Last Call Pt. 02

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Jerry's side.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/13/2016
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Note: Things will make a lot more sense if you read my story "Last Call" first.

So a number of people asked me to finish the story. To be honest I never thought that far ahead. The original was mainly just a writing exercise to see if I could write an intelligent female in LW. In doing so I made Jerry seem over the top stupid. I wanted to give him a chance to explain himself a little. Both of these stories are told from the viewpoints of the protagonists so not everything is going to line up perfectly. The truth falls somewhere in the middle probably. Anyways, here it is.



Hi, my name is Jerry and I hate Disney World. Shannon wrote down her story a little while ago and now, at the urging of the counselor, I am writing down mine. I am not a writer so please bear with my mistakes.

Shannon and I met when she was 20 and I was 21. I picked her up at a bar. She was smokin hot and I was easy on the eyes so we hooked up. It was pretty good and I loved her laugh so we hooked up again. We had been going pretty hot and heavy for a few months and I was ready to pop the question when she told me she had a bun in the oven. I had already decided to ask her to marry me so we had a small ceremony and nine months later John popped out. Now don't get me wrong, I love my kids. I would gladly lay down my life for both of them. But I was scared shitless the first time I held my boy. The weight of caring and providing for this little guy was so much more real than just playing house with a good looking blonde. I was an adult. I had to get my shit together.

Shannon was an all star when it came to being a mom. She could change out a diaper while cooking a meal and arguing with a credit card company on the phone. The house was always clean, the kid was always fed and happy, dinner was always on the table when I got home, and she still managed to drain my balls two or three times a week. Those were some of the happiest times in my life. She was just getting John out of diapers when another one got past the goalie and we had our Carol. Again Shannon rose to the challenge. There may some out there that don't have a high opinion of her, but if anyone says she was a bad mom I'll kick the shit out of them.

It was a few years after Carol was born that we had our first major disagreement. My buddy George was tired of the union bullshit and wanted to head out on his own. He had asked a few guys on the crew to join him and, man, was it tempting. The timing couldn't have been worse for me however. Carol had some hearing issues and was going to specialists. John needed braces. Shannon's van had thrown a rod. Say what you want about the unions (and I have) the pay is good and the insurance is top notch. I still wanted to partner with John though. I had worked out a plan that worked for the first two years until we could cover the cost of self insuring. Admittedly it would take a bit of luck and a lot of hard work but I really thought we could do it. Shannon disagreed. The steady paycheck and the insurance was just too much for her to give up. We discussed it off and on for over a week before it spilled over into an argument. I know I am a bit stubborn and she managed to push my buttons on this one. I could see her point but I really felt she wasn't even trying to see mine. George needed an answer and I told him no. He went and recruited some other guys and formed his own electrical contracting company. The new wing they are putting on Comerica Park? He just got the bid. To be fair it was a rocky start though.

I was unhappy but I put on my big boy pants and sucked it up. Having a family meant giving up what you want to do to make your wife and kids happy. Disney World was a great example of this.

I hate Disney World. I mean no disrespect to the people in Orlando but the town was built on a swamp. Added to that, the fucking mouse bends you over and shoves it up the shit chute when you are trying to have some family fun. Damn if I never care to see that place ever again. Seriously, do you know how much it costs just to park your damn truck? Then you have the price of admission. Add to that the cost of food and drinks. Plus, the over priced souvenirs that you have to have to keep your kid from crying. All so that you can stand in line like cattle for hours to ride some lame ass boat on underwater rails while mechanical puppets sing annoying songs. Ugh!. To top it all off you gotta keep a smile on your face and keep everything upbeat so your kids can enjoy the place. We went once a year for 9 straight years because the kids and Shannon wanted to go there rather than camping or fishing. I was never so happy to get back to work as I was when our Disney vacation was over. I know Shannon knew how much I hated it but she loved it and the kids loved it so in the end it was a good thing. I still hate Disney World.

What I really loved was the kids extracurricular stuff. Watching John run the bases after a hit in his Little League game. Or watching Carol score a goal on the soccer field. Those were the best times. I helped to have a smokin little hottie like Shannon at my side cheering them on. Piano recitals and school plays? Not so much but, hey, my kids worked hard on that stuff and they were proud of it so I was gonna skip a couple softball games or whatever and watch them. Damn we were happy.

So now I come to the part where things changed. When Carol went off to school a few things happened. Our new contract came in that gave guys with 20+ years of service a significant pay raise. Since the kids had their college funds set up and all out shit was paid for I could drop down to a straight 40 work week instead of the 50 and 60 hour weeks I had been doing for the last 20 years. That gave me some extra time to golf. Call me a jerk all you want but I still feel like I deserved some time to do things for myself after Carol left home. And while Shannon later wanted to learn how to golf and bowl, when I started, she had no interest. She was at a crossroads in her job and decided to take a supervisor position. She said she wanted to prove to herself that she could do it. Hell, if you would have asked me, she could run the whole damn company better than the asshats that were currently doing the job. I told her to do what makes her happy and I would support it. So she got herself busy with work and I got myself busy on the golf course. Now I will be honest, I had thought that we would be fucking like minks once the nest was empty. I broached the subject a couple times and we would throw in an extra round or two per night or better yet add a weekend of naked time but when she took the job we went back to two or three times a week.

Then once a week. Then whenever I would ask. I kinda felt like the rug was pulled out from under me on that score. But I sucked it up. Hell she was busy with her work and I had discovered the vast collection of porn on the internet. I mean, I knew it was there but when you got a couple hours to really check stuff out with no kids or wife around, you can get some seriously nasty shit. Since I never had a problem playing the lone hand when I felt I needed to, it was a great relief. I stopped bugging and getting rejected for sex and she was able to focus on her work. Eventually it just got easier to find a new Nina Mercedez video and rub one out. Looking back I see that was one of the many bone headed decisions that led me to today. Especially when I just got done jacking it and the wife meets me with some nice lingerie and a cute little jiggle to her wiggle. That was embarrassing so I blew her off. Hell she refused me quite a few times.

And so now we get to the night of the bombshell. The Packers and Vikings were playing each other and now matter who won, my Lions were gonna be in first place of the NFC North. When she told me she was unhappy I just figured it was the common old married people stuff. When she hit me with the separation papers and told me she had a plan to move out I was blindsided. I didn't react very well. I got pissed and went to the den before I shouted at her or did something stupid. By the time I had cooled down and came out to talk, she was gone. Hell, I remember thinking that she could just drop something like that on me and then walk out the door? Fuck that. I tossed the envelopes up on the fridge and drank myself to sleep. I remember waking up the next morning to a headache and a bad mood. I called in sick for the first time ever and thought about what she said. If our marriage was so bad she felt she had to leave then let her go. I wasn't gonna be strong armed. She gave me one chance to talk shit out and then left. I was pissed. Besides I figured she would be back.

Turns out I was wrong.

Since I am writing everything down I guess I will let it all out. The first few weeks I loved being alone. I still loved Shannon but I knew she got into that apartment okay and I figured she would be back sooner rather than later to talk. I farted when I wanted to fart. I left the toilet seat up. I had football on all day Saturday and Sunday. It was kinda nice. I did start to miss her but then I would get angry. After a while she called but I was out golfing and I didn't call back cause I wasn't gonna grovel. Then I heard she was going out with the girls. That pissed me right off. But I figured I had been out with the guys quite a bit so I calmed down and had Bud swing by and see if anything was up. He said she asked about me and missed me. I knew she would be back. The kids tried to get a hold of me but I had some awesome seats for the Lions-Packers game the boss gave me as a bonus for so many years worked without an accident.

About a week before the three month deadline I screwed up. I was drinking and I noticed that one of the porn sites had links to live shows. I was pissed and signed up for an account and entered my credit card number. I thumbed through a bunch of bored looking girls when this one caught my eye. She was talking and chatting with some people and seemed really sweet. As I chatted and tipped her she took off her top and she had some awesome tits. As people dropped out of the chat room it was just the two of us and she said she was 100 bucks behind what she wanted to make for the day. So I figured I would be a big spender and tipped her a hundred bucks or coins or whatever. I guess we went into a private something or other and she took everything off. She talked dirty and fucked herself with a big dildo she told me she would do anal and soon she was dping herself with vibrators. I was hard as a rock.

I started stroking myself and I came in seconds and stayed hard. I typed in that I blew my wad and she laughed and told me she would stay on until I blew another one. She talked dirty, she licked her vibrator, she put the camera right up on her pussy I could see it all spread open. I shot another load and let her know. She laughed and thanked me then left. After the haze passed I felt guilty. I felt like I cheated on my wife. I know it was a grey area but I got real close and the fact that I felt so guilty about it meant I did something wrong. I decided then to stop the whole porn thing and get back to good with Shannon. I fell asleep with guilt but also a new sense of purpose. I decided if Shannon wanted me to talk to some shrink I would do it. The next morning I called up a cleaning service and told them to come in and get the house spotless. I had a few day of bachelorhood left but I was going to call her tonight. If only it worked that way.

The next week was an all hands on deck type of situation at work. THe job had run into foundation issues and now that they were cleared up, we had to race to get back on time. I was called in for 16 hour days 7 days in a row. At 44 those days add up. I came home the last day and there was a guy waiting for me at the door. He asked me my name and slapped some papers in my hand.

She actually did it.

I was too tired to be mad.

I just wanted to cry.

I went inside and drank a few beers and passed out. For the next two days I was in a funk. I couldn't force myself to do anything productive and there was no way to concentrate on any projects. The cleaning service had moved the envelopes from top of the fridge to the table. I finally sat down and read them. It took me a day to read and process. This is where I should say I realized it was all my fault and went running to her apartment to throw myself on the mercy of the court. I didn't I read and reread them and saw that she had some valid points. Especially these last couple years. She didn't see how much she had gone into her work and shut me out though. I decided we should talk. I tried to get some sleep but I couldn't. I decided to call her even though it was late at night.

I got her voicemail. I said the words I probably should have said three months ago.

"Shannon, I miss you so much, I am so sorry. I read your letters and I had no idea how you felt. I want to try to work things out. Please give me another chance. I was so stupid. Please call me back. I will go to whatever counseling you want. I will do whatever you want. I miss you so much baby. I love you. Call me. Please."

You have heard Shannon's side of things so you know how awesome my timing was on that one.

So you want to know where that leaves us?

It has been six months. Our divorce is postponed for now. We are seeing a counselor who suggested I write this down as a counterpoint to Shannon's retelling of events.

Are we going to get back together?



Both of us love each other. Neither one of us want to throw away all the happy years of marriage. But it is tough.

Our counselor has suggested we go back to the beginning. We are going on dates. It is fun. Heh it took her longer to put out this time around. I had three dates before I was in her pants back in the day. This time it took me four. We still have our separate places but we spend almost every night together. Believe it or not I can sorta understand her one night stand. What I have a huge problem with is wondering if she will want to try again. She got a taste of a young buck. Is she gonna be satisfied with a old guy like me? So far so good. The sex is as good as it has ever been, and I DO have more than a few years of experience as to what makes her squeal. We are both claiming to be exclusive. She doesn't go out with the girls without inviting me and I don't check out the porn sites anymore. The cracks are there in our relationship but we are working to fix them. I am gonna stop writing now. She just texted and said she would meet me at the golf course. Here's hoping.

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TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 1 month ago

I want to be shocked at the people complaining about Shannon having a one night stand after being iced out by Jerry for the entire duration of their separation (plus 4 days past the deadline, lol), but then again my past experience with the comments section here in LW has shown me just how messed up and weird some people are.


Personally, I felt the story was decent despite it's brevity. I think Jerry's behavior was incredibly unreasonable and that Shannon had the patience of a saint to be honest, still probably does if they're trying to work it out, but I wish you had made Jerry a little bit more sympathetic somehow... because damn does he come off poorly.

MarkT63MarkT634 months ago

I agree with anon about soiled goods. She cheated,even if they are seperated...

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Lol. To previous commenter: why soiled goods? She probably wasn't a virgin when rjeu first met. She filed papers after the 3 month separation. She gave him many chances to even meet her halfway and he acted like a child. Not to mention his live sex show webcam, before the filing. The only problem is if she wants him back or not. It appears she does. Honestly reading his and her story, he comes as the one who needs to make the effort.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Soiled goods, no return policy

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I didnt bother with the follow up as soon as at i thought it would be a rec. No story can be finished until all involved are dead but i thought you went far enough in part one. It was a wake up call to people hooked on some of the BTB tropes that are written here.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Not sure why she took him back and not sure why he took her back. His fault for sure but he needs to have her test for stds and move back and then he needs to buy time with a whore to in some way get even. Only then can you start over. But she wouldnt agree.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

He had no desire to be married. I don't understand the pleading almost 4 months after she gave him her narrative and asked him to read about her feelings. He simply didn't care. She should move on, he doesn't deserve her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The husband was a loss. Shannon can do better. He can play with his porn. What a sad sack loser. She did nothing wrong.

FireFox59FireFox59about 1 year ago

Shannon should have moved on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To quote Marcellus Wallace, "....dat's pride fu*kin' wit you! Well, fu*k pride!"


Pride, arrogance, and stubbornness can kill as easily as a bullet, though the suffering is longer and the fall is farther, with more time to think on the way into the abyss.

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