Legacy of the Celestials Ch. 01

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A new chapter in the life of the Lexington begins.
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Chapter 1: The End of Peace


"Twenty-three years, Daniel, it has been twenty-three years and I still can't believe it," Lexington stated as he pressed himself further back into the lounging chair of his homes' foyer.

Daniel sat across the short, round table from Lexington and reached for his mug of freshly brewed ale. He nodded in reply to Lexington's statement.

"Peace is very unsettling. You never know when it will end. On the other hand, wartime is familiar. Constant vigilance is a necessity. It's what we lived to do. We were created to be the keepers of justice in the universe and both you and I know that there will always be those who oppose justice," Daniel said.

Lexington nodded. "But we're no longer the keepers of justice. As Ehemaligs, we're seemingly without purpose."

"Don't say that," Daniel quickly interjected. "We live as the humans do and we protect them as we always have."

"Always the Keeper of Wisdom," Lexington said lightly.

Daniel smiled. "In Cielos, I served as Advisor to the Omnipotent. In this Earthen Realm, I serve as Advisor to you. We all still have purpose."

The door to Lexington's home slammed open as Alexa, Lexington's twenty-three year old daughter strolled in. As she passed by Daniel, she bowed her head slightly before stepping by her father's side and placing a kiss atop his head.

"What trouble have you found yourself in now?" Lexington asked.

"Not any trouble at all," said Gaous, the former Chiefman of the First Quarter of Shahemein, now Lexington's personal counsel on all Shahemeinian matters.

Lexington and Daniel laughed.

"I believe that's my cue," Daniel inserted as he stood up. He proceeded to lean over and grasped Lexington's hand. "Until next time." Daniel turned and patted Gaous on the shoulder, "Take care."

Gaous replied with a smile as Daniel exited and shut the door behind him.

"How fairs the newly appointed Chiefman of the Third Quarter of Shahemein?" Gaous asked.

Lexington nodded. "Different that being a soldier. Human politics was never something I cared for. I saw it merely as bickering, but alas, I find the importance of the debates we so often hold. Shahemein continues to grow with the growth of trade."

Alexa chuckled before saying, "I'll let you two talk," as she headed upstairs.

Gaous shook his head, "Let's not talk about politics, old friend. How about you give an old man a story, for a change?"

Lexington laughed. "You're my counsel. Aren't you supposed to have the stories?"

Gaous raised his hand, "It's your turn, my young friend."

Alexa began to snore so very quietly as young children tend to do while asleep.

"Perhaps another time," Lexington whispered.

Gaous nodded in reply.

"Thank you for watching her," Lexington added as the two rose from their seats.

"I'll let myself out."

Lexington carried Alexa up the stairs to her room and on her bed. He pulled the sheets over her and placed a light kiss on her head. He peaked out the one window in Alexa's room and saw how late it really was.

The day went by fast for him, he thought. The days continue to move so quickly.

He slowly walked down the hallway to his bedroom and sat on the chair that was placed at the edge of the balcony. His home was situated atop the Panoramia, one of the tallest buildings in the Third Quarter of Shahemein. The top of the Panoramia is shared with Galius, the grandson of Gaous, who now serves Shahemein as one of the three Military Advisors.

A large and thick wall that stretched to the end of the roof and almost the other separated the two homes. The other end of the partition stopped at a hallway that joined the two homes as well as the stairwell that led to the lower levels of the Panoramia.

As he slumped further into his chair, he enjoyed the cool breeze of the night air. Across the partition is one of two balconies that Galius's home has. He could hear some struggling coming from Galius's home, though he was not alarmed. As he peaked over to the adjacent balcony, he saw Galius and one of his many lovers stumble onto the balcony.

The two men were wrapped in themselves as they kissed each other furiously. Lexington could see the moonlight shine off their skin. They've been at it for a while.

Galius's partner turned Galius and bent him over the end of the balcony. Lexington tried not to watch, but could see from his peripheral view that Galius's partner was now thrusting his hips into Galius's. Galius grunted loudly with each thrust.

Lexington realized he was glad he situated Alexa in the room farthest from Galius's side of the top floor. His mind began to wander as his eyelids got heavier. He felt his head tilt back and had to draw it forward. His vision began to haze.

"Lexington!" a woman called out. She stood naked in the middle of the Grasslands that sat between the River Luildel and the eastern gate of Shahemein. He realized the woman calling out to him was Tanicia. She stopped working at the whorehouse when she had found she was pregnant with his child all those years ago.

"Lexington, where are you!" Tanicia yelled out.

Black figures erupted from the grass surrounding Tanicia. The black figures surrounded Tanicia as she screamed.

He threw himself away from the chair. It's dawn. He turned quickly and to see Alexa standing by his doorway.

"Everything all right?" she asked.

He sighed a bit of relief. I've been dreaming much more often lately, he realized. The dreams were becoming increasingly vivid. Too vivid.

Someone began knocking on the door as he prepared himself for the day. It was Manya and Harami, the housemaids who watched after Alexa and prepared her meals throughout the day. He quickly made his way to the door and swung it open for them. Both Manya and Harami quickly gave him a hug. Manya quickly made her way towards Alexa's room.

"Lexi!" Manya called out. "We're here!"

He knew Manya and Harami loved Alexa as their own even though they were only ten years Alexa's senior. Harami remained in the hallway after she shut the door behind her and watched as Manya disappeared around the corner. Harami quickly slid her fingers and took hold of his limp cock, slid her arm around his waste and pressed her small breasts against his firm chest as she kissed him passionately.

"I thought you were going to call on me last night," Harami whispered after she ended their kiss.

He smiled. "Apologies. I was... tired."

"The new position suits you well, the people deserve a leader like you," Harami said as she began to stroke Lexington's now hardening cock.

He slipped his hands beneath the tightened wrapping that held her long skirt up. He took hold of Harami's firm ass as he kissed her again.

Harami pulled away and Manya poked her head from around the corner.

"Apologies, my lord," Manya interrupted, "Harami, we have a lot to prepare." And with that, she was gone again.

"Prepare?" he asked.

"The party," Harami replied. She placed a quick kiss on his lips and went on with her duties.

Ah, yes, the party, he remembered. The party was to commemorate his appointment. The entire Panoramia would be filled with party guests and only the highest of officials would be entertained in Lexington's home. Since the end of the War of the Badlands, trade to Shahemein had reached an ever-increasing high. With said trade, collaboration between the neighboring cities had also increased. Aloantei and Kahemein, the other two major cities of Shatelos, have gone as far as to send emissaries every month to reassure relations.


Upon exiting his home, Lexington found Galius also leaving for the day.

Galius stood just as tall as he though he wasn't as broad shouldered. He did have a graceful agility about him that was most clearly displayed when he walked or bowed. As the two met each other in the entrance hallway, Galius bowed and smiled that wide smile of his.

"Lexington, dear neighbor. Prepared for the new day?"

"As prepared as one in my position can be," Lexington returned the smile.

The two began to walk down the stairs to the lower levels of the Panoramia.

"How do you like your new position?"

"It's... political."

Galius chuckled. "Fear not, things are going about to get more interesting."

"How so?"

"Commodus has arranged a meeting between the four Chiefman and the Military Advisors. It will be the first closed door meeting in almost a century."

Lexington had only read about these "closed door" meetings. The Council Meetings that took place at The Compendial were always open-door meetings. Anyone was welcome though most didn't care enough to sit through the whole affair. The Closed Door Meetings meant a vital decision needed to be made regarding security, but the last security threat was Shadohinus and the War of the Badlands, as people are now calling it, that ended twenty-three years ago.

"What's going on?" Lexington asked.

"Apparently Cassius' spies had reported that Ashur is preparing an attack on Shahemein."


"Exactly, but the fact that the news had travelled up the chain to a military advisor? It's something to talk about at least."

Lexington nodded. "Very well then, see you at the meeting."

Galius patted Lexington on the shoulder and headed off.

Lexington typically took trips around Shahemein and if time permitted he would visit the slums of Shahemein, now officially called Shamein. The slums was treated as the "fifth" quarter of Shahemein, but wasn't designated at such simply because it wasn't within the walls of the large city.

It was already near the middle of the day when Lexington arrived in the First Quarter, but he realized it was still a bit early for the meeting. He found a vacant bench and placed himself on it. The noon breeze was a bit warm for his taste, but the sun was as inviting as ever. He titled his head back and closed his eyes.

"Lexington, how are you?" said a soft, familiar female voice.

I know her, Lexington thought. Lexington stood from the bench and smiled. "I'm well. How are you?" Lexington peered into Tanicia's big hazel eyes. There was longing in them that he recognized in his own.

"All is well," Tanicia replied.

Beside Tanicia stood a young man about Alexa's age who had his mother's eyes.

"I believe you know my son, Levi," Tanicia said.

"Hello, Levi," Lexington said. "It's good to see you again." Levi had the same brilliant golden eyes that he had, though his hair was curly and dark like his mothers.

"I'm well, sir, thank you," Levi said. A friend of Levi's caught his eye at that moment. "Excuse me," he said before going off to meet the friend.

"How is he?" Lexington asked.

"He's done well. Already promoted a second time in his three years of service." She was referring to Levi's time in the Shahemeinian Military. "His father takes all the credit."

Lucius, Lexington thought. She's referring to Lucius, her husband and a prominent captain of Shahemein.

"I'm glad to see you're both well," Lexington said.

Tanicia smiled. She lightly brushed her hand against his and was about to say something before someone called out for Lexington.

"M'lord! Lord Lexington! They're starting!" yelled Planos, Commodus's aid.

"Till another time," Lexington said.

Tanicia nodded and smiled.

Upon entering the Compendial, Commodus sat the far end from Lexington on the highest seat of the large round table. The new Chiefman of the First Quarter was not a military man like Gaous. His views on military and defenses made Lexington worry for the welfare of his adopted home. The others seated at the table included Fortus, the Chiefman of the Second Quarter, Clautus, the Chiefman of the Fourth Quarter, and in between them was an empty seat for Lexington.

On the opposite side of the seats of the Chiefman were the seats of the Military Advisors, Pilate, Cassius, and Galius.

"Welcome," Commodus said. He then turned to his aid, Planos and said, "Shut the door."

After Planos shut the door, Commodus continued.

"I want to begin today to address the city's defenses. It has come to Cassius' attention that the Ashurians are planning an attack on Shahemein."

Clautus laughed out loud and slammed his hand on the table. "Is this some kind of a joke? The Ashurians haven't had a single successful campaign against. Ever. And here we are having a closed door session on a beautiful Saturday, wasting time..."

"Enough," Galius said. He noticed that Galius inherited Gaous' commanding presence.

Commodus nodded. "We have no specific information on the attack, but we do know the Ashurians plan one. I have brought us here together to vote on a very new matter."

Commodus turned towards Galius and nodded.

Galius returned the nod and stood. "Because of our growing relationships between Kahemein and Aloantei, we believe it would be in our best interest to ally with them in times of war. When they need aid, we come to them, when we need, they to us. The city of Ashur occupies an island half the size of Shatelos. Even though the journey to Shatelos treacherous and lengthy, we simply have a vast amount of resources that they desire."

Galius paused for a moment to let the information sink in and then continued. "First, we must vote to send emissaries to the two cities. The vote will include the Chiefmen and the Military Advisors. Raise your hands to approve."

Everyone but Commodus rose his hand.

Galius turned to Commodus and asked, "Would you like to explain your decision?"

Commodus shook his head. "It's a vote and the decision has been made. Move on."

Galius nodded and continued, "The next vote is to choose who will act as emissary. Because there is no precedent, we have no official emissary for Shahemein. Also, because we see this as a particularly sensitive matter, we ask that one of us act as emissary. We will go to each and call out who would be best suited as emissary."

Each of the men nodded in agreement.

Galius then said, "I will go first. I vote for Cassius to go."

Cassius followed, "Lexington."

Why me? Lexington thought to himself. Why would Cassius vote for him. For the time that he had known him, he had the inclination that Cassius didn't care much for him. Maybe that's why.

Fortus followed, "Galius."

Pilate followed, "Galius."

Clautos said, "Lexington."

Commodus said, "Lexington."

Lexington paused for a moment. He realized Galius only needed one more vote. Even though, it didn't matter to him if he was chosen to go or not. He wanted peace. Either way, he wanted to make sure that if he were chosen, it was because they chose without a doubt.

Lexington then said, "Galius."

Galius nodded and finished, "With this tie, it is the Chiefman of the First Quarter's decision to choose."

Commodus paused for a second and then stood up with his hands placed on the table and said, "Lexington will act as emissary to Aloantei and Galius to Kahemein."

All nodded in agreement.

Galius then concluded the meeting with, "Good. Lexington and I will depart the city tomorrow morning. See you all at Lexington's appointment celebration."


Later that day, Lexington continued his stroll to the First Quarter. He had been a frequent visitor of Kassi's Brothel. Kassi owned the most expensive whorehouse in Shahemein. The expense mainly was to retain secrecy to its patrons. Kassi's Brothel had a main business site, but each session was arranged in different parts of the First Quarter.

He stepped into Kassi's office and was greeted by Kassi, an extremely voluptuous woman. At times, Lexington felt she was structurally unsound. An embroidered wrap that was tied at the top behind her neck held her large breasts and her flat and firm stomach was always exposed along with her incredibly thick ass and muscular legs. She also wore a belt that had a long cloth that hung below her legs on both the front and back end.

Upon seeing Lexington, Kassi stood from her large ornate table and stepped towards him. She placed her hands on his face, and pressed her full lips against his. She slid the tip of her tongue along the length of his lips and pulled away.

"Our favorite patron, how can I assist you on this gorgeous day?" Kassi asked in the politest of ways.

He smiled. "How about the head of the whorehouse?" he requested jokingly.

She placed a quick kiss on the end of his chin and said, "Sorry, love, you know it doesn't work like that."

He nodded and asked, "How about Anita?"

She smiled. "Anita is at Keran's Tower, she hasn't had a visitor all day."

He smiled as he placed his payment on her table and left. He had been one of Anita's patrons for almost a year. She was one of the tallest human women he had ever known and one of the most beautiful. She had a very, very pale complexion and her hair was as black as a jar of ink. Her lips curved so perfectly and were always full and colored red. She had high cheekbones and dark almond shaped eyes. Her breasts were almost the sizes of his palms, but the curvature of her hips was all he needed. Her legs, like her arms, were skinny and her ass was big enough just to fill his grasp. She was also a very tough woman. When he felt that familiar fire burn within him, it was Anita who had the grace and beauty to put it out... or at least contain it.

He found his way to Keran's Tower, one of the many inns and eateries in the First Quarter. He entered and saw the large crowd. He passed unnoticed. He was approached by Ornoth, the keeper of Keran's Tower.

"Greetings, sir, looking for a room?" Ornoth asked pleasantly.

Lexington shook his head. He raised his little finger and his thumb and pointed it towards the ground. This was the sign that patrons of Kassi were instructed to give.

Ornoth nodded quickly and turned to head up the stairs. Lexington followed suit. Ornoth brought him the far end of top floor and knocked. Ornoth turned and headed back towards the stairs.

The door opened and Anita peaked through. Lexington quickly recognized her dark eyes. She opened the door and pulled him in. She shut the door behind her, kissed him vigorously as she pressed him against the door. She broke the kiss, pushed herself away from him and sat herself on the edge of the bed.

She was wearing a short dress that had knots that kept it together at the top and at the waist.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" she asked. "Ravish me."

With that, him tore his robes off and lunged at her. He lifted her higher onto the bed and pushed her to her back while kissing her. She reached in between his legs and grabbed hold of his already bulging erect cock. She began to stroke it while he kissed and sucked at her neck and earlobe. He reached under her already high dress and teased her clit with his index finger and thumb. She took hold of his fingers and guided them along the lips of her vagina. She was soaking wet. He pushed his two fingers in and began to finger her while continuing to suck and kiss on her neck.

"Get on your back," she whispered.

Once on his back, she quickly mounted him. Her dress remained on so she hiked it up enough so that she could watch as she squeezed his cock into her soaking and accepting pussy.

She let out a gasp as he pressed down on her hips with his hands and slowly thrust up into her hips with his. He then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close as they began to kiss while she rocked her hips back and forth on his cock.

Back and forth, back and forth went her hips as she moaned and groaned into his ears. Both were in complete ecstasy as she continued to grind her hips into his. Her pussy continued to drip but she was as tight as he remembered.

Too soon, he realized as he shoved her hips up and forcing his cock to slide out of her vagina. He grunted as he shot his seed onto himself and her. She slid to his side and laid her head on his chest.