Leigh Trains For A Triathlon


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As I pulled into a parking space at the agreed upon spot, I looked out toward the lake and my worst fears were slowly confirmed as I absorbed the scene in front of me. The first thing I saw was Steph playing a game of tether ball against a guy I didn't recognize. She was topless and her tits were flying in every direction as she played. As hard as it was to peel my eyes from that sight, I looked over toward the picnic tables where I saw Leigh sitting and drinking a beer. She was sitting with her back to me with her right leg straightened out down the side of the picnic table seat as if she'd been stretching, and her left foot on the ground beneath the table. She was laughing and joking with Nick, who sat to her left, as well as Jim and another guy I didn't recognize across the table from her. She was stark naked.

I felt dazed as if I'd been punched in the face. She looked so casual sitting there having a great time as if nothing were out of the ordinary. The 2 strangers were in swimsuits and Jim and Nick were in their briefs. Leigh laughed at something Nick had said and moved her right leg down off the table. I realized she was drunk. She scooted her butt further back on the seat for balance, then I saw her lean forward toward the table. I realized I was out of the car now walking toward them. I was 30 feet away now but I couldn't tell what Leigh was doing. She sat more upright now, with her arms tucked by her sides as if holding something heavy in front of her. As she turned slightly to the left to face Nick, I realized that she'd picked up her bottle of beer by holding it between her breasts. "See Nick, I told you my boobs were big enough to pick up my beer with them without touching it with my hands! You lost the bet- finish your beer!" With that she stood and turned toward the tether ball courts which were now to my right, beer still between her tits. "Look Steph!" she exclaimed. Steph started laughing, her amazing boobs jiggling, until she saw me standing there and reflexively covered her boobs with a worried look of her face. Leigh followed her gaze and made eye contact with me, looking embarrassed at first and also mimicking Steph's hand bra. What the fuck was that about? My girlfriend was fine being naked with our neighbors and some random strangers, but felt the need to cover up as soon as I showed up? She seemed to recover quickly, however. "Hey Babe! Want a beer?"

"I think we need to talk, Leigh," was all I could manage to say.

They all quickly gathered their clothes from my car, and little was said on the way home aside from some small talk about their swim. I just sat there and fumed, saying nothing.

As soon as we dropped off our neighbors, Leigh asked, "Ted, are you mad at me?"

It was all I could do not to explode. After calming myself with a deep breath, I managed, "Yeah Leigh I'm a little mad. You want to tell me what the fuck happened?"

She looked genuinely surprised that I would be angry.

"Ted, I didn't have a choice. It took you almost 3 hours to get to us. I know there was traffic, I'm not blaming you, but what was I supposed to do, stay in the water for 3 hours?"

My head almost exploded. "How about not get naked in the first place, Leigh?! What possible justification do you have for that?"

"After I called you to come get my phone, the guys noticed how my swimsuit wasn't really made for long swims. They said the ruffles on the side would create too much drag and it would slow me down too much. It was actually a safety issue, if we were all going different paces, Steph wouldn't be able to stay close to all of us if it was an emergency. I was going to just sit it out, but they agreed to turn around and not peek while I took my suit off and ran for the water. I figured you'd be waiting with a towel when I arrived, but you weren't. I stayed in the water for like 15 minutes when we arrived, but I couldn't just do it forever. Steph finally agreed to take her top off if I would get put of the water, so I wouldn't be as uncomfortable."

"So you saw no issue with getting totally naked in a public lake with our neighbors all because the guys said it would screw up their training? And you never thought they might have an ulterior motive?" I was getting even madder.

"Ted you said yourself to do whatever it takes to reach my goals. I'm not a quitter. And besides, like I said, I never planned to actually get out of the water naked."

"But you did it pretty easily when Steph took her top off. Even with a couple strangers there on top of everything else."

"They weren't there when I first got out. They showed up and Steph and I were actually hiding because were afraid we'd be in trouble, but they just laughed said they'd already seen us. They said they always fish in that spot and no one ever comes down there. They were nice, they said they felt bad for "intruding" and offered us some beers. I accepted just because I was still a little nervous. I only had like 3-4 beers but I guess since I've mostly cut out alcohol with all the training, I got a little buzzed. Everyone was so nice that I really forgot I was naked for the majority of the time."

"Yeah, can't imagine why everyone was so nice." My voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Why are you so upset?" she asked.

"Because my girlfriend who I'm supposedly in a committed relationship with spent the afternoon in the nude getting drunk with a bunch of guys likes a whore." I blurted it out without thinking and immediately wished I could take it back.

Leigh briefly looked ashamed by this for the first time today, but then I saw the anger and defiance return. We'd been sitting in our driveway for a few minutes while we talked, and she now wordlessly slipped out of the car and walked inside.

The fight that followed was the worst of our relationship. She packed a bag and several times got up as if to leave with it, but each time I talked her off the ledge. Long story shirt, I swallowed my pride and apologized profusely.

As I struggled to sleep that night long after Leigh fell asleep next to me, I couldn't help but think about how her sound slumber probably had a lot to with the hours she spent naked drinking and having fun with neighbors and strangers. I couldn't help but wonder how I'd handled the fallout so badly that I'd gone from being the aggrieved party to apologizing and begging her to stay. And most concerning of all, I couldn't shake the feeling that I hadn't seen the worst of it yet.

For a while after that, things returned to normal. Leigh turned the intensity of her training up even more, she was really working hard, and I was proud of her.

In early July, they had their next race. It was an Olympic distance triathlon about 90 miles away- I wouldn't be able to attend as I had a previously planned golf trip with some college buddies. I was pretty worried about Leigh traveling with Nick and Jim without me. It made me feel better that Steph was joining them and riding with them, but I was still nervous and made certain several times that she agreed that she'd be sleeping in her own hotel room.

As worried as I was, the weekend went by fast hanging out, golfing, and drinking with my friends and soon it was over. I didn't arrive back until late Sunday afternoon. When I walked in the door, I immediately saw Leigh standing in front of the door waiting in sexy lingerie. I could clearly see she was in a good mood, and she looked amazing.

"Guess what babe?!" she exclaimed.

I had no guesses.

"I won my age group, and I was the 4th female to finish overall! And not only that, I BEAT NICK AND JIM!"

I knew it was a distinct possibility that she'd catch up to these guys eventually, but I was legitimately surprised that she'd accomplished this so soon. I was proud of her, even if I admit I had to feign interest in the minute by minute details of her race as we enjoyed celebratory beers together. I was much more interested in when I might get to explore the fantastic and scantily clad body in front of me.

After we'd discussed the race ad nauseam, she scooted closer to me and got a conspiratorial look in her eyes. "Ted, as fun as the race was, it wasn't even the craziest thing that happened this weekend." My mind reeled as I searched for what this could mean, and it made me nervous. She seemed to sense this, and quickly added, "Don't worry, I didn't do anything wrong. But the car ride home got a little interesting." She started undoing my belt. "You know how Jim and Nick are super competitive always? Well Jim's never beat Nick, but he's really been closing on him this year. Apparently they bet $2,000 on the outcome between the 2 of them this weekend. I didn't know this until the ride home and apparently neither did Steph. And Jim lost, by a few seconds."

While this was interesting, I didn't understand why she was telling this story while pulling my cock out of my pants.

"Well Nick brought up the bet on the way home, and Steph was furious. But apparently there was a kicker to the bet. Jim's half could also be paid if Steph would agree to give Nick a hand job. You should have seen how red Jim turned as Nick made him tell Steph this."

Leigh was now stroking the length of my hardening shaft. Despite this, I didn't love where this was going.

"Jim told Steph don't worry, and that he'd just pay Nick. Steph said 'the hell you will, that's our money.' I was sitting in the back with Nick and Steph made me switch seats with her, so I moved to shotgun, and she got in the back. She told me to film what was about to happen. You should have seen how mad she was. Jim was panicking."

"And did you film it?" I asked.

Leigh let go of my dick and put her phone down next to me. She then stripped naked, and laid next to me with her head on my shoulder. She propped her phone on the couch pillow in front of us. It looked like the video about to play was 7 minutes long. She grabbed my hand and placed it on her pussy, and sighed as my fingers slowly found her clit. "I did film it. I haven't watched it yet, I decided it would be naughty and fun for us to watch it together." Her hand started stroking my dick again.

It did sound naughty and fun, but I was also a little concerned about my wife filming a sex act between 2 of our neighbors. I didn't have much time to worry as she hit play with her hand that wasn't occupied.

"Why would you want it filmed?" Jim was saying off camera.

"In case your dumb ass ever gets the fucking stupid idea to bet me again," Steph retorted. Leigh wasn't kidding, she looked super pissed. She was untying her shoes.

"Steph don't do this, I love you."

"I love you too but you have to learn a lesson here." She had her socks off and was sliding out of her jeans.

"Steph at least turn off the camera. You dont know where this video might end up," Jim pleaded.

"I trust Leigh. She won't send it to anyone except me." She took her shirt off.

Jim must have realized for the first time that she was stripping. "Steph what the fuck? No part of the bet said you had to be naked."

"Fuck you, Jim. You dont get to wager me and then tell me how to get the job done. I want to do this quick, and he'll get done quicker if I'm naked."

The camera had stayed on Steph the whole time, and her naked body was glorious. Her normally easy going attitude was in stark contrast to her angry features and body language now, and it was sexy as hell. I was hard as a rock as Leigh continued to pump.

As Steph knelt on the floor of the car in front of Nick's seat, the camera got a great view of her ass. I heard Nick say, "Hey Leigh, hand me the camera, wouldn't want to miss anything." Leigh complied and soon the camera was looking from his point of view down toward Steph. She grabbed the waistband of his sweatpants and pulled down. A huge erect dick sprang out and smacked her in the face. I heard a gasp and realized it wasn't Steph. The camera panned upwards and I saw my girlfriend, peeking around the front seat. She was covering her mouth with her hand and in apparent awe of Nick's boner.

Leigh moaned as I slid a finger inside her. I was definitely not pleased with what I was seeing regarding her behavior in the shotgun seat, but my desire to see the rest of the video and the pleasure of what was physically happening now kept me from saying anything. We could talk about that later.

Steph got to work jerking Nick off, every once in a while Nick would say something to Jim about how hot Steph was or how good it felt and then tell him to keep his eyes on the road when Jim looked back to protest. In response, Steph turned around and lifted herself onto the seat in the rear center, next to Nick. She told Jim "now you can see me in the rear view if you want babe. Safety first." She continued pumping as she grabbed the phone out of Nick's hand and handed it to Leigh. Then she started kissing Nick.

My cock was about to explode watching the petite wife sit next to Nick on the back seat, totally naked and seemingly getting into what she was doing as she made out with Nick and jerked him off. Briefly the camera zoomed in on Nick's cock and I heard Leigh moan again.

My thought was interrupted by Jim yelling in the background of the video. "What the fuck? You don't need to kiss him Steph!" She never broke off the kiss and responded by flipping him off with her left hand, her wedding ring could clearly be seen glinting in the sunlight as she stroked Nick even more vigorously with her right hand.

"I am gonna cum," I heard Nick say. I knew the feeling. Steph immediately got back on her knees on the floor. Nick grabbed the phone back from Leigh. "Don't worry, honey, I'll try to make sure none gets all over your car," Steph said.

"Steph don't you dare--," Jim started, but Nick let out a primal yell and started covering Steph's face, stomach and tits with rope after rope of cum. This time both girls gasped audibly, followed by silence. The silence was finally broken by incredulous laughter, which I realized was coming from Leigh off camera. "Holy shit," she said. "I've never seen that much cum at once." Steph grabbed the phone from Nick, and sat back on the seat, turning the phone to selfie mode. The cum really was all over her. She slapped Nick, hard, right on the dick. "Don't ever fucking bet me again. I'm not a prize you can win, this was just to teach Jim a lesson. Switch back with me Leigh", she commanded.

Leigh obeyed and Steph now sat naked next to her husband, covered in their neighbor's cum. The phone was still in selfie mode. I briefly saw Leigh in the background looking sympathetically in the direction of Nick's lap as he groaned in pain.

"Steph, what the hell? You proved your point, now get dressed. We're even now."

"No," she said defiantly. "We'll be even when you drive the rest of the way home with me sitting next to you covered in Nick's cum. I won't ever bring it up again. I'll take a shower when we get home and it's over after that. Do you understand?"

"Steph you just cheated on me."

"Oh don't be a baby. You don't get to act hurt. Hand jobs aren't cheating, especially when it was your idea. Now are we agreed to bury this and move on?"

There was a moment of silence then a quiet "yes" from Jim. Steph winked at the camera and the video ended there.

I don't know what it was about the ending freeze-frame of her naked, cum covered upper body as she winked at the camera but it sent me over the edge. I spurted straight up into the air and showered both myself and Leigh with it. It was a lot but I noticed Leigh didn't make any superlative comments about it. Instead, she said, "Ew looks like somebody liked a little naughty behavior. I was about to let you put it in doggy." With that she sprang up toward the bathroom. I heard her replaying the video. Immediately after I heard Nick yelling through his orgasm I heard, "Oh, shit," from Leigh followed by a squealing orgasm that she attempted and failed to suppress.

I sighed. As hot as the video had been and as good as my own orgasm had felt, I was definitely going to have to find a way to express my disapproval of how my girlfriend had behaved.

To be continued...

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badlulubadluluover 1 year ago
Amazing Story

Love it. Great work!

PervertedKnightPervertedKnightover 1 year ago

I agree with the critiques of hugplx and 300WSM. You have written Leigh to be a narcissistic bitch, and her bf as a wimpy bastard who is not interested in sharing her with others but who doesn't set out the clear boundaries he expects from her. With neither main character being likeable, your tale fails in my humble opinion. 2 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Not a fan of the whole thing being on the BF's POV.

it just feels....less exciting? Less detailed?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Is there going to be a part 2 for this ?

Ringflash69Ringflash69about 2 years ago

Excellent story, really like your style and plot development.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Looking forward to pet 2 of this one.


Really enjoyed this? Hope the next chapter isn't too far away!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I wanted to congratulate you on the characters, very well done. I'm no writer but everything felt organic. Again, great job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

They definitely threw the race to have her make a stupid bet next time…

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Best new story on lit! More quick please.

Selene_NyxSelene_Nyxover 2 years ago

Love your works. Long life to cheating women.

zooliciouszooliciousover 2 years ago

Another stupid guy missing a perfect opportunity. Typical.

DauerspitzDauerspitzover 2 years ago

Great story! I really liked it! Can't wait for future chapters!!

300WSM300WSMover 2 years ago

Hope this guy grows a spine

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Guessing she’s already given a handjob to Jim, hence Steph’s quick willingness to give. Ick one as payback.

Yeah - agree with hugpix - Leigh is not a character to root for, and the boyfriend is unable to explain the issue here?!

hugplxhugplxover 2 years ago

While this was hot, Leigh's personality makes it less so.

I just can't stand stupid characters I guess. Kind of rooting for the protag to dump her. Can't stand the intellectual dishonesty. It's worse than if she maliciously cheated on him imo, in terms of her character I guess.

potatoHead42potatoHead42over 2 years ago

Great job!

Looking forward to the continuation :)

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