Lady in Red Pt. 02 Ch. 11


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"I heard all about how he impersonated the real Mark Neary," admitted Ashley. "He wasn't who he told us he was, but it doesn't mean that he can't be a good guy. You liked him, Steve. I could tell. He was a gentleman with me and I think he really did like me. I'm reserving my opinion until we know the truth about the situation. He could have been misled, or tricked, just like we were.

"Don't blame yourself and please don't stop looking out for me. I like it. I don't have a dad and it feels really good that a strong, capable male has my best interests at heart. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to our friendship. Gwen's very lucky to have you, but I think I'm doing pretty darn good having you for a close friend!"

Kate nodded toward Steve and Ashley as they spoke privately. "I thought I was in deep over Steve, but Ashley worships him. Look at her eyes when she talks to him. You're very trusting, Gwen. Don't you ever worry about her seducing him? I love her like a sister, but she's another woman in love."

"I understand what you mean. The short answer is that I do trust them. I know Ashley loves him deeply, but so do a few of my sisters that shall remain nameless. Look how you were able to transfer some of that emotion you had for Steve to Chip. Jordan found Charlie. Lisa has Jason. I've noticed that loving Steve allows my friends and relatives to find very good men for themselves.

"I couldn't be prouder of the guys you three have found. In the beginning, I was a bit nervous about Steve having woman fall over him all the time, but now I understand how it all works. When Ashley finds the right guy, she'll love him unconditionally. She's learning what to look for in a man, and she'll find one. In the mean time, she can lean on Steve. His shoulders are broad. And Steve feels bad about the guy we thought was Mark Neary turning out to be someone else. He's apologizing about that right now."

The next day, Steve and Gwen received a phone call telling them that Senator Chatham wanted to meet with them on the following Friday. Curious about the significance of her wanting to see them, they agreed to meet with her in a private room at LiR CPA.

"It's good to see you both again!" schmoozed the senator. "You've been doing some remarkable things since we last met. I knew you were both headed for great things after our trip to Russia."

"Thank you, Senator," replied Steve. "We appreciate your high opinion, but we know you didn't come here to tell us how fond you are of us. What can we do for you?"

"You don't waste time getting to the nitty-gritty, do you?" chuckled the Senator. "We have a PR nightmare going on in Washington. The fact that you willingly traded yourself to save those kids and the U.S. government didn't appear to care in any way is causing a serious shit storm in D.C.

"When Gwen made mention of the state department and the administration failing you the night she brought you back makes it even more damning. Add in the fact that she, along with some very special friends, managed to go to Iraq, find you, fight for you, and bring you back to safety really leaves those of us in leadership positions looking very poorly. I just don't see how we can shine this so it doesn't look like shit," stated Senator Chatham frankly.

"And just where do we come in?" asked Gwen. "The truth is that the government did fail Steve badly. We aren't going to pretend it never happened. Quite the opposite. We're looking for answers and will go where the evidence leads us. If it's you, the President, the Secretary of State, or the CIA, it won't deter us. How does that fit with your mission here today?"

"It makes me more determined to get this right," responded Senator Chatham. "We're trying to get to the bottom of this mess. At the time, I didn't even know that Steve had gone to Iraq. It's my belief that President Hanson had no knowledge of it either. It seems that you were led to believe the state department wanted you to go, but that wasn't the case. We don't negotiate with terrorists, and we felt that sending you to the scene would only add fuel to the flames. Someone had different ideas. I strongly suspect the CIA, but can't find anything to link them to the debacle.

"The possible motive is pretty easy to determine. The CIA has been urging the President to send more troops into Iraq and to consider bombing Iran, since many of these terrorists are bleeding across the border from there. If a terrorist that trained and was based in Iran had managed to behead Steve Hammer and post it on the internet, all hell would have broken lose. The public would demand justice, which would include the bombing of terrorist strongholds in Iran.

"When you and your friend managed to escape those radicals, you also managed to keep the U.S. from being dragged deeper into an already untenable position. I can't tell you how relieved President Hanson and the state department were when Gwen somehow managed to show up in Sparta with you and your friend.

"Of course, we felt about as foolish as possible. We'd all been convinced by the CIA that they were hot on your trail and would have operatives rescue you any minute. Then they had a drone drop a hellfire missile on a warehouse north of Baghdad and, as it turned out, several miles from where you were rescued. We were told that their intelligence reported that you had been beheaded, so they retaliated by killing about nine terrorists in the drone attack. There was so much explosive material there that the explosion destroyed almost all human remains. No bodies were found, just a few charred pieces.

"We were in a high level meeting discussing retaliations when we were notified that Gwen Anderson and friends had returned to Sparta with Steve Hammer in tow, and he was alive! That's when the meeting became interesting. The Director of the CIA seemed genuinely surprised. President Hanson was ecstatic. The Director was ordered to draw up a report on its actions concerning your situation. It was delivered to Hanson two days ago and there are a great many questions left unanswered. They had no idea why you went to Iraq, how you got there, and who ordered you to go. A guy that had recently been promoted to the position was in charge of the search for you in Iraq, and he screwed the pooch with his efforts.

"That's all very interesting, but how does it change anything for us?" asked Gwen. "It sounds like you know the CIA was behind this aberration. Can't you just water-board them until they admit their duplicity?"

"It isn't that easy. There appear to be some rogue cells in the CIA and the Director has no idea who they are or what they're doing. We need to methodically follow the progression of events. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence wants you both to testify after Labor Day, when Congress is back in session. We need to be open and transparent about this. You'll be given a public forum to explain what you did, and why, as well as answer questions that will help Congress understand what happened."

"Will we be allowed to present any evidence to back our responses when we're asked questions," quizzed Steve. "I know how those things go. Some of the senators will call us liars and challenge everything we say. There's a few of them that think along the same lines as the CIA. They'll try to keep the Agency clean and drag us through the dirt."

Senator Chatham nodded in agreement. "I keep forgetting the depth of your understanding of the government and politics. You're absolutely right. You'll be insulted and attacked by a few members of the committee. They'll accuse Gwen of grandstanding to get elected to Congress, or to sell more music, or movie tickets. They'll question your honesty, integrity, and patriotism. So, will you do it or do they need to subpoena you? It would look better if you both appeared willingly."

"Sure, we'll do it!" chuckled Steve. "You're so persuasive. We can't wait to be called liars, traitors, and thieves. You need to be prepared for the truth, because that's what we'll be bringing. It may not be common in Washington, or well accepted. That won't stop us from delivering it."

"I would ask that you be sure anything that you tell the committee is accurate. As far as the individuals members are concerned, treat them with the same respect they show you. Be polite as long as they are.

"There's another subject I wanted to broach. You'll be transferred to Washington when you're recovered and able to report for duty this fall. There has been a surprising amount of discussion about where you would be most useful. After this Iraq debacle, some higher ranking people in government felt you should be buried in some far away location. Others still wanted to take advantage of the amazing press you garner wherever you go, even if may become unflattering to portions of the government.

"To that end, I have used my considerable influence with the president to have you assigned as my aide. It isn't unheard of for a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to have a military attaché. I have seen enough of your style to know that if you don't want to work with me, I'll be the one to pay the price. I simply need to know if you feel that you can serve the government by working as my aide, or is that asking too much?"

"I have great respect for your service in Washington. You've often crossed party lines on important issues. I will not, however, support any political party, or anything that remotely looks like I'm stepping into politics. You also need to know that I fully expect Gwen to be elected to Congress this fall. I will be supporting her anyway I can when she reaches Washington. If the specter of having an aide that's in love with a freshman Congresswoman and supporting her every way possible is upsetting to you, I suggest you reconsider. I won't be persuaded to abandon Gwen for any reason, on any issue."

Upon hearing Steve state his allegiance so strongly, Gwen smiled broadly and reached out to take his hand and squeeze it. Senator Chatham looked from one to the other and nodded her head.

"That loyalty of yours is one of the things that the American public finds so inspirational. I'll be using that good will and popularity you'll be bringing to Washington in many ways. It can't help but keep me in the public eye. I won't ask you to take any position on an issue. You'll be free to support Gwen. I realize how foolish it would be for me to try to turn you away from her. If we should find ourselves on different sides of an issue, I ask only that you both treat me with respect and we remain friendly. I have many good friends on the other side of the aisle. We can disagree and still be professional and respectful."

"What about those pictures of Steve and me that came out last week?" questioned Gwen. "Will that make a difference in Steve's treatment in Washington? Will there be any fallout from them?"

"I assume you're referring to the photos where he's naked with Lieutenant Naomi Wilson?" asked Senator Chatham. "Yes, they'll make a difference. You didn't hear it from me, but it's highly likely that she'll be assigned as an aide to Senator Elizabeth Mason of Maine. Ms. Wilson is closely linked to you two, and especially to Steve, so that makes her a rather hot commodity. Her looks, her education, and her skills will get her a long ways. Sitting naked on Steve's lap will bring her fame. Senator Mason is a big advocate of women's rights and Ms. Wilson appears to be an independent thinker, and very much a woman. Envy will be the only negative emotion created by those photos. They were remarkable.

"I do marvel at your uncanny ability to turn what on the surface appears to be a public relations nightmare into a positive. I shudder to think of what would happen to my career if I were photographed nude and in the arms of a man not my husband. Of course, I wouldn't be nearly as photogenic as you are, but the press would feast on me until there was nothing left."

The meeting with Senator Chatham ended a short time later. Gwen and Steve returned to the Anderson home. Steve was pleasantly surprised to find Chip sitting in a wheelchair by the pool in the warm summer sun. Steve sat down next to him and the two men chatted easily. Chip had finally been released from the hospital and Kate was going to be his main care giver.

As the two men chatted, the kitchen door slid open and Kate's voice sounded from behind them. "Would you guys like a cold beer?"

"Yeah, as long as it doesn't screw up my medications," replied Chip as Kate stepped in front of them holding two beers.

"Oh! Wow! You're beautiful!" blurted Chip as he studied Kate standing before him. She was topless!

"So you think I look okay? Do I look as good as Steve described me to you? Are you disappointed after the way Steve bragged me up?" asked Kate with a smirk.

"Kate, you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" marveled Chip. "Steve didn't begin to do you justice. How did you know what Steve said about you? Did he tell you about that?"

"How about some chips to go with the beer?" asked Gwen as she walked into view wearing a small red thong, and nothing else. "Did Steve describe me accurately? Sometimes he exaggerates a little. Are you okay, Chip?"

"There's something going on here. I'm not sure what it is, but I hope it never ends. Did Steve tell you about our conversations while we stumbled through the desert? You look great, Gwen! Did I die already? Is this heaven?"

By this time, Steve realized what was going on with the girls. Chip was about to learn that he talked in his sleep, a lot! He had to admit that they were letting Chip know in the nicest possible way.

That was when Ashley strolled out and stopped next to Steve. She had on a little pink boy shorts. Her breasts were high and firm. "Paula asked if you'd come back into the kitchen for a moment to help her with something. We'll chat with Chip while you're gone."

Steve grinned to the girls as he stood and headed for the house. When he got there, he saw all of his friends standing inside. The girls all had bikinis on and were giggling a great deal.

"We're welcoming Chip to the group and thanking him for what he did for you," pointed out Lisa. "Do you think I look too fat to go out there topless? Jason insists I look good, but he's prejudiced. What do you think?"

Steve looked at Lisa's slightly swollen stomach and her pregnancy enlarged breasts and gulped noticeably. "You are sexy as all hell, Lisa. Jason is one lucky guy!"

"Thanks, because it's my turn," laughed Lisa as he pulled her top off very ample bosom and handed it to Steve. "Keep an eye on this for me, would you?"

Steve watched Lisa saunter out by Chip and chat with him. Jason stepped beside Steve as he watched out the window. "What did we get ourselves into when we fell in love with those girls?" wondered Jason. "I keep telling her that the more pregnant she gets, the sexier she looks. I take it that you agree?"

Before Steve could respond, Jordan tossed her top to Charlie and headed out the door. Once again, all the men stood silently and watched as a beautiful, topless woman walked out to visit with Chip.

"Jared, will you do the honors?" asked Naomi as she turned her back to Jared. He grinned as he reached up and untied the strings that held her top up and slowly removed it. "I hope Chip isn't disappointed after the way Steve described me to him."

"He won't be!" assured Steve as he once again had the opportunity to see Naomi's large, firm breasts. All the men watched Naomi walk across the kitchen floor and step outside.

"Jared, you're one lucky SOB!" squeaked Billy as he stared at Naomi's backside.

"Hey, did anyone notice that I already took my top off?" asked Charlotte as the men turned to gaze at her. "That's better! I expect you to be drooling and telling Billy what a lucky guy he is once I step outside."

"Why wait?" asked Steve as he studied Charlotte as she stepped in front of him. "Billy, this girl of yours is sexy as hell, but she'd better get moving out of here. There are a lot of worked up men in this room. I can't promise she'll be safe much longer."

"Thanks!" grinned Charlotte as she pulled Steve down for a quick kiss. "Billy needs to know how good he has it. These babies are high quality!"

As Charlotte joined the other women milling around Chip, the guys lined up by the patio doors watching. Steve noticed that Paula was watching from a window by the sink and went over and stood behind her. He leaned ahead and whispered into her ear.

"You're not going to join them? These guys would love to see you doing your best to cheer up Chip."

Paula remained still as she watched out the window. "Those girls are all so beautiful and firm. I'd embarrass myself, and my daughters. Poor Chip would be scared to death."

"Your breasts do have a strong effect on men, but believe me, fear is not the emotion they create," chuckled Steve. "I apologize if I embarrassed you by telling Chip about you. I was sincere when I told him how beautiful and sexy you are."

"That's another reason I'm keeping my clothes on around you, Young Man," replied Paula. "You're the only man that's ever made me have second thoughts about my vows. I'm not going to put myself in a position where I make a fool of myself. I know I can trust you, and all of the men here, but I don't always trust me. I'm so happy for Gwen to have you to love. I marvel at what you two have. Look how much you've accomplished already. Now I'm looking forward to a house full of grandkids, so start thinking about making an honest woman out of my daughter."

"We've discussed marriage, but feel we should wait until Gwen has completed med school and I'm out of the service. I can't make a career out of being the Navy's poster boy. You'll be my mother-in-law in a couple years and holding our child in your arms within a year of that. That's the best I can promise," responded Steve as he watched the girls tease Chip mercilessly.

Paula swung around and lightly kissed Steve's cheek. "I look forward to it. That first day you came to our pool after that Lady in Red dance, Diane predicted that you two would create the most beautiful children, and I'm sure she was right."

"I think we've given Chip enough time to be properly cheered up!" declared Billy as he started for the door. "We need to get out there and cheer ourselves up!"

The guys weren't willing to let Billy go out without them, so they all followed him out to the pool deck. Steve grinned as Gwen and Naomi winked at him and then snuggled up on each side of Billy and placed their arms on his neck. Then they leaned in and kissed his cheek as their full breasts pressed against his chest.

Jordan and Kate stepped in as soon as Gwen and Naomi stepped back. Then they were followed by Lisa and Ashley. "It looks like I may have to revise my opinion again," grinned Billy. "Lisa's now in the lead!"

Steve took Gwen's hand and took her with him as he approached Chip. "Steve, I didn't realize I was blabbing so much in my sleep. I swear I never meant to say anything about what you told me. I apologize for that, but I'm pretty happy about how it all turned out.

"I've never seen so many beautiful, topless women in my life! Every one of them is beautiful beyond belief. Steve has mentioned you a lot over the past couple of years, Gwen, but you're an absolute goddess. He's a very lucky guy."

"I have a special place in my heart for guys that save my life, or Steve's," responded Gwen as she leaned down and kissed Chip lightly on the lips. "You've moved to the top of the list with everything you endured in Iraq to help Steve. We're connected now. I'll never forget what you did."

"So now that you've seen my sisters, Jordan, Charlotte, Naomi, and Ashley, do I do anything for you at all?" asked Kate as she kneeled down next to Chip and hugged him.