Land of Men Ch. 01


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Grinning he leaned forward so that he could whisper into her ear while he held her. "Instead of being pampered I think you need to be shown your place. The more you fight me the more you will be put through. I love a feisty woman so go ahead and fight me." Pulling back he knew his words would fuck with her mind as he eased up his grip just enough to let her get a breath but still keep hold of her. Letting his gaze roam over her, he grinned hearing her whimper as his other hand moved to trail over her body, feeling her.

As his hand reached her right breast, he stopped to squeeze and watch her fight her emotions as pain mixed with pleasure from the simple gesture. After a minute he let go to pull his hand away, letting her think he was done but then bringing his hand down hard across her breast slapping it and grabbing roughly at the same time. She yelped and squealed a bit which excited him. However that was short lived as her next instinct was to kick out at him with her right foot. Anticipating her move, he moved his leg to block and then pin her leg with his as he then used his body to push her against the wall to fully pin her.

"Stop!...Let..ME..GO!" She squealed out too late as she heard his evil little laugh.

"Maybe if you had of added 'please Master' to the end of that I might be inclined to do as asked. But you forgot those magic words." He said toying with her as he watched the fear cross her eyes as she fought the realization that if he wanted to he could force her to the floor, strip her, and have his way with her right here and now. She was a confident woman and independent and now all of that was being shaken to the very core of its foundation within her.

Part of him wanted to feel sorry for her but then again she was bringing everything on herself so pity was out f the question. Reaching into his jeans pocket, he pulled out a medium length choke chain. Being careful he slipped it over her head and around her neck as he released his grip on her throat. He would have to be careful with this for of a collar as he really did not want to hurt her however he did want to scare her a little and this had ways of convincing contrary slaves to follow. "I think you know how this works. Its very simple. I walk and you follow. If you don't then this chain is going to tighten around this pretty little neck of yours and its going to cut off your ability to breath not to mention it will leave some nasty marks so I suggest you learn to cooperate fast." He said in final warning as he pulled a thin black leash from his other pocket and attached it to the end of the choke chain. Without warning, he moved away from her and began walking.

Trista panicked as he put the choke collar on her and then hooked a leash to it and moved away from her. Seriously he couldn't be serious and yet he was. Even as her ind swirled with what little had happened so far, she somehow managed to make her feet move forward and keep up to him so that she didn't choke herself. Silently he lead her down several long halls of the elegant mansion. Everything was pristine and beautiful but she wasn't paying total attention to it all as she was too busy looking for some way to escape all of this.

After several minutes they came to a large bedroom which lead to a large bathroom. No doubt by the looks of things this was his room. Pulling her into the bathroom, he undid her wrist cuffs and ordered her to strip. It was a simple yet firm command. Yet it was one she couldn't comply with. As the words left his lips, she gave him a look of disbelief. She wasn't ready for this. "No!" She said with enough defiance in her voice to cover her timidness at what he wanted of her. To her astonishment he never missed a beat as he gave her a simple shrug with the words "Alright suit yourself."

With that he pulled her to him with the leash and grabbed her by her hair and pushed her into the shower fully clothed. keeping a hold on her hair he forced her to her knees in the shower and then reached over to turn it on to a very cold stream that was directed straight at her. She screamed as soon as the cold jets hit her and she quickly began to fight to move away from them but he held her firm in place as he stayed outside of the tub. "Now then when you are ready to start shedding those clothes then I will start giving you a little bit of warm water."

Trista couldn't believe what was happening. How dare he be so cruel to her. It was unreal that he would let her sit here and freeze but by the sound of his voice he was dead serious of what he had said. If she didn't comply to his demand then he would hold her hear by her hair which was already becoming painful, and let her enjoy a very cold shower. After a few minutes of the cold torture she gave in. Her body was starting to shiver as her clothes became more and more soaked with the cold water. "Alright!... I'll strip just stop the cold!" She yelped as he held her eyes closed to stop the water from getting in them as he held her firm. Seeing that he didn't immediately give in to her squeal of giving in she groaned to herself as she realized what he was waiting for. "Please Master, let me go and let me strip and warm up please."

With those words said, Vaiden grinned and let go of her hair as he gave her a nod of acknowledgment. Waiting to make sure she complied, he slowly began to add a little bit of warm water to the stream as she shed all of her clothing. "See that wasn't so hard now was it? Now clean yourself up and then we will find you some new clothing." He chuckled lightly as he gathered the wet clothing and placed them to the side of the bathroom. Giving her the chance to continue to be good, he sat back admired her beautiful body as he watched her wash herself. Had she played nicely this whole time he would have joined her and gently bathed her himself but since she wanted to be stubborn she would miss out for now. After all once she was done he would put her through the full initiation of becoming his property and by the end of the night he would claim her one way or another.

Trista felt shy as she bathed herself in the large glass shower. She could feel his gaze upon her and it unnerved her greatly. Normally such feelings would ignite her anger and she would burst out with something to anger the person enough to leave her alone or she would attack them. However this man didn't play by the rules and she was still partially shivering fro the cold shower she had just endured. Knowing full well if she pissed him off at this exact moment that the cold water may well return, she managed to keep herself in check as she washed up and gave him her backside to view the whole time as it was the only for of defiance she could truly do towards him at the moment.

Vaiden knew he could be much harsher on the poor girl for her actions but he also knew what all was coming in the next few hours.

Seeing as how she was at least not attacking him and wasn't trying to escape him, he counted that as small progress so far. Then again he hadn't truly tested her yet on her behavior. That would come later he was sure.

Hearing his phone begin to ring in his pocket, Vaiden smiled as he pulled it out and checked the caller id. It was none other than Trista's father. After her disappearance he had arranged ownership of her sister and made sure there would be no incident a second time. After doing some investigating on his dove that manages to fly the coop, he knew he had to have her younger sister as well. He figured he could use the sister to lure Trista to him if his reward offer fell through. However one way or another he knew he would have Trista and Deisa.

As it was their home life was not the best. The house was run down and their father had a constant slur to his speech while the pungent odor of alcohol rent the air around him. That alone had been enough to decide to make arrangements for Deisa but the fear he had seen I'm the forefront of her beautiful face set the deal in stone for him as he suspected neglect with the way the young girl looked upon her father. Had he been able to he would have taken her out of that house that very day. However she was too young for him to have any say in things other than making future arrangements. Since then he had personally kept close contact on Deisa.

With arrangements in place for her to be escorted to his estate first thing in the morning, he hadn't expected and calls from her or her father. Not wanting Trista to overhear, he answered the call and stepped out of the room. There was no need getting her riled up just yet.

It took a moment for Trista to realize he had left and had even shut the door to the bathroom. The noise of the shower covered up his movements though it hadn't managed to cover up his cell phone ringing which just happened to play the background music of a very old alternative or rock song. She was too young to know the century old song but it reminded her of something her father once listened to. He was a collector of very old things for reasons she didn't know. With opportunity on her side, she quickly finished washing up and quickly exited the shower dry off. She had hoped to dress before he returned but her old clothes were still cold and soaked in a pile on the floor and he hadn't brought her anything else to wear yet.

If he thought she would prance around naked he seriously had another thought coming. Having no other alternative she took the large dark blue towel she had dried off with and secured it snugly around her. It barely covered her but it was enough to satisfy her. Hearing his voice faintly in the other room, she could tell he was preoccupied with other things. Now was the perfect time to plot her escape. Surely there was something in the bathroom that she could use against him.

For a large bathroom it was pretty average. It had a small closet to one side. Close to the closet was a large vanity with dark marble counter tops and two large marble sinks, and underneath were two large cabinets. Above the toilet was a nice sized window that she could more than likely squeeze through and to the far wall was the large glass shower with a large spa type tub beside it. Being quick but quiet, she moved to the large vanity and began to snoop in the cabinets underneath them. In the first she found extra toilet paper and a few cleaning products. In the next one however she found allot more.

Inside she found a bottle of alcohol, baby oil, a few razors, beard trimmer, hair sheers, styling gel, baby powder, a girl's large cosmetic bag which she assumed wasn't his, a curling iron, and a few other common chemicals and things for bathroom. The way things were set up she could tell the girls had a small area to keep a few personal things they may want or need while entertaining him. Grinning she grabbed the cosmetic bag, the alcohol, the baby oil, and the curling iron. She would have to act quick as there was no telling how long he would be on the phone. Opening the first cabinet again she grabbed the plunger and a bottle of Clorox toilet cleaner. She didn't bother with the closet for now as she figured it had to hold towels and wash rags and nothing too special, not to mention she was rushed for time.

Grinning evilly to herself, she started putting everything into action, being sure to plug up the curling iron first. She took the the Clorox and squirted it on the floor near the door. It had a green tint to it so he would be sure to see it but that was what she wanted. After making a squiggly mess in the entrance with the green smelly goo, she put the bottle on the counter top and grabbed the baby oil. This he would not see. Giggling to herself she smeared the floor with it just past the puddle of green and made the trail leading to the large shower which she opened the door to and turned on pure hot water to so it would finish steaming up the room. No doubt he had hear it so she had to move fast now.

Opening the closet door carefully so it didn't make a noise, she then moved to the window and opened it carefully. It was then she heard his voice drawing closer to the bathroom door. With her heart in her throat, she darted to the closet, being sure to grab the bottle of alcohol and the plunger on her way and closed herself into the closet as quietly as possible.

Vaiden heard a few noises in the bathroom he wasn't too pleased with. He had been a little preoccupied with the important call about her sister, however he wasn't so occupied that he missed the ruckus she was making. Surely she was doing something stupid. Cutting his call short, he headed back to the bathroom to see what was going on. He heard the shower running but he also felt a breeze through the door. Oh no she wasn't that stupid, was she? Preparing for an ambush of some sort, he carefully opened the door.

Glancing in he didn't see anything except the steam from the shower fogging it up and then he noted the direction the steam was heading which was towards the opened window. Damn her! He thought as he moved forward quickly to investigate. That was his undoing. His foot caught in something slick. He felt himself move forward as his momentum combined with the slick substance on the floor and before he knew it he was falling and falling fast.

There was no way to catch himself and before he could stop himself he landed with his upper torso in the shower with very hot water scalding him while his lower half of his body was out of the shower. Growling in pain and anger with curses under his breath, he moved to get up as carefully as he could with hot water hitting him in the face and his feet slipping in the invisible goo. Sadly for him this was just the start of his problems. Just as he found his footing, he heard the closet door behind him open. Turning to look back he was welcomed by the site of Trista half naked with a towel wrapped around her and her wet hair falling about her shoulders and holding a plunger and a bottle of something the other hand.

Before he could threaten her, more so promise her the beating of her life, or lunge for her, she moved carefully and quickly forward and squirted the bottle at his face as she used the plunger like a sword to hit him. Lucky for him the smell hit him before the liquid and realizing it was alcohol she sprayed at him he shut his eyes instinctively but it was to late. Feeling the sudden burn in his eyes he cursed as he felt her hit him with the plunger twice while telling him how much of a dog he was and how he deserved this. Oh yeah the line had now been crossed and she would pay heavily. Once he got this shit out of his eyes and got his hands on her.

Trista knew she was pushing her luck as she hit hi a second time with the plunger then turned to run. If she failed to escape then he would more than likely kill her now. Forgetting the curling iron as it wasn't needed after all, she darted from the bathroom and ran out of the bed room adjoining it. Seeing it open up to a large long hallway, she tried to remember which was he had brought her. Remembering, she took off retracing her steps as best as she could as she ran for her life.

Vaiden let a line of curses at the little hellion deceiving him.

Oh this day just got better and better. Pulling his cellphone out of his pocket, which just happened to be water proof from previous experiences with feisty brats, he hit a button on it which linked his phone to the P.A. system of his home. It was one way he could get out important announcements such as this. Once it linked up he made the announcement of the new girl escaping and who ever caught her and drug her back to him would be highly rewarded. He had no doubt she would not get far now. Within his home he had 27 slaves who loved and adored him and who would happily kill in order to be rewarded by him. If she was fortunate enough to escape his girls then she had 30 armed guards who lived at the estate whom were loyal to him, not to mention the 8 attack trained dogs which would be set loose now. Yep the day would be quite interesting indeed.

Trista cursed as she heard his voice ring out over head.

At first it startled her til she realized it was just an intercom system she was hearing. However that relief was short lived as she turned into the foyer to find an large male guard armed with a tranquilizer gun and a taser blocking the front door. Oh hell no. She did not need round two with that thing. Turning quickly she headed back down the corridor and ducked down a smaller hallway. She had no intention to give taser man a clear shot at her. But as fate would have it she didn't get too far in the maze of hallways before she ran into several girls, 6 in total. All of them wore sexy skimpy outfits and all of them didn't look too happy seeing her. No doubt these were his brain washed minions who feared him and would catch her just to avoid his brutality. Yes even though he hadn't been too bad to her yet, she still saw him as a tyrannical dictator in her mind.

One of the girls stood out from the rest. She was about the same height as Trista. She was similar in build but had beautiful long blonde hair which was pulled into loosely braided pigtails. She wore a pair of very short camo shorts and a pink and white short cutoff tank top that said, 'kiss my barrels' cross the breast with a picture of a double barrel shotgun behind the letters extending so the barrel ends were drawn upon her nipples. She had an air about her as though what she said, went and the look in her eyes was pure challenge to Trista. Oh how Trista wanted to choke her with her pigtails but right now she needed to get out of her. "Um...cute top...gotta run...see ya..!" Trista said sarcastic as she turned to run. Unfortunately just as she turned and bolted she slammed into a brick wall, with strong arms.

Well it felt like a brick wall, but it was none other than Vaiden. Looking up into his angry stare she gasped as his hand was suddenly once again around her throat. "Poor slave." Was all he said grimly as he pulled something from his pocket and brought it up for her to see. It was a needle of clear fluid. Her eyes grew large as she watched him undo the cap with his teeth and then he moved to inject it in her neck. She struggled all that she could but he was cutting off her breath making it hard to think. Just before she felt the needle she felt arms behind her grab her and help hold her still. Wincing she felt the sting in her neck as her world started to darken.

As she became limp in his arms, Vaiden handed the needle and cap to Reyna. She had been with him for 8 years and was always happy to assist him. She knew him better than anyone and could read him like a book as he always did with her. Smiling up at him she capped the used needle as he picked Trista up in his arms. "Good girl Rey, come help me get her downstairs." He said softly as the rest of the girls returned to their chores and daily routines. The drug he injected her with would keep her unconscious for a couple of hours. That would give him time to get her properly restrained in his dungeon as well as allow his live in physician give her a full exam and allow him to properly tend to his still burning eyes. Not to mention he needed to calm fully before he touched her or her punishment would go allot further than it should. No matter what she had done to him, he was not that cruel to allow himself to harm any of his girls.


((Author's Note: Chapter Two will written and posted later on depending on the responses from this first installment of this story. If the interests is low to non existent then I will not post anymore on this story. So please leave feedback.))

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Awesome u gotta complete it just make it a bot more forced

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Good so far

What happens next? Write the next chapter. It is good so far, and can get better

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

So want to see more please! Great writing ability and love the story :)

ForonceForonceabout 10 years ago
a little bit of constructive critisism

You are pointing out the obvious all through the chapter. Using the characters thoughts to tell the reader a bit too much. It could be better if you allow the reader to enterpret some of your characters actions by them selves, and thereby allow the reader to use her/his imagination.

The more freedom you give the reader in terms of enterpretation, the more likely it will be your story will please a larger group of readers.

I feel your male character is a bit chaotic and poorly fleshed out. I would appreciate a bit of personality and perhaps background on him. Less aggressive chaos please. He is after all supposed to be a wealthy slave master, is he not? Perhaps a bit more in control? I do get the feeling that is what you are trying to get across, but him slapping her and choking her is a bit uncontrolled.

The female character is one hand feisty and proud, but on the other hand I get the feeling she is giving in far to easily. One example of this is the shower scene where she caves and not only does as she is told, but also calles him "master". It would be logical that she would be confused at that time, seeing as she is being manhandled in a cold shower, just captured and made a slave. Therefore it seems a bit odd that she is so rational.

However, I particularly liked the description of where she had him falling down in the shower. That was nicely done.

I think you have the makings of a good story here, and I really hope you don´t rush it.

Take your time to let us get attached to the characters and leave some good bits for later chapters. Everything doesn´t have to happen at once.

A slow burner will prevail :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
More please!

You are off to a great start. I hope to see Ch. 2 as soon as humanely possible. I was so enthralled in your story I didn't notice any grammar issues. And to the anon who critiqued your 'grammer' thanks for the chuckle.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Loved the beginning and the way vaiden thinks. Please keep going!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

This is great ! Keep going!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Are you kidding me?

I stopped reading when you introduced the male character. I guess you feel rape is okay if the man is handsome. I bet you're a huge fan of Jeremy Meeks too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
LARGER than life

I love a good back story, but you use the word "large" about 10 times in the paragraph describing the bathroom. Thesaurus, that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Overall, I'm loving it so far! I agree with everyone else, don't let her give in too easily!! Keep her fighting!

Also I don't want him to get the little sister. I hope he just used her for bait and that's it. I'm no fan of incest.

Keep going!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Find someone to proof read your writings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Damn she's going to give in. He's going to hold her sister over her. So is she going to allow him to have both her and her sister? Yuck, that's just a little too much family love for my liking. Talk about sloppy seconds.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

i enjoyed this,, please keep her fiesty and dont let her give in ,, give her some chances to get even and not become another statistic give the plot a few good twists ,, i really enjoyed this start ,,,a little more descriptive make things just a little more to think about but a bloody good start to what i hope it a good long story and lots more pages per chapter would be a heaven sent gift to story readers thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
good, but ge to the sex!!

Haha. And be descriptive..."as he slapped her breasts, a heat rushed through her..."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
really good

I really liked this. Sure it isn't plausible but its still well written and I can't wait to see what happens next!

Irishlass1662Irishlass1662about 10 years ago
I loved it!!!!!

I really loved it....

I do hope you continue as their are enough stories on the site that get started and never finished

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