Laundry Day

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A couple teaches a young guy about the joys of crossdressing.
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My apartment was the first floor of a small three story building in the city. I'd moved in shortly after starting college and in true urbanite style, after a year of living there I still hadn't met either of my neighbors. On the second story lived a quiet older guy while a married couple in their 30's lived on the third. I shared the first floor unit with my friend and fellow student Dave. We were young busy students so we kept late hours creating a situation where there was really no reason to interact with our neighbors. The only shared spaces in the building were the front entryway where our mailboxes were and the small laundry room in the basement.

That weekend Dave had gone home to visit his parents so I had the place to myself. I spent Friday night and Saturday hanging around, sleeping mostly and watching TV, luxuriating in the joy of having an empty house. By Saturday night I was feeling aware of my rampant inactivity so I decided to clean the apartment. I started in the kitchen, doing the dishes and mopping the floor before vacuuming and straightening up the common areas. After an hour or so I looked around, appreciating the good feeling of a newly cleaned apartment before filling my laundry basket and plodding down the stairs to the laundry room. I filled the machine with my clothes and set it to wash. The cycle took about 20 minutes so I headed back up to the apartment to wait and watch a bit more TV.

Part of living on the first floor meant that I could hear when the washer chimed signaling that the load was done and after about 20 minutes I heard the 'DING' from the machine and headed back downstairs to swap my clothes to the dryer. Pulling a wet armload of jeans and sweatshirts from the washer I pulled the dryer door open. I was about to stuff my clothes inside but paused as I noticed something in the dark cylinder of the clothes dryer. Probably a lost sock. I reached in and pulled it out before cramming my laundry in and knocking the door shut with my hip. I looked down at what I held. A pair of women's panties. I turned the dryer on and the room filled with a low mechanical hum as the appliance kicked on. I held the panties up, examining them as my fingers caressed the thin soft fabric. They were black, satiny, thong style with a hot pink lace trim around the leg holes and waistband with a small hot pink bow on the front.

My heart began to race as I held them in my hands, they were incredibly sexy. I imagined they must belong to the woman who lived on the third floor. Janice? No, Jamie, I recalled, remembering her name from her mailbox. And her husband was named... Mark? She was cute, definitely in her 30's, short and thin with a choppy blond pageboy haircut and always wearing black jeans and leather low heeled motorcycle boots. I could feel my cock thickening in my pajama pants as I pictured her wearing only these small cute panties... how sexy she must look, how soft and smooth they must feel against her skin. Part of me wanted to take them back up to my apartment and wrap them around my hard cock while I jerked off but I decided against that, knowing how guilty I'd feel immediately afterwards. Still, something had me excited and incredibly turned on as I held the small sexy women's thong. They were so soft and feminine, the lace and little bow suggesting a dainty elegance but the sheer black giving off a sexually confident vibe.

I was suddenly overcome by an unexplainable need to wear them. Just for a moment, just to see how they felt. It was nearly midnight and I was sure nobody was around so I undid the drawstring of my pajama pants and let them drop to the floor. I stepped into the panties, one foot and then the other before sliding them up my smooth thighs. I'd been shaving my body hair ever since I was on my high school's varsity swim team and I shivered with pleasure as I pulled the little thong on and into place. They were a perfect fit, so tight and soft, so girly and they looked incredibly sexy against my smooth pale skin. I slipped my tshirt off and stood there in the laundry room, wearing only the tiny lacy thong.

My shaved cock was immediately hard and barely restrained in the soft sheer fabric as my hands made their way down my stomach and caressed my thick panty bulge. Oh it felt so good. I couldn't remember ever being so hard in all my life, the panties barely held my erect cock which pulled the material tighter, hugging the curves of my smooth ass, the thin back strap pulled tight between my cheeks causing me to shudder with pure ecstasy. It was an amazing sensation. I ran my fingers over the thin lacy trim, circling the pink bow that sat atop the outline of my bulging cock head and moaned softly.

I leaned back against the warm dryer as I slowly massaged myself, my hands sliding over the bulge in my panties as my eyes rolled back and waves of pleasure rippled through my body. I turned and leaned over the dryer, sticking my backside out and allowing my hands to trace the shape the tiny thong over my hips, ass and bulging hard cock. I wasn't sure what was happening, it was as though I were hypnotized, lost in an all encompassing haze of arousal as I touched myself through the girly little thong. Something had come over me. I felt so horny and incredibly turned on but also incredibly sexy and feminine. It was hard to process.

I must have been completely entranced in the sensuous thrill because when I turned back around my heart sank as I saw a man standing in the doorway of the laundry room. It was Mark, Jamie's husband, his arms folded in front of his chest as he leaned on the doorframe. He had a smirk on his face as he watched me and I wondered how long he'd been standing there. I was mortified. There was absolutely nothing I could say to explain myself. I looked at the floor as I felt my cheeks flush dark red as I attempted to cover my erection. "Oh... I was... I was just..." I stammered fruitlessly but where were the words I was looking for? I suddenly felt VERY exposed and awkwardly reached down to grab my pants and slink back to my apartment. I felt Mark grab my bicep and pull me to my feet before I could reach my pants. He was tall, taller than I was anyway and apparently quite strong as I found out when he pulled me to him and he led me up the stairs. We passed my cracked apartment door and up past the second floor landing. "Look..." I mumbled desperately, "I wasn't... I thought they were my girlfriend's... I wasn't gonna..." Mark said nothing as he pushed me through his apartment door and marched me down the long hallway.

"Did you find them?" Jamie asked as Mark perp walked me into their living room. She was sitting on the couch, a pile of neatly folded laundry on the coffee table in front of her and a messy heap of clean clothes by her side.

"I did." Mark said as she looked up with a wide eyed stare.

A smile spread across her face and she laughed out loud as her eyes fell upon me.

"Oh my..." She said as she looked at her husband and I realized he was laughing too. "Well I was looking for those..."

"He was down in the laundry room trying them on." Mark said releasing my arm.

Jamie laughed again, "Well they look very sexy on you. Do you like how they feel?"

I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even speak, only nod sheepishly as I covered my shrinking panty bulge with my hands.

"Oh sweetie, you don't have to be embarrassed. It's ok. They're sexy aren't they?" Jamie asked warmly and I nodded again.

"Can I see the back?" She asked as she sat forward. I looked at Mark as he smiled and nodded and I spun around slowly.

"Oh they look so cute on you!" She giggled. "Such a tight little butt."

Relief began to creep over me, it seemed like Mark wasn't doing to beat me up or call the cops and Jamie's welcoming demeanor was putting me at ease.

"You know..." Jamie said as she turned to the pile of laundry and began rooting around, "Maybe you'd feel more comfortable if we completed the outfit. Would you like that?"

I said nothing as she produced a thin bra that matched the panties I was wearing and held it up. It was the same black satiny material with a hot pink lace trim. My heart was pounding, anxious and confused by everything that was happening. She stood up and walked over to me. "Here, put your arms out."

I did as she said and she slipped the bra straps up my arms and over my shoulders. She moved around behind me and pulled the straps tight, hooking the closure on the back and straightening the little bra on my upper torso. She was only a few inches shorter than I was and turned me to face her before looking me over. "There, isn't that better? We're almost the same size! I have little boobs too." She winked at me as she slid her hands over my chest, making sure to drag her thumbs over my nipples through the thin soft bra. I shuddered and felt my cock begin to thicken. She stepped back, admiring her work. "How does that feel?"

I blushed again and whispered, "Good." And it did feel good. I don't know why but I felt so sexy, so exposed and embarrassed, so many conflicting emotions as I stood there in their living room wearing a sexy bra and tiny panties.

"Oh!" She exclaimed as she rushed out into the hallway and into her bedroom, calling back to us, "One more thing! One second..."

Mark slid down onto the couch and said, "You can go if you want. We're not mad or anything and we won't tell anybody. If this is too weird you can go."

Part of me wanted to run down to my apartment, lock the door and never speak to these people ever again but then another side of me was frozen in place, anticipating where this was all headed. I shook my head, "No. I don't mind staying if that's cool..."

Mark smiled as he looked me over, "Cool. It's cool."

"Ok here we go!" Jamie exclaimed as she hurried back into the room and dropped to her knees in front of me, "Give me your foot."

She proceeded to slide one sheer black thigh high stocking up my right leg and then the left. She smiled up at me as she pulled the stockings up my thighs and into place, "I always feel much sexier with stockings on too. Don't you?"

I nodded, trying not to smile too widely.

She stood up and placed her hands on her hips and giggled. "Nice. you look SO hot! Go to the mirror and take a look." She pointed to the large floor length mirror at the far side of the room. I sauntered over and looked at myself. Jamie was right. I looked hot. My smooth slender body looked incredible in the lingerie, I felt so sexy, so strong as though confident sexuality were oozing from my every pore. The tight little outfit caused sensations of arousal to course through me as I cocked a hip to one side. Who knew I'd make such a cute girl?

"Come sit by me sweetie," Jamie said patting the cushion beside her. I sat down. "So, do you always wear panties?"

"No.. I never have before..." I said.

"Do you like it?"

I blushed again and smiled. "I really do..."

"Oh that's so hot. You look great. You should dress girly more often... cute boys look so sexy dressed up like girls, don't they Mark?"

Mark smiled at me warmly. "They definitely do."

My pulse was pounding as Jamie took my hand in hers. "Maybe you'll let me do your make up sometime..."

I nodded again as my cock throbbed in my little thong. What was happening here?

"Oh sweetie," Jamie said with concern, "You're still nervous, here..."

She stood up and slid her tshirt off exposing a tiny turquoise bra that covered her tiny A-cup breasts. She had a slender build, smooth pale skin and amazingly curvy hips. She unbuttoned her shorts and let them drop to the floor revealing a tiny matching pair of turquoise string bikini panties before flopping back down on the couch beside me with a giggle. "There... now you're not the only girl in her underwear." Mark let out a laugh and I joined in, blushing as Jamie said, "Right? Now you don't have to feel self conscious."

She leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. "Im so excited to find out we have a sexy panty boy in the building. So do you have a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend? Who's that scruffy guy you always hang around with?"

I laughed again, "That's Dave, my friend. We're just friends. Im not dating anybody..."

"Ok... keeping your options open... nice. Well, Im sure you'll make somebody a great boyfriend someday." She smiled reassuringly.

"Or gurlfriend." Mark said with a smirk.

"Ha ha ha, oh definitely... You'd make a great gurlfriend." Jamie said before leaning in and kissing me again, longer this time, gently sucking my lips. She whispered, "Would you like that? Would you like to be our gurlfriend?"

I nodded as she slid onto my lap, straddling me and pressing her warm crotch against the bulge in my panties. I slipped my hands around her waist pulling her closer, our perky little tits pressed together as I melted into her kiss. Mark watched approvingly from the end of the couch as his wife sucked gently on my lips. Jamie's hands caressed my skin all over as she slowly rotated her hips, grinding herself against my hard panty cock.

"Your skin's so smooth and soft..." She purred, sucking lightly on my earlobe, "I love smooth femboys..."

I whimpered as I caressed her back. Was that what I was now? A "femboy?" It had a certain ring to it and after all, I was a feminine guy and the lingerie had me feeling sexy for the first time in my life. It felt as though I was finally myself, free to embrace my latent feminine desires.

Jamie's kisses were so soft and gentile, so sensuous and I matched her level of intensity, kissing slowly, savoring every moment. Her hands were all over me, gently caressing my skin, softly massaging my hard nipples through my bra as we made out like two sweet girls. She pulled my face to her chest and I began kissing, gently pinching her nipple with my lips through her little bra. She let out a low moan as she cradled my head. I slipped her bra down slightly, kissing the soft skin of her tiny breasts before taking her left nipple between my lips and sucking gently. My hands slid behind her and I cupped her smooth curvy ass as I continued licking and sucking her perfect pink nipples as she breathed heavily, her hips rolling over and over as she ground her body against my panty bulge.

I was amazed at how similar her physique was to my own. Feeling her on top of me made me realize how slender and femme my body was. I'd never noticed before how my skinny arms, smooth torso and curvy ass were so much more like a girl's body than a man's. The fact that I was comfortably wearing her lingerie only solidified that realization as I sucked lovingly on her perfect tiny tits.

"Mmmm, see girlfriends can have all sorts of fun together..." she whispered, caressing my cheek and pulling my mouth to hers for a long slow kiss before whispering, "like sucking cock..."

My heart started racing as she giggled and began kissing my neck. I turned to see Mark pull his tshirt off as he stood and unfastened his tight jeans. I moaned as Jamie pinned me to the couch sucking the side of my neck as I gazed over Mark's strong arms and smooth muscular chest. His pants dropped to the floor leaving him wearing only a tight pair of black bikini briefs that barely contained his thick bulge. I'd never had sexual feelings towards another guy before but something about this situation, something about wearing my tiny panties had my mouth watering as I stared at the outline of his thick cock. He moved closer, kneeling beside us on the couch as Jamie's lips connected with mine again.

"Oh my..."She giggled, caressing her husband's enormous bulge as she looked up at him, "Look how hard he is!"

Instinctively I reached out placing my hand beside her's, feeling the thickness of his erection through his tight briefs. She pulled at his waistband and his member sprung out fully erect, standing proudly before us. She wrapped her hand around his shaft and began stroking it softly as I stared in amazement.

"Mark has a beautiful cock..." Jamie said, "Have you ever seen one this big?"

I had not. The only ones I'd ever seen outside of my own were in porno movies and they had never been my focus but here in that moment I stared as if transfixed. His pubic hair was shaved and his thick penis jutted out at least nine inches, his thick smooth shaft and bulbous pronounced head throbbed from his accelerated pulse, his smooth heavy balls hung below, tight to his body.

I shook my head, stifling my smile, "No... I haven't..."

"Mark has the best cock... all the girls love it..." She said before leaning in and closing her lips around his thick head, moaning softly as she gently sucked him. "Mmmmm...."

She pulled her mouth back and stared into my eyes, "Do you want to taste it, sweetie?"

I nodded vigorously as she guided my head to her husband's erection. I looked up at Mark as he smiled at me and I slid my lips around his smooth glistening dick. Mmmmm, it felt so good in my mouth, so thick and fleshy, so soft despite his rigidity. I pulled back then took him deeper, sliding my mouth up and down his shaft as I swirled my tongue along the underside. I couldn't believe I was doing this, I was sucking another guy's hard cock. I was a cocksucker, a slutty sissy cocksucker in my sexy bra and panties...and I loved it. Years of mediocre blowjobs from girls my age had taught me exactly how to do it properly and I took to the task naturally, caressing his smooth balls as I pumped my lips up and down, sucking gently as I lost myself in the fluid motions of my head bobbing up and down.

Mark let out a low moan as Jamie whispered "Good gurl..." before leaning in and kissing me on the cheek. She then kissed his shaft and the two of us set to work on Mark's beautiful hard dick. She took a turn sucking him as I dragged my tongue over his balls and up his shaft. We swapped him back and forth from mouth to mouth, pressing our lips together with his cock between our wet hungry mouths, kissing, licking, sucking his big dick as he cradled our heads gently in his strong hands. It felt amazing sharing him with Jamie, as it turned out I loved to suck cock as much as she did and judging by Mark's moans of joy, the two of us made a great team. Jamie kept grinding her pussy against the bulge in my thong causing me to moan, it all felt so good. I was in absolute heaven.

"Do you love it, sweetie?" Jamie whispered, "Do you love sucking Marks big cock like a good gurl?"

"Yesss..." I moaned, "I love sucking cock..." Sinking my lips over his erection, greedily trying to take him all the way into my mouth. She rested her hand on the back of my head and gently guided my head down lower, feeling his cock head pass into my throat. Tears welling up in my eyes as I looked up at him with blissful longing, relishing the sensation of his thickness filling my throat. My lips were pressed all the way to the base, unable to breathe and drooling down my chin in total sissy bliss. Jamie moved her hand away and I slid him out of my mouth, gasping for air as Mark moaned again and Jamie began kissing me ferociously while whispering, "Such a good gurl..."

The arousal on her face was off the charts and I could feel her warm wetness soaking through both of our panties. Mark stood and moved the coffee table out of the way as she climbed off of me. Mark took my hand, pulling me to my feet. He slipped his hand around me, cupping my smooth tight ass and pulled my body against his as I whimpered. He pressed his lips to mine and I melted into his kiss, sucking gently at his lips and tongue as his massive erection pressed against my stomach. I felt so small and feminine in his arms, my slender body pressed against his muscles, my fingers caressing his back as we made out. He placed his hands on my hips and turned me around so my back was to him, one of his hands caressing my smooth tummy while the other began massaging my tiny tits through my bra as he rocked his hips back and forth, his thick hard cock sliding between my cheeks, rubbing against the back strap of my tiny thong. He kissed my neck as I looked down dazed at Jamie. She sat back on the couch in front of me, heels up on the cushion and legs spread open wide, panties pulled to the side and massaging her bald wet pussy with two glistening fingers. She stared into my eyes as her husband groped and dry humped me slowly, my hands gripping his muscular thighs. She brought her fingers up to her mouth sucking the juice from her digits and letting out a low moan before she resumed fingering her juicy slit.