Life After College


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The song finished and Millie and Bob came back to the table. They sat down and we were sipping our drinks when a slow number started.

"Well, my little Kentucky girlfriend, are you ready to dance a few slow ones with me?" She stood up and I walked her over to the dance floor. We started dancing pretty normally, then on the second slow song I pulled her close. This was so nice holding her close and the smell of her perfume was almost putting me in another world.

Bob and Sue were dancing next to us and I watched Bob pull his wife closer to his body. Not wanting to be outdone I pulled Millie closer. She smiled knowing Bob was playing a game with us. He slid his hand down to Sue's butt and rested it there. Millie was laughing, wondering if I was going to do the same thing. I looked in Millie's eyes as I slipped my hand down and put them both on the cheeks of her ass and squeezed. As she looked in my eyes she said "Only you, big guy, only you," and lay her head on my chest.

The song ended and we all walked back to the table. Things were back to normal as we all talked. Bob asked Millie about the new job she was going to start Monday. She explained her duties and said she thought the job would be interesting. Bob was joking and said she'd better watch those new bosses.

Millie told Bob, "No sweat, I already told him where I stand. We had lunch today and I don't trust men in general, except for Dan and you, Bob."

"You trust me, Millie?" Bob asked.

"No, I trust Sue. If you ever tried anything with me, I'd tell Sue and she'd kick your ass." Everyone started laughing.

Millie continued, "Men have a way of coming on to women by insinuating certain things. That way if it doesn't turn out the way they wanted they can always say it was taken the wrong way. Every guy I've ever met has those insinuating genes. Well, the manager made a couple of slight remarks so I told him straight out that I have a man I'm in love with and I would and could do this job. If he wanted to hire me to see if he could score, then I would sue his ass if he tried anything with me. He of course told me that I took his remarks incorrectly and indeed I could have the job."

Sue glanced at me and asked Millie if she lied to the manager or did she really have a man she loved? Millie smiled but never answered the question out loud. She did lean over and softly told Sue that she never lies. Sue told me that later.

Everything was going fine until Jim showed up again and asked Millie to dance. I told Jim I didn't think so but Millie told me that it was alright. She would dance with my old friend.

As they got up to dance, I had a bad feeling. They started dancing and Jim was trying to come on to her. I was going to get up and put a stop to it when Sue grabbed my arm and said, "Don't, it will just embarrass her. Believe me she has it under control." Sue was a great judge of people so I sat back down.

I heard Jim tell her that we were old friends and we shared everything even girlfriends and wives. Bob and Sue knew about my past and it was that, my past. Jim told her he couldn't wait for them to visit as he slid his hand down to her ass. I was about to stand up again but Sue said, " I think your old friend is about to be sorry."

Without any fanfare I hear Millie say, "Dan has changed and, as far as you, you'll never have this body. Now get your fucking hands off my ass."

Jim said, "I'm not afraid of your boyfriend."

Millie said, "It's not Dan that you need to be afraid of," and she lifted her knee as quick and hard as possible, kneeing him in the gonads. Then she grabbed his thumb on the hand that was grabbing her ass and bent it backwards till it broke. He screamed out in pain as security ran up to her. She said to security, "He slipped and fell on his hand, I think he broke his thumb." Then she walked back to our table.

The security men looked at her and shook their heads, then picked up Jim and took him to the front door.

When she came back to the table, she told me we needed to talk and that it was time to leave. She said her goodbyes to Bob and Sue and headed for the door. The last thing Sue told me was don't lose her, she was a very special woman.

When we got to the car I apologized to Millie for not butting in and protecting her. She told me she wasn't worried about that. Stuff like that happened all the time. What bothered her was that I hadn't told her about my past and before we could go forward she needed to know everything. She told me to give it some thought and call her in a few days. Right then she wasn't ready to listen. She told me my car would be at the dealership Monday and I could pick it up there.

I dropped her off at her sister's. The last thing she told me was honesty and trust, that's what she needed from me.

I drove home wondering what went wrong. What would happen if I told her about my real past. I went home but tossed and turned all night. I couldn't get Millie out of my mind. I tried calling her Saturday but she wasn't answering the phone. Then I called Jill and she said she hadn't seen her. She asked me what went wrong Friday? I told her I'm not totally sure but I needed to talk to Millie.

The same thing happened Sunday. I drove to her trailer and to her sister's to make sure they weren't lying to me about her not being there. Now I was worried, she did have my car but that was the least of my worries. I wanted Millie, now I knew for sure I really loved her. I have never missed anyone this much in my life. I couldn't sleep again that night and headed for work Monday morning. Bob looked at me and told me that I was a mess. I explained that I spent the whole weekend looking for Millie but she disappeared

Bob said not to worry that Millie was alright. I asked him how he knew that and he said that she came over his house with Molly and spent the weekend. I asked him why he didn't call me. He told me that he promised Millie that he wouldn't call me but if I called him or Sue that they wouldn't lie to me.

He said, "You never called but that girl is in love with you. Sue explained to her that you never lied to her, that you haven't told her anything about your past. Sue also told her that she knows that you love her too."

I called the dealership and the voice answering the phone had an accent. The first thing I said was, "Millie, I love you and don't want to lose you. When can we talk."

"Well, sir, your car will be ready on Tuesday if you would like to come and pick it up. We will be closing at 5:00 p.m. I can deliver your car to your house if you would like. This is a service only for our elite customers. Just so you know our dealership is closed on Wednesdays."

"Well, Tuesday would be great. I'll wait to see you then." I felt better as I hung up the phone.

Tuesday I left work early. I came home and cooked up a couple of steaks, baked potatoes, and made each of us a salad. Then I waited for Millie to show up. The phone rang and I got worried. It was a damn telemarketer. I hung up the phone. She said she would be here after 5:00 and it was 5:15. Damn, fifteen minutes and I was worried. Christ, she couldn't have even made it that quick. Then I saw Millie pull up in my car, so I figured it was repaired and Millie was returning it to me. Right then I didn't give a damn about the car, I wanted Millie. She tried to act business like as she approached the door.

"Sir, your car has been repaired and your rental returned. I need your signature on the paperwork and I need you to call me a cab so I could get home."

I looked at her and said "Fuck the cab, dinner's ready." She came in smiling and saw that I had made her dinner. I told her I would tell her everything she wanted to know later. Right then I just wanted to have a nice meal with her. We sat down and ate.

After dinner we went into the living room to talk. That's when I realized it was the first time that Millie was in my house. She had dropped me off a couple of times but never came in. I asked her if she wanted a tour and she told me that would wait until after our talk.

She began by saying that she was somewhat wrong in not talking to me for a couple of days, because she had something to tell me about her past that I needed to know. It was about her distrust of most men.

"There was more to why I moved here than just for a change of life. I dated after Molly was born. I was pretty choosy about who I went out with. I went to a country western bar and was dancing with some guy. He wasn't a date, just some guy dancing on the dance floor. He danced me into a back room. He had two buddies waiting there. There were going to rape me. I started fighting back, screaming and yelling when my four brothers broke through the door. These men had most of my clothes torn off. They didn't know that I had family there."

"Anyway we beat the living shit out of these guys. Come to find out one was the mayor's son. Anyway, the bartender was family too and let us out the back door. We were told to lay low for awhile. After a few months, I had had enough. We didn't do anything wrong. They weren't looking for my brothers but the mayor asked who the girl was. I think he wanted to cover it under a rug. That's when there was a pay off. My family was given ten thousand dollars not to testify. We didn't have a great case anyway since it was written up by the police as a bar brawl."

"So, My parents gave me two thousand dollars and Jill suggested that Molly and I come here to live. I would have fought it if I thought we had a chance of winning. The last thing my brothers told me before I left is that it wasn't over yet and I didn't need to know any more. They told me no man was going to mess with their sister and live to tell about it. That's why I told you I only trusted family." She started crying and I held her in my arms.

"Dan, all I want from you is the truth. Our past is our past and we can leave it there but I need to know the truth so I know what I'm dealing with when idiots like Jim come up to me. I want to be able to totally trust you. I don't need to know your intimate details on how great it felt or how many orgasms your girlfriend had. I just need to know the truth about your past so we can go on. I won't hold anything against you, I promise."

I told her about Grace and how she was the first. I explained about my college days and how we had group sex and sharing of women. I told her about Jim and the swapping and that after I was married I expected it to stop. I related to her about Gail and the sex after marriage strip poker party. I explained how I told Gail that I wanted a monogamous marriage but found her cheating on me. I then told Millie that I never expected I would find a woman that I could love and would love me back and how fate intercepted my wants and needs by her hitting my car and the two of us meeting.

I took her by the hand and said, "It's only been a couple of weeks since we met. I love you, I know it because I feel it in my heart. I want you to marry me and live here with me. You, me and Molly. She needs a daddy and I would make a damn good one. So what I'm asking is will you marry me, Millie? Even though you've only known me such a short time." I was crying as I asked.

Millie was now crying too, "Of course, you big idiot. I have loved you from day one. Ever since you became my knight who took me out of the clutches of darkness. Now you can show me the bedroom, I've been waiting two weeks but it feels like two years to be with you."


That night was some of the best sex of my life. The people that say sex is different when it is with someone you love are totally right. Millie and I made a pact that we would love, honor, obey and be monogamous. Molly calls me daddy even though we haven't gone through adoption yet. She turned out to be the second love of my life.

The wedding was fantastic. All Millie's nine brothers and sisters attended along with their families. Of course her mom and dad were there also. Even some of her aunts and uncles showed up. We had every room in a small motel rented out for Millie's family. On my side were mom and dad, my brother and sister and their families. Of course Bob was my best man and Sue was the maid of honor. Jill was probably one of the happiest people there. She said Millie finally got the brass ring after a terrible ride on the merry-go-round.

Love is out there and, as I found out, it might all start with a wreck.

Thank you for reading my story.
Comments always welcome

DG Hear

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

No contest: easily 5*. When trust is shared, anything can happen and develop in the love department.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One great story Let us hope captcha lets me tell you this jaybee186)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


RanDog025RanDog025over 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Very Nice!

Well composed story about finally finding love,with a sweet happy ending. ~ 5 ~

HighlandLaddieHighlandLaddiealmost 8 years ago

about finding true love after sowing his wild oats...would have liked to know what her brothers did to the assholes who tried to rape they paid dearly for that....

GoodhueGoodhueover 8 years ago

- What a great story,wonderfully written!

- This one I will revisit for sure,down the road.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
good story

I hate that this story wasn't longer. I live in a small town in tennessee and wish i could meet a good country girl like Millie but, most in my town are more like Gail.

I have read and close to 15 of your stories in the last few days and enjoy most of them but they all end to fast.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 10 years ago
A really nice story

About really nice people who get what they deserve -

The college games were just that and should live in the past - fondly remeberred is fine - but grow up - he did - they did not.

He won - so did Millie heh.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
100 proof

That's only 50% alcohol.. Not very good for moonshine. Moonshine should be 180 proof

HansTrimbleHansTrimbleabout 14 years ago
A pleasant surprise

I didn't expect to find such a nice story about love and family values in an erotic story site. I thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, it ended too soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
awesome story

Great story line and it makes you feel good.

I appreciate you writing this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

This is by far the nicest story i've read in this site. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Great story, wrong category

This is a 'Romance' story if I've ever read one. Thanks DG. This type of story never gets old. More of the same, please?

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Thank God

Thank God there are still writers like you! Hey, you wrote a real story with characters and a plot. That's rare in these days of unmotivated, slapdash, unbelievable masturbation fantasies.

Good job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Liked it, could have been better

I thought the story idea was excellent - in fact outstanding. I will have to say that I thought some of the dialog (and writing) was a bit stilted and could have been improved. That said, the story was, in general, believable, although both parties falling in love within two weeks was pushing the envelope a whole lot. I would have prefered to see the romance go on a bit longer before they declared undying love for each other.

Len BeeLen Beeover 18 years ago
I'm Not Sure

I'm not sure, but it is quite possible this was the best short story I have ever read on this site (sorry ohio, PAPATOAD, JPB, HDK, TEP, Troub, The W, and Blue). The reality of life was there in a great love story, along with good grammer and all the other stuff that permits a free flow of the story line.

Well done, Mr. Hear. Please keep up the great work

Len Bee

PEATBOGPEATBOGover 18 years ago
Very romantic !!!

Wow! DG, So far only positive comments. Well done! One of your best stories ever, and there has been so many for us to choose from. When one considers today's low moral standards, I see that you, DG, do try to lift us above our basic selves and suggest an alternative (or is it the true) route to satisfaction and happiness.

I have no suggestions for improvement - to me it was perfect!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Well written and refreshing considering today's loss of morals!

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