Lady in Red Pt. 03 Ch. 02


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At this point, the members of the press began whispering and mumbling so loudly that Gwen chose to simply, and quite obviously, wait for quiet. The press corps soon realized they were holding up the President's announcement and went silent again.

"This will be named the 'We Come in Peace World Tour'. I realize that this has never been done before, but the world has just narrowly avoided war. It's my intention to prevent this sort of situation from developing again, at least on my watch. We will appear in concerts in sixteen world capitals over a two month span. While visiting these nations, I will have a frank and open dialogue with the leaders of each nation, if they are willing. The world is becoming a small place. Countries need to find ways to work together peacefully toward common goals.

"In accordance with the twenty fifth amendment, I would like to announce my selection for vice president at this time. I have asked former President Vincent Rosen to serve in that capacity in my administration and he has graciously agreed. As you all know, he didn't seek re-election when his beloved wife, Cynthia, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. He spent the last year of her life at her side, assisting her any way possible. He has proven his ability to govern, but more importantly to me, he has demonstrated his humanity. I expect his nomination to sail through the Senate and House.

"I have also managed to persuade former Senator Chatham to accept the position of Secretary of Defense. I have no need to discuss her qualifications. She has had a long and honorable career in government. Again, I fully expect the Senate to approve her nomination quickly. I will now entertain questions."

Once again, Amber Stahl was chosen to pose the first question. "Madam President, you ascended to the Presidency one week ago. In that period of time you have managed to rebuke Congress, as well as resolve an international situation that many believed would escalate to war. Do you feel vindicated by the success of your husband and best friend in these negotiations?"

"That's a good question," granted Gwen as she considered her response. "When I, along with my advisors, heard what Steve and Naomi proposed, I am ashamed to say that I considered the option not heeding their advice. There were experienced military and political people in the room, and they all felt it was a bad idea. After some back and forth, I came to realize that of all of those speaking, Steve and Naomi were the ones I needed to trust. Others may have had more experience, but no one has a better understanding of the dynamics of the nations involved than my husband. This country is blessed to have a person like Steve willing and able to state our case to world leaders.

"Do not make the mistake of thinking I wasn't worried. Do not think that Steve and Naomi did not have to work extremely hard and even twist some arms to accomplish what they did. To answer your question, I did very little in the scheme of things. Steve and Naomi pulled this off. If anyone had any doubts about Naomi's qualifications and ability to perform at a very high level as Secretary of State prior to this week, those doubts should be now be eliminated. I urge the Senate to quickly approve her nomination."

Gwen then pointed to a representative from a New York paper. "Are we to understand that you will be performing in concerts for a period of two months? Are you concerned about being away from Washington for such a long span?"

"I swore to defend, protect, and preserve the constitution of the United States. I intend to do exactly that. I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States to the absolute best of my ability. I have been in office about a week and tensions have been reduced considerably around the globe, mostly through the tireless efforts of Naomi Wilson-White and my husband."

Gwen pointed to another reporter who quickly asked, "What about domestic policy? What about getting your nominees pushed through the senate? How will you accomplish that while you are off performing in foreign lands?"

Gwen surprised the reporter by smiling at his question. "Your very question indicates that you don't believe that the Senate will approve my nominees without my exerting considerable pressure on them. You and many other citizens have come to expect little or nothing from your elected representatives. You seem certain that they lack the simple skills required to do their jobs properly.

"My job description does not include babysitting Congress. These people have been elected to perform certain tasks. One of those tasks is to approve the nominations the president makes for the cabinet. I expect them to do exactly that. If they do not, I ask that the American public voice their displeasure in any and all legal avenues.

"I'll be building stronger relationships with nations across the globe for two months. When I return to Washington with my husband, he and I will determine why some nominations were not approved and we will proceed accordingly."

"Madam President, are you threatening Congress again with that last statement? Your husband has no official position in Washington. Why would you include him in your statement?" asked a cable news reporter.

"Really?" chuckled Gwen. "Steve has just brought the world back from the brink of war, with the able assistance of Naomi White. That's merely the latest of his accomplishments. Perhaps you can name a senator or congressman that wields as much power and influence as Steve?"

"No, I can't, Madam President, but is it proper to bully and threaten elected officials this way?" persisted the reporter.

"I don't agree with your choice of words," stated Gwen flatly. "The Senate will have two months to review and pass my nominations before I return to Washington. Personally, I believe any nominee I place before the senate will be a highly qualified individual. If they cannot act in that period of time, I will have to use whatever legal means are at my disposal to encourage the Senate to simply perform the job that they were elected to do. It happens that my husband is at my disposal, and will be an extremely effective champion for my nominees. There are no threats, just promises."

"How do you respond to critics that claim that the President of the United States should not be singing and dancing provocatively, especially for the entertainment of citizens of other nations?" asked a female reporter from a major network.

"The President of the United States will be working for world peace, and will be seen by as many citizens of the world as possible. I serve at the will of the people, not the media, or elected officials. The citizens of this country want peace and prosperity, and I will be working for exactly that.

"All lives matter to me, whether they are in North Korea, Siberia, Manchuria, Canada, or Beverly Hills, but no life is more important than any other life. I will take that belief to my grave," responded Gwen with passion. "Quite frankly, I don't give a tinker's damn what elitists think. I care about the men and women of America that work hard and expect their president to do the same. I care about all people. If I can make their lives better in any way, I'll do my best to make that happen."

"Madam President, The United States has no diplomatic relations with North Korea. Are you considering reversing decades old policy? Will you meet with Jong while you are in Korea?" asked another network reporter.

"It is entirely possible. That will be a decision for Chairman Jong to make. He has been informed that I am quite willing to discuss a wide range of issues important to both nations," replied Gwen calmly.

"What about the many civil rights violations his regime has committed over the years?" asked the reporter, following up on his first question.

"It's certainly worthy of dialogue, as are many other subjects. What has the United States gained from its lack of diplomatic relations? What has North Korea gained? To be quite honest, a better understanding and open discussion are far more likely to help resolve these issues than embargoes, sanctions, and threats," stated Gwen. "Please identify where the absence of diplomatic relations has improved anything for either Americans, or North Koreans."

"We have to accept that other nations do things differently, and not always to our liking," added Gwen. "History has shown us time and time again, that trade and the free exchange of ideas do far more to improve lives than sanctions ever have."

"Will you be giving a somewhat watered-down version of your concerts now that you are President of the United States?" asked the AP reporter.

"My friends and I have never given less than our best in any performance," replied Gwen quickly. "That certainly will not change. We expect to improve and enhance our production, not diminish it."

Gwen once again pointed to Amber Stahl. "Madam President, how do you think Congress will react to the President of the United States appearing in concerts, especially in other countries?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, Amber. The truth is, it really doesn't matter much to me. I have a clear vision of what I intend to accomplish on this world tour. Congress will be back from vacation before I return to Washington. It has responsibilities and obligations to the people of America. It's my hope that, with the encouragement of the American people, Congress will move away from politics as usual and concentrate on improving the lives of our citizens," responded Gwen thoughtfully.

The following afternoon, Gwen was casually dressed as she stood waiting as a helicopter landed on the south lawn of the White House. Dozens of cameras were in place as reporters positioned themselves not far from President Hammer. They watched as Naomi and Steve stepped from the aircraft.

Naomi walked quickly up to Gwen and the two friends embraced warmly and exchanged pleasantries as Steve hung back. After a minute or so, Naomi stepped away from Gwen and Steve came forward. He was wearing cargo pants and a tight Navy camo t-shirt.

The cameras recorded the surprise on Gwen's face when Steve suddenly dropped to one knee before her. "My Queen," was all he said as he bowed his head.

Gwen was unable to totally stifle her smile a small giggle as she looked down at her amazing husband. He had bowed to her as the world watched, leaving no room for doubt that his love and dedication to his wife were total and absolute.

Gwen allowed him to remain kneeling for several more seconds before speaking. "Rise Warrior," was all she said.

Gwen waited patiently as Steve slowly rose to stand before her. She stared into his eyes as she moved close, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him long and hard while reporters watched in surprised silence.

Across America, citizens watched the reunion with a great deal of pride. A man reunites with his wife, who just happens to be President of the United States, after a week's separation. The absolute love the couple shared was obvious to all. Smiles turned to laughter when Steve swept his wife off her feet and into his arms before she had finished her kiss. He started toward the White House as Gwen was seen speaking quietly in his ear. He nodded and turned to face the media, but refused to allow his squirming wife to leave his arms for several long seconds.

Gwen was giggling like a school girl when Steve finally placed her feet gently back on the ground. Her relief at having her husband back at her side was obvious to all.

"We'll answer a few questions before we go inside to enjoy a quiet meal with the family," stated Gwen with a smile.

"Steve, ah, Mr. Hammer, how difficult was it to reach the agreement with Russia and China and did you think that they would abide by it?" asked a network reporter.

"Just call me Steve. It was a process. Naomi and I remained patient and appealed to everyone's desire for a peaceful solution. I will tell you this. The turning point for getting NATO to go along with the withdrawal was the fearless way Gwen faced Congress. Once our allies were convinced that she was willing and able to take on the legislative branch of government to keep America's promises, our allies quickly bought into the withdrawal."

"President Hammer has been telling us that you and Ms. Wilson-White were responsible for the success of your mission. Are you telling us that it was her actions that made the difference?" asked another reporter.

"What I'm telling you is this. The United States is extremely fortunate to have a leader with the vision, integrity, strength, and humility she possesses," replied Steve as he pulled Gwen's shoulders closer to his chest. "Other nations' leaders are very much looking forward to meeting her and discussing a wide range of topics. She has the respect of the world. She's earned it, and it will serve America well."

"This is the first evening you two have been together since you took office, Madam President," began Martha Raster, the elder spokeswoman of the press corps. "You have recently taken up residence in the White House. Do you have plans to 'christen' every room?"

Gwen and Steve laughed as hard as the other members of the press at the older woman's question. "My goodness, Martha! There are an awfully lot of rooms in the White House," observed Gwen with a chuckle. "Would you recommend such plans?"

"Madam President, considering how great your husband looks and how well he defends and loves you, I most certainly would!" responded the older woman with surprising passion.

Once again, everyone broke into gales of laughter. As soon as it abated, the older lady felt the need to defend her statement. "Well, just look at him!" was all she said as yet again, laughter erupted.

"We'll take your suggestion under advisement," replied Gwen with a broad smile. "He does look good, doesn't he?"

"Steve, Mr. Hammer, how do you feel about the prevailing opinion in Congress that it's undignified and demeaning for the President of the United States to appear in concert, especially in less than friendly nations?" asked a reporter from a Washington paper.

"I think Gwen expressed our feelings on deferring to Congress the other day. However, in the interest of fairness, I'll be glad to stop in and discuss the reasoning behind her decision, if any members of Congress would care to meet with me," replied Steve evenly.

"Do you think anyone will take you up on that offer?" asked another reporter. "Many members seem to be less than keen to be in the same room with you."

"Anyone treating my wife with the respect she deserves will have no problem with me," responded Steve calmly. "By the same token, those that demonstrate a personal agenda against my wife will definitely be dealing with me. Criticism is an acceptable and important part of a democracy. Personal insults, lies, or any sort of cowardly attacks are not."

"Just now, you knelt before your wife and referred to her as your queen," began another reporter. "Do you feel your wife is the queen of this country?"

"That's a loaded question," chuckled Steve. "My wife is my queen. It's just that simple."

"And Steve is my warrior husband," added Gwen quickly. "It's not hype. I honestly think of him that way. Now you'll have to excuse us. I want to enjoy a meal with my friends and family. Martha, I'll get a list of the rooms in the White House, so we'll know just how sizeable an effort your suggestion would require."

The press corps broke into loud laughter as Gwen took Steve's hand and led him into the White House. Naomi was standing with Jared and her two boys when Steve and Gwen entered the building.

"I watched that on the monitors," began Naomi. "You guys are a delight. The press loves the way you interact with each other, as well as with the public."

"Gwen's the most photogenic, articulate president we've ever had," boasted Lisa. "Having Steve stand at her side makes it even better. In the first week of her presidency, she's brought the U.S. back from the edge of war. Crawford had struggled with it for weeks with no results. It'll be interesting to see if Congress tries to buck the obvious approval America has for her by denying appointments, or creating trouble over the 'World Tour' we'll be embarking on within the week."

"I'm hearing that it's going to be the main topic of discussion for Congress," advised William Patterson. "A lot will depend on how it all shakes out in the end, but rest assured that Congress will be hoping for failure, embarrassing situations, or any other reason to find fault with Gwen's activities.

"She's thrown down the gauntlet and Congress is still smarting. They're gradually gathering their nerve and formulating plans to weaken Gwen's influence. They seem to keep forgetting about Steve and the Hell he's capable of raining down on them," said Steve's grandfather as he slowly shook his head.

"Dinner is ready, so let's eat," interjected Paula. "The children will be eating with us, so let's discuss pleasant topics. They understand more then we realize."

Gwen and Steve had big smiles on their faces as they listened to their friends and relatives talk about how amazing it was to be dining in the White House. The kids joined in, asking many questions and making surprising observations. The happy chatter coming from the dining room caused those who had worked in the kitchen under President Crawford to smile. The White House now had a First Family that was representative of America and its values!

The next morning saw Charlie, Jordan, and Steve setting up instruments in the South Court Auditorium. Before noon, various musicians began arriving with more instruments. The original members of Charlie's band had long ago left to pursue individual careers, but Charlie had greatly increased his contacts with musicians over the years. He now produced numerous successful acts and often needed superior musicians to fill in during recording sessions.

Charlie was delighted to see Jodie Lane stroll through the door carrying her sax. She had forged a very successful recording career and was always in demand to play in recording sessions for other artists.

"Thanks for coming, Jodie!" welcomed Charlie as he gave the woman a warm hug. "I know you had to rearrange your busy schedule to help us for the next two months."

"Yeah, going on a world tour with the President of the United States to play in the best group ever is a real sacrifice for me," chuckled the vivacious woman. "Thanks for thinking of me. I still get goose bumps when I think about that gig in Paris. That really started my career and was my personal highlight, at least so far. I expect we're going to eclipse that show quite a few times on this tour. This is really exciting for me."

Once all of the musicians were assembled, Charlie introduced them to each other and to Steve, who gave a short speech. "Gwen and I thank all of you for your willingness to give up two months of your busy lives to help us give the best performance we possibly can. This trip is far more than a concert tour. We'll be representing the United States of America. I hope that means as much do you as it does to me.

"We'll always give our best. We'll be polite and helpful. We'll avoid drugs of any kind and only use alcohol in moderation. We will do nothing to embarrass the president. If you can't abide by these conditions, leave right now. Be assured that if you do something to embarrass Gwen on this tour, I'll kick your ass and toss you out so fast your head will spin. If you perform like Charlie knows that you can and make us look good, you'll receive a healthy bonus at the end of the tour. This is the chance of a lifetime, so please take advantage of it.

"Once we're set up and ready, Gwen will head over to work with us. Don't let her title affect your performance. We only have time for a few rehearsals, so bring your A-game right from the start. The only other thing I want to tell you is that Gwen and Jordan are the stars and the rest of us will be doing all we can to make them look as good as possible. We have no egos. We all do our best and follow Charlie's directions. He's a genius with music, so don't question him. Just do what he says."