Law of the Heart Ch. 07-08

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The first ending.
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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 05/13/2005
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Chapter 7 (Ending 1)

"Go on Jill, make your statement. Give your deposition. But remember you are under a marriage oath. You MUST be truthful. Tell me everything and omit nothing. If you don't, if you lie, then there will be a death of some kind. You might say an execution of relationships... husband/wife, son/father, friends/lovers, maybe even mother/son."

The sky grew darker and more foreboding as Jill began to whisper her testimony.

"The reunion weekend... It was so nice to get away... Do you know that it was the first time in 6 months I was off by myself for longer than a trip to the store. I was by myself, no husband, no Jake Junior, just me. All by myself, in Miami. The resort was so beautiful. The warm tropical breezes, rum drinks, hot salsa music. Beautiful people.... Jake it was just so sexy there," Jill sobbed.

I didn't respond to her, but thought to myself, "Does geography make a person unfaithful. If that's the case then Jill better never go to Hawaii or Las Vegas by herself!" I continued to stare at my wife, until she became uncomfortable and finally continued.

"Jake, everyone was there and we were having such a good time. It was like I was back in school. Before us, before Jake Junior. It was like I was my own person again. Not responsible for anything, anyone but myself."

"I have always let you be your own person Jill. I have always given you space if you told me you needed it," I responded. My voice was dull and unemotional.

"I know Jake. It's not anything you have done. It's just life..."

I couldn't help but interrupt. "You wanted to get married Jill. I thought as much as I did. And I know you wanted to have a baby...."

This time Jill stopped me. "Yes, I did. I wanted marriage and a baby. I love you Jake... Oh God this is so hard!"

"Do you want me to help Jill. I'll ask some questions if it will help you get it out. But before I do I want to hear that one thing from your loving lips." I stressed the word 'loving' and saw Jill flinch. "Just say it, Jill."

I saw the tears well up in her eyes again. Nothing was said for several minutes. The only sound was Jill's quiet sobs. Finally she whispered, "I was unfaithful Jake."

"What, I didn't hear you!"

"I was unfaithful."

"You fucked someone else Jill?" I said rhetorically. "You cheated on me?"

"Yes, Dam it... YES! Please stop torturing me with it. I know that you know! I know.... And it is killing me."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. "If it is killing you Jill ... just imagine what it is doing to me!"

She couldn't respond and just hung her head.

After another few minutes of silence I finally said, "Knowing the type of infidelity will make understanding it easier. Tell me Jill is this a one-night stand or a long term affair? Were you drugged? Did you cheat due to a mid-life or life crisis? Did you cheat because I can't satisfy you. Maybe you have a sexual addiction and can't help yourself."

I let those reasons sink in for a moment, then continued, "Jill, did I do something wrong? Maybe you did this as an act of retaliation? Did you do it to get even for something I did? Or are you looking for a way out. Did you cheat as a way to force the end our marriage?"

I had just listed all the reasons that I could think of for a person to cheat on their spouse. I really wanted to know why Jill had done it. Knowing 'WHY' would help me determine if our marriage could survive.

"Oh Jake no...let me think. I am so confused...."

"Well let me go through them one at a time. Maybe it won't be so difficult that way. "OK Jill, was this a one night stand or is it a long term affair?"

"This is the first and only time... I promise Jake... I have never been unfaithful to you before."

I noted to myself that she didn't say she would be unfaithful in the future, but I let it go for now. I would be coming back to that point. "Were you drugged, then taken advantage of Jill."

"Oh Jake, I had a lot to drink and I did smoke some marijuana. But I did it myself, no one forced me too."

"So you can't claim rape then, can you Jill."

"No, I can't. I was swept up in something, but I wasn't forced to go along... I am responsible."

"Well maybe...." I said before catching myself. "Are you having some kind of life crisis?"

"I don't know Jake ...maybe. Its not that I am unhappy, I love you and little Jake, but like I said before.. I.. I... I felt so free and irresponsible. It felt good."

At the word "Felt good", I made a little 'hurrrruuuuummmmp' sound. Jill noticed and her face fell. She hadn't meant it in a sexual way, but she could tell that I had taken it that way.

"Do you have a sex addiction Jill. Are you a nymphomaniac or something now?"

"Oh God Jake no... I won't deny that I have been thinking a lot about the experience... but it is not an addiction."

"I guess I don't satisfy you anymore?"

Jill began to sob! "Jake... no you are wonderful....."

After a few minutes Jill collected herself. "Like I just said, I have been thinking a lot about that night. Jake I won't lie to you..."

"You had better not lie," I growled.

"This may hurt you. Listen, you are a great husband and lover. I love making love with you. But this one night was something different. Jake, I have never had a night like that before! It wasn't better than when we are together. Just different. It was...."

"Amazing Jill.... Isn't that what you want to say. It was amazing. I heard you tell Sally that on the phone."

"God dam-it ..Yes Jake it was amazing. I have never had orgasms like that in my life. OK... that's the truth. But it doesn't mean I love you less. Happy now that I have said it. I loved every minute of it. Yes it was amazing!"

"How many times did you cum Jill?"

No response....

"How many... 1, 2, 4, 6, 10..."

"Stop please..... stop..."

"How many Jill... more orgasms than I have ever given you..."

"Yes dam you... yes! I came and came and came... I must have cum 8 to 10 times... over and over again."

I sat in silence.... Finally I said. "It was Juan right?"

Meekly Jill said, "Yes." She knew how I hated him. She knew that having an affair with him was the worst thing she could do. "I am so sorry," she added burying her face in her hands. She had finally said her lovers name.

"You know Jill I am not a big stud like Juan Mendoza. I don't have the time to work out at the gym or have cosmetic surgery, or work on my tan so I look like a Greek God! But I will tell you something. It is impossible for one man to give you 10 orgasms in one night."

"What do you mean?" Jill asked looking confused.

"Well Jill, you are a bigger slut than you think you are. How may times Juan come in your mouth, in you pussy, maybe even in your ass?"

"No not my ass....."

I cut her off, "I am glad for that, but I guess that taboo about cumming in your mouth is now broken. How many times did jism shoot into you mouth, into your pussy?"

"I don't know... I lost count. 5 or 6 times..."

"Five or Six times Jill... that means three for Juan and three for Hector?"


"That's what I meant when I said you were a bigger slut than even you thought. One man can't cum 6 times in a night Jill! But two can! You were fucked by two men Jill... Both Juan and Hector filled your body with cum, and you didn't even know. I guess all cocks look alike when you are swallowing them. It's a good thing the Mendoza's aren't triplets or you might still be in Miami being fucked!"

"Ohhhh Noooooo...," Jill wailed realizing the truth of it.

"Do you want a divorce Jill? Is that what you want? Do you want out? All you had to do was ask. You didn't have to become the Mendozas' personal fuck toy!"

"No... I love you Jake... Oh Jake..."

"Are you going to see them again?"

"Juan called me. He wanted to come to Boston and have me visit him in his hotel."

"And you said... what, to that offer?"

"I'll tell him NO... of course."

"But you didn't tell him 'NO' when he asked? You would have seen him, wouldn't you?"

She didn't respond.

I continued, "but now that you are caught you will tell him 'NO". Only now when caught. Do you know something Jill? I don't think you can give up this 'amazing' fucking. You'll miss it. Even if you have to fuck them both to get it!"

She chose to avoid my comments and play her trump card. "Can we get past this Jake? Please, can we continue to be a family? You and I... and Little Jake. We both need you, and I know that you need your family. It is who you are. You need us as much as we need you."

"So because I am a family man who tries to do his best and do the right thing I should just take you back and ignore what you have done. Is that what you are saying Jill?"

"Yes... No... I don't know. I am so confused."

You didn't seem confused when you were wrapping your legs around the Mendozas'. You didn't seem confused when you were pressing your tits against him on the boat."

"What, how did you know..."

I regained my calm exterior, "It doesn't matter. What matters is that I do know. I know everything. I also know that you are right. I do need my family. I need my son. And yes Jill I do need you. I just don't know in what capacity I need you."

"Please come home, Jake!" my wife begged.

"Do you want me home or is that the lawyer in you Jill. You know what it means if I come home."

I opened a law book on my desk to a page I had marked. Then I continued, "You know what this says a well as I do."

Marriage is a contractual relationship between a man and a woman that vests the parties with a new legal status.

Marriage is unlike other contractual relationships in that it creates a status that may not be terminated at will by the parties, but only by a court, as by a divorce. It is thus often said that the state is a third party to any marriage.

At hearing the word Divorce Jill had to catch her breath. But I continued

While "no-fault" divorces have become increasingly common in all U.S. states, there are still many cases where marital partners seek to establish fault, particularly in states that require a waiting period of legal separation before allowing a "no-fault" divorce. The most common grounds are adultery, desertion, and physical or mental cruelty. Habitual drunkenness, incurable mental illness, conviction of a crime, nonsupport, or constructive abandonment are other grounds for establishing fault. Corrupt consent by a party to the conduct of the other party bars a divorce, as does collusion. Forgiveness of the offense, either express or implied (as by cohabitation), on condition that it not be repeated, is a bar to a divorce for that offense.

"So there it is Jill. If I come home and live with you I am implying forgiveness, and I could not get a divorce for you infidelity."

"I know Jake, but please come home. We need you."

"Yes, here it is," I thought to myself. If I went home no matter what else I did I would not be getting a divorce, at least not a divorce for Jill's adultery. I would be accepting what had happened. Not forgiving or forgetting, but accepting it. The court would assume that I had given at least implied consent and forgiveness because we were cohabitating. The court would not grant a divorce for her infidelity. I had to choose. Stay away and get a divorce, or go home and lose the option.

"Accept, but not forgive or forget," I mumbled softly.

"I didn't hear you, Jake."

"I'll come home Jill."


Chapter 8 (Ending 1)

"OK, Open up the hanger and let the airplane fly in," I told my son as I waved a spoon full of cereal in front of his face.

"DaDa feeds me," was his response, opening his pink mouth as wide as he could.

As the airplane spoon dumped its cargo into his mouth, I heard Jill shuffling behind me in her slippers.

Sitting next to us at the breakfast table Jill took a sip of her coffee. Frankly she looked like hell.

It was three weeks since out meeting. I was at home for my son, but that was all. As far as Jill was concerned I was at home in body, but not in spirit. I had been sleeping in the office/spare room on a second hand folding bed that I had bought from at a thrift store.

I was devoting all my home time to my son. I had always known what an amazing little boy he was, but in the last few weeks I had come to appreciate him even more.

Jill and I had come to a peace of sorts. We actually worked together to make the logistics work. She stayed out of my way when I went to the Master bed room to get clothes or shower in the attached bath. I picked up and kept her office clean so she could do her part-time work in her office during the day.

We were surviving. Well I was, Jill looked like she had lost a few pounds and her spirit seemed to be gone. I on the other hand was reveling in the time I was spending with my son.

"Sally called me yesterday," Jill said in a monotone.

"Good old Sally. Did you tell her to go to hell?"

"No Jake, she is going to be in town next week and wants to visit."

"I don't really want to see her," I replied.

"She wants to visit me Jake. Not you!"

I almost said something nasty about Sally getting Jill into more trouble, but thought better of it and remained silent.

"I want to see her."

This time I couldn't keep quiet. "Want to talk about old times in Miami," I said sarcastically.

I was pushing her further and further away but I couldn't help myself. The pain of her betrayal was still too fresh.

"I am sure that the reunion will come up. But I would like to be able to talk to her about us Jake. She is my best friend. But I won't say anything if you don't want me too."

I was surprised that she asked. "Sure, go ahead, if it will help."

But then I thought about our dirty laundry being aired in front of Sally and I got mad again. "No reason not to talk with her. I am sure she already knows I am a cuckold."

"I want to be able to tell Sally that you are the best man, the best father, the best husband in the world Jake."

"I am here aren't I Jill. Just like you wanted."

"You are here, but you are not with me Jake."

It seemed that the five levels of death and dying were not all there were when it came to marriage. I had made it to acceptance, but there were two more levels to go.

"When you agreed to come home you said that you accepted what had happened. But you said you could not forgive or forget."

"That's right."

"Before Sally gets here next week I need for you to have forgiven me Jake."

"I... I don't know if..., " I stuttered.

"Sally is going to try and get me to go back to Florida with her. I need for you to forgive me, Jake."

"If I don't forgive you, you will go?"

"Jake I don't know what I will do. I know I love both you and Little Jake. But..... I can't stand this....."

"The law doesn't require forgiveness, only acceptance Jill. I have accepted things."

"But I need forgiveness... and someday Jake, Forgetfulness."

"I ... I will try."

At that moment Little Jake said, "DaDa more plane!" Jill reached out and gently held my hand.

----Four months later----

"Oh..Oh..Oh.... GOOOOOODDDDD," Jill cried out as I brought her to her fourth orgasm of the night

I climbed off her perspiration covered torso and walked to the hotel room balcony. I could feel the tropical sea breeze and hear the waves breaking on the beach.

"God, I am numb Jake. When did you learn how to do that?"

"Just something that I heard about from a Hispanic guy I am representing. You know how those Hispanics are."

I still gave Jill little digs now and then about the Mendozas', it seems to keep her motivated. I glanced over my shoulder and saw my wife spread her legs a bit wider for me. She knew I was looking. Using her fingers Jill opened up her shaved pussy, showing me her wetness and hard clit. She had become so eager to earn her forgiveness.

"Aren't you tired, Jill? You have been working all week, and then the flight to Bermuda."

In the days before Sally visited things had changed. I had forgiven Jill, but had exacted some concessions. I was now the one working part-time and Jill had taken a full-time job. In my spare time I had bonded closely with my son, and also treated myself to some "Jake time."

Jake time was a whole series of activities that I did for myself. I had joined a gym and after loosing 15 pounds of flab, I put back on 25 pounds of muscle. I went to a saloon. Had my hair styled regularly and even spent time in their tanning booth. I must admit that I looked good in a little white speedo swim suit.

"I'm OK. I just wish I had a tan like yours. I feel kind of pasty, plus I am out of shape."

I got a cold fruit juice from the hotel rooms mini-fridge. Opening it I took a swallow. I reached into my pants pocket and fished out a small pill box. Placing the pill on my tongue I washed it down with more juice, then handed it to Jill. She greedily finished the bottle and flopped back onto the bed. Eying my still hard cock she put her knees together then pulled them up to her breasts. Looking deep into my eyes she then slowly spread her knees apart. Opening up her sex like a blossoming flower to me.

"You want more baby?" I said with a growl.

"Yeah Jake...more. I'd suck your cock, but it looks like you are still hard, so I'll save that for later."

I smiled to myself. "Better living through chemistry." The Viagra I had just popped would keep me going for another few hours. Tonight I was going for the record. We would see who would forget the Mendoza's first. Jill or me. I was thinking that after tonight Jill would never think of them again.

Jill's hand guided my hardness into her wetness.

The next morning before we called Little Jake at Jill's parents house. I asked her how many orgasms she had.

"Hmmmm...12 or 14." She replied languidly. "How about you?"

"Well, I surprised even myself Jill. I had 4."

Jill sank slowly to her knees and opened my robe. Looking up at me she asked, "Think you can come two more times?"

Her look was pure lust and caused my heart to jump. Then she wrapped her lips around my cock and began slaving it with her tongue as if it were something to be possessed. In that one act Jill in fact took possession of both my heart and my cock.

I thought to myself, "Possession is 9 tenths of the Law!" Then my orgasm began and everything was forgotten!

The End (Alternate Ending #1)

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Booboo12629Booboo12629about 2 months ago

After all the build up, a dud ending. Wow, you wrote endless details of the story before the final, rather disappointing confrontation and then just mailed in a quick ending. You couldn't even bother to write about how they got from maybe forgiving to wild sex a few months later? What a frustrating read!

RzcanuckRzcanuck2 months ago

Thankfully there are better endings to this story on Lit.

IrishLaddy59IrishLaddy592 months ago

I object that the dumbass went home. He should have knocked on the door and said hi Jill, are you done fucking this asshole?" Then I would have told asshole I was getting a restraining order against him being closer than the maximum allowable distance. Then I would tell Jill to get STD tests the moment we get home. Then I would tell tell her to pack up her clothes, get her sorry unfaithful ass in the cab with me to the airport.

I would push that wimpy ass ohhhhh I cant live without her and my poor little boy.

1. Yes, you can live with out her.

2. Yes, your little boy will adjust.

3. Your divorce will open the door to reignite a new relationship and marriage if you choose.

You see, "She rode the hoot owl trail, and she tasted the fruits of evil. But justice will always catch up and demand payment."

P.S. Rock solid 4 for writing. The outcome sucked.

SeaChangerSeaChanger5 months ago

Excellent writing. Spying on his wife because he thought she might cross a line made me think he wanted to suffer. Most men would have greeted his wife coming off the boat and confront her with her dalliance. That might have been sufficient to solve the problem.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What a pathetic wimp. I don't get those cuck stories that are ashamed to fully embrace what they are. It has enough posturing from him that will probably turn off cuckoldry fans. But read in it entirely, it is obviously a cuck story. He says clearly he will do anything to stay with the cheating slut. That's how cucks are made. Next time she has a gangbang he should offer to clean up

Boardman68Boardman686 months ago

No, I just don't think either of those endings work. In the first, in spite of all her bs about being confused and loving her husband. She has no conviction that what she did was wrong. All the comes out of her mouth is that she is confused, but she loves her husband. Oh, again when she cheating the sex was amazing!!! In the first ending, she already agreed to hook up with Juan again at a hotel in town in a few days. In the second case, she wants to continue to associate with the same people who aided her in cheating the first time (if it was the first time). She is a good actor; good at lying and deceit. It maybe Juan or it maybe someone else but she is going to cheat again. Get out now!

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny7 months ago

Seeing her shitty friend Sally would be a dealbreaker for me, you choose her then carry your ass to Florida,easier for me to get custody.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

No way the slut gets away with what she did to the marriage, to the man she supposedly loved so much, and him, such a wimp.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Much left undone at the end. Again, the wealthy get away with doing as they please. The good guy gets to be the one to forgive and forget, those two emotions never leave one's memory I don't care what anyone says. We never found out if Jake junior was Jake's or not. Again 10-12 orgasms. Really!

oldtwitoldtwit11 months ago

Now that was an ending.

I have said it in most parts of this, it should have been written as one big part, you left it hanging in so many places. I liked this ending, maybe if it was my story I think I would have had him take Sally and fuck her silly in a hotel where Jill knew that they were for the weekend, but not mine to write.

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