Las Vegas Best Friend Threesome

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Three best friends vacation in Sin City and sin becomes them.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/05/2017
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Jenny and Noah and Elijah had been the three most inseparable friends all throughout high school.

They'd grown up on the same cul-de-sac and their shared geography soon determined an easy grouping all throughout the following years.

In high school, they each stood out in different but complimentary ways. Elijah filled the role of the three-sport athlete that plastered activities over every inch of his Letterman's jacket. He was jovial, well liked, and generally involved in most things worth being involved in.

Noah was brilliant. And not just book smart. Noah could seduce you with words or force you into brilliant conversation in a way that might leave you feeling startlingly awake. He captained debate team and was perpetually successful with the girls he chased.

Jenny was popular, not because she was terrible to other people, but because she oozed a sort of warmth and genuine connection that allowed her to get her way in almost every situation imaginable. She was the ASB events planner, dance team choreographer, Spanish Club Secretary, Yearbook Editor, and so many other things. She cruised through AP classes like they were merely suggestions. When something at the school needed to get done, she usually got it done. Bureaucracy folded neatly into her back pocket. She was, with eye-rolling accuracy, a classic Americana author's version of the girl next door, which only made you want to please her even more.

Growing up, her house was directly in between both Noah's and Elijah's.

From childhood scraped knees to the eventual early pangs of first crushes the three had gotten to know each other more and more over the years

There had been a couple of close calls as they grew up together, but over time the simple truth was that the friendship was far stronger than any romantic inclinations.

This was for the best though. While some people had cycled three times through their various friend groups as they aged, these three had found ways of evolving together, still finding shared zones of their expanding life-interest Venn diagrams to keep each other always entertained.

When graduation came and it was time to apply for different schools, they all ended up in the same city, both Noah and Jenny had been accepted to a prestigious private university studying slightly different disciplines, while Elijah followed in his father's footsteps to study business downtown at the family alma mater.

They saw each other when they could, usually over quick lunches or on the weekends. Jenny's on-campus dorm was walking distance from Noah's apartment so they occasionally found themselves catching a movie during a cancelled class or just generally wasting away the occasional lazy Sunday in the service of bad background television while they worked on various homework projects and upcoming projects.

One of the biggest things that had kept all three friends connected over the years was the music festivals they enjoyed attending. It was perhaps because they grew up together that the one thing they always shared was a love for a similar style of music.

In high school it had been skater punk and hip hop, and then came the alternative and the underground hip hop, and then clubs and house music and DJ's and dancing. There was weekend festival visits and the occasional insane house party where the three would let loose and catch up like old times.

It was Jenny's idea to celebrate their third full year of college with a weekend in Vegas. All three had recently celebrated their 21st birthdays and Vegas was a right of passage at this age. Both boys had gotten the group text during the last weeks of the semester and both had enthusiastically agreed.

They were all exhausted from an invigorating third year of tackling the world, and spending three days in the grasp of Vegas's desert debauchery seemed like just the sort of medicine to turn off their brains for a bit.

They met at the airport where they'd be heading towards their much-needed friend-cation.

"Don't call it that," Noah said to Elijah as they boarded their flight. "There are over 170,000 currently active words in the English language...if we're stooping to 'friendcation' before we've even started the heavy drinking I shudder to think at how far we'll fall."

The friends laughed at that and quickly caught up after seeing each other for the first time in months. The end of the semester had been cruel to all of their schedules and their dialogue had existed mostly in the worlds of text and social networking.

It didn't take long for all of the old jokes and barbs and comfort to fall back into place. Good friendships are like good books—easy to pick back up even when you've been away for a while.

The flight flew by faster than it would have normally thanks to the easy comfort they felt with each other. And by the time they had arrived in the city of sin they were mostly caught up on each other's various city existences.

They had decided to share a room at the Cosmopolitan to save money. They'd gotten a corner suite with double king beds and a large Jacuzzi tub. They'd all spent countless nights growing up like this and it would've been a waste of money to do separate rooms.

As soon as they arrived at the hotel, Jenny had excused herself to a side bathroom in the lobby while the boys took care of getting the room cards and checking in.

As they turned away from the desk they saw her emerging from the bathroom like a butterfly breaking free from an east-coast college cocoon.

They had always known that Jenny had an understated sexiness to her-it was part of her charm after all. She had dark brunette hair that she usually wore to the side with whatever various dress or romper or jeans and a sweatshirt combo that she was going with that day.

But now she stepped out of the lobby bathroom amidst the glowing flat-screen columns of the casino wearing a flared pink skirt with a bare-midriff flowered blouse tied tight. The top two buttons were left undone which revealed a lacy pink bra that matchd her skirt. Heels completed the outfit.

"Holy Fuck!" Elijah said as she approached them with a playful bounce in her step.

"I'll see your 'Holy Fuck' and raise you a 'Goddamn!'," Noah replied.

"Boys. It's Vegas. Don't act like you've never seen me dress like a slut before. Also...don't slut shame me. That's more Noah's category of expertise anyway." She said, giving his chin a playful scrunch.

"I prefer the term 'non-monogamous serial romancer'," he countered, as he slung their bags onto the bellhop cart.

"You look great Jenny, clearly all the stairs you have to climb at that two hundred year old college you attend has done wonders for those curves," Elijah teased his old friend.

"Wow! Shots fired!" She said, laughing. "Well, it's Vegas, I only have three days and I plan to be drunk the entire time and probably wearing either something like this or less. It's supposed to be HOT this weekend anyway," She made a *CLICKCLICK* sound and did the corny two-handed point as she finished her sentence, all of them cracking up like old times at the bad double-entendre.

Elijah picked up the last of the bags and loaded the cart as they made their way to the elevators.

It was midday Friday and the city was already buzzing with the crazy crowds of early summer weekend partiers. The elevator stopped at the 20th floor where the friends stepped off to find their room.

The suite faced the Bellagio fountain that sat next door to the Cosmo. There was a balcony, a living room, a gigantic bathroom with Jacuzzi tub, a huge doublewide shower with numerous nozzles, and every high-tech amenity you could imagine.

Jenny dove backwards onto the huge king bed closest to the window while Elijah immediately hooked up his iPhone to the Bluetooth speakers that were hooked up to the entire suite. His Vegas playlist lit up the room immediately as Noah pulled open the sliding glass door and looked out over the city.

"Dibs!" She called, making snow angels on the comforter as Elijah joined Noah on the balcony.

"Look Simba," Noah started in a deep voice, as he put his arm around his friend and gestured towards the long line of extravagant casinos below, "One day all that the light touches will be yours!" Elijah smiled at his friend as he peered out aver the Vegas strip.

"But what about that dark area over there, father???" Elijah responded, playing along with a bad impression of a young Simba voice. Molly popped up in between them, suddenly.

"You must promise me NEVER TO GO THERE! For that is where the naughtiest things happen!" She whispered.

"Oh uh, then yeah I wanna go there,"Elijah said, dropping the character immediately.

"Yes, I'm in, let's go to the dark area, what were we doing again?" Noah added, as Jenny gave each boy a playful kiss on the cheek.

They all headed inside and Elijah headed for his bag. He unearthed a rare Mezcal that he'd received for his birthday mid-semester. He'd been saving for a special occasion and quickly poured each friend a shot in some glasses he unearthed from his backpack. After handing each of them their glass, he held his up to the middle of the room.

"Wait, is this the Mezcal with the worm in the bottle?" Jenny asked, inspecting her shot glass.

"No, this is the good stuff, don't worry," Elijah said reassuringly.

"Oh, I was rather hoping it was...they say the worm is an aphrodisiac you know," she arched her eyebrows at him.

"Actually, I think alcohol in general is the aphrodisiac," Noah corrected.

"Well, cheers to that," Elijah started, "and cheers to Sin City, and for stories that don't leave Sin City. And to old friends, who make life a little less awful. Cheers guys!"

"CHEERS!" They all said again in unity and downed the hellfire with a single, satisfied gulp. The weekend had officially begun.

The afternoon was spent grabbing lunch at a bar downstairs and then strolling the strip to take in the bustling scene. They bounced around at a couple of different tables—craps, poker, a very brief trip to Casino War for shits and giggles. Finally they found themselves at a particularly marvelous Blackjack setup at the Paris Hotel. Everyone was winning. The dealer was the ultimate gamblers unicorn—bust city.

By the time they left they were inexplicably more successful than they'd ever been on a gambling trip. Between the three of them they'd won three thousand dollars. Suddenly their first night seemed full of far more possibilities then when they began. Elijah joked that they had better walk quickly, lest the casino believe they were apart of a brilliant card-counting scheme.

"Boys, this looks like the beginning of a beautiful evening," Jenny said as they sauntered confidently out onto the heat of the summer strip and back towards their hotel.

The booze flowed freely back at the room while they all began the slow preparations for a night on the town. The plan was to have their crazy club night that first night and then finish off the trip at an amazing restaurant the next. They figured they'd go to bed late and sleep in and then head down to the day-club at the pool whenever their bodies allowed them to wake up from the previous night's revelries.

They made cocktails as they all got caught up back at the room.

Elijah talked about his fast-paced business program and the wheeling and dealing that began on the very first day of his third year. He seemed to be thriving following the family tradition. There was an unmistakable Wolf of Wall Street sort of ambition to his persona. As for Noah and Jenny, they too had found themselves enraptured in the new collegiate challenges. Noah was working at a very exclusive college lab on a series of revolutionary elemental discoveries and every day seemed to be pushing him towards a future in an incredibly groundbreaking field of science.

Jenny was bounding her way through the political sciences at the other end of the campus. Already she had earned herself an internship at the mayor's office and people were quickly taking note of her inescapable presence.

They talked about their various love lives and family back home.

Elijah hadn't really had time for a girlfriend, and his dry spell was much longer than both of his friends. Noah was a proud philanderer and Jenny never let him live it down. College had been the promised land of flirtation and sexual conquests. It didn't hurt to have a bitching apartment right off campus.

As for Jenny, both boys were surprised to find out that she had cleaned up in her first few years. A senior accounting student. A few professionals from the city. Her Economics professor.

"You fucked your economics teacher?! Elijah said, half spitting his beer out when she said this. "Please tell me it had nothing to do with needing a little extra credit!" He said, grinning from ear to ear.

"NO, Asshole! I'll have you know I had the best damn grade in that entire class, but sitting up front all year led me to have an intimate understanding of the giant outline in his slacks. I cornered him in his office toward the end of the semester and told him that I needed some help on a paper assignment, which wasn't totally untrue. He got up to grab a cup of coffee and when he came back into the office I was bending over the desk with my skirt hiked up over my legs and my ass arched up to him. When he walked in I told him he could either tell me to leave, or...he could fuck me and cum all over my ass." As she finished her story the boys were looking at her with their mouths wide open.

"That is the greatest story I have ever heard out loud and I have watched some very high-end porn," Noah said as he grabbed the martini shaker and mixed another round of drinks.

"Damn Jenny, I didn't know you had that type of seduction in you?" Elijah said as he looked at his friend in a much newer light.

"I've always enjoyed sex, I've just finally become confident at using my body to turn full grown men into my willing playthings," she said, purposefully tossing her hair as she said this.

They continued with stories from home and updates as to how their families were doing. They laughed and caught up and got responsibly tipsy as the sun went down and the moon rose up.

Eventually it was time for fancier outfits, cologne, perfume, hair spray.

They had bottle service thanks to one of Elijah's hookups at Club Marquee inside their hotel and one of their favorite DJ's was performing that night.

Jenny walked out of the bathroom wearing a sexy matching pair of lacy yellow underwear with sheer gray, thigh-high tights with light yellow flowers where they ended on her legs

"Alright boys, how do you like the underwear? I want to look innocent, but also stupidly fuckable." She said as she did a twirl. Her dark nipples were slightly visible through the semi-sheer fabric of the slim bra.

This might seem weird, but they had grown up getting dressed and undressed around one another and they thought nothing of it. That being said, it was impossible to ignore how attractive she really had become.

"What happened to the girl next door I grew up with?" Elijah said as his eyes shamelessly drank in his friend.

"Everyone grows up eventually." She winked over her shoulder as she strolled back into the bathroom, her perfect ass driving each of her longtime friends crazy in a purposefully exaggerated bounce. They both smiled as they looked at each other and continued getting ready.

Noah and Elijah were no slouches in the looks departments themselves. Each guy worked out regularly and while not necessarily body builders, they were both catches. Elijah maintained his athlete's frame and his trimmed black crew cut and chiseled jaw had a sort of commanding presence. Noah on the other hand kept his thick brown locks a little more unruly. He looked more like a disheveled author that had always just finished having amazing sex, and that was apart of his immediate appeal. Both boys were around six feet tall while Jenny came in seven inches shorter.

As they got dressed, the guys wound up in similarly tailored suits, both blue and black, while Jenny wore a skin tight yellow and gray dress that exposed the skin at her sides and back with a healthy amount of cleavage. She wore a black cloth choker tightly around her neck. Her yellow and black heels clacked into the room as she joined them at the floor to ceiling mirror that flanked one of the walls besides the beds.

"Well boys, we clean up pretty well if you ask me," she said, slapping each of them on the ass. They jumped forward a little as she giggled at their surprise.

"You guys wanna do one more shot before we go?" Elijah asked as he reached for his bottle of Mezcal.

"Actuaaalllllly..." Jenny began as she fetched something from the inside of her clutch, "I was wondering if you guys wanted to escape a little bit further this evening." She reached into her bag and pulled out a compact, when she opened it she slid the mirror out of the way and out popped three pills that the boys recognized immediately.

"Jenny, you sassy little minx," Noah clucked as he folded his arms and smiled at his friend. Elijah picked one of the pills up from her open palm to inspect it.

"Transformers? They're still making these in the Transformers design? You'd think that they'd try to stay a little more relevant, right?" He said as held it up to the light.

Noah grabbed a pill as well. "It's been a while," he said, a distant longing in his voice.

"We haven't done this since the Governors Ball," Elijah responded, as all three looked at each other and paused, remembering the amazing times they had had at that year's popular music festival.

"Well guys? Are we ready to jump back down the rabbit hole?" She said, smiling devilishly at them.

"Fuck it. You only live once, or whatever." Elijah said, grabbing a nearby water bottle and popping his pill right then and there. Noah and Jenny watched their friend take the first plunge, toasted each other with their pills and then repeated the process with a couple of nearby drinks.

"Welp...there goes the neighborhood," Noah said, as they headed out for the night.

They took a selfie so they could look at it the following day and remember how put together they were, and then like that, they had left their room to head down to the club.

The guest list line was short and soon the three found themselves at their own squared off velvet couches. The DJ was lighting up the floor and they took turns dancing with various neighbors and people they bumped into as the night went along. Noah briefly invited a busty redhead into their private booth to partake in their Champagne and his lap. She grinded on him for a couple of songs before sadly being stolen away by her bachelorette party group.

It was about an hour later that all three friends found themselves back in front of their well-stocked ice bucket full of goodies.

"Guys...I am officially feeling it." Noah said. Both Elijah and Jenny nodded their heads as they smiled back at him.

"Yes, finally, took a while but I'm definitely there," Jenny responded. Elijah handed them each a bottle of water and they all downed their own to make sure they stayed hydrated.

That's when the DJ dropped the beat and the lights lit up the club like New Years Eve on cocaine.

"That's our cue!" Jenny said, pulling both boys by the arm out on to the dance floor.

Ecstasy was named so for a reason. They were all on the come up. Their energy was high. Nothing hurt. Everything felt amazing and wonderful and practically spiritual. Dancing in a club was already fun by itself. Now imagine dancing in a club where every single interesting piece of light and sound and smell and taste makes you ridiculously aware of all of the hidden wonders of the world. And that's how they felt.