Life on the Farm Pt. 04

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Kyle, now no longer a novice, helps a new hucow.
3.5k words

Part 10 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/21/2017
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As months passed, Kyle got more and more used to his life on the farm. And it was a good life, too - fuck sexy hucows, milk sexy hucows, with some chores and manual labor mixed in. About three months from when he had his first injections, the doctor pronounced him a complete success - he was now as strong a bull as any on the farm. Indeed, he was a far cry from the man who had first walked into Brighton Farms - now his arms, chest and legs fairly rippled with power and muscle. His genitalia had finally stopped growing (something that Kyle was secretly relieved at) but he had developed a tail...which put paid to any plans of ever going back into normal society unless surgery was involved. No horns for him though. But generally he felt strong, good and as fit as a fiddle.

Which didn't mean everything was smooth sailing. Now that he had moved up in the ranks, Jack found harder and harder tasks from him to do. More muscle meant heavier lifting, and there came a day in which Kyle spilt two tanks in transit and was given a royal dressing down by the stern-faced older man. But though he was a hard taskmaster at times, he was always fair, never asking anyone to do more than they could. Kyle grew to respect the man, and tried to give his all during any duties assigned to him. It was the least he could do for how well the farm had treated him.

It was a cloudy Thursday morning when Jack sent for him. Kyle had just finished his morning milking of another hucow (an ebony-skinned lady with long horns who had more than welcomed his attentions) when he was informed that he was wanted in the head office. That was strange. A special assignment of some sort? No way to know unless he went, so Kyle - knowing how Jack hated being kept waiting - was in the office in minutes.

For once there was no stack of papers in front of him, but Jack Bennett seemed in a pensive mood when the bull walked into his office, stroking his neatly-trimmed beard slowly. He brightened a little at Kyle's entrance.

"Ah, good, you're here. Just the bull I wanted to see. You've been performing well so far, and there's something I'd like your help with."

"An new assignment, sir?" Kyle was curious, but he would let Jack explain.

"Well sort of. Yes. We have a new hucow by the name of Li Hua. Thing is...she's not a normal hucow. She's been...kind of...resistant."

Resistant? Resistant to what? This was unusual for Jack. He didn't usually beat around the bush, preferring to get straight to the point. Deciding to play it cool, Kyle waited for his boss to elaborate.

"We were initially reluctant to take her on because well...she didn't voluntarily choose the injections. It's this new government scheme, see. Putting criminals to work for the state instead of putting them in jail. Some labor-saving incentive program or some such. She's working off a corrective sentence."

Kyle whistled a bit. "Wow, that's serious. What did she do?"

"Embezzle funds. A lot of figures at least." Jack heaved a confused sigh. "I'll be honest with you. I don't rightly know what I feel about this, Kyle. One on hand, I'm a fair man, and if someone's done something wrong, it's up to them to pay it back. On the other, though...all our cows here signed up knowing the risks. To take someone and just MAKE them a hucow...I'm not sure it's right. But what's done can't be undone, and these ARE desperate times..."

"So ummm, boss? Where do I come in?"

"Ah yes. Sorry, forgot about that. So Li Hua has been resisting being milked. This isn't good for the farm, isn't good for milk production, but most of all, isn't good for her. She

must be really backed up on milk right now. All that unpumped milk in her...we have to do something. Talk to her, milk her if you can. Just see what you can do. No pressure. If you can't, we'll just send her right on back. But...the cows seem to like you. Do what you can, and report back to me."

"Alright, boss. You got it. I'll do the best I can."

"I know you will, son." Jack favored him with one of his rare smiles. "Now get to it."


A government created hucow...Kyle was lost in thought on his way to see the newest arrival to Brighton Farms. That did boggle the mind a bit. Every hucow he had ever met had wanted to be here, some more than would someone who didn't actually want the transformation react to being subjected to it? He couldn't quite imagine it. He loved being a bull...but what if he had been forced to be one? He might not like it as much.

But soon enough he was at Room 305 and the time for ramifications had passed. He knocked gently on the door. Let's not startle her now. Take it slow.

"Go away!" came a voice from inside. He could see what Jack meant by resisting. He knocked again.

"I said go away!" Hmmm. This was a problem. Kyle thought for a bit and then decided to open the door anyway. He couldn't do his job if he couldn't even see the hucow in question...he entered the room as unobtrusively as possible, unsure of what awaited him.

A Chinese hucow was standing in the middle of the room, glaring daggers at him. Kyle was a little surprised at her race, but the name should have given it away. Here in this part of the country he didn't see many Asians, but it stood to reason that the injections weren't restricted to any ethnicity.

"Hi, my name's Kyle, Kyle Everstrom. I'm here to..."

"I don't care. Just get out of the room." she snapped.

Kyle sighed. He could see this would be a tough nut to crack. But now that he had managed to get a closer look at her, he could see that despite the scowl on her face that she was actually quite pretty. She had the high cheekbones and angular face of her race, as well as jet-black hair that fell messily around her shoulders. She was covered from head to toe with black spots, which contrasted quite well with her pale skin. No horns, but a speckled tail dangled between her slim legs.

She also possessed the largest breasts that Kyle had ever seen on a hucow. Right now her arms were folded beneath them so he could not get a good look at their full size, but they were easily larger than her head, almost bulging over the shelf that Li Hua's arms were making. The network of pale blue veins on their surface also told him one thing...she hadn't been milked in some time. That probably accounted not only for their size but her foul temper...she must be feeling a lot of pressure from the unexpressed milk.

Well now. This was a pretty pickle. He had to touch her to milk her, but she didn't seem like she wanted to be touched...Kyle tried the soft approach. "Ummm, Li Hua, was it? I'm sorry about what happened. I know you don't want to be here. But I'd like to help if I can."

"Help? You just want what's inside these." She gave her massive breasts a tap, causing them to bounce enticingly. Kyle had to remember to keep his eyes on her face as his gaze was pulled involuntarily to their jiggle and bounce. Man they were big...

"Ummm, well...yeah. We do need the milk." Kyle decided honesty was the best policy. Dammit, he was a bull, not a negotiations expert! He had no idea of how to continue, so he just forged onwards as best as he could. "Aren't those uncomfortable, though? I could help you with them..." he let himself trail off.

"Yes, like you wouldn't believe. I have to lug them around all day, and then the pressure inside..." a flash of vulnerability broke her angry expression for a second, and she looked like she was about to cry. Then the mask was back.

"Let me help you, then. Just milking. That's all." Kyle thought it not politic to mention how milking generally involved fucking and touching as well. He hoped not one had told her about that.

"You promise? Just milking." Li Hua shot him a sharp glance, and he nodded meekly.

"Alright." She huffed and let her arms fall free, revealing two brown nipples pierced with silver rings. "Do what you have to." Alright, some headway at last.

Kyle busied himself setting up the milking station at the corner of the room, sneaking glances at Li Hua while he did so. Despite her haughty demeanor, Kyle noticed a flush had come to her cheeks, and she shifted her weight from foot to foot when she was sure he wasn't looking. More than once he almost caught her looking at his ass, and when he was almost done he saw her flick her nipples absentmindedly.

She must be horny, Kyle realized. Not having been milked for goodness knows how long, with all those hormones raging inside that's why Jack sent me! Bulls didn't go into heat, but their pheromones did have an effect on any hucow nearby, whether in estrus or not. Li Hua must be feeling pretty uncomfortable right about now.

"I'm done. Come over here." How to play this...he did say only milking. But if she needed it...Li Hua strode over to where he was standing. "Alright, let's just finish this and you can go."

Kyle silently affixed the clamps to her breasts. At the barest touch of the cold metal, the hucow gasped, shaking all over - and confirming his suspicious. She needed it, but she was too proud to admit it. As the machines whirred to life, Li Hua began to twitch and shake, the breath coming in short gasps from her.

All her actions were having an effect on Kyle as well. It was difficult to see a hucow in such a state, and Kyle found himself steadily becoming aroused. He had to adjust his position so his rapidly stiffening member did not touch Li Hua. The same pheromones that affected her were getting to him as well - he could smell the sweet, sharp tang of sweat. He admired how the spots looks so good against her pale skin, and his eyes couldn't help but focus on her enormous teats as they heaved up and down. It was excruciating, being able to smell, hear see and not feel. The bull part of him wanted to make her his immediately, fling her on the table and ravage her until she came, but the human part of his mind told him that he would need to wait.

The sharp sound of metal got both of their attention. One of the clamps had fallen to the table. Kyle remembered how difficult it had been to fit them properly onto Maria, and that was when she had been helping...he had milked other hucows since then, but it was always a tricky proposition, getting. Kyle sent Li Hua an inquiring glance.

"I need to fit the clamp properly. I may need to touch you a little to do that."

The Chinese hucow gave him another glare - less intense now - and simply nodded. Kyle came up against her back - boy did she feel good! - and brought his hands enough to

The moment his hand touched her breast, Li Hua stiffened and let out a soft moan. The hucow wasn't the only thing that stiffened - her nipples stood straight to attention, two pearly-white drops of milk beading at their edges. Kyle stared at them in surprise. He hadn't even started milking her yet. Unable to resist his curiosity, he pinched each pink nub gently, wanting to see what would happen. Two jets of milk streamed out of the hucow's breasts, and Li Hua began to tremble and shake.

That did it. She obviously needed to be milked - and fucked - badly, and he was just the right bull for the job. Greatly daring, he placed his hands firmly on her colossal teats once more. If he was right, then she had been holding in in all this time, afraid to submit to her new body and the desires flowing from within.

He was right. The Chinese hucow let out another long, slow groan as his touch and relaxed into his touch. Now that he was close to her, he could feel the tension in her shoulders lessening...they had been almost rock-hard, but now as she melted into his embrace, they began to soften as surely as she was doing.

"No, no, I can't...feels so good...but I can'!" Li Hua was half delirious, fighting a losing battle against her new body. Kyle massaged her breasts slowly. Maybe she didn't ask for this. Maybe she didn't like having great big breasts, each as large as her head. But he would show her how good they could be, how nice they could feel.

Li Hua mounted a last feeble effort at resistance. She struggled weakly in his hands, but Kyle was relentless. He nuzzled her neck while still palming her teats, then let his large member brush up against her mound. He could feel her beginning to moisten, so he intensified his efforts,

She was still resisting, but Kyle knew just what to do about that. He gave each nipple ring a sharp tug. Li Hua let out a sharp gasp of surprise and pleasure. Before she could react, he quickly bent to take an engorged nipple in his mouth. Milk flooded down his throat and into his gullet, warm and sweet.

That did it. Li Hua sank to the floor, knees giving out as an orgasm hit her. She must have been pent-up indeed if she could come from nipple stimulation alone. A puddle was forming on the floor as her juices leaked out, and her eyes were closed in ecstasy.

Kyle lifted her up and carried her gently to the bed. Her eyes showed that she was still of two minds about what to do. They darted here and there, but seemed to always settle on his raging hard erection no matter where they went. Her breathing came in short gasps, and she was leaking something fierce down there. She huddled on the bed, a ball of sharp tension.

"We don't need to do this if you don't want to." Kyle told her gently. Her head said no, but her eyes (and pussy) said yes.

Knowing how hard a decision this must be for her, Kyle took it slowly. It was excruciating for him as well - being hard as a rock while a sexy hucow was buck naked and horny in front of him. His bull instincts screamed to him to just TAKE HER. NOW. But he told that side of him to shut up. This had to be consensual for her as well.

After a few seconds, she gave a slight nod of her head. It was so tiny you'd miss it if you blinked, but fortunately for the both of them Kyle was watching her intently. He bent down to kiss her - an action that she reciprocated slowly but with increasing passion. After a few seconds of that he stepped his attentions up a notch, progressing to sucking her nipples and fingering her until she was panting with desire. All trace of resistance had gone from her eyes. She was wet, willing and ready.

"Ohhh, please. Now! Put it in! I want you!" she mewled. (Could hucows mew even though they weren't cats? This one certainly could.)

That was a yes no matter how he heard it. He spread her legs gently and inserted himself. She was tight, her gushing pussy clutching his rod in a vise like grip. She clung on to him for dear life as he pumped her, her massive breasts rubbing up against his chest.

He was careful to take his time with her, sensing how she hadn't yet fully become accustomed to the workings of her new bodies. She grew steadily more enthusiastic as he thrust, until before long she was screaming his name as she clawed his back in a frenzy of passion. Her big tits bounced about wildly as they fucked. For someone who was initially so reluctant, Li Hua was taking to fucking like a duck takes to water.

"More, more! Give it to me!"

She came about five times before he orgasmed even once, her juices spurting all about the bed. She was a squirter - who would've guessed? When his own climax finally hit.

Both of them had enough stamina for a few more rounds, and when they were done he snuggled with her on the bed.

"Thank you..." she said shyly. He had never realized how pretty her eyelashes were.

"Will you be alright?"

"Yes, I will be."

Kyle decided to trust the now-satisfied hucow (who had begun to snore softly as she fell asleep) and head back to report to Jack. He'd be pleased to hear the good news.


Jack Bennett was pleased - and then some. He pounded the tabletop in approval, the biggest display of emotion that Kyle had ever seen his boss make.

"Well I'll be. You got her turned around, and in record time. Now we'll make quota for this month with room to spare! Great work, son. Take the day off. Heck, take the week off!"

"Umm, boss, you don't mean that."

Jack checked himself. "Well yeah. Actually I don't. You know me too well, Kyle! How about two days off? That should be reasonable."

Kyle smiled. "It's alright, boss. I was happy to help. It's not work if you love it. And I love working here."

Jack had to smile at that. "I'm glad to hear that. Still, it must have been tiring. Take at least one day off - I insist. Then you can get back to work whenever you want."

Who was Kyle to argue with that? He nodded and left the office with a smile on his face. He spent his off day just lying in the grass fields and watching the clouds go by, chatting with the bulls and flirting with the hucows who happened to see him. It was a nice break from his normal routine, but he wasn't lying when he said that he was willing to get back to work - those hucows wouldn't (and couldn't!) milk themselves!

A week passed, and he went to check in on Li Hua. She had recovered some of her arrogant manner and greeted him with a certain reserve...which soon changed to naked lust when he informed that it was milking time. Her breasts had gone down a bit in size, which actually made Kyle a little relieved - they must have been so big because of all the unexpressed milk inside them. After he had finished with her, the doctor had come around and certified her ready and fit for duty.

Her feistiness made her a hit with eh other bulls, some of whom appreciated a challenge. You could hear their moans and cries from the rooms after hours, and Jason confided in him that she actually liked having more than one bull on her sometimes. What a turnaround. It seemed that she had accepted her new life with gusto...well, no use in trying to fight it, right? He was no convicted criminal, but it seemed to him that having great sex beat staying in a prison compound any day.

Daisy was coming along just fine as well. Her belly swelled more with each passing day, and she happily informed him that she was carrying triplets. "You done knocked me up something fierce!" she said with his customary drawl. This called for a celebration - which was him banging her brains out in Room 405 when it wasn't being used.

Maria had delivered her eight just fine, and told him the good news when he next met her. "Maybe you can sire my ninth? I'd like that!" she said cheerily, looking straight into his eyes. Kyle nodded and she skipped away, off to see her baby. The newborn bulls and hucows weren't actually raised on the farms - they didn't have enough space for that - but they were kept in a small nursery for about a month, by which time they were ready to be transported to a creche nearby. The government had it all worked out.

What with one thing and another, Kyle realized that it had been about six months since he had come to Brighton Farms. How time flew. He had gotten used to life here, and made friends with most of the hucows and not a few bulls either. What was next for him? He didn't know, but he couldn't wait to find out.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Another great episode, but this chapter was obviously not edited as well as your others. Maybe you uploaded the draft by mistake, or didn't have time to read it over?

ElizabethOliverfieldsElizabethOliverfieldsover 6 years ago

Wait, you are posting all your hucow sex stories here on Literotica too? Thanks, dude! I've read your story "Life On the Farm — The Doctor Is In" on The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive and I loved it, can't have enough of the hucow doctor. You are one of the few The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive authors I love to read there. I've also read your The Princess Transformed series and liked it a lot. I love sex stories about body modification/bimbos/hucows where the victims have their body transformed and become a sex object but retain the memories, personality and control of their lives. Hope you also bring the Life On the Farm — The Doctor Is In series.

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