Leftovers Ch. 07-08

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Escalation and answers. Finale.
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Leftovers: Chapter Seven

They planned ahead for the next heat, with another experiment. This test was a repeat of the first one. Sana was the one tied to the daybed, to see if she could see things the way Connie had. She rode in Connie's head, unable to switch her perspective. She tried to make suggestions, but to no avail. She just twisted her body, strained against her bindings, and came when the redhead did.

While the main group deposited fresh new stains on the couch, a smaller part of them moved to Connie's bedroom. Three girls, two blonde and one brunette. The blondes had a lot to teach the brunette, who was a willing and eager study. Hanna demonstrated oral techniques on Paige, while Jordan watched, then they switched. Paige came early, which meant Jordan had passed her test, then the girls fell into less structured lessons, climaxing when the rest of the group did.

Hanna reviewed the performance, later, during the calm. She watched the tall Jordan, draping her naked form over Chadley, long limbs covering most of the couch. Jordan giggled at something Mike said, idly stroking one of her ankles.

Hanna sighed. No, not that one. The tall girl had been an enthusiastic study, but she was like Connie... the girl was chasing dick. Specifically, the smallest one in the room, and the one guy she picked had boobs bigger than Hanna's. She'd just been curious, and now that the curiosity was sated, and Jordan only had eyes for the butterball under her ass.

Paige softly ran her fingers along Hanna's collarbone. The blonde hadn't left her side since the heat ended. "What's wrong, little muffin?"

Hanna felt her cheeks brighten. A pet name... that was new. She liked it. "Oh. Just... thinking." She turned to Paige, and noted how her blue eyes didn't track the dangling hunk of meat that passed by them as Travis moved towards his jeans. No, those pretty little orbs stayed right on Hanna's. "Hey. Have you met my brother?"

Paige smiled crookedly. "Actually. I'm pretty sure we haven't been formally introduced. But I do know his jizz tasted like you do, kinda sweet."

"Why don't we make it official, then?"

The two blondes wandered into the kitchen, and before sitting down next to Brice, they offered opinions in the heated discussion about where to order dinner from.


The test after that was to see if two could separate as easily as one. The daybed acquired a Chadley bound to it. Hanna volunteered to be tied to a chair in the garage. If anything, this experiment was even more successful. Hanna got to look through her brother's eyes, and speak directly to him as if her lips were next to his ear. She even managed to switch headspaces, towards the end, using Paige's mouth to coo secrets and loving words into her brother's ear as he rode the blonde. Chadley felt everything Jordan felt, every inch of cock, every flick of tongue, which gave him a somewhat unique perspective going forward.

The debriefing afterwards revealed that Connie was starting to experience overlap, her sensations blending with those physically close to her. Or, maybe her imagination was overactive. Sana figured out a way to tell, giving code words and phrases to a subgroup designated to go and spoil Connie's bedspread for the next event.

Said next event ended abruptly. The heat had barely started, not everyone had chosen their initial partner, when little Hanna experienced what could only be described as a feedback loop.

The blonde was being taken from behind by her brother, while Paige was face to face with the smaller girl, being similarly mounted by Mike. Hanna jerked her lips away from the other blonde, eyes opened wide. "Ohmigod. I feel! Oh, shit! I feel EVERYTHING!"

The girl screamed, and everyone came at once. This caused Connie to stare in dismay at her bedroom ceiling fan, which had received and distributed the loose load that Tyler had sprayed upward from the bed, his cock not yet seated in Petra's waiting pussy.

Connie let Shawna breathe, she'd been riding the poor girl's face. Well, she'd straddled it, and felt the first stirrings of her tongue... after the mass climax, she'd kinda collapsed onto the other girl. "Goddamn. I think shit hitting the fan might have been better than cum." She eyed her freshly sprinkled curtains.

Tyler apologized. "Sorry. I mean... That was some distance, though. Never thought it'd get all the way up there."

Hanna tried to explain what happened. "It was like... I don't know. Everyone. All at once. I had my eyes closed and I could feel everything that anyone was doing. I could feel my own lips on Paige, and the way the mattress was shifting as Connie moved over my face, and how Chadley tasted to Jordan and... all of it." She shook her head, and her body moved in a quiver directly after. "It was like every nerve caught fire. In a good way. God. It felt so GOOD." The echo of her memory seemed to spread amongst all the people present, causing gooseflesh and further shivers along everyone's spine.

Sana proposed no further experiments. She seemed to believe in telepathy, now.

They ate hurriedly, before the next heat swept them up. Not hurriedly enough, though, some people had a dick in one hand and half a burger in the other shortly thereafter. Or other food items, and other body parts. It was confusing. It made for a very messy cleanup, after. Hanna had a splat of ketchup on her back, Petra had a milkshake dunked on her head, Mike had sat on some fries, they'd been mashed into both his ass and the couch. Connie sighed, and wondered if she should just rip up the carpet in her bedroom, the stains on top of stains seemed to be beyond what she assumed a steam cleaner would be able to clear.

She spent the calm shopping for a new couch online. She knew it was a lost cause.

Everyone else, though, managed to put their heads together, and plan for tomorrow. A heist, and everyone had a role to play.

"You're sure you can take the cameras out?" Travis said, holding Chadley's eyes.

The much shorter man nodded confidently. "Yeah. Easy. I've already done some light penetration testing. After this, you might want to get some competent IT guys, though. Your current staff is slacking."

Travis shrugged. "That's above my pay grade."

Tyler was the one who pointed out that, no matter how tightly they tweaked the timeline, they were going to have an issue. "If you're still getting our broadcasts, you'll pop when the rest of us do. Which will be right about... there." He tapped the sheet of paper on the kitchen table. "Assuming you start phase one right after we wrap up the nine AM heat."

Travis sighed. "Yeah. That's gonna be awkward."

Paige had a possible solution. "Frat boys. They're fucking disgusting. But... this gave us girls a giggle when we heard it. The guy was on a road trip, and he had the backseat all to himself. Dude watched porn on his phone, jacking it under a blanket the whole way. The other two guys in the car were fine with it... as long as he wore a condom, so he didn't get jizz on the seats."

Travis rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I mean. It's not ideal. But my suit cost me two grand... and I do not want to explain this to the dry cleaners. So..."

Connie emerged from her bedroom a few minutes later, with a double handful of foil wrapped latex. "What?" She asked the people who dared to stare at her. "They're free at the health clinic on campus. They goddamn gave me a grocery bag full, when I asked."

After the next twelve-way bump and grind, everyone dispersed. As much as Connie would have loved to have hosted them overnight, she simply did not have the space. "Unless y'all wanna sleep on the floor in a big pile, like y'all did last night." Nobody took her up on that offer.

Mike and Shawna left together, as did Chadley and Jordan. Paige went home with Brice and Hanna. Petra took an Uber to parts unknown. Connie, at that point, noted that Petra had been present. And that was about all. She participated gleefully in the heats, but hadn't joined any conversations... odd for the otherwise very gregarious girl. Once she was gone, that left Tyler, Travis, Sana and Connie alone in the house. Sana and Tyler indicated they'd be happy to stay the night. There was easily enough room on her bed for all of them.

The next heat struck as scheduled, but those four were already in progress. A fact noted by the other eight... nobody else got to have any fun, the climax came too quickly. Distance and dispersion seemed no barrier to the sensation sharing.

Sleep came to everyone, after that revelation. No one slept the whole eight hours... a pair would wake, screw, and the rest of the group would spasm in their sheets. The spotlight couples took turns. In the morning there was a quiet vote: Hanna, Brice and Paige's slow, sensual three-way won the hottest fuck of the night award. Moonlit caresses in Hanna's four poster bed, a wealth of sensations offered up to share with all. Second place was probably Chadley and Jordan's urgent screwing on his dirty twin mattress in his cluttered room. It felt real, and raw... The pair instantly knew what the other wanted, and they achieved their satisfaction quickly and efficiently, no wasted motions.

The group chat was quieter, now. Bits and pieces of the main group's escapades leaked out of their boundaries, more and more of the party goers were getting linked in to watch and feel with them. Everyone was aware of the plan, of the next steps, and waited patiently for the heist to burst the dam of information.


Travis pulled up to the concrete and glass complex that was the physical representation of CTTO's holdings. Their digital footprint was far larger, shell companies and subsidiary entities conducted all manner of trade and services behind a veil of the internet, ephemeral and vast. But what Travis needed, what the group needed, lay in those very real gray walls behind a chain link fence.

His badge and his excuse (forgot some files) got him past the gate, and into the building. At Travis's signal, Chadley initiated a ddos attack on the building itself, preventing the security cameras from uploading the footage to their server. He spread the love around a bit, his Xbox buddies in other countries firing similar weapons at the company's website and other web services.

For forty-five minutes, the whole of CTTO was paralyzed, unable to do so much as dial an outside line. Except, somehow, for one workstation, three doors down from Travis's office, where a furious torrent of data flowed, condensed into a single thumb drive, which ended up in Travis's front pocket.

A heist, well planned, perfectly executed, and thoroughly successful. Travis drove away happy. Then happier, as his dick stiffened in his pants, happiest as he felt six women give five blowjobs, and then he filled up a condom on his drive back to Connie's. A fine reward for a job well done.


Sana stuck the thumb drive into her laptop, and started scanning what Travis had brought to Connie's house.

"No. No... no. Hmm. No. Ah-ha!"

"What?" Connie asked, peeking over her shoulder.

"Oh... nevermind. That's not it either. No, no. Not what I am looking for... mm. Maybe?"

Connie rolled her eyes and went back to looking at Tyler playing a video game on her PlayStation. He was quite good, she noted, as his kill count went up. His thumb twitched, his finger flexed and someone's head exploded, someone Connie hadn't even registered as being there... all within a fraction of a second.

It took the rest of the round for Sana to stop muttering under her breath, and another full match for her to finally be ready to share what she'd found.

"I believe our friend Zane is working off the clock."

She was frowning over her laptop, bringing it into the living room to squeeze in between Connie and Tyler on the couch. Travis just brought the redhead up into his lap, to make room.

"What do you mean?" Asked Connie.

"Well... I have the microdotted papers, they're made inhouse, with a payload that can be adjusted to whatever one feels like. They were cleared for tentative release six months ago. I have the exact strain of marijuana, as bred by an AI program, that was used to fill these papers up. I have a log of him getting into both labs, early Friday morning, another log of him using a machine to roll forty two of these." She sighed. "What I do not have is the instructions he gave to the microprinter... what is behind those cleverly designed bubbles, made to burst when burnt, to let out tinier bubbles that dissolves on human skin and is otherwise fireproof... very clever, as I said. What is in THEM, I do not know."

She tapped a map of the city. "He goes here. Often, for hours after work. His house is here." She tapped a different location. "Shawna tapped into his phone's location data. That girl is a wonder."

"What's there?" Travis asked.

Sana shrugged. "Google maps has it blurred out. I asked Shawna and Mike to drive by, they were the closest."

The other three on the couch nodded, and shifted nervously until Sana's phone lit up.


"Don't know. Wish I did, but it's a single steel door on a windowless concrete building. Yard looks like shit... but there's fresh wheel tracks through the weeds." Mikes voice was deep, and carried a hint of frustration.

Travis tensed under Connie. "Sounds like a secret lab to me. We should go." Connie agreed.

Sana closed her laptop and stood. "We are coming, stay nearby but do not be obvious about it." She hung up as she walked to the door. The four of them got into the Tesla, the wheels left black skids as it accelerated over the speed limit.

Sana made another call from the backseat. "Hello? Yes... please drive by again, I want to make sure he is home. Thank you so much, Chadley. We would not have gotten very far without your aid today."

Connie heard a tinny voice from Sana's phone. "I've got you on speaker, and I'm about two blocks away. Any closer to solving this?"

She told him the address of the building, the windowless house in an unkempt field. "He's hiding something there."

"Oh boy... this is gonna be fun. Um... Mr. Zane is still at his domicile... for now. He was exiting his house with keys in hand."

"Can I get you to follow him?" Sana said, intently.

"Um... I can try?" Chadley sounded significantly less than certain. "Are you a good driver?" The last sounded directed at someone else.

"Not great," Jordan said, from very far away. "But I can help with spotting."

"We're gonna try. Hold on, let me flip... around..."

Something squealed through the phone. Connie winced.

"Sorry. Power steering makes that noise sometimes, when I do a tight turn."

"He's right up there. Slow down..."

Connie tried to block the tense conversation from her left ear, and watched the dot on the Tesla's navigation screen get closer.

"He's stopping at a Starbucks," Chadley said.

Sana nodded. "Good enough, we'll beat him to his shack. I'm texting you the address, do not park directly in front... hide your car from view if possible."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Neither would Connie.

Travis grunted as he slung the car around a corner at speed. "What's the plan, boss lady?"

Sana replied instantly. "Park out of sight. The yard is overgrown, we will conceal ourselves in the underbrush. I imagine having him unlock the door for us will be far easier than trying to pick it..."

"Good plan. Pop up and scare him with the keys in the lock?"

"I would say that my previous dismay at violence and threats pertaining to said would be rescinded at the moment. I doubt he would wish interference from law enforcement on his little experiment. Highly illegal experiment, I should add."

Travis risked a confused look at Connie. "Did she say I could beat him up?"


"Thought so." He grinned with gritted teeth, and took another turn.


The grass was itchy. If grass was what it actually was, it seemed far too serrated and stiff to be actual grass. Something bristled with spikes in front of her eyes, some kind of briar... Connie didn't like the looks of it, and made a mental note to try to sidestep it when the time came.

"He needs to hurry," Shawna said from next to her. The girls were flat, behind a heavy thicket of weeds around the shaded corner of the... house? Connie didn't like the look of it. They'd parked a block away, and snuck up to the lot, when Tyler's sharp eyes spotted the doorbell camera.

The 'house' was low, with a sloped roof. No windows broke its dark gray surface, just a single door at the bottom of a short, shallow staircase. The bubble for the doorbell camera was set at the top corner of the steel door. The place looked like a fortress, like someone had thrown a proper roof over someone's basement, not bothering with anything that made it look like a home at all. With the jungle of a yard to compliment its welcome, Connie felt more than a little spooked. She wondered how this house, or whatever, managed to stay standing without the regular seeming neighbors complaining about it constantly.

Big lots, though, in this neighborhood. Full acres? She could just barely make out some white slats of the neighbor through some shrubbery... there was no way anyone could see them, at least.

"Heneeds to hurry," Shawna repeated.

Connie looked over at her. There was a narrow edge to the cast of her eyes, a sharpness to her lips. One hand gripped a tuft of greenery in front of her, as if to anchor her to the ground. The other hand twitched. Well, one finger twitched.

Crap. Shawna was right... they were up against their time limit, now. She could feel the AWARENESS between her legs, the subtle shifting of millimeters of nerve endings as she breathed. Connie panicked, briefly... then imagined the bespectacled man in the profile picture getting menaced by both Mike and Travis. Both of them would be hard as rocks by now, and neither of them could hide the fact very well. That was certainly one way to establish dominance quickly... She couldn't help it, she broke out in giggles.

Shawna frowned. "What the fuck is so funny?"

Connie tried to explain, but only more giggles came out.

"Shh! Look... that's the guy, right?"

Connie managed to stifle her laughter, barely, as the car crunched through the weeds. Laughing and horny, an odd combination. Quickly, a flood of adrenaline fueled fear and anger added to her muddled emotional state. She could no longer tell if she was on the verge of laughing, crying, cumming, or sneezing. One of those. Maybe more than one. She tried to stay perfectly still. She pressed herself hard to the ground like she would a lover.

Zane seemed to be taking his time exiting his car... or time had slowed down for Connie. Eventually, after an eternity or two, he juggled his keys in one hand and a coffee cup on the other as he strode towards the door.

Connie held her breath. Jingle, jingle, step step step... the sound of a key sliding home in a lock.

So many voices in her head at once screamed the word NOW, and Connie scrambled to her feet, sidestepped the briars, and rounded the corner.

His coffee was on the ground, Travis had a fist full of the man's shirt, his arm cocked back to fire a punch at the guy's face. Zane looked frightened, all pale white except for two patches of red on his cheeks, his watery eyes wide behind his glasses. Mike just stood next to Travis, a tower of muscle, looking fierce.

Sana was at the door, twisting the knob... it opened onto cool darkness. "Inside," she hissed. "Hurry!"

Travis shoved the thin man, and they all followed.


Their eyes adjusted to the gloom. Six men and women, and one scared looking executive in his best Sunday sweatpants.

"Goddamn dark in here," Shawna complained.

Zane politely spoke up, "There's a light switch directly behind you." The tremor in his voice belied the genial tone, he was terrified.