Life after the Lottery Ch. 13


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"No! You can't come in!" Dawn shouted.

"I need to put some clothes on."

"No you don't, go back down stairs and watch TV or something!" Dawn yelled at me as she pushed the door closed. "You don't get to see until tonight."

Sometimes I wondered about living with a house full of women. I headed back downstairs and turned on the TV, there was nothing on. I went outside to check and make sure the heaters under the tarp were still on. I thought about getting in the hot tub because my back was sore from all the activity last night, but it was a little too cold for me. I thought about pulling up the cameras in the bedroom to see what was going on but decided not. I finally ended up in the computer room trying to figure out what the electronics Sam installed were for. After a few minutes, I decided that they looked like the other switches for things in the house. I finally decided I would go to the sunroom hot tub and soak my sore back in privacy.



I was startled awake, I had drifted off in the hot tub. I looked up and saw all three girls standing there in their robes looking at me.

"Did you all finish whatever you were doing upstairs?" I asked.

"Yes we did about an hour ago," Dawn replied. "I had to look to find you."

"What time is it?" I asked.

"12:30," Dawn said.

"That late?"

"Yes. What are you doing in the hot tub this time of day?" Dawn asked me.

"My back is sore, I was trying to see if it would help."

"Sore from what?" Dawn asked with a grin.

"Sore from last night!"

Sam giggled.

"I'm a little sore too, can we join you?" Dawn said with a big smile.


Dawn dropped her half open robe and climbed into the hot tub and sat on the other side. Amy slipped off her robe and climbed in. I watch as Sam dropped her robe without hesitation and climbed in. I guess the girls had talked. Dawn turned the jets on, I was sure she was sore too.

After awhile the conversations soon came to Dawn and she started to steer the conversation in another direction. The jets in the pool had shut off and I could now see all the gorgeous bodies through the water.

"Sam have you met any nice guys at college yet?" Dawn asked.

"Not yet, I have been too busy getting adjusted to my freshman year."

"She has been spending a lot of her time turning down the older guys." Amy said.

"I bet you will have a lot of guys hitting on you, you are very beautiful," Dawn said.

"I think they all just want to see my breasts."

"I can't blame them for that," I thought I would interject.

"James is a boob man Sam," Dawn said.

"Hey, I'm an everything man!"

The girls laughed.

"All the boys ever want to do is suck and fondle my breasts," Sam said.

"Don't worry Sam, I went through the same thing," Amy said.

"Sometimes I wish I had smaller breasts, more like yours Dawn," Sam said.

"Hey, I don't have small breasts!" Dawn said as she stood up cupping her breasts.

"No, I didn't mean that, I just like your breasts!" Sam recovered.

"Do you? What do you like about them?" Dawn said as she walked across the hot tub toward Sam.

"I think they are a nice size, not huge like mine but still large and firm," Sam said.

Dawn was standing about 2 feet from Sam rubbing her breasts.

"Well thanks," Dawn said. "I wouldn't mind having larger breasts like yours though. I like large breasts like yours and Amy's."

"Sometimes they can be a curse," Sam said as she squeezed her breast together. "I wish they were a little smaller like Amy's at least."

"Hey!" Amy said.

"You know what I mean sis, you are a DD and I am a FF."

"You two have excellent firm breasts that are not too big," I told them. "They fit your bodies nicely."

"Sometimes I think they are too big," Sam said.

"Maybe, but they are fun to play with," Dawn said as she looked at her breasts while she squeezed them.

I began to feel the cat was coming out of the bag.

"You like playing with other women's breasts?" Sam asked puzzled.

"Yes, don't you?" Dawn said looking into Sam's eyes.

"Yes...uh no! I mean...," Sam stuttered out and looked down at the water.

"Hey, I like playing with other women's breast too!" I said to break the tension.

"You play with other women's breast?" Sam said as she turned her head to look at me.

"When Dawn let's me," I said.

Sam looked from me to Dawn as she searched for the next thing to say.

"Sam," Amy said.

"What?" Sam replied looking at her.

"You don't think all we do is sit around here naked all the time do you?" Amy asked.

"Well...I guess not, I wasn't thinking about it," Sam said to Amy.

"Sam, you have been helping Dawn plan the party, you know some of the things she has planned," Amy said to her.

"I know, but I just really didn't think about it that way," Sam said.

"Really! What kind of things Sam?" I said, hoping to help.

All I got was a real nasty look from Dawn.

"Sam, are you sure you are going to be comfortable at the party?" Dawn asked as she moved beside her.

Sam looked at Dawn and said, "Sure! I'm not a prude!"

"Are you sure?" Amy asked concerned.

"Yes sis, it's not like I haven't had sex before, you know better than that."

"Good!" Dawn said. "I'm glad that is out in the open."

"Are we having sex at the party!?" I asked.

Dawn turned to look at me then turned back to Sam.

"Amy, can I asked you something?" Sam said.

"Have you had sex with James?"


Sam looked shocked for a second.

"Have all of you had sex together?" Sam asked.

"Yes we have," Dawn said.

"Really!" Sam said as she looked at Dawn. "And, you are okay with it Dawn?"

"Yes, I am okay with James having sex with Amy, I like to watch," Dawn replied.

"Wow! You guys are cool!" Sam said as she smiled.

"Sam?" Amy said.


"I have had sex with Dawn also," Amy said.

"Really. I know you like girls too, but with Dawn?" Sam asked.

"Yes we have," Dawn said.

"Do you watch James?" Sam said looking at me.

"Yes I do!"

"You don't mind sis?"

"No, we all have a good time," Amy replied.

Sam sat looking at us and then at the water. I looked down at her breasts and noticed that her nipples were swelling in the hot water, she must be getting worked up by the conversation.

"Sam...would you like to join us?" Dawn asked.

A long stare came into Sam's eyes, then a big smile.

"Yes, can I sis?" Sam said.

"Sam, you are a grown woman, you can do as you please," Amy said.

"Wow!" Sam said again. "When?"

Dawn, Amy and I started laughing, then Sam started laughing.

"Whenever you feel comfortable Sam," Dawn told her as she stroked her hair.

I had a serious erection from all this talk. I guessed now was as good as time as ever for Sam to get a good look.

"Girls, I am starting to look like a prune, I'm going to dry off and grab a sandwich."

Dawn watched as I stood up. My full erection plopped up out of the water for everyone to see.

"Anyone coming with me?" I asked as I stood.

"You go ahead, we will be there in a few minutes," Dawn said with a big smile.

I turned and stepped out of the hot tub and grabbed a towel. I slowly dried off while I was facing toward the hot tub. When I finished, I looked at Sam, she was sitting there with her mouth open and her eyes fixated on my huge erection. I left the robe and the towel and headed down the hall.

"Oh my god," I heard Sam say as I went down the hall. "How long is it?"

Then I heard Dawn and Amy giggling.

I was already eating my sandwich and drinking a beer when the girls finally came down the hall. To my surprise and enjoyment they were all naked, it looked like Sam had finally joined the club, almost. The girls were giggling when they came to the kitchen. They each got something to eat and a beer and sat down around me at the bar.

"All of you make sure you are ready to leave at 7:00, the limo will be here about 7:15," I told them.

"A limo?" Sam asked.

"Yes, we ride in style tonight," I told Sam.

"Where are we going?" Sam asked.

"To a very exclusive restaurant, I'm afraid you won't be able to drink there," Dawn told her.

"I know," Sam said disappointedly.

Dawn had insisted I wear a tux when they started getting ready early. I was banished to the downstairs bedroom while they all got dressed. It was about 6:30 and I had been sitting around in the tux for a while waiting on them.

About 6:45 I hear, "Are you ready!," from Dawn.

"Yes! Please, finally!"

I stood and watched for them to come down the stairs. All three of them appeared at the top of the stairs at the same time. My jaw dropped as I watched the three most beautiful women in the world walk down the stairs.

"You like?" Dawn asked as they stopped and stood at the bottom of the stairs.

I couldn't manage to say anything. Dawn was wearing a gorgeous white evening dress, it was strapless and fit her perfectly. The dress was a shiny sequenced looking material that hung off her breasts and went all the way down to her ankles to matching high heel white shoes. The dress was split up the front leg, a long way up. Her makeup was perfect and she had curled her long black hair, something she didn't do often but I really liked.

I looked at Amy and she had on a full length black dress that looked great. It had a deep wide V cut in the front that exposed a lot of her breasts. Her makeup was also perfect and she had all her red hair pulled backed over her shoulders, exposing the beautiful white skin of her shoulders. She turned around as I looked at her. The back of the dress was split up to the bottom of her ass.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked at Samantha. She was wearing a beautiful emerald green dress that was shiny like Dawn's. I was surprised when I looked at her, with her makeup, she finally looked like she was 18 or maybe even twenty. The dress had thin straps over her shoulders and the front of the dress was split very low, it was cut down past her breasts, down to her stomach. She was showing a lot of her breasts, but with her firm young breasts she looked great. She turned as I looked at her. The back of the dress was really impressive. It was cut out all the way down to the top of her ass and split all the way up the side to her thigh. With her long red curly hair hanging down her back you only got to see a few inches between the end of her hair and the top of the dress at her ass, right at the top of her crack.

They all had matching sequenced hand bags and each was wearing some of Dawn's more expensive jewelry. Combinations of diamond earrings, bracelets and necklaces, they were gorgeous.

"I like! Don't move," I said as I went to get my camera.

I spent a few minutes taking pictures of them before the limo arrived, I wanted to remember this.

"You all look amazing. I don't know if we will make it to the restaurant or not!"

Sam giggled then she walked over to me and placed her arms around my neck and pulled me down and gave me a deep kiss on the lips.

"Thanks for the dress."

"You are welcome, I make sure all my ladies are dressed fine."

The intercom from the gate came on, it was the limo, I let him in.

"Do you ladies need a coat?"

"It's not that bad out, we are not going to be going very far, I think we are okay," Dawn said.

"I think all of you would look better in mink," I said as I turned to go to the closet.

Dawn had a very nice collection of mink coats and shawls that she hardly wore. They were all close enough in size I was sure they would fit. I took out Dawn's long dark sable coat and helped her into it. I helped Amy into a white mink half coat and Sam into a gorgeous sable wrap.

"Now you look perfect."

Sam was grinning from ear to ear as she looked at the mink.

The limo driver rang the door bell. I opened it and we all walked to the limo.

"Good evening ladies," the driver said. "Let me help you in."

Amy and Sam got in first and sat on one side, Dawn got in and sat across from them. I looked at the driver before I got in, he was eyeing all the skin that was being exposed by my ladies climbing into the limo. He looked at me and mouthed the word 'Wow.' I nodded my head and ducked into the seat beside Dawn.

We had about a 40 minute ride, I just kept complimenting the ladies on their wardrobe and looking at all the skin. When we arrived at the restaurant the limo pulled up under the covered portico. The driver opened my door and I got out. I reached in and took Dawn's hand and helped her out of the car, then Amy and then Sam, when they bent over to get out, we could all see their breasts and nipples. We walked toward the entrance, Amy and Sam in front and Dawn and I following. The poor doorman almost knocked himself out as he tried to open the door and look at Amy and Sam at the same time.

The girls checked their coats while I talked to the maître de. When the girls walked up behind me I watched as the maître de stopped talking to me and looked.

"Yes, sir. Your table is ready. This way please."

The restaurant was full, I had been lucky to get us in, the maître de had been quite agreeable when I offered him a very large tip. The girls slowly made their way through the restaurant, many heads turned as we walked through. The waiters helped the girls get seated and I helped Dawn.

"Sir would you like some wine?" The maître de asked.

"Yes, you should have a bottle ready for us" I told him. I had already order a special wine when I made the reservations.

"Very good sir. May I ask if this young lady is twenty-one."

"I think Mr. Franklin said she is old enough didn't he?"

"Very good sir."

He snapped his fingers and the wine steward came over and they talked.

"Your wine will be right out."

"Thank you," I told him.

"Thanks James," Sam said.

"I think you will enjoy the wine. You sure look old enough to drink."

We all had a wonderful dinner and the girls got plenty of attention from the servers.

We left the restaurant about 11:00, everyone had a great time, Amy and Sam kept telling us how much they enjoyed it and appreciated the dinner. When we arrived at the house the limo driver complimented the ladies a little too much as they got out of the car as he looked down the tops of their dresses again.

After the women walked in I stopped to give Jeff, the limo driver, his tip.

"Maybe I should consider the free tit shots as your tip?"

"I'm sorry's that they are just so beautiful."

"Don't worry about it, it is why they dress that way right," I said as I handed him the cash.

"I guess sir. May I ask you something personal?"

"Sure, you are becoming our personal driver aren't you? I hope you don't talk about your clients."

" sir...not anymore I won't."

"Thanks, I have a lot of rich friends that need a discreet driver, can you do that?"

"Yes sir! Yes sir!"

"Good. What did you want to ask?"

"Uh...I remember Halloween, your wife and the other lady were amazing, but may I ask who the young lady is?"

"She is Amy's sister, why?"

"Just curious sir."

"Is that all you wanted to ask?"

"Yes...I was just curious."

"Jeff, if you are discreet and don't talk about your clients, I am sure you will get to see a lot more as you drive us and our friends around."

"Uh...okay, thank you."

I went on in the house after the limo left.

"What took you so long," Dawn asked.

"I had to have a talk with the driver. By the way, he complimented all of you on your clothes."

"I bet he did, he sure got an eyeful of Amy and Sam's tits." Dawn said with a laugh.

"Did he really?" Sam asked.

"Yes, I believe he did," I told her.

"I am so embarrassed," Sam replied.

"Why Sam?" Dawn asked her.

"I just hate it when all men see in me are my tits."

"Sam, it is not just you, he was looking at my tits too. Be proud of your body, you will learn it will take you far," Dawn told her.

"James, thank you and Dawn for the dinner, I will have to make it up to you," Sam said with a smile.

"You are welcome, I will be looking forward to it," I said slyly.

Amy and Sam headed upstairs while Dawn and I grabbed a nightcap.

"James, you are awful, you shouldn't have said that to Sam."

"Dawn, you didn't see the look in her eyes when she said she would make it up to me."

"You told me not to push her, so you don't either."

"Sorry, I had too much wine."

After we finished our drink, we went to bed.

Dawn would like to hear from any ladies that are reading the series, she hopes there are some.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Slou7587Slou7587almost 3 years ago

Lady reader,

It is a very erotic read from a man's POV. The feelings and I do me all feeling and description is very much appreciated. A flip would be a good add. I was thinking that before I seen the last paragraph from dawn. I'd love to hear what dawn feels with the same enthusiasm as James gives in this story. Her POV on anal, James big cock stretching her and her hot love making with Amy!!!!

Cindy1001Cindy1001over 6 years ago
From yet another female reader

This lesbian lady truly appreciates your story. Although size (inches and cup sizes) matters a little too much, the narrative is gentle, thoughtful and hot. Curious what is still in store for us.

mollyhousemousemollyhousemouseover 7 years ago
This is so hot!

You asked if there were any women reading. Frankly, I can't stop myself! I've been reading almost nothing else since Tuesday! I even managed to slip off to the ladies room at work on Friday twice, just to read!

Keep it up! Hubby loves the way it's revving my engine!

Hubbys_PrincessHubbys_Princessalmost 11 years ago
female and reading.....

I have to ask if this story is based on your lives or made up. It's really hot and I'm enjoying reading it, they are sweet with Sam I thought James handled the Sam and Amy situation perfectly.

likewhatshotlikewhatshotover 11 years ago
HOT is all I can say!

You two, HOT is all I can say. I am having a great weekend re-reading everything again. You two are very sweet to Amy and Sam.

Dawn, I think you are incredible. If you want to hear from another woman, I would like for you to write one of the stories.

drmac100drmac100over 11 years agoAuthor
Sorry about the omission

You are right, there is a huge part of Chapter 9 missing about Karen. There seems to be a problem between when I paste long stories into the website and what ends up on the webiste. I don't usually re-read them after they are posted but I better go back and check them all. Give it a few days and I will re-edit Chapter 9, that is the one yo uneed to read about the time with Karen.

AnomandarisAnomandarisover 11 years ago

Looking forward to the next chapter. Should be pretty wild.

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