LaCour Academy

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Will Draven and Chris get over their differences?
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 07/03/2009
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"Ouch... I fuck!" I yelled as I hopped up and down on one foot. My name is Draven your normal klutz. I seem to always hurt myself in some way whether it's emotionally or physically. I'm 5ft 11in 150 pounds and I am easily mistaken for a girl because of the way I dress. My pecks make me look like I have B cup size tits and when I wear skinny jeans it looks like I have a pussy. People think I'm gay because of how I look. Well to all those people I'm actually straight and there is a big difference. Well it all started before I dropped my books on my foot. So here is what happened. I'm the new kid at LaCour Academy. I was walking to the student registration in the main office when next thing I know I'm on the floor. The incident was part my fault because I was taking in the beautiful scenery. There was a water fountain in the middle of the lawn and fancy rich kids everywhere. The school its self was absolutely gorgeous and huge! It had the greenest grass you ever saw in Las Vegas and it had that smell to it and texture so to prove it was real.

"Hey man I'm so sorry I so did not see you there. I feel so embarrassed for knocking a girl down. I'm so sorry." He rambled on. "By the way I'm Chris and you are..?"

"Draven." I said in a feverous tone. "Hey and by the way I'm a boy." I snapped and walked away leaving him looking very confused. As I got to the main office all I could think about is how rude I was to him. I know I should have been nicer but I'm sick and tired of being called a girl. I think my parents did something to me when I was first born. Like a gender change or something. Chris was no doubt about it hot and could easily get some major ass at this school. He had soft turquoise it looked like eyes a strong build and a lot of muscles under that tight polo he was wearing. I wish if I see him again to apologize for my rudeness and maybe get off on a good start.


"Chris come on dude throw the freaking Frisbee." Josh Able yelled at me.

"Ok Ok hold your horses. Let me get a good distance." I yelled back at him. I started running as far as I can when...BOOM! I ran into some girl. I know mostly everyone here but I have never seen this chick before she must be new. She had at least B cup size tits and long dark red hair with blonde highlights. Her eyes were the most intense green I've ever seen. She was pretty hot.

"Hey man I'm so sorry I so did not see you there. I feel so embarrassed for knocking down a girl. I'm so sorry." I rambled on. "By the way I'm Chris and you are..?"

"Draven." She said in a feverous tone. I was a little taken back by the attitude when the most shocking thing came out of her mouth.

"Hey by the way I'm a boy." He snapped at me and briskly walked away. I was so confused and didn't know how to react to any of it. My friends kept yelling at me and I was so deep in thought I barely felt the punch that landed on my shoulder.

"Chris stop staring at that girl and throw the fucking Frisbee." Yalena yelled at me.

"Sorry guys I got......Never mind. Let's play." Through our whole game I kept thinking about Draven. It must be that other people must have mistaken him for a girl so many times that he got sick and tired of it and just started snapping on people. The guy is pretty feminine but geesh cut me some slack I didn't know. I kind of feel sorry for the dude. He must have had a tough child hood.


I love that me and my roommate get along so well. He is Bi but we have so much in common. I even met his boyfriend they are so cute together and it's like picture perfect. I told Ian about the Chris thing and he told me a little about Chris and his mega rich family. Chris Abley or as some people know him as Chris Babley cause supposedly he is the hottest person at LaCour Academy. He has three friends that are also in his popular group and they are Josh Able, Yalena Chaves, and Yalena's brother the care free Nick Husane Mendez. Yalena and Nick are not blood related the just happen to look alike and are very close. The group known each other since preschool and have been friends ever since. I personally don't want to know any of them because I don't like the snobby rich kids they might be and am not taking any chances.

At the orientation when we were walking back to our dorms I saw him and his friends. Ian and I just ignored them and kept walking. When I heard him call my name I pretended not to hear him. He eventually caught up with us and said some stuff I really didn't care about.

"Draven I just wanted to say sorry for the gender confusion and...." He just kept talking until I cut him off.

"No no. I'm sorry for being rude to you. You don't know me and it's not your fault." He looked at me with those beautiful eyes and gave me the most dazzling smile ever.

"Thanks. Will you like to hang out with us some time? It would be really great if you would." He said to me as if I was an old friend. I didn't want to get to know him and clearly I don't like him so I made up an excuse.

"Sorry dude, Ian and his friend Justin are going to have a party for just the three of us in our dorm." I said. The look on his face made me want to laugh but I pretended to give a crap.

"Oh ok. Well then it was nice seeing you again and a....Yeah well see you around?"

"Sure I guess. See you around." As I said this he turned and walked away I could hear him say I only did it to be nice. His friends were laughing and I was so hurt even if I don't even like him. That is why I don't hang out or even try to get to know rich kids like him. My parents tell me if I stop dressing like some hobo then people would see my muscular build and actually not think I'm a girl. I do agree with them so on the first day of school I will wow them all with my body and maybe I can actually get some pussy instead of look like one.


Yalena, Josh, Nick, and I were walking back to Lena's dorm when I saw Draven. I called out his name and I know he heard me but he kept walking. I wanted to say sorry so I ran up to him.

"Draven I just wanted to say sorry for the gender confusion and...." I was talking to him and apologizing over and over again until he cut me off.

"No no. I'm sorry for being rude to you. You don't know me and it's not your fault." He replied to me. I think I grinned from ear to ear because I can't stand people being mad at me it only makes me feel like shit. His eyes caught me off guard and it took everything for me to not just stand there and stare at them. They were so big and beautiful with a hint of a little hazel around the irises. I made up an excuse instead.

"Thanks. Will you like to hang out with us some time? It would really be great if you would." I didn't know what was wrong with me but it felt like I was talking to him as if we were friends since forever. I waited for his reply and when he finally spoke I was a little hurt.

"Sorry dude Ian and his friend Justin are having a party just for the three of us in our dorm." His answer made my face fall I think because of the way he looked at me. He looked scare as if he had done something wrong. I didn't want him to feel guilty so I said this.

"Oh ok. Well it was nice seeing you again and ah....Yeah well see you around?" He looked a little relieved then and said.

"Sure I guess. See you around." With that I walked back to my friends.

"Yo Chris help me with this." Yalena said to me. She wanted me to take off her necklace. As I did I grabbed at her boob.

"You fucking titty grabber!" She almost yelled.

"I only did it to be nice." I said with sly grin. After that we all burst out laughing. As we made our way to Lena's dorm they asked me who I was talking to. I told them about the whole thing with Draven and they said they would like to meet him some time. I hope I could see him again and maybe we could be friends.


I can't believe he just said that! That stupid son of a bitch! Just wait and see I'll show him. I can't wait till I start school and he sees me in a better state just wait.


The beep of the alarm clock wakes me up. I'm grumpy and groggy and don't want to get up. Reluctantly I do. I ponder on what to wear for this special occasion. Yesterday I got my hair cut and dyed back to its original color brown with blonde highlights.

"Ouch...I fuck! I yelled as I hopped up and on one foot. I fucking dropped my damn books on my foot!

"Damn Draven what the hell are you screaming about?" Ian sleepily said to me.

"Sorry dude I dropped my damn books on my foot I'm so sorry. Plus you got to get up any way and get ready for our first class." I said in a matter-of-factly tone. I finished getting dressed while Ian went to take a shower. I decided to wear a tight green polo with black jeans. This outfit you would say hugged my body in all the right places. When Ian came back I could tell he was amazed by my new look.

"Wow Drave you look good. Boy what got into you? You looking all kinds of good." Ian said in awe. I didn't know what to say. I blushed all the shades of red and looked at my feet.

"Thanks Ian." I said shyly. "We should get to class and meet Justin." I said as I got my books and we headed out the door. As we got to our first class accelerated English I saw him. That mean jerk who only asked me to hang out with him just to be nice to me. He saw me and looked so confused cause of my new look. I know he didn't recognize me and I really didn't care. Ms. Prock took attendance.

"Ian Allens."


"Justin Armono."


"Draven Artego."

"Here." As I raised my hand out of the corner of my eye I could see him give me a shocked look. I grinned to myself as I saw his friend Yalena whisper something to him. I knew what she said by the questioning look she gave me.

"Is there any one I did not call?" Ms. Prock said.


"Who might you be sir?"

"I'm Chris Abley Ms."

"Oh Abley how could I have missed that. Well Mr. Abley now we know you are here." She said in a get ready to do business voice. All through class he kept shooting me looks. I ignored them all and focused on my work. At the end of class Justin, Ian, and I were the first ones out of the class room. As we were walking down the hall Chris and his friends came up to us.

"You must be Draven. Right?" Yalena said to me. Yalena was a very exotic looking Mexican with jet black hair and big brown eyes. She was kind of busty and really beautiful.

"Yes I'm Draven. You must be Yalena." I said to her she looked pleased to hear that I know her name. Her brother Nick indeed did look like her. Long eye lashes and skin color.

"I'm Nick. Yalena's play brother it's nice to me you." I saw a glint of humor in his eyes and I just wanted to slap the shit out of him. Ian must have sensed my tension and he saw the look in Nick's eyes and thank God he stepped in.

"Come on Drave it seems some people can't take others seriously." As he said that he gave Nick. a glare and we left to our next class.


As my friends and I made our way to accelerated English they kept asking me when they could meet Draven. I told them if we see him around. I told them that it was not hard to miss him with his flaming red hair. When we got to our class I saw this boy. I have never seen him before. I gave him a look that was like who the hell are you. Ms. Prock took attendance and gave me the shock of my life.

"Draven Artego."


It was that kid I saw. It could not have been Draven because Draven didn't have brown hair with blonde highlights and spikes. I shot the kid claiming to be Draven a shocked look and I swear he grinned. Yalena looked at me and said.

"I thought you said he had red hair."

"He did well at least I thought he did." I couldn't help but stare at him. Was that Draven? He wouldn't even look at me. The guys he was hanging out with must be hi friends. When class was over they were the first ones out of the class room. My friends and I caught up with them and Yalena introduced herself first.

"You must be Draven. Right?" Yalena asked him.

"Yes I'm Draven. You must be Yalena." The way he said her name was almost in a nasty sneer but I don't think she noticed.

"I'm Nick Yalena's play brother it's nice to meet you." They looked at each other and I felt the tension coming off of Draven. When one of his friends spoke up.

"Come on Drave it seems some people can't take others seriously." He said. The guy I think his name was Ian took Draven's arm and they left to their next class. I looked at Nick and he looked so confused it wasn't even funny.

"What the fuck you do Nick!" Yalena yelled at him.

"I didn't do anything I looked at the kid and he.....I don't know." He looked at me and I saw it. The thing that might have pissed them off. It was Nick's humorous glint that he always had since preschool. Now I know what set them off.

"Nick it was your eyes."

"My eyes?"

"Yeah. You know the glint."

"Oh that ha-ha. Wow I didn't know..... I think we should tell him that never goes away." We brushed it off as we made our way to our next class. There they were sitting together at a lab table. They looked at us and Ian rolled his eyes and looked away. We took a table behind them and listened to the teacher talk. When we were getting our things and mingling with the other class mates we went up to them.

"Hey you guys. We just wanted to explain some things to you so you won't hate us. Nick has always had that glint in his eyes that makes people think he was secretly laughing at them." As Yalena explained things to them we could see that they understood but were reluctant to even look at us. Draven didn't even look at us as he finished his work. I wonder what his problem was.


When we went to our next class I told Ian and Justin what I heard on the night of orientation. They were completely understanding in it all. They couldn't believe he said that and instantly disliked them for acting like that. How could they do that to me and then try to talk to us. When we got to lab we chose to sit in the front. A little after we were seated they came in and sat behind us. When Mrs. Laden stopped talking we got our lab stuff and got to work. Then they came up to us and explained the thing with Nick. I didn't look at them and Ian told them sorry for being rude and we went back to our work.

"Draven why are you acting like that?" Chris said in a soft hurt voice.

"Acting like what?" I said to him without even looking at him to see his reaction.

"One day you're all cool and then you're...." He trailed off on his words

"I'm what Chris." I said in a really unintended harsh tone. I couldn't help it he was really annoying me when I didn't even like them from the start.

"Look we have to do our work and I'm pretty sure you do to so why don't you go do that and leave us alone." Justin said harshly. They just stood there dumbfounded then turned around and left. Thank God they left. I just can't wait to get out of here.


I couldn't believe what just happened. They just totally blew us off when we tried to tell them something they snap on us what in the world is their problem? I am so mad I can't even say anything. What did we do to them that got them so mad at us?

"Hey guys what up?" Josh said to us after class. We have all our classes with Josh except for Chemistry

"Nothing Josh. We miraculously already have three people that hate us on the first day of school. Ha-ha isn't that funny?" Yalena sarcastically said.

"How did you manage to do that?" he asked completely shocked.

"I don't know they just....Hate us." Nick said sounding so hurt and stressed.

"Well at least let me know their names." He said in a very childish voice.

"Draven, Ian, and Justin." Yalena said. Her eyes were a little moist and I knew she was about to cry. I know it was not Lena's fault because she barely knew or even talked to them. I wish I knew what was wrong for my friends' sake.

"Draven hates you?!? I can't believe this." He said in awe.

"Wait you know him?"

"Yeah of course I know him. I know his mom and dad. They are like the most awesome parents a kid can wish for. How in the hell did you get him to hate you? That kid is like the nicest person I have ever met. Well of course after you guys." He said all of this as we stood there in shock. Just then they walked by us and Josh started talking to him like an old friend.

"Yo Drave what up man? What's with all the hate stuff?"

"Why don't you ask him." As he said this as he looked at me with pure annoyance in his eyes. I don't understand why he looked like that but I know I just had it.

"You fucking know what. Fuck you Draven all I did was try to be your friend and talk to you and ask you to hang out with us and your fucking being a dick. What the hell is your problem?" I exploded. I couldn't hold it in any longer and I had to let it out.

"The only reason why you asked me to hang out with you because you were being nice. I came here to make friends and not have some who secretly don't even like me. So stop talking to me because I never even liked you from the beginning!" He screamed at me and walked half ran away with his friends on his heels. I just wanted to beat something up. I never felt this angry before in my life! What is wrong with me I'm not suppose to care about what he says but I can't help it he hurt me deeply. What am I going to do?

To be continued...

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dinkybootsdinkybootsalmost 12 years ago

i dont see the need for this two way story. it might help if you put there name at the top of each sentnce. but this is confusing at best.

ZombieQueenZombieQueenover 13 years ago
mary sue theater

thanks but no thanks

QUAMEY_TQUAMEY_Tover 14 years ago

i am sooo in love with this already...ooh i can't wait until i finish the next one

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
dumb dumb dumb

its corny and unoriginal.

Purr_AlainaPurr_Alainaalmost 15 years ago
Liking it...!

I really like the style of this story. Keep up the writing and I can't wait for the next instalment!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Love it and can't wait for the rest.

Joseph198Joseph198almost 15 years ago
good read

goood read, I like your writing style.

Is there more on the way? Getting a bit hooked :)

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