Lennie and Samantha Ch. 07

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Lennie gets to know the girls and the service better.
14.2k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/23/2024
Created 06/09/2024
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The following afternoon Cindy and Lennie had arrived at his home and were sitting on Lennie's sectional couch in his living room with the view of Puget Sound. They were talking about a lot of things couples talk about. Lennie knew his home was sparsely furnished, but it was Cindy that was bringing up the idea of new furnishings.

"Lennie, I'd be happy to help you with your interior design. It's a hobby of mine, and I have fun with it."

"That would be great, Cin! I have the design sense of a cave man. At least I admit it. To be honest, I'd thought about that when we first met, but we had a lot of issues to get through, as you well know. After looking at how you designed your own place, I can't wait to see what you do with mine."

"Yeah, a month or so ago, you were out on a little ugly boat playing Captain Vancouver," Cindy mocked.

Lennie actually smiled at her dig. Both because it was true, and Lennie liked boating in Puget Sound. He did have some regrets about turning his phone off for a week, but that was now in the past. She started looking at Lennie's home, taking pictures with her phone and using a tape measure to get an idea of the room sizes and layouts that Lennie wanted her to decorate.

Later that day Taylor and Lori were visiting Cindy and Lennie at his house. When Lennie and Taylor were alone, he approached her.

"Hi Taylor. Say, can we talk in private when you have a chance?"

"Sure Lennie. Lori and Cindy are in your office on the computer reviewing wall coverings and furniture."

"Let's go outside to the upper balcony, we'll have privacy there." He seemed secretive and kind of nervous.

"What's up Lennie?" Taylor was a bit concerned.

"Well, it's kind of private, let's wait until we get there."

They sat down on the benches next to the covered hot tub, with a 180 degree view of Puget Sound. Taylor waited patiently until Lennie spoke. The girls had talked and knew sometimes it took Lennie time to start when he had something important to say.

"I need your help, Taylor."

"What is it, Lennie?" She had no idea what he wanted.


Early Tuesday morning, Lennie announced to Cindy he was going to the gym separately because he had a meeting and he would be back around 3:30. He also mentioned he would be dropping by Taylor's for a bit as he was running an errand near her home. It seemed normal so she didn't ask where he was going.

Wednesday morning, Lennie mentioned to Cindy he would be gone for a few hours and returning late afternoon, again mentioning he would be seeing Taylor. "Huh, Lennie seems busy this week," she thought to herself.

Thursday morning after breakfast, Lennie told Cindy he was going out for a few hours but would be back by 3:30pm his gym time would be different than normal so they should again take separate cars. He also mentioned he would be in the neighborhood so he would say hi to Taylor.

"Oh, just a training class for a hobby. I'm catching up on some of the latest things."

"Strange, he wasn't really specific," she thought and before she could ask any details he was out the door.

Friday morning he mentioned he would be gone for another meeting but would be doing separate gym visits and would be back by 4. "Why 4 o'clock?," she asked.

"Traffic, and in addition I'll be in her neighborhood again so I'll stop and see Taylor," was his answer and the door closed before she could ask more.

Now Cindy was suspicious. She asked Lori and Kaylani who were visiting if Lennie had told them anything of him visiting Taylor all week and they said no. The talk among the girls centered around noticing Taylor and Lennie seemed to be secretly getting together. Getting together wasn't the problem. The problem was both were being secretive about it and the thought was brought up more than once. "What are these two up to?" they all thought.

It was at the end of the day, a bit after 4pm when Lennie returned and Taylor was with him. All the girls were visiting when the two came in the house.

"You've been with Taylor quite a lot, Lennie," as Cindy spoke her thoughts aloud. She was a bit nervous. Was her boyfriend doing something he didn't want her to know about? "Is there something you aren't telling me?" Taylor just grinned.

"Yeah sweetie, you caught me." Lennie gave her a big smile and grabbed her arm to direct her. "Here, let's go to the bedroom and I'll show you why." She had a confused look on her face.

They walked into their bedroom and Lennie immediately pulled her close into his arms and kissed her deeply. She let out a gasp, this was completely out of Lennie's usual actions. He grabbed her ass cheeks with force and didn't let go. He continued the forceful action with a driving open-mouthed kiss while he continued to squeeze her ass. Cindy moaned. Lennie ripped her blouse open, the buttons flying about the room. He reached down and unbuttoned her denims before tossing her to the bed. Immediately he reached down to the bottom cuffs of the tight-fitting designer jeans and yanked them off, exposing a pink thong. He ripped it from her body and forced her legs apart. She squeaked at his actions, completely new to her.

He forced his head between her smooth, shapely legs as he held them open by spreading her thighs. He started licking her inside thighs tenderly and then changed to being rough. It excited Cindy like never before. He growled as he finally reached her labia after such merciless teasing.

"Oh my god Lennie! What's gotten into you? You've never been like this!"

Lennie said nothing while increasing the speed of his tongue flicking across her clit. Her response was immediate and intense.

"Yes, oh fuck! YES!"

He flipped his tongue into a wide flat aggressor over her clit, back to a plunging narrow shape between her labia, and then flat and slowly over her clit again. Her breathing became shallow and uneven.

Oohhh, god Lennie, where did you learn that? "

He was immune to her words and actions, instead doubling down on the pressure of his tongue on her bean. As her passion built, he inserted his middle and index fingers into her pussy, curling upward to maximize her stimulation. She moaned. He sped up his attack without any breaking of his tongue's rhythm on her engorged clit, the fingers finding her G-spot.

"Oh god, oh GOD!" she screamed. Lennie wasn't giving up an inch, increasing the speed of his fingers sliding in and out of her pussy. No matter how hard she tried to twist, turn, and move away from his mouth, he kept the pressure on her clit. Resigned to being force-licked and penetrated with two strong fingers that found their needed use, she started undulating back and forth, trying to get away from the intense pleasure.

"Oh FUCK, Lennie! Oh...My...God...there Lennie, right there!" She moaned as wave after wave of pleasure was drowning her. Lennie refused to let up on the pressure. He kept fingering her but pulled her legs up and switched his tongue to her asshole, licking, spitting, and forcing his tongue into her winking hole. Just as she thought he was finally slowing down he plunged a finger from his other hand into her asshole.

"Oh, ffuucckkkk! Goddam Lennie, what the fuck are you doing to me?" then immediately yelled, "don't stop, don't stop!" Her hips started bucking, trying to throw off his face against her helpless pussy. Lennie would increase the pressure and speed of his tongue on her clit and then let up so she begged for more. He kept that going for at least 20 minutes.

"Oohhhh! Ffuuccckkkkk! Lennniiieeeeee!" Tears were rolling down Cindy's face. She had cum so many times that Lennie's face was soaked with her gushing juices. Lennie had worked her so hard he was getting tired, but this was the best sexual response he had ever experienced from a woman. He kept the tongue assault going while his other hand twisted her nipples back and forth. Cindy was becoming delirious, the pleasure sending her to another world. Her body would freeze, then start shaking uncontrollably until she screamed again.

After one more giant climax and screaming, Lennie jumped up on top of her and plunged his hard cock into her sloppy wet snatch. She grunted as he bottomed out but was in her own world. Lennie started pounding her as hard as he could. She grabbed her lover by the neck with her arms and wrapped her legs tightly around his back, her naked heels driving into him. This ride had to be over soon and she was not letting go. And then it happened.

"Oohhhhh. Ffuuucccckkkkkkk. Fuck meeee." Cindy started a massive orgasm that came from deep inside her. It controlled her from her pussy outward to the rest of the world. In that moment of climax, Cindy was in a space she had never been in before. A shriek could be heard through the open door and down to the main level.

Lori, Taylor and Kaylani were all sitting there and could hear their friend explode.

"Listen to them, damn. Sin is taking it, she's getting pummeled!", Lori exclaimed as Kaylani giggled. They all knew Sin quite well, having eaten her hundreds of times and knew of the name Cindy gave her pussy. "Cindy is out of control!"

Taylor grinned like she was the proverbial cat that caught the canary.

"I feel like a proud mama," she proclaimed to the other girls.

"What do you mean?" Lori asked.

"All the crap everyone has been giving Lennie about us being alone for the last week, well, that's what we've been doing."

"What are you talking about?" Kaylani had a curious look on her face.

"Lennie came to me and asked me to give him private lessons how to increase his game eating pussy and getting Cindy off rubbing her G-Spot. He wanted to surprise Cindy with his new talents. I've been giving him one-on-one lessons all week."

The girls started laughing loudly. A loud female moan came from upstairs.

"Lennie is a great boyfriend for wanting to please his girl like that."

"From the sounds of it, you are a damned fine teacher, Taylor."

Another scream came from the upstairs bedroom. It lasted for a long time until the woman's voice had ran out of air.

"Cindy is one lucky bitch, that's for sure," Kaylani said.

"Damn, I've eaten her a thousand times and I don't think I've ever heard her scream like that," Lori contemplated. "It looks like this whore is going to have to get lessons from Lennie the best way to eat pussy."

The girls laughed hard again.


"Oh god Lennie. I love you, I love you, I love you. How did you do that? I don't think I've ever cum that hard or that long before. You've got skills, baby." She pulled him in and gave him another long, smoldering kiss.

"You know how I've been hanging out a lot with Taylor? I wanted to impress you with my game. You're the pro, not me. I knew that my pussy-eating skills were okay for a guy, but let's face it, a woman knows best how to eat a pussy because she has one of her own. She knows what she likes and is ahead of the game pleasing a female partner, way ahead of any man. So I went to her to teach me how to properly eat and finger a pussy for maximum female enjoyment. That's what we've been doing all that time, she teaching and me learning how to step up my game for you."

"You did that just for me? " Cindy smiled as she was coming down from her wave of orgasms. "You are the most amazing man I've ever known. I love you so much, baby."

Catching a second wind, she moved to grab the sides of his head as they were laying on the bed and pulled him close to her face.

"Listen to me. You are mine, got that? You are mine for the rest of your life. This whore has never cum that hard or long, even with Lori or Taylor. Maria does this thing with her tongue in my ear while she twists my nipples, but damn Lennie what you did to me was incredible. My other sisters couldn't even make me cum like that, and they are pros. I was already sure about you, but after this there is no way I'm going to let you go." She kissed him deeply, tasting herself on his lips. As the embrace continued, Lennie felt her hand around his cock slowly stroking it, rubbing his balls, and back to stroking.

Cindy quietly growled, her lips near his ear, one hand around his neck, the other stroking his cock and fondling his balls. She whispered again, "This cock? These balls? They're mine. " She paused and moved to whisper in his ear, still stroking him. "I own them. I promise you baby, I will take great care of my cock and balls."

She gave him a deep wet kiss and continued. "I will make sure my balls are always empty and my cock gets as much pussy as it can handle, no matter if it's mine, any of the girls, the housewives, or anyone else that turns you on." She gave the cock a tight grip and shook it. "Anything that turns you on, do you understand?"

She didn't wait for a response and kissed him deeply while still stroking his hard cock. Between deep kisses, Lennie smiled.


A few days later he was home with Cindy and his phone rang. His phone rung and it was a general ringtone, meaning it could be anyone who unlike Cindy, Lori, his brothers or other friends had no specific ringtone. He picked it up.

A woman speaking Spanish was screaming into the phone at him. He listened for a few seconds and then said, "Maria, is that you? I don't understand Spanish, you're going to have to talk English."

"I said why do you hate me Lennie? Admit it, you hate me! And you've done NOTHING!"

"Wait, I hate you because I've done nothing? What do you mean, nothing?"

"I mean nothing, Lennie!" She was getting frantic, working herself up with every sentence. "And my name, you don't even know my real name, do you?"

Lennie thought about it for a few seconds. No, she was correct, he didn't know her real name, only her working name.

"But you know Trinity's real name, and Samantha's real name, and DJ's real name! You see, Lennie, nothing! And my sister, my beautiful twin sister, she's DEAD! You didn't even know that did you?"

A raft of Spanish words and phrases followed. Lennie understood none of them, but he was pretty sure she was cussing up a storm at him.

"But I knew Sam's name was Cindy the first night I met her because she told me. And I knew Lori's name from Sam, because they have known each other for over ten years. And you were there the night all you girls came over and met me for the first time when I realized who DJ was." It didn't help calm the situation.

As he became unsettled at the news Maria had a twin sister and she was dead, Cindy came back down to the main living room on the second floor from the upstairs master bedroom where she had been taking measurements of the rooms and pictures with her phone. She saw the upsetting look on her new boyfriend's face. He covered the phone with his hand and yelled, "Cindy! Maria has a twin sister and she's dead!"

Cindy just looked at him without emotion and said, "Oh, it's June 25th, isn't it?" Lennie just stared at her, dumbfounded. Had he misread Cindy? How could someone be so callus and uncaring about a death of the twin sister?

"LENNIE, HELP ME! NOBODY LOVES ME! I'M ALL ALONE!", the voice on the phone screamed.

Cindy just waited for Lennie to pull the phone away from his ear. "Tell you'll call her back in twenty minutes after you talk with me. Do it."

Lennie waited until Maria had to take a breath, and said, "I'm going to talk with Cindy and I'll call you back in twenty minutes, okay Maria? And no, I don't hate you, in fact I think you are a stunningly beautiful and remarkable woman." Upon hearing that, she calmed down somewhat, paused and said, "Ok Lennie, I'll be waiting for your call," and hung up.

Lennie looked bewildered at Cindy. "Let me tell you about Maria. Yes, she had a twin sister, apparently an identical twin. And yes, she died. When they were sixteen years old. They found her dead on June 25th. And every June 25 she has nightmares. But that's only a part of who she is. Let me tell you about Maria first before you ask me any questions."

Lennie nodded as Cindy began. "Maria was born in Oaxaca, Mexico. It is one of the most corrupt states in all of Mexico, in the southern part of the country. The drug lords have controlled it for decades. It is run by the Garcia family, has been for decades. I told you that I had professional intimate encounters with the father, before he was killed, and also his son. Young girls are regularly kidnapped and it's their network of coyotes that move them north into the US, and sell them into human slavery. Sex workers, mostly, but a lot of them are manual service workers like hotel maids or kitchen help, and some are just slaves for corrupt business owners. Most mothers try to get their young daughters out of there before they are kidnapped."

Lennie said nothing but was emotionally affected at finding out this new information about the beautiful Mexican woman.

"She had a twin sister, who's real name was actually Maria, and they were kidnapped and trafficked to Arizona. They were routinely abused all the way. When they got near the border, Maria, the real one, broke free one night and ran into the desert. It was over one hundred-ten degrees that next day, and when they found her, she was nearly dead from heat stroke.

"Our Maria, who's real name is Marina, actually found her. She wasn't dead, but close. The coyotes wrote her off and left her. Marina screamed and cried as they pulled her away, and then the abuse continued until they crossed the border a few days later. It was pretty awful."

Lennie stared at Cindy with great sadness on his face as she continued.

"She was sold to a man when she got to Arizona. He hired her out to be an indentured servant, cleaning hotel rooms and other work like that. After a few years she was sold again to a pimp, mostly catering to migrants and blue-collar workers for a few years. One night an older man broke her out of the small house she was in with another half-dozen girls and freed her. He let her live with him for a few years until he had a heart attack and died. She was about 21 then. It was all very traumatic for her as you can guess. She called in panic just now because she remembers the day she found her dying twin sister and has nobody else to talk to. You and I have been so busy getting our stuff together, but it's no excuse, I should have remembered."

Lennie just sat there, his mouth agape.

"Lennie, close your mouth, it's really unbecoming. Anyway, she's an illegal all the way, so she had to hide and couldn't go to the authorities. She bounced from guy to guy until we met about five years ago. Most of the guys sexually abused her, and a couple of them pimped her out. Most of them threatened to turn her in as an illegal if she didn't do what they told her. She didn't trust anyone, I don't really know why she trusted me, but she did. She was another one I met in that victims class I led. To this day I have no idea how she made it to Washington state."

Lennie was feeling bad for the beautiful Latina. She was one of the kindest women he had ever been around.

"I tried to get her traditional work, but she wouldn't last a week at a normal job. I even let her stay in an apartment of a client of mine who lived in Europe but owned a condo here and let me use it, to give her some stability. When she found out I was an escort, she was 25, nearly 26, and begged me to let her do it.

"One night against my better judgment, I desperately needed another girl because the others were busy or sick, because I had a big client with a group of businessmen I had to cater to. I had a ten man gangbang I had to perform, and that isn't easy. She went with me and the men all loved her. She's been working for me ever since. But her outlook on life is damaged at best. She still has nightmares about her sister, about this time every year. And now you know about Maria, real name Marina. She took her dead sister's name in honor of her."