Leah's Bondage Ch. 04

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Training begins with a hard lesson.
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Part 4 of the 12 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 03/24/2004
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Carlton looked down at the sleepy girl kneeling in front of him. Her attention was not totally on him, he noticed. Her eyes kept flickering to the cup of steaming coffee on the tray. He couldn’t tell her, but he was rather charmed with the way her nose twitched at the smell of coffee. She was like a sleepy little rabbit. With expert persion, he flicked the crop at her nipple.

Leah gasped and jerked her hands, straining to pull them around from behind her to cover her stinging breast, but the padded leather cuffs held her firm. She looked at Master with hurt, confused eyes. What had she done wrong?

“Your full attention will be on me, not your breakfast. Your concern is to please me, Little Rabbit.” He could feel himself stirring at her reaction and it took most of his self control to sit calmly. He could not resist stroking the leather tab of the crop up and down the soft valley between her breasts. “Who is your full attention to be on?”

“You…” her voice trailed off as her eyes dropped to watch the crop nervously.

He flicked it down sharply to her inner thigh.

“You, Master,” she added in a hurried, pained voice, her eyes focused on him.

“Good. Now, before you get your coffee and toast, you are going to show me what skill you have in sucking cock.” He smiled at her look of shock.

“No,” incredulity colored her voice as she shook her head, “I don’t know what kind of sick bastard you are, or what kind of game you are living out here, but I am not playing along. You can’t buy people. You can’t make them your sex slaves, and I am not going to eagerly suck your cock because you want me to.”

Her anger had brought color to her pale cheeks and a lively sparkle to her eye that he rather liked. Her fear had a delicious quality to it, but her spirit was even better. “But, my Little Rabbit, you forget, I did buy you, I do own you. You are my sex slave. And you will eagerly suck my cock, though it will be because you want to.”

Leah glared angrily at him, “I have a fucking name. It’s not ‘Pet;’ it’s not ‘Little One;’ and it’s not ‘Rabbit!’ It’s Leah! Why don’t you fucking use it?”

He moved so quickly, she wasn’t sure what had happened at first. She was face down on the carpet, his iron grip on her neck, his knee in her back. She could feel the silk of his dressing gown on her bare legs.

“You. Will. Not. Swear. At. Me.” He hissed in her ear.

“Screw you, Asshole!” Leah shot back recklessly.

“I will have to punish you, Rabbit,” his voice was a cold, deadly calm that cut through her anger and sent a slice of fear to her heart. She tried to twist out of his grip, but he held on, pressing her harder against the floor. Frantic, as if she realized she was doomed, she fought with all her strength, but he calmly removed the belt to his dressing gown and caught her feet like a rancher catching a wayward calf, and just as easily had her hogtied.

Secured, the stream of curses that had been flowing out of her mouth dried up and a heavy, uncomfortable silence hung in the air. She felt Master leave her and heard him walk across the room to the door from last night and unlock it. Oh God, not that room. She began to shake in fear. What had she been thinking? He came back to her with steady, measured steps and she moaned. With apparent ease, he lifted her up and carried her into the room, depositing her on the cold cement floor in the middle of the room. Leah fought back tears of fear. She would not give this son of a bitch the pleasure of them.

Carlton moved with efficient purpose, setting up the equipment he was going to need to teach his little slave her lesson. He had a feeling it was going to be a long session due to the strength of her will. Oh, she was afraid right now – afraid of what he was going to do to her, but she was not repentant of her comments, or changed in her beliefs. The key here was to break her will, not shatter it.

He did not treat her roughly as he fastened the cuffs around her ankles and then attached one end of the spreader bar to the left cuff. Untying her feet from her hands, he swiftly attached the other end of the spreader bar and then smoothly brought it down to the floor, fastening it to secured bolt in the floor. The noise she made pulled at him in an odd way. He wanted to hold her in his arms and stroke her gently, soothing her.

Leah fought back the panic, but she couldn’t stop trying to escape the cuffs and spreader. This was too much like just a few days ago when the doors of her cell had been opened and guards had manhandled her to the “showroom” to be sold. She managed to bite back a yelp of terror when Master pulled her to her feet, steadying her with his own body, her face against his chest. She could smell the faint smell of sandalwood and shaving cream. There was something almost mesmerizing about them.

He felt her relax for a moment against him and smiled to himself. The desire to submit was there. He had felt it that night. He took advantage of the moment and unhooked her wrists, bringing them in front of her and reattaching them to a sturdy chain. Stepping away to the controls, he brought the chain up slowly until she was taught between the chain and the stretcher bar.

Carlton walked around her admiring the shape of her body, the way the light played over her skin as she took scared breaths, the fall of her hair down her back. He gathered her hair up in his hand, feeling the weight of it, “I could cut it all off; shave your head. Some masters do that to their slaves.”

Leah drew in her breath. He wouldn’t. She tried to pull away from his hand, whimpering, but it was no use.

Twisting her hair, Carlton secured it to the top of Leah’s head with a clip, leaving her back open and exposed. He made a mental note that she was very possessive of her hair. He loved the length, but she could spare some length if he needed to punish her.

Walking back in front of her, he moved to the wall where the whips, crops and floggers hung neatly on pegs. He took his time, letting her suspense build as he stroked several lovingly before selecting a single tail that would be fairly painful and leave a nice mark on her skin.

Walking back he took in her squirming and fear. She had no idea how beautiful she looked right now. Reaching in, Carlton ran his fingers between her lower lips and came back with wet fingers.

“You are aroused, Little Rabbit,” he challenged her, “Do you know what that means?”

“No,” She shook her head, both in denial of the arousal and to his question.

He smeared her lips with her own wetness, “It means that you like this. You want me to overpower you and control you. You want me to be your master and you want me to make you submit to me. Isn’t that true?”

“No!” she whispered in horror. “No!”

“Oh, yes, Little Rabbit. I think you enjoyed last night so much, that you subconsciously caused trouble today just to find a way back in here,” He reached between her legs again and found her swollen clit and teased it making her spasm helplessly in her bondage, whimpering and moaning. Abruptly he withdrew his hand, leaving her panting. “But your behavior this morning will not give you the pleasure you had last night. You know better then to swear at me, don’t you?”

Leah closed her eyes tightly as she trembled at the maelstrom of need he had awoken in her.

Carlton flicked the whip and a mark bloomed on her thigh even as her eyes and mouth flew open in pain. “Don’t you?” he repeated calmly.



Leah gasped again as the whip marked her across her buttocks, “Yes, Master.”

“Such a simple lesson. I really shouldn’t be having to drill it into you again, pet.” Carlton chided her. “Now tell me again who I am to you.”

Leah was trying to turn her head to see where he was and didn’t answer fast enough. The whip struck again, harder this time, on the back of her thighs.

“Who am I?” He demanded sternly.

“Master!” she yelped out desperately.

“Again!” he punctuated it with another stroke.


After fifteen repetitions he let her rest, taking his time, walking around her, admiring her beautiful body. Then he lifted her chin with the end of the whip, “Tell me, Pet. Why am I your master?”

“Because you can hurt me and I can’t stop you.” She spat out bitterly.

The whip flashed again marking her breast and she cried out with the pain, pulling hard at the restraints,

“Wrong answer. Why am I your Master?”

“Because you are a fucking sadist!” she yelled, her anger getting the best of her. He brought the whip up between her legs and she screamed, jerking hard and straining to close her legs against the pain. He waited for her to quiet down and then with one finger wiped away a tear rolling down her face and tasted the tear, savoring it.

“Yes, I am a sadist, but that is also the wrong answer. Come now, Pet. You are a smart girl, think about this. Why am I your Master?” His voice was soothing and calm, but he kept her off balance by rubbing the whip along the inside of her thigh, both arousing her and making her twitch in anticipation of another strike.

Leah’s mind was an agony of confusion. She wanted to give in and end this torment. Her anger made her want to fight it out until he beat her to death. She knew he was going to win. She couldn’t fight him and win, but she could hold him off for as long as she could, couldn’t she? She felt the flash of fire across her breasts again and his maddeningly calm voice demanding to know why he was he Master.

“You bought me, Asshole.” She snarled nastily at him.

She was rewarded with another lash to her shaven pussy. Through the white hot haze of pain she dimly heard him say, “Yes, Pet. I bought you. I paid for you. Again, just in case you didn’t get it, why am I your Master?” And the whip licked across her body leaving a fresh mark to punctuate the question. Twenty times he asked the question and twenty times she answered, only being more polite, having figured out after a couple more times that a swear word caused a strike between the legs.

She watched him walking around her as her body throbbed with pain. Was he done? He had made his point surely.

“Tell me, Rabbit, what have we established so far?” he moved behind her and stopped, tracing the tip to the whip along one of the bright red marks and making her shiver in response.

Her mouth felt so dry she could barely speak, “That you are my Master.”

“And?” he prompted.

“You bought me,” she added resignedly.

“Very good. Logic would tell me that I could buy you only because you were for sale. Why were you for sale, Rabbit?” He struck her inner thigh.

The tears she had managed to hold back so far began to stream down her face, “Please, don’t do this!”

“Why were you for sale, Rabbit?” He gave her another lash on her other inner thigh.

Leah tried to bite back the sob. She couldn’t say it. It would make it too real. But she realized he would keep at her until she answered him. As if in confirmation of this thought, the whip struck again, harder, leaving a line of fire across her skin.

“Why were you for sale, Rabbit?” His fingers reached between her legs and started exploring her wetness.

She sobbed and struggled uselessly as sensations of pleasure began to build up in her body, faster and faster. She had to stop this nightmare.

“Because – because, I am a – a slave, Master.” His fingers left her,

“Say it again, louder.”

Defeated, she repeated it louder. He kept at it, making her say it over and over again until she was shouting it.

He lifted her chin with his fingers and looked into her eyes, “Accepting the reality will make things easier for you, Rabbit. Now one more little topic of conversation and we can move on to more pleasant things. What is your name?”

Leah looked into his eyes and saw the compassion and control there. She also saw that there was no winning. If she answered ‘Leah’ she was going to get more whipping. He called her a number of things… Pet, Little One, Rabbit… whatever seemed to come to his mind.

“Whatever you want to call me, Master,” she whispered just as he raised the whip to strike her again.

He lowered the whip, “Very good my little Rabbit. Now you have a choice. You can either have a caning for my pleasure or you make suck my cock. What will it be?”

Leah didn’t think she could take any more pain and mumbled back that she would suck him.

“I’m sorry, Slave. You will have to speak up.”

“I will suck you, Master,” Leah felt like she was being broken into little pieces.

Carlton lowered the chains suspending her until she was kneeling on the floor. He loosened the drawstring on his pajama bottoms and took out his semi-hard cock and brought it to Leah’s lips.

“I don’t know what to do, Master,” she said in all honesty.

“Open your mouth and suck gently on it, use your tongue, be creative, watch the teeth.”

Leah opened her mouth and took him in hesitantly. Carlton stroked her hair soothingly, trying to calm her. She began to suck him awkwardly while hot tears rolled down her face.

“You’re doing fine, Rabbit, just fine. Now move your tongue around my cock, oh, yes, just like that. Lovely. That’s a good girl.” He kept stroking her hair and murmuring softly to her as she gained some confidence and skill. He closed his eyes at the pleasure of her mouth, curling his fingers in her hair.

Sucking on her Master, Leah decided this wasn’t as bad as she had thought it would be. She had thought it would be slimier somehow. It was far better than be being beaten. Leah felt his cock twitch in her mouth and heard him groan almost painfully as his fingers tightened in her hair. Just as she was thinking that she might have a way to control him, her mouth was filled with hot salty fluid and he pushed himself hard into her mouth. She struggled, frightened, breathing in some of the fluid and the coughing spasmodically.

Carlton pulled out much relieved and looked at his slave, arms still bound over her head, cum dripping out of her mouth to her breasts, coughing, her eyes watering, no resistance left in her body for now. He pulled his pajama bottoms back up and went to fetch a towel to clean her up.

In a few minutes he had her unchained and uncuffed and kneeling gingerly back on the pillow by the fireplace. He handed her the now cold coffee and a slice of toast to eat. She ate them both, eager to remove the taste of cum from her mouth. At least he wasn’t feeding her like an infant.

Carlton did not watch her eat, but instead went to a panel of the Trompe L'Oeil mural and pushed on it. It sprang open to reveal a cupboard housing an entertainment center, some dvds, cds and a notebook. He removed a dvd and the notebook and returned to his chair.

“When I return for lunch today, I expect you to have watched this DVD carefully. Also, you will have read, studied and practiced pages one through 5 in the notebook. I will be testing you. Obedience will be rewarded. Disobedience will be punished. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.” She mumbled through the last of the cold toast, her stomach still growling a bit with hunger.

He gave her a long look, “I think I will show you what punishment you will face should you disobey. Come with me.” He rose and walked back to the door of the dungeon room but stopped at the door. Instead of going in, he unlocked the door right next to it and opened the door.

Curious, Leah looked in to see a small concrete cell with a prison style toilet and a chain with a manacle lying menacingly like a coiled snake. There was no light in the cell, she noticed. That meant, once the door was shut, there would be total darkness. She took a step backwards as the ice cold fear of the room began to wrap itself around her. She could imagine it too well after being captive with those horrible men for so long. They had put her in a room like this. At times she felt like she couldn’t breathe. She felt like the walls of that little room were closing in around her even now.

“Rabbit, what is wrong?” Carlton touched her arm, trying to bring her back to the present from wherever she was.

Leah blinked at him looking very much like a little scared rabbit, “Please Master, please don’t put me in there. Torture me in the other room, if you must, but please don’t put me in there.”

“Did the Sanchez brother’s put you in a room like this, Rabbit?”

Leah took another step back away from it and nodded, “Yes, Master.”

He shut the door and locked it, “How long did you spend in it?”

“A month, Master,” her voice was very soft now.

“I see,” he pushed back his anger and kept his voice calm, “Well, you won’t be in there if you do your work, now will you? Take a shower, get yourself freshened up. I brought up a clean robe for you to wear. The one you wore last night had to be cleaned.” When I return, you will hear a chime. I expect to find you kneeling here on the pillow by my chair. Any questions?”

“No, Master.”

He kissed her gently on the forehead and left the room.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

love you your, one of the only stories that i love hope he dose not share her i will die

kiwiplumkiwiplumover 11 years ago

She finally fought back, showed some spunk. For sure what she should do. He's a prick.

joodlejoodlealmost 12 years ago
Thats it

I have read several bdsm stories, often with a romantic feel. Maybe too romantic. I feel like this is a great balance of harsh and romantic-- my personal ideal setting. Thank you!

DryhillDryhillover 12 years ago

Yes another wonderful chapter, this story just gets better and better.

SexKittnSexKittnabout 19 years ago

I find the stories to be lacking but I can't put my finger on it. With that said, this is probably the best line on all of Lit.: “Open your mouth and suck gently on it, use your tongue, be creative, watch the teeth.”

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Absolutely breathtakingly incredible!

I am completely latched (hook, line, and sinker) on your writing. I have read every story you have written and I just find myself craving more and more. I plan on buying your novellas and, if I wasn't a poor college student, giving you a hundred million dollars so you could spend all of your time writing novel after novel and story after story.

Words cannot describe how much I absolutely love your work. From the girls at first resisting their slavery to falling head over heels in love with their Masters and the men being oh-so-deliciously Dominant while staying extremely protective and caring for their pets... I shudder in excitement each time I begin to read another chapter of your stories.

I cannot thank you enough for writing and publishing such immaculate stories of blossoming Master/slave relationships without inhumane torture and degredation.

You are an author to be treasured by all for eons and eons and you are already by me.

Thank you again for blessing the BDSM world with your contribution of pleasure, trust, and intense sensuality.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Please keep writting!!

I come in every day with the hopes of a new chapter. I love your stories

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

Iam really enjoying this story so far! Keep going-

Your characters are nicely multidimensional. I find myself rooting for our girl to say just the right thing to make Carlton set her free, but then there would be no story (duh)! It seems like he might turn out to be not such a bad guy, if only she can come to terms with the situation. We romantics can only hope for a happy ending and wait patiently for the next chapter,as long as it appears quickly!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

Please keep writting more chapters, I really love your characters

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