Laura's Shemale Experience Ch. 01

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Temptation and shame battle in a young woman's mind.
11.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/07/2024
Created 12/04/2023
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Author's note: this mini-series is a spin-off from my Pam's Shemale Experience series, specifically chapters 12, 13, and 18 (this first chapter of Laura's series takes place in between chapters 13 and 14 of Pam's series). While it's not necessary to read those chapters in order to enjoy this one, it might add context and enhance the experience. Thank you either way for reading!

Laura looked in the mirror, nervously tugging at her denim skirt. Her red tank top added a splash of color, and the faux-leather jacket brought some casual coolness to the mix.

At least that's what I'm telling myself.

She padded from the room, scooping up her purse on the way to the door.

"Bye Mama, I'm heading out," she said, breezing past, anticipating a flurry of questions.

"Wait a sec, mija, wait a sec," her mother replied hurriedly. "Where are you going?"

"Meeting up with a friend, remember?"

Her mother frowned.

"I don't remember you telling me about meeting up with a friend."

"I'm sure I did."

"Which friend is it?"

Laura tugged at the skirt, noticing her mother's gaze settling on her outfit.

"You don't know them."

"Well, what's their name?"


"Where are you going?"

"Just out. To have fun and whatever."

Emphasis on the 'whatever.'

"If you're going to drink, be careful. Especially if you don't know this friend too well."

"I'll be fine, Mama."

"And text me if you're going to stay the night away from home. You had me so worried last time!"

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll text you."

"Alright, mija, be safe and have a good time."


Laura slipped into her black flats, and rushed out the door.

I hadn't planned on going back to Tanya's hotel room. Just like I'm not planning to do anything tonight beyond making out. I can't have her thinking I'll just give it up every time I see her.

While unplanned, the trip back to the hotel room had resulted in a fun and eye-opening night. Besides some tipsy makeouts in high school and college, Laura had never done anything with another woman before. Tanya's forward flirtiness had been intriguing at first, enough for Laura to agree to get a drink with her. The intriguing flirtiness had persisted, and so Laura had also agreed to accompany her back to her hotel room. And when Tanya had warned her that they would not be alone, and that two women she called her sluts were awaiting her return, it had only added to the intrigue.

I went from not having sex with a woman to three in one night. Although there was still a dick involved.

She felt her cheeks flush at the thought of Tanya fucking her.


"I wasn't aware you were such a fiend for Lord of the Rings," Tanya teased.

"And I'm a little shocked you've never seen any of them!"

"I just never got around to it."

"Well, we'll have to change that! You have no idea what you're missing out on."

"Eh, see one fantasy film, you've seen 'em all."

Laura leaned back, eyebrows arching severely.

Tanya burst out into laughter.

"See, I knew you were messing with me."

"It's fun to mess with you," the shemale said, the gleam in her eyes adding a different connotation to the words.

A blush rose again on Laura's cheeks.

Like the hundredth one tonight.

There was already a slight heat percolating under her skin from the way Tanya slung an arm over her shoulders. She found it all too easy to settle into that offered crook, strolling along the sidewalk.

"Laura!" a surprised voice came from ahead.

She immediately shrugged Tanya's arm off her shoulders.

"Mrs. Velazquez, hi!"

"How are you doing?" Mrs. Velazquez asked, the squat, rotund woman pulling her into a strong hug, shopping bags rustling in her hands.

"Alright, you?"

"Oh, good, thanks to God! And you know, we haven't seen you at church in a little while..."

"I've, uh, been busy the last few Sundays..."

"Well, you should never be too busy for the Lord."

Tanya chuckled, drawing Mrs. Velazquez's attention.

"And who is your friend?"

"This is Tanya. Tanya, this is Mrs. Velazquez. She's a friend of my mom's."

"Nice to meet you," the shemale said smoothly, holding out a hand.

Mrs. Velazquez vigorously shook her hand, rolling her eyes in bemusement.

"She says 'friend of my mom's' like I didn't change her diapers when she was a baby."

A different sort of blush rose.

"It does take a village," Tanya replied.

"A village?" Mrs. Velazquez asked in confusion. "For what?"

"Oh, just the old saying, y'know, it takes a village to raise a child."

"Ah, yes, yes. Well, with Laura it took a whole city."

"Seems like she turned out alright," Tanya said, nudging Laura with a shoulder.

"She did," Mrs. Velazquez agreed. "Good head on her shoulders. Wonderful daughter."

"Thank you," Laura said sheepishly.

"Could go to church more," the older woman continued, winking at her. "But no one is perfect."

"I'll try to get there this Sunday, promise."

"Well, if I don't see you, I'll make sure to say a prayer for you."

"We should get going or we'll miss that reservation," Tanya told Laura.

"Oh, right, right, don't let me keep you! Good to see you, Laura dear, and good to meet you, Tanya!"

She gave both women strong hugs, and then bustled on by them, her skirt struggling to contain her robust backside.

"I didn't know you made a reservation," Laura murmured.

"Oh, I didn't, I just felt like you needed an out."

Laura laughed sharply.

"Good intuition."

Tanya put a hand on her shoulder.

"You alright?"

Laura fell into a brisk pace, the shemale quickly keeping up.

"That's one of my mom's best friends. You know what she's about to do?"

"Nope. What's she about to do?"

"She's about to call my mom and say 'hey, I saw Laura with this black girl and they seemed all friendly, the girl even had an arm around Laura', and then my mom will bring it up when I get home and it'll be this whole thing I'll have to deal with..."

"Hey, hey, take a breath," Tanya said, rubbing at her upper back.

"It was one thing to go back to your hotel room," Laura told her, glancing around at the people passing by. "This is different."

"It's not like you can't tell your mom we're just friends."

"I know, it's just...I was having a good time, and now I'm thinking about my mom grilling me. The Spanish Inquisition could learn a few things from her."

"I guess I was lucky having parents who minded their own business."

"Yeah, very lucky..."

"We can cancel karaoke if you're not really up to it anymore."

"No, no, I still want to, I'm just a little extra self-conscious now..."

"I get it."

If I wasn't planning on having sex before, I'm really not in the mood now...


"That's it, take it just like this..."

Laura shivered at the whisper brushing over her ear. The shemale was squarely atop her, muscular frame pinning her to the backseat, thick cock finishing the job with each thrust.

"I forgot how good your pussy feels," the shemale drawled.

Laura moaned, toes curling in her flats from another thrust, her channel stretching around the surge of hard, unyielding flesh. Her juices aided that effort, letting the shemale fuck her steadily. An assertive hand kept her head canted to the side, leaving her neck exposed for playful bites.

The car was parked along a dark, quiet street, next to a line of currently closed-for-the-night repair shops and garages. The shemale had assured Laura she knew the spot well and had used it before, a factoid which had filled Laura with a strange shame.

Like I'm just one of many she's brought here.

Laura had not resisted when Tanya had suggested finding a secluded area. A little voice in the back of her head, which had sounded suspiciously like her mother, had reminded her of her earlier resolution to not engage in any lustfulness. Another voice had cut in, reminding her that said resolution had only been to not plan any lustfulness rather than not partaking at all if the opportunity arose. The second voice had been augmented by the memories of how good it had been that night in the hotel room with the three women, and by Tanya's steamy comments about how much she had enjoyed that night and had looked forward to this one.

Another thrust sent her eyes fluttering and her back arching. Tanya sucked at her neck, and snuck a hand under her tank top to grope her breasts over her bra.

"So good, so nice and tight..."

The praise made Laura moan again. An ache in her core from the relentless thrusts was matched handily by the pleasure humming across her body. Her calves flexed mindlessly, wrapped around Tanya's waist, helping the shaft sink to the base, easily stuffing her to the brim.

Tanya pulled her hips back. The length dragged along through her channel, the soaked slit clutching at each escaping inch.

The next thrust made her cry out weakly, the ache flaring. The shemale paused, savoring the snug sheath wrapped around her cock, sucking at Laura's neck, stroking at her breasts.

The rhythm was slow and strong. Tanya took her sweet time, luxuriating at the apex of every thrust, her balls flush against Laura's taint, her hips firm atop Laura's. The pleasure climbed towards climax.

"Do you want me to cum inside you?" Tanya asked, rearing back to look her squarely in the eyes.

Laura blushed, aching from the sensation of fullness.

"You probably shouldn't..."

Tanya tilted her head.

"I thought you were on the pill."

"I am...but it's probably just safer to...not..."

Tanya smirked.

"That doesn't answer my question, babe."

Laura swallowed nervously, finding it difficult to gather her thoughts with that thick shaft stretching her out so thoroughly. The desire to ask for the shemale's cum surged, but was accompanied by a burst of that earlier strange shame.

"It's just you and me here," the shemale purred. "Just you and me. No one else. Tell me what you want."

"I want you to cum inside felt so good..."


Thrusts rattled off quickly, leaving her bouncing between the backseat and the shemale. She squealed, her nails digging into Tanya's shirt for better purchase. The car rocked slightly. The shemale groaned, squeezing her breasts.

Laura came first, bathing the swiftly plunging cock in yet more juices. The shemale let out a growl. Another thrust sank her deep, and she kept herself buried.

A surge of heat bloomed inside Laura. The orgasm dwindled, but the rush of warmth combined with the thrill of taking the shemale's load brought on a second. The ache throbbed from having every inch skewer her, the formidable length sitting there, forcing her body to make room. Her strained whimper was met by a contented sigh from the shemale. She squirmed, pinned underneath that strong figure, sweat-licked skin right on hers, the intimate contact helping soothe the ache.

Tanya kissed her neck and caressed her breasts, offering more intimate contact. The cock softened steadily inside her but did not move right away. She pressed herself closer to the shemale, needy for more of that contact.

The afterglow dissipated. She grew painfully aware of her neediness, blushing at every little nuzzle into the shemale's arms, at how her pussy clutched desperately when the cock slipped out, at the mewls she let out when the shemale nipped at her neck.

"We should probably get you home," Tanya finally said.

Laura nodded, still blushing fiercely, a burst of the earlier shame coming on.

Some twenty minutes later, the shemale pulled up outside Laura's building.

"You alright?" Tanya asked. "You've been quiet."

Laura bit her lip.

"I wasn't planning on doing that."

"What, fucking in the backseat of my car?"

She nodded.

"Just like I wasn't planning on going back to your hotel room."

"Do you regret it? Either that time or now?"

She swallowed nervously.

"I feel like I should."


"It's complicated."

"Does it have to do with running into Mrs. Velazquez?"

She hesitated.

"Kinda. It's just a reminder I'm doing something I shouldn't be doing. Or something I was told I shouldn't be doing."

"Going by her church comments, I assume you were raised religious."

She nodded.

"Roman Catholic."

"Nothing like Catholic guilt to ruin a good time," Tanya joked, reaching over to squeeze her knee.

"I'm sorry. I'm not trying to ruin anything. I've had a good time with you. I just start to think about it and feel like I should be ashamed."

"You have nothing to apologize for. And y'know, if you don't feel up to anything, just tell me. I don't want to push you into something you don't really want to do."

Laura shook her head.

"It's not that I haven't wanted to."

"I get it. It's not an easy thing to unpack."

"I should go. But maybe we can meet up soon?"

Tanya nodded.

"I'm already looking forward to it."

Tanya leaned over to kiss her. The contact was another delight, a brief shield against the shame. She shifted in the passenger seat, excitement surging past the shame.

If I take too long to say goodbye I might end up letting her fuck me again.

The shemale squeezed her knee again.

"Bye," Laura murmured, slipping from the car.

Her mother was knitting on the couch when she stepped inside the apartment. The TV was on, showing a young, surprisingly handsome priest flanked by an ornate crucifix in the middle of an otherwise spartan set.

"Welcome home, mija! There's some rice and beans in the fridge if you're hungry."

"Thanks, Mama."

"Mrs. Velazquez called me, by the way."

Laura swallowed nervously.


"She said she ran into you and your friend. Tiana, I think it was?"


"Yes, that was her name. Did you two have fun?"

"We did," Laura replied neutrally, trying to read her mother's expression for anything hidden.

"I never meet your friends anymore," she lamented.

"Because we're old enough to hang out at bars and clubs now instead of at each other's homes."

"Does Tanya go to church?"

Laura eyed her mother again.

"I don't think so."

Not sure shemales are really welcomed.

"Hmmm. Mrs. Velazquez did say she seemed friendly."

"She's nice."

"How long have you known her?"

"Not long."

"How'd you meet?"

"At the bowling alley."

"You should invite her over for dinner sometime."

"Maybe. She teaches so she's busy."

Her mother nodded in understanding.

"That's a good profession. Important."

Laura nodded back.

"You'd be a good teacher, mija."


"You should try it. Tanya could get you a job."

"I like the bowling alley, Mama. Especially for right now."

"Oh, I know, mija. And Alfonso will let you work there as long as you want."

"Well, I won't be there forever," Laura said, making her way towards her room.


[Would you like to see what thinking about you does to me?]

The loaded question stared Laura in the face.

Although she had not seen Tanya since their date, the two had flirted daily over text, with the shemale occasionally going past flirting into sexting. Every round of naughty texts left Laura flushed and squirmy, as well as tempted to set up a date for the coming weekend.

She glanced at the closed door, hearing faint snippets of whatever show her mother was watching.

[Yes please.]

[Just to be clear, I'm going to send you a dick pic.]

Laura laughed.

[Thanks for the clarification.]

[Wanted to make sure we're on the same page.]

The next buzz came with the promised image.

Laura felt her thighs rub together, her body reacting quickly to the sight of the thick shaft. A hand dawdled at the waistband of her shorts.

God, I want it inside me...

The unbidden thought made her blush fiercely.

Her fingers began to type before she could stop herself.

[Are you free tonight to grab a drink?]

A burst of shame followed.

[Or maybe the weekend?] she added, reining in her neediness but unable to completely snuff it out.

[You need me inside you that bad?] came the response.

Laura could easily imagine the smirk on the shemale's face.

[I'm meeting up with one of my sluts tonight,] the shemale continued.

[Oh, no problem, we can do the weekend if you're free, no hurry.]

Laura put her phone down, blushing still at the lingering neediness.

After a few minutes, her phone buzzed again.

[You can come hang out with us after we come back to my place if you want.]

She swallowed nervously.

She's going to think you're desperate, the responsible voice in her head spoke up.

[That's alright, I can wait.]

[You sure? My slut doesn't mind.]

Laura hesitated.

You can wait, the voice pressed. If you go to her place just to fuck, you'll be a slut like Pam and Alex.

That sounds way more good than bad, another voice cut in.

You can wait.

[I wouldn't want to be a third wheel.]

I'm sure I CAN wait, but I obviously don't have to.

[Trust me, you wouldn't be. I wouldn't invite you over and not include you.]

She glanced at the door again, responsibility and desire warring inside her.

[What time should I come over?] she finally texted.


Laura sat on the bench, acutely self-conscious, a breeze brushing over her.

Still time to leave, the responsible voice spoke up. You don't have to be this desperate.

She invited me, the other voice cut in. It's not like we went out of our way to get that invite.

"There she is!" a voice sang from the right.

She looked over to see Tanya striding towards her, arm slung over the shoulder of a shorter woman. The shorter woman's light brown skin was complemented by a black jacket, white skirt, and pink flats.

"Jas, this is Laura, Laura, this is Jas."

"Good to meet you!" Jas said excitedly, pulling her into a hug. "Tanya's already told me about you."

Laura blushed.

Tanya slung her other arm over Laura and headed inside. Her blush intensified at the possessiveness but she did not fight it.

"How long were you waiting?" the shemale asked.

"Not long. Ten minutes or so."

"Did you eat already? I have some leftovers upstairs if you're hungry."

"No, I ate already. But thank you."

"I'm hungry," Jas spoke up coquettishly.

"Well, I know what you're hungry for," Tanya shot back.

"Can I have it?"

"Right here in the lobby?"


The flirtiness continued on the way upstairs. Laura's blush raged on.

Once inside her apartment, Tanya let Jas take off her jacket and shoes before shoving her against the wall, kissing at her neck, drawing a squeal of surprise from her. Her clothing was left rumpled, skirt riding up, blouse tugged from the waistband. The shemale yanked the blouse over her head, revealing her large breasts, trapped by a pink bra. Jas just as quickly unhooked and shrugged it off, the luscious mounds bouncing free. The shemale pounced on them, catching a nipple and slurping at the stiff bud.

"I love it when she's like this," Jas purred, squirming against the wall.

Laura blinked, caught off guard by the sudden passion, midway through taking off her own jacket and shoes, having followed the older woman's lead.

The shemale snuck a hand under the skirt, making Jas moan, her hips winding immediately against that touch.

"Fuck yes...touch me...right there...please..."

That hand moved steadily underneath the skirt. Jas moaned again, breasts jiggling to her restless bucking. One of those lush swells was still at Tanya's mercy, sucked and nipped, shining here and there with saliva.