Life Changing Accident


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"Close the blinds Richard."

He suddenly looked disappointed, "Well, it's my first time...I was kind of hoping that I'd get to see...something at least!"

"Due to the miracle of modern living, we can have the drapes closed and still see if we switch the lights on!"

"Oh...ho, I thought you wanted the room to be dark."

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I shook my head and he switched the lights on before closing the curtains. He turned to look at me, he hesitated a moment before taking a step towards me.

"What would you like to do Richard?"

He giggled childishly, "Everything!"

"Do you want to undress me or do you want me to undress myself?"

He swallowed hard, "We're really going to...I mean...actually going to do IT."

"Yes...why? Aren't you sure that you want to do IT!"

"It's not that, it's just that some girls like to lead a guy on and at the last minute they change their minds."

"Well, you're okay with me, I'm just interested in recreational why don't you undress and let me see what I'm going to get to help me relax."

He rushed to strip off, his cock was disappointingly small but he was young, so I hoped that what he lacked in length and girth he would make up for in enthusiasm and recycle speed. As soon as he was naked I undressed as well, his eyes were out on stalks when I pulled my bra off and he got his first view of my unfettered breasts.

I wriggled down on the bed and lifted my arse off of the mattress to pull my knickers down, I looked at Richard, his cock jumped when he saw my bush for the first time and again when I opened my legs and he saw the bright pink of my excited cunt flash out from under my blond pussy hair. He was rooted to the spot, I had to beckon to him to come to me. He kneeled on the bed at my side and reached out to touch my breast, he squeezed my tit and then smiled, "How old are you?"

"It's a little rude to ask a woman her age!"

"You asked me my age!"

"Because you look so young, I had to be sure that you were over eighteen before I let things go too far."

"So, how old are you?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I was wondering if you were as old as my mum!"

"How old is your mother?"

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"She's thirty-nine."

I felt really guilty as I pulled his face down to mine to kiss him...not guilty enough to stop though. I sought out his cock as we kissed and as I took him in my hand he gasped. He pulled his mouth away from mine and he looked down at his cock to see what I was doing to him, he looked back at my face and grinned, "That feels lovely...but you didn't tell me your age!"

"Would you rather I sucked your cock or told you how old I am?"

"The sucking thing please."

I pushed him onto his back and lifted my upper body, I kissed his neck and then I kissed down his body as I rubbed his cock with my hand. I kissed all the way down to his cock and then lifted it to my lips, he gasped again as I kissed the head of his cock. I looked up at his face, he looked like he was in heaven and I pressed my face down but didn't open my lips, his cock bent a little and then forced my mouth open to another gasp and as I applied a little light suction he shot me in the mouth. I swallowed his jizz down and kept sucking as his cock slipped down into his balls.

He looked crestfallen again because he'd climaxed so quickly. I rolled onto my back and started kissing him while he fumbled with my tits again. I took a hold of his wrist and pulled his hand off of my tits, I rubbed his palm down over my ribcage and over my pussy hair, then I took his middle finger and pressed it on top of my clitoris.

"Can you feel that little bump?"

He grinned and nodded his head, "That's my clitoris and it's as sensitive as your cockhead, if you press down gently, trap it against my pubic bone and then move your finger to one side..." I gasped as his fingertip slipped off of my clit, " that, it will give me a lot of pleasure."

He took over himself, catching my clitoris, trapping it and then slipping off on the other side. I let him get a little practice so he could capture it every time he tried and then I moved my hand to his cock again, I got him hard and said, "You want to try fucking me now?"

His grin almost split his face in two as I guided him on top of my body and aimed his cock at my cunt. He started to do the energiser bunny fuck until I stopped him, "Take your time or you'll climax before I'm even close."

I taught him how to fuck me the way I liked to be fucked, I monitored him carefully and delayed him when I thought he was too close to his orgasm and when he finally climaxed into my cunt he almost passed out his balls were so full.

"Well, you look suitably sweaty now, are you going back to the other cadets?"

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He looked thoughtful for a moment and then he shook his head, "I think I'l go into one of the other bedrooms and have a shower..." He smiled at me and shrugged his shoulders, "...I don't think I want that bunch of morons getting the wrong idea about you!"

I pulled him into the shower in my room and I washed him in the shower before stepping in with him and let him wash me.

Once we were both dry we walked back to the dining area, a thirty year old man was talking to the four cadets, he saw that they were distracted, all looking behind him and he stopped talking to them and turned to look at me. The man gave me a smile and then he looked serious, "I'm pissed off with you!"

"Why me?"

"You screwed up my test...and in just eight sodding minutes!"

"How did I do that?"

"Because you spotted me before I spotted you, we've run this scenario fifty time and you're the first to spot the trap. Now I've got to come up with a new exercise."

"Why do you need a new exercise?"

"We can only run an exercise until the first time it's completed because others will hear what the trick was to solving it. Mind you, I won't miss sitting on that bloody cold floor for eight hours at a time."

Our conversation was cut short by the sound of a helicopter flying in with the Home Secretary on board. I watched Richard join his friends, they were asking him what had happened while he was gone, I heard him hiss, "Just bloody grow're like a bunch of kids!"

I thought, 'Richard has grown up a lot in two hours, I took a boy into my bed and sent back a man!'

I was guided back to the exercise area, the cadets were all there as well as I shook hands with the Home Secretary and had to walk him through what I'd done, how I'd managed to defeat a test that was designed to be un-winnable, he was talking to the cadets as well, the cadet that had been assigned to DS Franklin.

"...I guided my officer to the side of the plumber's house, it took him a while to get around to searching the house to find the snake camera that the plumber used to look down sewers for broken pipes. I suggested that he could go to the side of the building and use the snake camera to look around the corner and into the room but he decided to look in the reception area first, when he saw that the window in the main room was covered he went into the reception and tried pushing the camera under the door."

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The SAS officer chuckled, "I have to say I got the surprise of my life with where DS Franklin was trying to shove that damned camera sir."

I was left with Richard while the group of dignitaries moved along the line of people that were needed to run the exercises.

Richard smiled at me and whispered, " old are you?"

"I'm a year older than your mother!"

Richard's grin widened, "I think that all of my friends would love to do their mothers...well...would love to do my, my doing you is almost like me screwing my mother. I'll miss this place, been a lot of fun coming here every week to help with the test."

"Why won't you be part of the next test?"

"Because you nailed this test they'll have to reinvent the test and when they start it up again the runners will all be cadets from Bath or Bristol, the honour moves around the local police forces each time the test is renewed."

I was handed a certificate to say that I'd completed the test but that wasn't the important thing, I was also given a starting date to join a special class in anti terrorism so that I could help the Metropolitan Police Force in times of need.

I sat in the helicopter with the Home Secretary, we flew to London to a heliport mounted on top of a tall building close to Westminster and the Houses of Parliament. After he deplaned I switched my personal mobile phone on, seven messages from my father spread out from just after I went on duty yesterday to just a few moments ago. I couldn't phone him or listen to the messages he'd left on my phone because of the engine noise in the helicopter so I sent him a text message, 'Am on my way home in a helicopter, will be home in twenty minutes and I'll call you then to see what you wanted.'

The answer came in just a few seconds, 'What the hell are you doing in a you have any idea where your mother is, she didn't come home last night!'

'Been away on an SAS anti terrorist exercise. No idea where mum is, did you guys have an argument or something?"

I then sent a text to my mother, "Mum, where the hell are you? Dad is going bonkers!'

My mother's reply didn't come in until after I had landed in the middle of the park in my village, 'I'm still with your friend Dan...I may never go home again!'

I walked home, John wasn't home yet so I left him a note and jumped in my car to drive to my father's house to talk to him face to face.

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He was devastated when I told him that my mother was having fun and might not go home ever again.

", it's your own fault, mum told me that you haven't had sex with her for a year."

"Not all my fault lass, I wanted to try something a little different and she wouldn't even try it so I told her that I wouldn't have sex with her again until she let my try it my way first."

"What the hell did you want to do that's different after forty-five years of marriage?"

"We watched one of them blue films in the hotel when we were on holiday last year, the giy shoved his cock up the woman's arse and I asked your mother to let me try it that way after the film finished and she told me to fuck off."

"Dad, I'm sure that anal sex isn't that special!"

"Have you and John done it that way?"

"We tried it with John but John is a little too big so I used a carrot to get me started."

I thought better of telling my dad that I'd let my boss fuck my arse in the last forty-eight hours.

"But at least you tried it for him."

"No, not really for him, I was the one who wanted to try it but I chickened out when he'd only got an inch in me."

"I don't think I'd have been able to stop if I'd got an inch in your mother, I'd have had to got all the way."

My father handed me a cup of coffee and as he stepped away I noticed a tent in his trousers, it was the first time in forty years that I'd seen my father hard. I had known even as a little girl that my parents had a very active sex life...I'd even known that it wasn't usual for parents to be sexually active, I'd spoken to all of my friends at school about it when I was younger, not one of my friends had ever heard their parents having sex.

" you okay?"

"Just talking about anal sex...I think I've got a fixation about it after seeing it in that bloody blue film and now you talking about wanting to try it out with John."

I blew into my cup and took a sip of my coffee. I'd expected my dad to turn away from me because of the way that his trousers were tenting out but he didn't, he just stood there looking at me, looking very sheepish before he cleared his throat and said in an almost whisper, "I don't suppose you'd be interested in helping me get it out of my system would you?"

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I blew harder into my coffee, in the last few weeks I'd allowed almost any and every man to fuck me, some for my pleasure, some for John's pleasure and some for cash. I sipped my coffee again, what was the real difference between my father and any other man...hell, I'd even fucked African as well as Asian men.

"What dad, you want to try shagging my that what you're saying?"

He smiled and nodded his head.

"Okay, but not in mum's bed, you'll have to do it in my old bedroom."

"I'd rather do it right here!"

He walked over to me, took my coffee cup out of my hands and then pressed his trousered cock against my shoulder. I unzipped his trousers and inspected his cock, one of the first things I noticed was that my father was circumcised, I hadn't expected that and the fact that even though he was fully hard he was nowhere close to as big as wonder my mother fell in love with Dan's monster cock.

I sucked my father's cock for a few moments before he pulled me to my feet, he bent me over the kitchen table, face down and he pulled the back of my knickers down, "Would you like some kind of lubricant?"

"What kind?"

"In the blue film, the man used butter."

I pulled a face, I didn't like the sound of butter up my bum but my dad didn't see that, he was just about to scoop his fingers into the butter dish by my ear when I stopped him. He started rubbing his index finger against my anal muscle. His finger popped in without any resistance, "John must have loosened your muscle a lot when he tried to fuck you up your arse because it feels really wide open back here."

I smiled at my father's comment but that was suddenly wiped off of my face, there was a sudden pain, just a momentary discomfort as he forced his cock up my bum. It only took him a few moments to shoot his load up there because my arse was much tighter than any vagina. He fell against my back, it was really weird feeling my father's body pressing down on me as we were both almost fully dressed in his kitchen, his cock slowly shrinking out of my arse.

I left him on my back until his breathing returned to normal and then pushed him up.

"Has that got it out of your system now?"

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He grinned, "Well, I won't bother your mother with it any more but I hope that we can do it again soon!"

I'd finished my first week as a detective, I'd had more sex in that week than I'd had in my life before to that date, I wonder what my second week at work would bring me...

29,760 Words.

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