Lady in Red Pt. 02 Ch. 13


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"Secondly, Gwen is listening and watching everything we do and say. She's on Skype right now. She can see Ashley and Becky and they both know it. We don't sneak around or cheat.

"Thirdly, I'm sore and tired. I'm not going anywhere and I hope Ashley and Becky aren't either. If you want to ask us questions, go right ahead. If this arrangement doesn't suit you, we'll stop in at the police station tomorrow or the next day."

"Gwen Anderson is listening and watching this? Ms. Anderson, are you able to hear me?" asked the detective as she faced the laptop.

"Yes, Detective, I can hear and see you. Steve and I were having a conversation when Kate brought you into the room. I appreciate your concern over Steve's fidelity, but Kate is my sister and Ashley and Becky are almost sisters as far as we're concerned. They will not betray me, nor will Steve. Steve is sore and bruised from fighting those men today. He needs to relax.

"Ashley and Becky have had a very traumatic experience and being with Steve helps them feel safe and loved. They deserve to feel that way. I'd suggest that you ask your questions right now because Steve's a very busy man and may not have time for you tomorrow," finished Gwen.

Detective Hart concealed any surprise she may have experienced and began to question the three as they relaxed in the tub. After a full hour of questioning, she determined that she had gotten all of the information she could and packed up her recorder.

"Thanks for being so open and honest with your responses. Your suggestion to use decoys on the ambulance paid off for the department, and for me personally. My superiors were very impressed with my quick thinking. I explained that it was your suggestion, but they gave me credit for listening to you and making the correct decision. This is the biggest case I've ever worked and your help and cooperation has really made it a lot easier. Thanks for that, Mr. Hammer, and both Ms. Summers. I'll be in touch."

As soon as the detective left, Ashley spoke to Gwen. "Would it be okay if I spent the night with Steve? I could sleep on the sofa. I'm feeling nervous and scared. Having Steve near makes me feel a lot better."

"That's understandable, but it's also pushing my tolerance a little," admitted Gwen. "How about if both you and Becky sleep with Steve, but with pajamas on? You can chaperone each other. The bed's big enough for all of you, but no funny business, okay?"

"Thanks, Gwen! I think Becky will be happy to go along with that! You're the best friend and boss a person could ever have. I promise we won't do anything we wouldn't do in front of you. We won't even tease the guy, very much. He saved me today. Mom will be thrilled when I tell her that Becky and I are spending the night with him. As far as she's concerned, he's the best thing ever. I guess Becky and I feel the same way."

Steve listened to the whole conversation before shaking his head and stepping out of the tub. He took a long hot shower and then made his way to bed, wearing a pair of boxers. He noticed the laptop was perched on a nightstand facing the bed. He sat down and gazed at the screen. Gwen was sitting on a couch with Charlotte and two other girls.

"Steve, I trust you to help Ashley through a tough time, but be careful. She loved you before this and now that you've saved her life, she'll do anything for you. I'm so glad that you were there when she needed you. Maybe this will bring the entire mess with the CIA to a head. I imagine our faux Mark Neary is being questioned pretty closely, as well as the men captured when they stopped the ambulance. Get some sleep and we'll talk tomorrow. Remember that I love you, especially when those blondes are snuggling up to you tonight."

Steve was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Sometime later he felt the bed move, and then two arms rubbed his chest gently before he once again fell into a deep sleep.

Steve had always been an early riser, so he was surprised when he opened his eyes to see the sun beginning to make an appearance in the eastern sky. He stated to sit up when he realized he wasn't alone. Ashley was lying against his left side. She was awake and tracing the bruises on his chest and face with her fingers. She was topless and her beautiful breasts were pressed against him. She smiled when she saw him looking at her.

Steve turned his head to see Becky watching him. She was also smiling and topless. Her breasts were every bit as perfect as her sisters and she had them pushed tightly against his side.

"We promised to wear pajamas, and we are," pointed out Ashley as she showed Steve her bottoms. "You have so many bruises and welts from your fight with those two men. Becky told me how hard they hit you and how you put them both down. You're the best guy I've ever known. I appreciate all the things that you and Gwen have done for me, and for Becky. I'd never do anything to harm your relationship with Gwen, but you've got to know that I love you. Would it be better if I left and went back to teaching? I don't want to make you uncomfortable around me."

Steve looked from one girl to the other before her responded. "Do I Look uncomfortable? We need you, Ashley. Gwen and I both love and respect you. I was wrong about Mark, and I feel terrible about that, but you'll find a guy that'll make you forget me. He'll be something special. You can bet on that.

"You're two of the most beautiful women I've ever seen and I could stay here with you all day, but we all know that wouldn't be a good idea. You girls need to get back to your rooms and get ready for the day. I just hope Billy never finds out that I was in bed with you girls and that I actually asked you to leave and get dressed. My reputation will be ruined."

"Actually, you just improved it," laughed Becky. "You know we'll tell Gwen everything. She'll be very happy with your decision. I think you'll get very lucky next time you see her. Thanks for helping us feel safe last night.

"We'll be sure to have Pete stay with us today," continued Becky. "He sure came through yesterday, didn't he? He seems to be over the bitterness he was feeling when I first met him. He was very brave yesterday. You sure knew what you were doing when you hired him."

"I knew that you felt he was a good guy, so I decided to take a chance on him. He has all the credentials, and yesterday he demonstrated traits that you can't put in a résumé," conceded Steve. "Besides, he looked like he's a little sweet on you, not that anyone can blame him. If you're not interested in him, let him know before he falls head over heels, if he hasn't already."

"You think he likes me?" asked Becky. "You didn't hear about our first meeting, did you? We called each other all kinds of bad things. I'm surprised he came around looking for a job after the way I treated him. He was good to his mom, though, and that's always a good trait in a man."

"I can't believe you two are talking about a guy that likes Becky while she's lying half naked in your bed. He may not understand the dynamics in our group and if he learns you slept with Steve, your romance may be over before it starts," cautioned Ashley. "Most men feel intimidated by Steve, especially those that have suffered blows to their self esteem."

"Well you should have worried about that before you got all naked and cuddly with my future brother-in-law," observed Kate from the doorway. "Naomi and Pete are in the other room waiting for you guys. I ordered a huge breakfast for all of us and it's getting cold. You didn't eat anything last night, so you must be starved. I would have joined you girls in the tub with Steve, but I won't do anything to upset Chip. I have to be sure how he understands everything before I let him know how I feel about Steve."

"Talk about being a little late!" laughed Becky. "Chip would have to be blind and stupid to have not picked up on how you feel about Steve. We all know that he's neither. The thing about Steve and Chip is that they love each other, in a manly way, of course. I doubt they'd ever get jealous of each other. It's like Jordan and Gwen. They love and respect each other far too much to ever let envy be an issue."

Pete and Naomi were quietly chatting when Ashley and Becky emerged from Steve's bedroom. They had put their pajama tops on, but it was obvious they had spent the night with Steve.

Becky smiled at Pete, but he quickly looked away. Becky was surprised at how much Pete's reaction bothered her. Everyone visited for a few minutes more before Steve joined them. He had showered and donned a robe over his boxers. As Steve took his seat he noticed Pete's attitude was less than upbeat.

"Pete, you look like the cat shit in your oatmeal," began Steve as he looked across the table at his newest employee. "You're pissed because you saw Becky come out of my bedroom. You know she spent the night."

"What you and Ms. Summers do is none of my business," responded Pete curtly. "I'm just a hired hand. I know my place."

"You're right that it's none of your business, except that I want you to protect these women, and I worry about the job you'll do if you have a bug up your ass. I don't usually explain myself, or my friends to anyone, but I'm making an exception. You came through big time yesterday and I'm in your debt.

"Becky and I did not have sex. We've never had sex. We will never be having sex. I am totally monogamous, as is Gwen. I want you to understand that. These women are ladies, and they're precious. Don't ever think otherwise. You came through yesterday, and you deserve consideration for that. If you're going to work with us, you'll have to overcome any jealousy issues you might have. You'll see a great deal of affection between most of us, but you will not see infidelity. It simply does not happen. Are we clear on this?" demanded Steve as he looked directly into Pete's eyes.

"Yes, sir. I understand, but you didn't have to explain anything to me. I hardly know Becky, uh, Ms. Summers. She certainly doesn't answer to me," replied Pete.

"That's why I'm telling you this. Becky vouched for you. She's never done that before. She's never asked me for any sort of favor, or consideration. Read into that what you will. But understand this; I do love her, but I'm 'in love' with Gwen. She's the one for me. Now, do you think you can give your full attention to keeping these ladies safe?"

"Yes! I'll do everything I possibly can, but I don't have my permit to carry yet, so I'll have to accompany them unarmed. After killing that man yesterday, it may be difficult for me to get a permit here. I can still offer some protection, but it would be better if I could carry," replied Pete as he glanced at a blushing Becky.

"Thank you, Ms. Summers for the recommendation. You have more influence with Mr. Hammer and Ms. Anderson than I had realized. I'll always do my best to keep you and your sister safe."

"I don't even know who you're talking to when you use the 'Miss' stuff. I'm Becky, my sister is Ashley, and Steve is Steve. Don't give him a big head by calling him 'Mister Hammer'. He's intolerable already."

"I'll see if I can pull any strings. I know a future congresswoman quite well and a few senators, but I'm thinking it might be better to speak to Detective Hart. She seemed to have a firm grasp on reality," observed Steve.

"That, and the fact that she's female, should make a difference," laughed Kate. "All you have to do is give her that big smile and blink your eyes a few times and she'll get Pete permission to carry a rocket launcher if you ask."

"She's the detective that interviewed me," revealed Pete. "She seemed pretty fair. She's been all over the news this morning. The city police arrested three more CIA agents last night, while at least five more got away. The FBI went to the CIA office of the man in charge of their Weapons Intelligence Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Center late last night. They were just outside his office when they heard a shot. He blew his brains out before he could be arrested."

"Wow! That all happened last night?" wondered Ashley. "What does it all mean? Why was the CIA after me, or us, or whoever they were after? Will they still be trying to kill me, or Steve?"

"Let's make some calls and see what the police think, as well as the government," reasoned Steve. "I have Hart's card. I'll call her right now."

A short time later, Steve disconnected his phone and spoke to his friends. "She'll expedite Pete getting a permit to carry. She just needs you to stop in at the station, fill out some forms, answer a million questions, and get fingerprinted. We'll send her proof of your employment. You should have a permit by noon. The company happens to have some legal handguns you can choose from.

"I want Ashley and Becky to stay in the hotel today, just to be on the safe side. I want Pete to apply for his permit and get back here to keep an eye on your girls. I'll put Kate in a cab. Naomi will be riding with me since we're both going to the Senate Building. I'll talk with Senator Chatham and see what she knows about this situation. I think it's probably run its course. The guys that got away shouldn't be after us. They work for money, not loyalty to country, or family."

When Steve left the hotel with Kate and Naomi, there was a large crush of reporters gathered to ask questions. Steve declined to comment, stating that he needed to find out what had transpired overnight before he would speculate on anything.

A short time later, he was in Senator Chatham's office. "Young Man, you're a sight. I'm supposed to have a dashing, handsome Naval Officer as an attaché, not some marked up pugilist. That incident yesterday opened a can of worms, and the worms were in the CIA. President Hanson is meeting with his top aides and the Director of the CIA this morning. You can bet he'll be chewing out the Director. The CIA is supposed to defend and protect Americans, not try to kill them.

"By the time this all shakes out, we'll probably have a new Director, as well as deputies over at Langley," predicted Senator Chatham. "I'd prefer you forgo any more statements or interviews with the press until the situation has stabilized. We've just made plans to travel to Hungary in early January, for a small economic summit. Your presence has been requested, so don't try to get out of it. You'll have a few weeks off for Christmas, and then it's back to work."

When Steve got back to the hotel that evening, Chip was waiting for him. "I'm glad you decided to get some security for these ladies. It looks like the CIA was behind the snafu in Iraq, just like you thought. Why is it that every time I see you, your ugly mug has bruises, contusions, and cuts? I don't know what Gwen sees in you."

"Kate wasn't too happy when I explained that you were her security," lied Steve smoothly. "She said she could kick your ass on your best day. She knows you're almost totally worthless with guns, knives, or fists."

"I never said that!" exclaimed Kate as she approached the pair. "Chip, it's so good to see you. Steve says you'll have to stay very close to keep me safe. I told Mom that you're coming home with me for Thanksgiving, and that you'd be staying in my room. She said she'd talk to Dad about it."

"Uh-oh. How do you think your father will take it?" asked a concerned Chip.

"Gwen always wondered why Steve was so worried about Dad and how he felt about her sleeping with him. Now I see you're the same way. You're bigger and stronger than Dad. Why are you nervous?"

"Kate, your father is the head of the family. If he tells me to leave his home, I will. If he tells me to sleep in the garage, I will. He's earned my respect. I won't go against him. Size and strength have nothing to do with it. I don't care how big the guys are that take out our daughters. They'll obey my rules or they'll be sent down the road so fast their heads will swim," stated Chip firmly.

"We're having daughters? Does that mean you've patched things up with your father? You know that was one of the things you had to do to convince me to have your babies," laughed Kate.

"I've spoken to him. He's still stubborn and narrow minded, but I'm working on it. He'll see things my way before too long," responded Chip.

"That's great. I can't wait to meet him when he and your mother come to Sparta for Thanksgiving. I know you and your dad will get along splendidly," grinned Kate.

Steve and the girls, along with Chip and Pete, returned to Sparta Tuesday evening. Steve was staying with Jason and Lisa in their new house, while the rest of the group was staying with Paula in her old house, since her new home next to Lisa's was not quite finished. Paula stopped in at Lisa's to find Steve sitting next to her as she nursed her baby.

"Is this okay with you, Lisa?" asked Paula. "I can make this guy leave the room."

"Honestly, I like to have Steve watch. It helps me relax even more. I can see why Aunt Diane was so open about it. Jason knows all about it and was even teasing Steve about being a pervert. It would've stung more if Jason wasn't just as bad. Wait until Gwen has a baby. Every guy in the community will be watching her breastfeed, if they get the chance," predicted Lisa.

"In my day, it was a much more private matter," admitted Paula as she took a seat across from Lisa. "I was embarrassed when Ted watched me nurse you. It took a few weeks to get over that. I certainly couldn't have let Steve watch."

"I wasn't even born then, so you're right. But I'm serving notice that if you have a baby, I'm going to be right next to you when you breastfeed it," promised Steve.

"If I have a baby, you can watch all you want," agreed Paula with a laugh. "That simply won't happen. Besides, it wouldn't be like watching Lisa. I'm a lot older and gravity is having more effect every year."

"I think you're fishing for a compliment now," suggested Steve. "What do you think, Lisa? Is your mother trying to coax me into saying something nice about her feminine charms?"

"It sure sounds like it," admitted Lisa as she switched her baby to the other breast. "You don't need a reason to show off in front of Steve. We all know how you feel about the guy."

"I'm not sure what you think, but I'm certainly not going to be showing anything off to him, or anyone else," insisted Paula. "I'm a married woman."

"So am I, Mom, and look at me. I have both breasts out and I'm feeding my daughter. Jason's in the garage, trying to get his new turkey fryer figured out. He might walk in any minute and Steve and I aren't worried a bit," pointed out Lisa. "Jason knows neither of us would ever betray him. Seeing my boobs isn't like having sex with me. Steve seems to enjoy it, I know I enjoy it, and as odd as it sounds, it makes Jason extra horny. Maybe you should try it, just to see how Dad reacts."

"Listen to Lisa. She's wise beyond her years," offered Steve with a straight face. "I do have something I'd like to tell you in private. Would you step into the kitchen with me, Paula?" asked Steve.

Paula nodded and walked into the kitchen ahead of Steve. "I think about Uncle Joe a lot this time of year. It was Thanksgiving break of my third year at the Academy when I came home to find him so ill. You remember how he died the day after Thanksgiving and how badly I took it?

"I never told you how much it meant to me that you took over and made all of the arrangements. Everyone supported me, but you were amazing. Today, when I was thinking about that Thanksgiving, I realized that I never made the effort to express my gratitude. I acted like it was expected, and not like you helped me when I was totally lost.

"You're a very special woman; intelligent, kind, giving, yet forceful. You're beautiful, but modest and you've raised the most amazing, gorgeous daughters on the planet," praised Steve. "You need to know that I see what you are and what you do for your family. I admire and respect you. I see a lot of you in Gwen, and I'll always do everything in my power to see that you, your daughters, and grandchildren are always safe and loved."