's true intent. Kitty swallowed hard, thinking of her dragon dildo and the fantasies that went with it. Fear warred with desire, the reality of the powerful beast so different from idle imagination, but desire won out, her nerves screaming to be touched. She growled low, grabbed the dragon by the horns, and pulled him back to her breast.

It was a surreal image, Kitty lying naked on a carpet of moss while a dragon licked and fondled her breasts with its snake-like tongue. She had a moment to think about the damage the creature's long teeth could do to her vulnerable flesh, but then the split tip of the purple appendage gripped and flicked a nipple at the same time, and all thoughts of danger were driven from her mind.

The pleasure sizzled through her nerve endings and made a circuit straight to her pulsing clit. Kitty found her legs spreading of their own volition and let out a mew of disappointment when the dragon's head withdrew. She wasn't unhappy for long though - the dragon shifted its large body with surprising speed and grace to position itself, sphinx-posed, between Kitty's splayed thighs. The scaled head stretched towards her breasts again and soon Kitty lost herself in bliss as the dragon's worship of her breasts continued. Kitty luxuriated in the bizarre massage while stroking the dragon's scaly cheeks and running her fingers up its horns, fascinated by the alien beauty. Kitty could have stayed like that for a long time and yet the throbbing between her legs was growing more insistent and she found herself wriggling her hips against the dragon's chest as it leaned over her.