Life on the Farm - The Doctor Is In Ch. 04

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Clarisse is the subject of a lecture.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/27/2017
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Hi all, izenrann here again. Trying out something a little new, a little old in this chapter... exhibitionism! But I don't want to spoil too much. Enjoy the ride!


It was another bright and sunny morning at Brighton Farms (did they even have mornings which weren't bright and sunny) and Clarisse Evans, doctor and hucow, was off to get her weekly schedule from the head office after a satisfying breakfast. She had had a nice chat with Maria (who coincidentally was pregnant with her...tenth?) a great lay yesterday with Liam, and she had managed to work out a lot of the kinks in her serum. The week looked like it was shaping up to be a great one, and Clarisse even found herself whistling a little as she walked through the grassy fields on the farm. Life was good.

Life is also full of surprises - as she discovered as she entered the office.

"Doctor Evans! Just the person I wanted to see!" Clarisse blinked in surprise as the receptionist pigeonholed her the moment she stepped through the door. "What's wrong, Sandra? Is something the matter?"

"Well, yes. We have a scheduling conflict on our hands. You see, we have a guest lecturer coming here to take a tour of the farm with his class. It's some tie-in with the university and the farm, looks good for everyone. A little PR goes a long know how it is!"

She did indeed know how it was. Clarisse was no ivory-tower intellectual - she knew that grants didn't grow on trees, and sometimes one needed to grease the wheels a bit, so to speak. But what was the problem here exactly? She asked Sandra the exact same question, and the receptionist elaborated.

"Yeah, that's not a problem in and of itself. The thing is that he requested a hucow for a talk he's going to give later, and one's free! He was supposed to come yesterday, you see, and Daisy was going to be volunteering. But there was a last-minute change of plans and now he's coming to come after lunch and Daisy's helping out with the new shipment of tanks, and Maria's got a milking session scheduled and Li Hua is..."

"Calm down, Sandra. You just need a volunteer, right? I can manage it." She could. I mean, how hard was it to help out with a talk, right? She'd given plenty in her time at the university. Class full of students, a whiteboard, an open laptop, explain what they saw during the day - it wasn't rocket science. She's probably just need to stand next to the lecturer and look pretty.

"Really? You're a lifesaver! But...don't you have a milking session of your own scheduled soon?" Actually, she did. It was with a new bull (one that Sylvie HADN'T gotten to...yet) and she HAD been looking forwards to it, but she guessed she could put it off for a bit. A little delayed gratification never hurt anyone, right? And she wasn't in heat, so it wasn't as if she NEEDED to be milked or fucked immediately...

"I do. But you can reschedule that. It's ok, really."

"Thanks so much, Doctor Evans! Ok, then in that case it's Room 402 - you know the one, right? You use it yourself for your classes? Just go in in an hour's time, they should be finished about then."

So it was that sixty minutes later Clarisse Evans found herself standing next to a crusty old lecturer droning on about farm life and hucow and bull physiology. It was just as she had expected - eager students and a boring old man talking about stuff he barely understood. She could have given a better lecture herself! But today she was on display - the teaching assistant and not the teacher. Oh well. At least the students would have something to look at. She saw most of them (especially the males!) gazing in awe and lust at her body as she stood primly by the teacher's side. She couldn't really blame them - hucows had proportions that would put most normal humans to shame. She even though of teasing them a little, showing some skin, but decided against it. It wouldn't be professional.

The man continued to drone on "Chief among their bodily modifications are a hucow's enhanced secondary sexual characteristics." Clarisse had to refrain from rolling her eyes. Well, she couldn't very well expect the man to say "hucows had great big tits" even though that was true.

"Let's have a demonstration. Clarisse, if you would?"

No Doctor Evans, just Clarisse? But she guessed that since she was a hucow now, they wouldn't bother with honorifics. Or maybe they didn't know she was one. No matter. She walked up to the podium and thrust her chest out, eliciting gasps and stares from the assembled students. They had most likely never seen breasts that big in their entire lives. This time she couldn't resist a little shake and jiggle, so she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, letting her massive mammaries quake slightly. The front row of students looked like they would like nothing more but to rush out from their desks and get closer to her. It was a little naughty of her, definitely...but it was for a good cause. Science, right?

"As you can see, hucows have breasts far larger than the average human female. The reason for this is that it is necessary for the increased milk production that they are known for. The glands and milk ducts that hucows have greatly differ than that of a normal woman. For instance..."

As the man continued to talk, Clarisse began to be aware of two things. Firstly, exactly how boring he was. He seemed to want to take the most long-winded and roundabout method to explain ANYTHING. Seriously, she could give a better lecture in her sleep! She pitied the poor students who had to put up with this every day. Well, at least they had her to look her...

Which brought her to the second point. She was getting horny. At first she thought it was delayed afternoon milking - like any hucow, she got antsy without her regular milking (and fucking) It was actually worse for her because of the serum coursing through her veins. But it was also the heated stares of the students that were making her wet. Twenty pairs of eyes, following her every motion, boring holes in her sexy hucow body. They wanted her. She knew it.

She tossed her hair a little, shooting some of the more daring ones a wink. She was dressed pretty modestly for the presentation, but the part of her that was slowly getting more excited by the moment wondered if they could see her piercings through the simple white bra she was wearing. Maybe she could just lift it up a little, show some skin...

Clarisse! She mentally reprimanded herself. Whatever was she thinking? She would never have pegged herself as a show-off, but someone being here, displayed like a piece of meat in front of a gaggle of curious students, was turning her on something fierce.

The lecturer, oblivious to her predicament, droned on.

"Furthermore, hucows enlarged mammary ducts (why couldn't he just say big breasts?) allow them to produce up to at least a quart of milk every milking session, usually more. While the flavor of the milk differs from hucow to hucow..."

She wished he wouldn't go on about her breasts and just reminded her of how badly she wanted to be fucked. Her tail whipped from side to side, and she began to breathe rapidly as her desire increased. She wished she could just slide a hand between her legs and get some relief, but there was the audience to consider. Patience, Clarisse, patience, she told herself. This would all be over soon.

"There are other physical changes in hucows as well. Their posterior tends to enlarge to compensate for the extra mass they are carrying in the upper torso area. Clarisse, if you would?"

So now he wanted to talk about her ass as well. It was part of the lesson though...Clarisse obligingly turned to that the audience could see her behind. There were some gasps from the audience, and once again she had to resist the temptation to shake her booty a little.

After that it was back to the lecture. The professor eventually finished his explanation of hucow physiology and moved on to other topics - namely, milking itself. There was no space to install a proper milking machine in the hall, so when asked for a demonstration, Clarisse did what she could with her bare hands. The moment her hands touched her breasts she remembered again why bulls always did the felt so good that all she wanted to do was play with her tits and forget the lesson entirely. Gritting her teeth against the pleasure, she managed to squeeze out half a cup of milk into a nearby container, then stumble back to her assigned place. Her cheeks were flushed red, and she was sure that everyone could see her leaking.

It wasn't over yet. For some reason the professor then decided to go off into a tangent on the historical origin of hucows, and how their milk production affected the current socioeconomic climate. Great. Not only was he long-winded, he was also deviating from the point. Who hired this guy anyway? Didn't he know there was a horny hucow waiting for her daily milking? God she was horny. Her head was filled with images of Liam, Jason, and Kyle (plus the two new cute bulls back at the lunch table...what were their names again?) waiting on her hand and foot, massaging her feet and working their way up to...

"Clarisse? Clarisse, what are you doing?"

Her eyes flew open. To her horror she discovered that she had been rubbing herself up against the corner of the desk while the professor was talking. She blushed from head to toe so embarrassed that she was sure even her spots were red. Of all the things to do!

"This is a good example of that arousal we were talking about just now. A hucow in heat will often forget herself and her surroundings. As you know, humans do not go into estrus, but hucows, having the genes off..."

Clarisse was impressed besides herself. It took some serious academic dedication to continue lecturing when a hucow had been masturbating not five feet away from you. The table leg was wet with her juices and all he was continue on. But another part of her was more than a little angry. How dare he! Talk about her like some kind of livestock...except that she was, sort of. She cast her eyes down, too embarrassed to meet anyone's gaze. She was sure that every eye in the audience was locked onto her.

And she wasn't even in heat! She wasn't! She was just so turned on by everyone looking at her. The way their eyes followed her every motion, the lust behind them...and how good it felt to be the center of attention. If there was a pole in the center of the class she was sure that she would be trying to climb it right about now.

As it was, she had to be content with trying her best to rub her thighs together and not lose any more composure in front of the class. She sat through another twenty minutes of agonizing boring dialogue, waiting for the lecture to end. The professor didn't seem satisfied until he had covered each and every topic in the textbook...twice. Clarisse grew impatient as well as horny. She had things to do!

A naughty thought entered her head as the rambling continued. Maybe if she placed herself BEHIND the stand that the professor was using...shuffling a bit, Clarisse managed to hide herself from the prying eyes of the students. It wasn't a great fit - they could still see the profile of her boobs and ass - but beggars can't be choosers. This way maybe she'd be able to get some relief. Clarisse sent her hand down into her dripping snatch and sighed as she began to diddle herself. Just one orgasm - that was ok, right? Just to take the edge off things until this was all over and she could go get a proper fucking.

Her fingers were a paltry substitute for a bull cock, but they did do the job. She was almost to her climax when the professor decided to move the stand to take some notes. Clarisse looked up in shocked surprise as her body suddenly came into full view of the class again. This time there was no mistaking what she was doing - half her hand was stuffed up her snatch.

Maybe it was the taboo nature of the act. Maybe it was the buildup of her not being milked for half a day - an eternity in hucow terms. Maybe it was the staring eyes of the audience. Whatever the case, Clarisse came, and came hard. Her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave right in the middle of the lecture hall.

She was cumming. She was cumming right in front of an entire class of veterinary students. There was no way to escape as she gasped and moaned through her orgasm. They were watching her... watching her as she squealed through an orgasm as powerful as any she had experienced at the end of a bull cock. She shook, shivered and shuddered as her juices ran down her legs and two milky-white droplets leaked out to adorn her pink nipples.

She had just orgasmed in front of a live audience. She was so embarrassed she couldn't meet their was one thing to have an orgasm in the safety of your own room, but another to masturbate right in front of the class! But she couldn't help it...she had been so horny, unmilked for almost half a day!. It was a good practical lesson for them! They got to see it live!

This time even the lecturer noticed. Pushing up the glasses on his nose, he spoke directly to her. "Ummm...Clarisse? I think you can go now."

Thank the heavens for little mercies. It had taken a full-fledged orgasm to get him to stop talking. She waved farewell to the class, still red from top to toe - then dashed out at lightning speed. Ohhhhhh, if only Room 202 was open! She needed a bull in her and fast.

The room WAS open, but there was no bull in sight. Where was a stud when you needed one...Clarisse cast about desperately. Her one public orgasm hadn't even begun to scratch her itch. Maybe she should call the front office? But what would she say? "Wanted. Big strong hunky bull to fuck my brains out. Could you send one over please?" That sounded stupid to even her lust-addled mind.

"Doctor Evans? Are you in there?

A male voice could be heard at the door...a bull! Wait, don't get too excited, Clarisse. It might just be a technician. "Yes, I am. Who's that?" she replied, a tad shakily.

"This is Kyle Everstrom. I was scheduled to use the room at this time? Do you need any help?"

"Kyle?" She had heard good things about him. He was reputed to be a strong and gentle lover...just what she needed right now. "Ummm, actually I do. Could you come in for a moment?"

"Sure thing, Doc." The door opened to reveal the bull in all his rugged glory. He was shirtless, and Clarisse thought that she had never seen a more delectable specimen of manhood. Broad shoulders, chiseled chest, baby blue eyes and an open smile. Oooh, he looked good enough to eat. Which, with any luck, she would be doing soon.

"Umm, if you could..." She gestured to her current state. Kyle had seen enough horny hucows to know what she was talking about. He stepped into her and swept her up into a hug, then began to kiss her with ardor and passion. Clarisse moaned and melted into his arms. Among other things, he was a good kisser!

Kissing progressed to heavy petting, and from there it was just a hop, skip and jump away to the bed. She was already pretty wet, so there was no real need for foreplay at this point. She spread her legs wide and sighed in utter bliss as he entered her. Ohhhh, that was good. She relaxed around his hard member as he pumped her slowly and steadily. He made love to her slowly and with utmost skill and care. He knew just how to rub his cock against her pussy walls so that it would elicit the maximum response, and he kissed her gently as she climaxed around him.

"Thanks Kyle. I really needed that." she whispered to him. He continued thrusting away - one orgasm was hardly enough for the both of them, and they both knew it.

"Anything for you, Doctor Evans. Your new serum is going to help so many people. I'm honored to be a part of it."

She blushed. It was nice to be praised, but it was kind of weird with a dick inside her. Kyle continued to talk and fuck her at the same time.

"I think it's really great what you're doing, Doc. People need to realize that hucow research is important and essential. We need more babies, and more milk. You're going to help so many people. I'm sure of it!"

Oooohh...not only was he fucking her so good, he was such a sweetie too! It was too much. She groaned and came messily all around him. When the haze had cleared from her eyes, she looked up into to see Kyle looking concernedly at her.

"Do you need more, Doctor?"

She nodded sheepishly. At least he wasn't a tease like Liam was.

Kyle obliged, and then some. They didn't even bother with the bed this time. He grabbed her and positioned her directly above his erect cock. Gravity ensured that every inch of her drenched pussy was snug around his thrusting member. She moaned, too excited to even kiss, delighting in the sensations of her colossal tits as they rubbed against the bull's chest. Soon enough he grunted and sent another load of thick cum into her snug tunnel.

Two orgasms was hardly enough for the two oversexed non-humans. Instinct overcame the doctor, and she got down on all fours, presenting her full ass to her lover. Pussy juice and cum leaked out of her stretched wide orifice, but Clarisse was past caring. It was time to do it the way nature had intended - bull to cow.

Kyle pounded into her with enough force to shatter walls, somehow finding the time to reach over and seize both huge breasts in his large hands while his hips thrust furiously. Clarisse was in a delirium of pleasure as her well-hung lover fucked her and massaged her boobs at the same time. Milk leaked out from the massive melons, splashing onto the ground. If a farmhand had been here, he would have thought it a waste.

It took about two hours of fucking before Clarisse was satisfied. She had been more pent-up then she had thought. But Kyle had done his duty and then some, and at the end of their marathon session both of them were tired, satisfied and splattered with juices - theirs and the others. But there was no rest for the wicked. Clarisse still needed to report back to the office, and Kyle had other hucows to milk. They shared a last kiss and it was a vastly happier Clarisse Evans who exited Room 202 and went about the rest of her day.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
good but misleading

I liked the story but there really wasn't very much exhibitionism, despite the advertising of it.

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