Late Term Abortion

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Informational essay on a controversial medical procedure.
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Late term abortion is a controversy that is forcing the government, medical societies across the nation, and the citizens of the United States to decide on an almost impossible question: Moral or Immoral? Abortion is once again a hot topic in the conversations of legislative circles and medical circles alike, and for the first time since Roe versus Wade, the government is trying to decide when personhood begins, and how to arrange a compromise that is acceptable to both sides of the controversy. The medical world is joining the battle, fighting for either patient-doctor rights or to make late term abortions illegal. The government should join with the medical community and inform the United States citizens of the true dangers of late term abortion and pass an absolute and complete ban on the procedures.

Late term abortion is defined as the ending of the life of a fetus from three to nine months. In abortion clinics now there are five procedures that are classified as late term abortions. The first is called Intact Dilation and Evacuation (intact D&E). The procedure is done over a period of two days, the first day beginning with the doctor inserting Laminaria (a seaweed based substance) into the cervix to induce dilation (or the widening of the cervix). The next day, a pair of long-handled forceps with jagged steel teeth are inserted into the uterus and used to rip and saw the baby apart. Then, a nurse reassembles the pieces assuring the doctor that everything was removed, to eliminate the possibility of infection within the woman after the procedure. The reason this form is preferred as the over-all best abortion method is because unlike any other late term procedures, it ensures the baby's death.

The second form is called Saline Poisoning, and it is usually chosen at about 16 weeks gestational age. The doctor inserts a long needle filled with a highly-salinized solution into the mother's stomach and into the amniotic sac (the sac the baby develops into, the baby feeds, breathes, and survives in this). The baby then swallows the fluid (turning the amniotic sac into the killer rather than the preserver) and it quickly acts as a strong corrosive; burning the lungs, stomach, and outer layer of skin. At about 24 hours labor sets in, it is usually very violent, and a dead or dying baby is born, although; often the babies are born alive they are usually left to die unattended.

The Upjohn Pharmaceutical Company has developed a very volatile chemical they now use to induce contractions so strong they often kill the child mid-birth. This procedure known as Prostaglandin Chemical Abortion has even caused the decapitation of children during the violent contractions. What is difficult to believe is that many children who were attempted abortions by this method have been born alive, left to die or adopted by loving families.

The fourth is a very commonly heard procedure called Caesarean Section. Only when most people hear that phrase it means that a child, who was wanted, has been born through the abdomen of the mother. When this phrase is used in the same sentence as abortion it has a sad meaning. The abortive caesarean section consists of the opening of the abdomen of the mother and the splicing of the umbilical cord while the baby is still inside the womb. The baby suffocates and dies . Often the baby is removed still alive and left in the sink or the corner to die of neglect and exposure.

The fifth and most controversial form of late term abortion is called Intact Dilation and Extraction (intact D&X) by the medical community and partial- birth abortion by the government and the citizens who are fighting it. This procedure is usually performed in the third trimester, and occasionally in the late second. Guided by an ultrasound the doctor grabs the baby's leg and pulls it into breech (or feet first) position. Then, the doctor delivers the child completely except for its head. Next, scissors are inserted into the base of the head and spread apart to enlarge the hole. The scissors are then removed and replaced by a suction tube, which sucks out the baby's brain causing the skull to collapse. The dead baby is the removed completely and discarded (Mikesell, D. 1999). These discarded babies are then used later on for a number of medical uses.

Some terrible things have happened in the rooms of abortion hospitals, many that have been publicized and many that were not. Lies have been told to women about the size and viability of the child.

"Sometimes we lied. A girl might ask what her baby was like at a certain point in the pregnancy: was it a baby yet? Even as early as 12 weeks a baby is totally formed, he has fingerprints, turns his head, fans his toes, feels pain. But we would say, "its's not a baby yet. It's just tissue, like a clot." (Mikesell, D.1998.2).

A particularly descriptive narrative was written by an abortionist about the procedure known as Intact Dilation and Evacuation. He said that sometimes Mayo scissors were necessary at some point, to dismember and decapitate the babies because they were so far formed (Mikesell, D.1998). The cruelty the babies undergo is disturbing, even to the doctors and nurses who perform or assist in the abortions. Joyce Craig, director of a Brooklyn Planned Parenthood told about doctors performing hysterotomies (a procedure involving the removal of the child through the abdomen) and laying the babies on medical tables where they squirmed until they died (Mikesell, D. 1998). Many abortion providers are coming to realize that what they are doing is infanticide also. Dr. Bernard Nathanson states that he has no doubt that human life starts at conception. He says this after presiding over 60, 000 deaths (Mikesell, D. 1998). After realizing that they are active participants in murder many abortion workers have some serious psychological problems. For instance, Kirsten Breedlove, a former clinic worker remembers, "You would look in the buckets and see arms and legs." She went on to say that she still has nightmares similar to bloody, gore filled "B" rated horror movies. (Mikesell, D. 1998 9). The difference between her nightmares and the movies was that this was very real. However, Kirsten Breedlove is not the only worker that has been affected in this way. Norma McCorvey, another worker, was shocked with what she discovered when she looked into a freezer at the clinic where she worked. It was full of frozen fetuses. (Mike Sell, D. 1998, 9).

When Dr. Frederic D. Frigoletto said, "no one is perfect, and neither camp is perfect and one can always find potential or real abuses with any physician" (Gianelli, D. 1997b). He was right. In the opinion of pro-life extremists it is better to kill the killers than through fight through government. But is seems the government is the way to fight and win. Although all abortions will probably never be made illegal, the medical United States and the government are all working together to find a practical solution to the problem of late term abortions. "At the American Medical Association (AMA) meeting in June of 1996, the American Medical Association took a high road position on physician assisted suicide," said Dr. Sprang, and Evanston, Illinois OB/GYN. "I urge the association to take a similar position on a procedure that is offensive," (American Medical Association, 1996). A member of Physicians Ad-Hoc Coalition for Truth (PHACT), Dr. Cook believes that the American Medical Association is "taking initiative" by discovering and recording the facts about late term abortions (American Medical Association, 1996). "Recent polls show that 71 percent of American's pubic support efforts to ban partial-birth abortions" (Gianelli, D. 1996). In early 1996 President Clinton vetoed a partial-birth abortion ban that congress had passed. When the bill was first introduced to congress in June 1995 a fist full of physicians claimed that it was a harmful procedure that was "never medically necessary." An even smaller group of physicians defended the procedure, mostly it was comprised of those physicians that did not perform the technique. (Gianelli, D. 1996). It seemed that the physicians that defended the technique were defending the procedure in an effort to make sure that it was illegal in case a situation arises that it might prove useful to them or a patient, they wanted to keep their options open. A good question to be asked here is why they defend it, if they have never done it first hand, and have seen the results of the procedure afterwards.

"In a recent co-op piece in the Wall Street Journal, the group (PHACT ) said that contrary to what abortion activists would have us believe, partial-birth abortion is never medically indicated to protect a womans health or her fertility. In fact, the opposite is true. The procedure can pose a significant and immediate threat and to both the womans health and her fertility" (Gianelli, D. 1996 2).

It is best said by Henry Hyde, "for the first time the focus is on the baby and not the mother." (Gianelli, D. 1996, 3). Tennessee representative and cardiac surgeon said that most doctors are frightened to pass the bill because the governments invasion would destroy the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship, but in his opinion, any doctor who has performed a late term abortion has already violated that bond. (Gianelli, D. 1997 a). According to American Medical News 1996, at least 35 states have introduced bills to ban late term abortions, 8 states have bans in place, 3 had passed the house but were waiting for last action, 12 of the state governments had bills pending, and 10 of the states had bills die or be defeated.

What causes a woman to want to wait 12 to 24 weeks before aborting a baby? According to a poll done by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 71 percent of the women who have a l;ate term abortion, reported that they had miss guessed gestational age of the baby, or did not know they were pregnant. 48 percent had troubles arranging the abortion in the first trimester with a willing doctor. A total of 33 percent were fearful to tell partners and/or parent. 24 percent had difficulty coming to the decision to have the procedure done (Gans Epner, Jonas, Seckinger 1998).

In Missouri on February 19, 1999 the State House heard a debate on a Late term abortion ban bill that stated "anyone who intentionally kills, a partially born living infant is guilty of infanticide, or the murder of someone under the age of one" (Bell, B. 1999). The truth of this matter is something that needs to be done. Roe versus Wade only states that first trimester abortions are legal. After the first trimester, the states have to decide individually, (Readers Digest, 1994). Which leaves laws and their interpretations very unclear on what to do and what is constitutional.

Late term abortions has to be stopped. When a fetus is far enough developed that it has to be ripped apart to be killed or is able to be partially delivered then it is a human child. Right now the government is trying to find a ban that doesn't invade too deeply into the doctor- patient relationship, yet still saves the children. Medical community only wants enough information to prove or disprove the procedure. Very little about late term abortions is known statistically speaking, because there is no way to know who performs the procedure and does not. Late term abortions are immoral. They are the murder of a defenseless human, the slaughter of innocence in itself. When the fetus is partially delivered, it is a kicking, feeling, human baby, not a growth or a clot on the inside of the uterus. At that point of development it can not be called a clot or a growth, but only a human being.



American Medical Association (AMA). (1996). AMA vows to bring science into late term abortion debate. (American Medical Association House of Delegates). American Medical News, 39, 1.

Bell, Bill Jr. (1999, February 19). House will hear debate on banning controversial abortion procedure; Panel advances bill on Partial-Birth Abortions. St.Louis Post Dispatch. Retrieved April 2, 1999 from Microsoft Internet Explorer:

Concentric Media. (1998). The fragile promise of choice. Discussion group. Retrieved Feb. 24, 1999, from Microsoft Internet Explorer:

Gianelli, Diane M. (1996). Doctors enter political fray over late term abortions. American Medical News,39, 1.

Gianelli, Diane M.(1997a). AMA board backs modified bill to ban late term abortion method. (American Medical Association). American Medical News, 40, 3.

Gianelli, Diane M. (1997b). AMA report: Third trimester abortions 'rarely necessary' (American Medical Association). American Medical News, 40, 1.

Gianelli, Diane M. (1997c). State doctors weigh in on late term abortion debate. (State Medical Association). American Medical News,40, 5.

Gianelli, Diane M. (1997d). Medicine adds to debate on late term abortion: ACOG draws fire for saying procedure "may" be best option for some (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists). American Medical News, 40, 3.

Gans Epner, Janet E., Jonas, Harry S., Seckinger, Daniel L. (1998). Late term abortion. Journal of the American Medical Association, 280, 224.

Mikesell, D. (1998). The Reality of Abortion. Retrieved: Feb.24, 1999, Microsoft Internet Explorer:

Reader's Digest. (1994). Legal problem solver: A quick and easy guide to the law. United States: Reader's Digest.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

First of all, it isn't a story. The above writing has no characters, plot, sex acts, acts of romance or love, or resolution. How is was published here must have involved threats, lawyers, inflammatory affirmations, and downright chicanery. No stars!

Johnny1MJohnny1Mover 12 years ago
comment on comments

My complaint on comments that say things like, "Lies, lies, and more lies" is that the writer should at least specify what they see as inaccurate. In my experience in reading lots of reviews and comments(on Amazon for example), what "Lies, lies, and more lies" means is that the person didn't agree with your conclusions but is intellectually incapable of making an argument and emotionally incapable of not replying. Often the "lie" is just some disagreement over a fact or a disagreement about a conclusion. By not specifying what specifically is wrong with the author's facts, the writer doesn't expose himself to criticism, and doesn't have to exert himself to form some sort of rigorous, logical thought.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I agree.

I believe pregnancy and raising a child are two unrelated experiences. In most peoples lives you are able to choose whether or not to do both. You can opt to raise the child after pregnancy and you can opt to not carry the child at all. In my opinion deciding to end the pregnancy at the very end is a disturbing and unsettling decision. I personally am quite afraid of pregnancy and childbirth, however, I wholly believe once I have carried the child almost to term, the least I could do was deliver and send the child to live a life of his own. I wouldn't say its a stupid choice to have a late term abortion (unless the pregnancy put the mother in certain peril), but it is certainly a head-scratcher in my eyes.

-Pro-Choicer :)

LusciousLoralieLusciousLoralieover 15 years ago
quality of writing is good

but not what is actually written.

If life starts at conception, then why are birthdays the day when babies come out of their mother's womb and not the day they are conceived?

Also, not all abortion are late term abortions. The subject can't be generalized.

Don GrampaDon Grampaabout 18 years ago

I've never had an abortion, and most likely at my age I never will, however, I believe that the issue should only involve two people, the woman and her doctor. Not the government....I remember back when knitting needles were very popular for young women, and I would hate to see that return for my grand-daughters or their friends.

Dar~Dar~almost 19 years agoAuthor
In reply

I am the author of this piece. I was encouraged to submit it. I did not write it for Literotica, it was written as an assignment.

The only time I agree that a fetal life should be aborted is when a mother is in danger, or the fetus has NO chance of survival. (eg: Ectopic pregnancy etc ...)

I presented facts in an arrangment designed by a college proffessor. The way it was presented garnered me a very high score, and that is why a friend suggested I submit it to a more candid audience. (you)

In answer to the people who oted my score down based purely on their opinions of the subject, and not the quality of the writing, I am sorry that you could not see your way clear to remove yourself from your views long enough to read this; however, I take pride that it was enough to gain an emotional response from you.

McKennaMcKennaalmost 19 years ago
A Few Suggestions

When writing a piece such as this, I believe it's absolutely imperative that there are no technical/grammatical mistakes. You truly don't want anything to detract from your rhetoric.

I believe your thesis was well-stated in the beginning. Although I can appreciate the research that was put into this, some of it is rather dated (1996?). I'd encourage you to find more current resources, like anything within the past five years. Also, I think your attempts to support your thesis were decent, but I was lost in all the facts and figures you were quoting. Interjecting more of your own prose would have been better; use the facts to back up your own opinion/thoughts, not vice versa.

I also think that approaching the subject from the opposing viewpoint might have been helpful; if you are writing a piece trying to convince the public to agree with you, you want to cover all possible opposition, not just forge ahead with a one-sided argument.

These are only suggestions to make your piece stronger, and as I sense you feel strongly about this subject, you might want to consider a few revisions. Well-written prose and a carefully thought out argument have the power to work wonders on an intelligent reader, even if all you accomplish is having them re-examine their own position.

Keep at it Dar, this was an excellent first attempt.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Sanctimonious and morally self-righteous

How is it possible that you never once mention that the health of the mother or the fetus might be the reason for making the painful decision to abort later in a pregnancy? You would presume to make the choice for someone by banning this medical procedure? Aren't you sentencing some women to death by taking away that option? Is that not murder? Is that not immoral? What about a woman's right to life? And what if there's no chance of delivering a healthy baby? You would presume to know better than her doctor?

The data is highly selective, and the thesis fails to consider a key point that renders the banning of the procedure as inhumane. Also, your language is inflammatory though I think you're striving for a reasonable tone.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Failure to understand the situation

I know a labor and delivery nurse that has participated in these. At her hospital they are only performed where

1) life of the mother is endangered


2) there is no chance of the delivery of a healthy, live


Do you really want to condemn a woman to carrying a child for 5 months when there is _zero_ chance of that child living--even if it means her own health is endangered? Do some research before you start talking.

Politically, I _would_ allow states to ban or legalize abortion. I find it sad that the federal government got involved in this issue at all

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
ignoring recent facts

There's some merit to your argument. However, recent studies have shown that a fetus feels no pain whatsoever.

It's best if abortion wasn't used as a form of birth control, but until it has been disconnected from the mother, it is no different than amputating an arm or a leg. I believe that should portray the seriousness that such a procedure warrents.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Great Job

Hi, I agree with you 100% but wish to keep emotion out of this as much as possible.

I understand the pro-choice catch phrase "A woman's right to choose" but at the same time, should she have the right to wait until her child is formed, alive, and able to feel pain??? I don't think Roe vs. Wade established that.

One thing I would have like to have seen are updated references. This essay reads like it was written in late 1999 or early 2000, if I'm not mistaken.

For those who complain, moan, bitch and generally criticize this well-thought-out essay...Let's see you do better. Or are you only skilled in the art of complaining and putting others down for their opinion? Hmmmm...I bet I know the answer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Lies, lies & more lies

An emotional piece of claptrap filled with gross mistakes and outright lies.

phoenix764phoenix764almost 19 years ago
I Disagree


It was a well written piece, but there are a few factors you didn't address. First let me address the issue of when life starts. Roman Catholicism believes that life starts at conception, but Judaism believes it begins after the child's birth. We have a conflict of religious beliefs here. The first amendment guarantees freedom of religion, but if the government chooses something then they have broken the first amendment for at least one group. What if the government chooses no termination past the 24th - 26th week, the time when a pre-mature fetus can be delivered and be supported outside the womb? Again, this violates the first amendment. What if there are problems during the birth and the doctors can only save either the mother or the child? Judaism believes in saving the mother, while Catholicism believes in saving the child. This violates the first amendment again, if government gets involved.

Now let’s look at the unusual cases where rape, underage mothers, and birth defects are involved. Does the government have the right to tell any woman that she must give birth to a child that was a result of rape? This is something forced upon her, and almost certainly she doesn’t want anything to do with the fetus. Why force her to stay pregnant, a constant reminder of the rape, when she would just like to forget the whole thing? What about children having babies? Children as young as the age of 12 are having kids these days. Are they capable of providing for the babies, let alone themselves? No. Parents of underage children are faced with a dilemma; do they allow the pregnancy to continue, and either raise the grandchild themselves or give it up for adoption, or do they get an abortion for their daughter? There was a case in the Midwest where a female prosecutor actually tried to force the pregnancy on a young teenager that had been raped. The parents had to take her to another state to get an abortion. Lastly is what should happen if something happens during the pregnancy to indicate severe physical and/or mental problems? Does the government have the right to force people to stay pregnant against their desires?

I do not think that abortion should be the chosen method of birth control, but I don’t believe it should be limited either. The choice should be the mother’s, with the father having some input (not veto power), or the parent’s if she is underage. Government should stay out of this completely. Abortions will happen regardless of what the government does. The question is will the government allow safe, medically supervised abortions or will they force women to take risky measures that might kill themselves ( i.e. clothes hangers), which happened 30 – 50 years ago. Of course nobody wants any of these situations, but they do occur and we must decide how to deal with them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Rare exceptions

As a former fetus I oppose abortion. Except in rare instances - rape, life of mother threatened - there is no good reason for this procedure or any abortion for that matter.

don87654don87654almost 19 years ago

A baby is a human being when it is born. Anything before that is a fetus. Fetuses are not identified by fingerprinting, foot printing, but babies are. A human being is identified by these "prints". Medical terminology still identifies babies as babies and fetuses as festuses. Sorry about the mix-ups....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

A very well thought out and informed opinion piece. I agree that the piece was done quite well aside from my own personal opinions to the context.

rgraham666rgraham666almost 19 years ago
I disagree…

with the main thrust of this essay.

Twelve weeks is far too early, in my opinion, as a cut off date for the procedure.

You also, as far as I could tell, didn't deal with any of the obvious solutions to the problem; education, easier access to the procedure and above all, no more demonization of the women who decide to have an abortion performed.

Perhaps I've become set in my ways as I get older, but you didn't change my stance on this subject.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

Emotion must have caused the plethora of puncuation errors that are so uncommon for you. Also, if anyone gets involved in an issue where morals are in question and resorts to quoting Henry Hyde of all people (he of the "youthful indiscretion" alibi for having a mistress while in his 40's) I get wary. I appreciate your courage for taking a stand on such a delicate issue, and I would never claim that there is a definitive answer either way on when a clot becomes a human, but I think you may have drawn the line way too early. I am curious whether you would also opposed to the 'morning after' pill, because by the way this essays reads, I would suspect you would be, though that's just a guess. A worthwhile read nonetheless.

impressiveimpressivealmost 19 years ago
Regardless ...

of one's opinion on the subject (which is what most folks are voting on), you have crafted a fine essay. Well done.

~ Imp

sophia janesophia janealmost 19 years ago

It's an interesting topic you tackled, Dar. I personally think partial birth abortions are wrong and agree that it should be limited. But... I also think when the governement steps in and starts setting arbitrary rules, we're all in danger. Even the definition of late term varies. A fetus is not viable until much much later than the 3 months you state as the beginning point for the "late" term. It's a tough issue, but you obviously spent alot of time on research and on writing this.

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