All Comments on 'Knox County Ch. 09'

by Rehnquist

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  • 130 Comments (Page 2)
RimmerdalRimmerdalabout 3 years ago

Well........laid out nicely. Wrote very well. Somewhat fragmented at the end. Author's Comments laid several questions to rest. So overall very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I enjoyed this story. I have read it before - a couple of years ago, I think. I enjoyed it both times.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I read all nine stories in 2 days, thought your writing and imagination is great, can't waiting to read the rest of your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was an extremely well thought out plot and well written. I particularly liked the time you took on developing the characters and there were a lot of them. I wasn’t big on David and Cynthia getting back together, given what she did, but your plot at least made it acceptable and not a RAAC. All in all, despite the length, it held my interest the entire way through.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I read the Bar and Grill 1st What You Wish For 2nd this 3rd. I see how you improved. All were outstanding. I think reading in this order made the comments by Sean regarding Aimee's artistry (talking to the subject) more impactful. All are very outstanding!

JimDiamondJimDiamondover 2 years ago

I loved the story and enjoyed ever part except the end. It was rushed as if you simply wanted finished with it and just threw it away. If you were going to kill him off you should have let him do it earlier when he wanted to. Too bad, other than that it was great.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good...apart from cheating cunt Cynthia getting away with it....and the fact that all women can look forwards to incontinence since all the males are into the shit hole.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Admire how you wove the tapestry of these complicated personalities. Skill and thought.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Rehnquist is an excellent writer. One of the best on Literotica. But I am glad this was not the first of his stories (all 9 chapters) that I read of his work. It seemed quite frenetic with all these interconnected stories. I assume that was the point but in the end the only really strong relationship with nuanced complexity was David and Cynthia. They both had to go through quite a metamorphosis. The first fee chapters were tough to read. Seeming to be all about decadent, meaningless, or hurtful sex. Speaking of sex scenes, as the chapters went on those of David and Cynthia were simply far beyond any of the other couples. Just not even close. But stepping back to characters. Cynthia certainly starts off as appearing to be a prime bitch. We learn (later) that she degraded herself with Tim for four months on every Tuesday night to get back at her husband for feeling abandoned. Yes she enjoyed the sex during her affair but hated every moment of it afterwards yet never got meaningful time from David except for their vacation in May (shortly after the affair started) when she tried to screw him to death. And yet she was a lonely housewife with no desire for children and a non present though endearing husband. The sex was. In some ways no different than reaching for a bottle. Clearly she had a rough childhood and no confidence in being a mother despite David's long-standing desire to have a family. Wouldn't surprise if that rejection caused him to immerse himself moore in his work. On top of that Cynthia was certain David was having multiple affairs of his own and hence used it as justification for her Tuesday night self degrading acts of sex with Tim. Even if Aimee had not told David about the affair when she did, it would have come to light given Cynthia's self destructive tendencies as she was drinking heavily each time to even get the will to follow through with the next week "session" with Tim. Again she felt unloved and debased herself, akin to cutting herself hoping David would notice. Of course the first few chapters we don't know that. And her visceral shock when David makes her realize there never were any affairs on his part is gut wrenching. But her metamorphosis is quite interesting. By being forced to work for a living and on her own she has to be responsible for someone else (though the bathtub 'clinical' handjob seemed like a weird extra experimental sex scene by the author in a bunch of early chapters crammed with them; didn't seem to have much meaning). The responsibility gives her something to do and gets her to have emotions where she can care for someone without sex being involved. This brings her on the road to not just want but demand children in order to reconcile with David later (though he always wanted kids). Meanwhile David's own metamorphosis is interesting. Being what he thought was a loving husband, he feels absolute betrayal and descends I to fury. Revenge fucks with Aimee, one an exhibitionist act while watching Tim defile Jenny yet again on what would have been Cynthia's night of debasement; his experimentation with swingers and other one night stands and a deep seated anger that threatens to eat at his soul. But even though he joins the sex acts he misses the intimacy and love of Cynthia. They did love each other but their marriage was terrible as they were both broken. David with his overzealous working and neglect of his wife, not only sexually as she has a high sex drive, but more importantly emotionally and his time and presence (or lack thereof). It is amazing Cynthia didn't see divorce years earlier. Meanwhile Cynthia clearly needed attention and love from her husband, but also had a broken childhood that messed up her dreams. She ended up doing the one thing she knew was hideous in order to get back at a man she loved but felt abandoned by and who she was convinced was cheating on her, doing it with a pig like Tim in a way that was loveless and debasing. There is also an awakening of David regarding his sexuality and a slightly dominant sexual personality that he has held at bay for preconceived notions of what he thought a married woman like Cynthia would tolerate. And yet he realizes slowly that Cynthia if anything is the opposite with a slightly submissive personality that he had never pushed but Tim took advantage of in continuing to entice Cynthia to keep returning each week. Their road to reconciling themselves sexually, emotionally and mentally is quite fascinating. But to be fair they should have had there own stories. Fitting in three other romances (one ending with a suicide) was too much. Sean and Aimee seemed like a too soon rebound relationship. Will and Elizabeth was the hooker with a heart of gold trope. The most significant thing about Sean was his effect on Cynthia to want children. Jenny didn't fit in at all. Like an extra that got given way too much weight. Tim was such a scumbag with his four hotties a week that why even both with his arc. Who cares. He was mentally deranged treating his wife Aimee with vanilla sex while enjoying degrading acts with four other women each week. He was so over the top, it didn't matter what happened to him and I can see why the author had him commit suicide. He was a plot device that got his own character arc. A lot of this then led to a lot of bloat in the story. Have Will and Elizabeth in a separate story. And make it more complex and nuanced. Have Sean and Aimee in a separate story. Given them more oxygen. And forget Jenny and Tim. Blah. Despite all of this the David and Cynthia arc is the backbone of the story and is solid. Still deserves a 5/5 but could have been so much more without the character bloat and the incessant sex scenes. Again those of David and Cynthia from midway on are helluva well done. The rest were pretty meaningless. Great author just nowhere near his What You Wish For and Lemon sagas. Not even close.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Would have liked David and Cynthia to have a conversation about how the Tuesday night dynamic happened. Not the core reason she cheated but how she was convinced he was having an affair. How he didn't like the Club and the tennis and worked a bit later, returning home finding her not there, rinse and repeat until he thought she could have a night alone while he worked to save time the rest of the week. Would have loved to see her reaction. She kept coming back after the trysts and didn't see him. Terrible but avoidable miscommunication. Showed the flaw in their marriage. I am sure they would discussed this in their reconciliation talks but would have loved to see the reaction. Also her bringing up the fact she was convinced he was cheating and that while flawed that was her perception would have been an important talking point also. Instead too much emphasis on the interconnected side characters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

There are very few husbands that would have forgiven and taken back Cynthia regardless of how much they loved their wife beforehand. David had to see past the betrayal, re-examine his own fault in the marriage, re-examine his sexual desires, and go about talking to Cynthia again knowing that her response to the troubled marriage was really, really bad. Take a big man with a big heart. Just doesn't seem likely given the way it progressed and how sordid her affair was. There is surveillance going back four months but easily could have gone back a year based on his discussion with Alexis. It is never clarified. Also while Cynthia never did certain things she certainly did rough sex with Tim repeatedly.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

"David chose Tuesday nights to try and work around Cynthia's schedule. Since they had joined the Club two years after their marriage, just when the business was taking off, she spent every Tuesday afternoon playing tennis. David didn't play tennis, and didn't really like the Club all that much, so he stayed late and tried to coincide his return from work with her return from the Club. That used to be at seven or so every Tuesday, but it started getting later. He'd come home at seven thirty and wait an hour or so before falling asleep on the couch; then he'd push it back to eight thirty, and he'd be dozing off when she traipsed in at nine; so he made it nine and she'd be out until ten. He finally gave up, decided it was best they each have a night to themselves, and decided to spend his nights in the dark solitude of his office, working on coding in advances to the software."

Why was this never discussed in the reconciliation talks with Cynthia and David? Shit she really created her own mess. Yes he didn't give her enough time

at home but they acted like two ships passing in the night on Tuesdays. Wtf? Missed chance to dig into something deep.

And btw there seems to be a whole lot of anal in this fictional county. I went to school at UW-Madison. I don't remember so much of that going on. Apparently no one worries about STDs or pregnancy either.

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanalmost 2 years ago

Wow, loved it, although my adhd/dyslexic butt loved it but i sort of creaTED a program of sorts to just to keep track of the linkages between the characters not sure why I had such a hard time in this one have not had that issue with other stuff he wrote thax for a great read

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was a teriffic read. The characters were well defined. Most of the comments seemed to focus on Cynthia and David. Both were believeable and unlike many stories of this nature, seemed willing to share responsibility for their marital problems. I thought Rehnquist did an excellent job of illustrating how Cynthia and David learned about mistakes they made in their marriage in real time. For example, when David had his sexual encounter with Aimee, he questioned why he never thought to experiment with Cynthia. This process made these characters more believabke to me,

My favorite couple however was Elizabeth and Will. I really enjoyed her pleasant surprises during their first encounter. Both seemed almost pure. I also really enjoyed the women's relationship particularly Cynthia's and Aimee's. How it evolved was a remarkable bit of story telling.

On the negative side, there's a little bit of criticism deserved over the ease with which every woman achieves multiple orgasms and particularly how easy it seemed for all couples to synchronize their orgasms. Maybe that"s just the bature of these stories, but through personal experience, multiple orgasns, at least with my wife, is an unfulfilled dream.

All in all, a great read and wonderfully drawn characters.

Tom from NC

backgar12backgar12over 1 year ago

Excellent! Fitting ending….

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

Thanks for all your effort and time writing this long saga. Guess Tim did deserve to die, killed in the line of duty would make him heroic, suicide or a car accident is okay. Very pleased that all the other "couples" overcame their difficulties.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love all of your stories. Since Google deprived me of Kindle I have resorted to reading Literotica. Mostly non erotic tbf.

Fyi we Irish also wear wedding and engagement rings on our left hands.Thanks for the entertainment

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

It was an amazingly ambitious and quite a tapestry tale of interweaving characters and coincidences.

I don't know how managed to chart the complicated plots and subplots so thoroughly.

Not the usual infidelity and BTB.

Kudos for creativity and effort author.

TwmatthewsTwmatthews8 months ago

I'm going against the grain in voicing some mild criticism with this ambitious story. Normally for me, when reading a Rehnquist story, I can vividly picture the characters in my mind. That picture is drawn from a combination of physical description and personality. Not so this time. I never got a clear picture of Cynthia or David. To me, other characters were remarkably drawn especially Tim, Elizabeth, Aimee and Sean. Maybe that was done intentionally based on the importance of the character to the story.

Another criticism was in the use of anal play. Granted, it could be new and exciting for one or two couples but should not have been included in almost every sex scene. For Elizabeth who was after all, a sex worker, reserving that for her husband was realistic. But for a lot of the others, it seemed somewhat artificial and I found myself breezing through some of the sex scenes.

Finally, the evolution of the characters was really interesting, especially Sean. As the story unfolded and Sean went from the helpless boy to the person who brought out the best in everyone. That evolution made this story so engaging. Cynthia's development was also quite compelling.

Overall, one of the more ambitious works and really good, but a few adjustments were needed to make it great.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Convoluted is exactly how I'd describe it too...

mnop9mnop95 months ago

It was not a convolution mess. It was well done from start to finish. I rate all quality stories with 5 stars. Those that I believe to be less than quality, I do not rank after reading. I feel this writing to be the same quality as “When We were Married “ by Daniel Q Steele.

DeeSylvanDeeSylvan4 months ago

I love your stories. I left this for last, probably because of the category you put it in. I was really afraid you were going to kill off Sean so he could reunite with Holly, but that will have to wait. I thought Cynthia was going to finish her degree but raising a child is infinitely more fulfilling. I know this was written 15 years ago so I don't know if you'll see this comment, but I hope you are doing well (and thinking of writing again!). :DD

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Was this long story worth slogging through? I agree with Rehnquist, it is a “convoluted mess”! Also, this story is certainly not as compelling as many of Rehnquist’s other fine efforts. It seems that along the way, our author has developed an anal sex interest, or at least most of his characters have. I can’t give this one more than 3.5 stars⭐️.

EHP4269EHP42693 months ago

A good story. I think you "fleshed" out the characters a little too much at times but overall a good tale that I am pleased to have read. I think the "arse" play was a little too much with all of them wanting to do it and enjoying it. Not my reality at all. LOL

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Well done

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Corrupt cops. Whores with a heart of gold. Gotta be a few other cliches we can squeeze in.

paulsubpaulsubabout 1 month ago

I enjoy your writing. Your realistic bur captivating plot, your characters and their complex descriptions make the a very enjoyable read. I didn't want it to end!

strawboystrawboy21 days ago

A lot of relationships to keep straight as the plot(s) develop but a worthwhile read.

readnwrite73readnwrite7310 days ago

A very excellent story from a very talented author. The way that the Author made each of the many characters interact with each other was very interesting. And to keep it all understandable was quite a feat. Puts me in mind of “Six Degrees of Separation”. It takes quite a bit of organizational skill to produce this kind of work. This is definitly the type of piece I prefer and enjoy. The only qualm I have, and I know some or maybe even most will disagree is that the sex scenes were too long and too many. They may have appealed to the prurient interests, but didn’t add much to the story with the exception of the neccessary ones to explain the story motivations.

Bravo Very Well Done. I enjoy most of your works.

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