Lights! Camera! Lube! Action!! Pt. 01


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Charlie. You mad bastard.


Tyneside lay under an early morning September fog as I made my way up the steep slope of Westgate Road to the place where I had agreed to meet Charlie for the first time in way too many years to think about.

The closer I got to the "Dogs Bollocks" the wider my grin got. Not its official name of course but it had been our favorite Victorian watering hole where I and everyone I knew wasted away our spare time laughing and arguing over a pint of brown ale.

Stepping inside, I stopped for a moment as the memories came flooding back. The old girl still smelt and pretty much looked the same. It was early so only a couple of regulars were hanging around and my attention was drawn to a figure sat in a familiar place. Someone I hadn't seen in nearly twenty years. He saw me and got to his feet as I approached the table where he was sitting. As I got nearer, my gaze was drawn to the top of his head. Well, will you look at that.

We stared at each other for a moment before I broke the ice. "Nice hair," I deadpanned as he shook my hand before I sat down opposite him. Charlie always had been a bit touchy about his receding hairline back in the day and it looked like he had finally done something about it.

"Five grand," he said, pointing to his head. "Viet-fucking-Nam."

I bit my lip. "You went to Vietnam for a hair transplant?"

He made a face. "Fifteen they wanted over here!" He pulled out a comb and ran it through his new frizzy hair which, all things considered, looked pretty decent. As for the rest of him, well, that was a different story.

"Did they take it from your arse?"

Charlie laughed. "Cheeky cunt," he grunted. "You haven't changed much. Still the same old Lawrence Biggs. All cock and no balls," He was the same age as me give or take a couple of months and as the old saying goes - time may wait for no man but for some, it moves more quickly.

I was just about to ask him how life had treated him when...


I looked over my shoulder and broke into a wide smile. There, looking as good as I remembered her, was Doris.

She came over and hugged me as I got to my feet. Age may come quicker to some but it sure as fuck hadn't for her. She looked great. Older, sure, but it had only made her more attractive to the eye. Doris Smith had always been a class act and the years had only made that even more so. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and slid into the booth next to Charlie. "Look at you!" she grinned. "You still have your hair!"

Charlie gave her a look which made us both laugh.

"How's my favorite ball grabber?" I winked.

She had the good grace to blush at the memory and laugh. Giving me the eye, she held up her left hand and wriggled her fingers.

"You're married?" Well, blow me down. Of course, she was married. A woman like her doesn't stay single for long. "Who's the lucky guy?"

Doris burst out laughing.

"Hey, wise guy," said Charlie looking hurt.

What? Surprised, I looked from one to the other. Doris sat back and nodded as our drinks arrived. Picking up her glass, she took a sip of beer and stared at me over the rim in amusement.

Well, fuck me. There you go. The last time I had seen them both they were still an on and off thing. I guess Charlie had grown some balls and done the decent thing.

"So you've finally made a dishonest woman out of her then?" I teased him as Doris pressed herself against her old man who gave her a good-natured peck on the cheek. Yeah. It was as plain as day. They were married because they were always meant to end up that way. Opposites attract and they were as opposite as they came. They were a perfect match and I felt a twinge of envy as I smiled at them sitting together looking happy.

"Oh shush you," she laughed, blushing again. "So, Larry," she asked. "What have you been up to in all these years we've missed you."

I took a long slurp of my bottled dog.

Now there's a long story to be told here another time.


Two days later and the reason for Charlie's phone call were standing in front of me looking good enough to eat.

Things had happened so fast my head was still spinning at the sheer audacity of it all and, more surprisingly, the fact that I had agreed to it. It was like those twenty years had never happened and we were back in the old routine. Except we were a lot older and, apparently, none the wiser.

"Larry," said Charlie. "This is Tatiana and Svetlana."

It takes a lot to knock me flat on my arse but WOW. I glanced at Doris who had a glint in her eye as she watched my reaction to being introduced to the two new girls. Tatiana was something else and her friend was no slouch either.

"They're from Russia." she smiled.

Ah. That explains a lot. They both had that slightly angular facial bone structure to their features with Svetlana the more feminine looking of the pair. She was about five eight with straight shoulder length brown hair that was parted in the center with a decent looking figure under her thick black jumper. Below, she was wearing a smart dark blue knee length skirt with black stockings and small heels.

Tatiana, on the other hand, was on another level. The girl was over six feet tall and built like one of those East German shotputters you used to see back in the Seventies. There was no fat on her with most of her size down to sheer muscular mass. Her dark grey top was stretched tight across a pair of ridiculous breasts. The word "thrusting" was meant for tits like hers. They were so perfect I wondered if they were real. The rest of her was the same with massive thighs, a huge backside, and long legs squeezed into a pair of tight denim jeans.

She saw me gawping at her with an amused sparkle in her clear blue eyes. Her face was pear-shaped with a straight Soviet nose above a pair of amused ruby red lips. Her hair was cut neatly short and had a strawberry wheat tinge to it. My gaze settled on her smile and as our eyes met I knew this woman could eat me alive as she stepped forward suddenly and captured me in a bear hug that made my pips squeak. She lifted me off my feet before setting me back down and gave me a firm Russian style greeting.

"Zdravstvuj Comrade!" she said enthusiastically before kissing me on both cheeks. "Vee seks, da?"

Seks? "Uh, yeah, sure," I replied, wondering what the fuck I had gotten myself into as the other girl came to my side and pressed herself against me.

She gave me a peck on my other cheek. "Tatty speak not English good," she explained as I felt her left hand slip behind me and fondle my backside. "My English okay. Some words not so okay. So, you help with those words, da?"

Tatiana said something in her native tongue and winked at Svetlana who laughed. "She ask if you have a big uh," She frowned trying to come up with the right word."Uh, we say hui. What you say, dok?"

"Uh," I muttered as I saw Charlie and Doris looking fit to burst. "Dick. I think you mean dick."

"Deek. Okay. Deek is good. And cok, neit?" she nodded as she translated what we were saying. "Deek. Cok. Like poosy. Girl poosy. Tatty poosy like big cok." To prove her point, she rubbed my crotch with her right hand before giving her giggling friend the thumbs up.

Oh boy. This one was going to be a fucking riot.


Was he fucking serious?

"Let me get this straight," I said slowly as I looked at the pair of them. "You want me to do another porn movie with you?"

Doris nodded as her other half hid behind his pint. "We heard you were back on Tyneside, Larry," she explained. "And we just thought you might be interested. And even if you weren't we both really wanted to see you again."

I stared at Doris before turning to Charlie who smiled sadly at me. "It's been too long, mate. Time to let the old shit go. None of us are getting any younger."

Sitting back in my chair, I took a long, deep breath. Charlie was right. Way too much water had passed under both our bridges to keep harboring old grudges. "I can't believe you're still doing porn," I said finally.

Doris laughed. "Oh, no, it's not like that. After you left, we pretty much gave up doing them after a few weeks. We tried a couple of other blokes but it just wasn't the same so we decided to call it a day. We've only considered doing them again after we met a couple of girls on a night out in the Town. They wanted to make some quick money and things snowballed from there."

Girls? What girls?


What goes around really does come around again as far as life is concerned.

We were all in the same place we had been all those years ago. In Uncle Sid's flat above the chip shop about to make a dirty movie about a pair of Russian students and their middle-aged English teacher. Only this time the flat was Charlie's and the fish and chip shop was now a betting shop. Uncle Sid had shuffled off his mortal coil over a decade ago and Charlie found himself in his will. It's like fate was having a laugh.

"We're going to need a bigger bed," I thought to myself as I watched the two young women undress each other until they were both as nature intended as Charlie skipped around them filming the action. Then it was the old man's turn as they came over to me in all their naked glory. Oh hell. My heart was pounding in my ears as they rubbed themselves against me.

"Privyet, Mr. Teecher," breathed Tatiana in my left ear as she reached up to play with my bow tie and remove my spectacles, "Tatty, teecher yebat, neit?"

She glanced at the younger girl. "Yebat, fuck, da?"

Svetlana nodded. "Yebat fuck."

In no time at all they had me standing there in my birthday suit as they played with my semi-erect penis which these days took its sweet old time to get rock hard. They were whispering and laughing between themselves as they knelt there at my feet with Charlie moving around us with his new camera which was tiny compared to the one he used back in the old days.

"Alright, CUT!" he said finally as he stepped between us. "That was great. You two girls did good and look amazing. Okay, that's the intro done so we'll move on to the next set-up which is.." He turned to his wife.

"Blow-job," Doris replied as she sat on a stool, script in hand, watching the action. "Double one on the bed."

Double blow job. No problem. Major knob suckage and ball sack licking by two hot young women who want to please their teacher. There are definitely worse ways to spend a day that was for sure as Tatiana, Svetlana and myself eyed each other up as we waited for Charlie and Doris to get everything set up. I kept staring at the larger woman because she was just so fucking amazing to look at. She had a pair of perfectly round tits that entered a room five seconds before she did and an arse that came in five seconds later. Both women kept glancing down at my erection that was now at full tilt. No wanking was needed to keep happy Larry ready to go.

I lay there floating away on cloud nine letting the sensations of being the meat in a lip-smacking cock sucking sandwich wash over me like waves on a beach. Tatiana was on my right with Sveta on my left with both their lips wrapped around my upright doodah as they sloppily kissed each other.

My rigid cock was one long muscle of sensation. As they kissed passionately, I could feel them using their tongues to caress and rub along my shaft. As they masturbated me orally, they kept giving me little erotic glances as I lay there like a happy hippo in the sun. At forty-three, I was still in pretty good shape but the six-pack had long gone and middle age spread was, well, spreading.

Suddenly, Tatty shifted around and I've got a serious amount of female derriere descending over my face with a bird's-eye view of her bald honey-pot. If ever there was a contest for best pussy this girl would be right up there. Her vagina was like two slabs of beef wrapped tightly around an oyster pearl with large petal-like lips that opened slightly to reveal the rosebud pink hole of her weeping slot.

I reached up and got myself a good handful of bum flesh pulling them apart so I could explore her sexuality further. Above her juicy cunt, the dark sinkhole of her twitching anus winked enticingly and I could only imagine what delights it could offer me. Tatty eased further down and my nose disappeared between the lips of her pussy as she began to gently rock back and forth.

Then I found myself enveloped in a world of female that was at once delirious and frightening. Sticking out my tongue, I felt the girl jerk spasmodically as I found her love button and flayed it back and forth for a moment. Somewhere in the ether, I heard her moan loudly in the common language of sexual delight. Everything around me was warm and dark as I continued to lick her slot and dip inside her passage where I could taste the sweet sour taste of her oil.

With her arse on my face and her huge thighs squeezing my head, I was having a hard time catching my breath so I pulled her cheeks further apart to reveal Charlie standing over us, camera in hand, rubbing his dick through his pants as he filmed us. "Nice one, mate," he said, giving me the thumbs up. "Suck up all that lovely pussy juice. That stuff will put hairs on your chest."

Yeah, but it sure as fuck didn't put hairs on your head no matter how much of it you tasted, you wanker. But the Russian did taste good. Her lube was thick like syrup and slid down my throat in long strands of golden slime. After another couple of minutes, Charlie called "CUT!" and I lay there gasping for breath as Tatty eased herself off me.

Sveta let go of my red throbbing cock, quickly leaned over and kissed me passionately on the lips as we shared her friend's juices between us. "Larry like poosey a lot, neit?" she whispered as she licked me clean.

Feeling my heart thudding loudly in my chest, I could only nod as I watched her slip down the bed again and resume sucking my penis along with her friend. I lifted my head off the pillow and saw Doris watching all this from the far side of the bedroom. Our eyes met and the memory of our very first time together on a shoot came flooding back. We were young, dumb, and she eventually, after some serious pussy pounding, ended up full of my cum. All those hours we spent making things up as we went along. Fucking for fun with the money being a bonus.

"Alright, time to get back down to it," said Charlie as he stood there rubbing his chin. "Let's have you two on your backs and," He turned to me as I got up to stand next to him. "Larry, uh, start with Svetta. Stick your dick up her and fuck her for a bit then get on Tatty and do the same. Swap around a couple of times then get them to turn over onto their knees and bang them from behind. I'll just film around you," he said, before adding. "And don't look at the fucking camera!"

Yes, Boss. Whatever you say, Boss.


Mounting Svetlana was as good as I imagined it would be.

Her trimmed sex opened up at my first touch and I slid inside her with an ease that made us both gasp with delight. The head of my cock felt like it was resting inside an oven as I made sure she had taken all I could give with my balls bouncing happily against the cheeks of her upturned arse.

Easing myself down, I felt the hard points of her nipples pressing into my skin and I smiled at her as she wrapped her arms and legs around me. I didn't need a second invitation to begin slowly fucking her sex and the bed rocked gently back and forth as our intercourse gathered its own natural pace. Tatty had rolled on her right side to watch us and the two of them whispered to each in their native tongue as I got into my stride.

"Yebat' menya, Mister Teecher," whispered the girl under me. "Yebat' menya!"

The one benefit of age, other than experience, was the way it tempered my basic instinct and the urge to climb the mountain as quickly as possible to reach the summit both physically and emotionally. Age made you appreciate the journey and to savor each step along the way and the need to ejaculate had dulled over time so I knew I could last a long time.

Svetlana reached her first peak quickly. I stared into her flushed gaze and watched her eyes go wide and bright before they rolled back with pleasure. It took her a moment to recover and to release me from her grasp so that I could slip from her and mount her panting friend who was mauling her right breast with one hand and furiously masturbating herself with the other.

Once free, I turned to see Tatiana staring at me with a mixture of lust and excitement in her eyes as she rolled onto her back and opened her thighs for me. Holy shit. The woman was an absolute stunner to look at. From her spectacular tits to her hairless cunt, I knew this was going to be one of those all-time fucks that you remember for forever and a day.

As I came over her, she slipped her arms under mine and I could feel her moving her crotch towards my extended and pussy drenched prick. We both looked down between us at our dancing sexes and groaned together as my hot rod said hello to her welcoming vagina. Nothing I could say, or type here, would even begin to describe the feeling of fucking this wonderful lady. Settling down on her firm body, she wrapped herself around me and I didn't need a translator to know that she wanted me to fuck her to Moscow and back as her lips found mine and we kissed.

Somewhere, I could hear Charlie saying something but whatever it was faded away as we were both swept away on the wave of sexual dreams.



Svetta fell forward and I collapsed on top of her gasping for breath.

Somehow I was still going. Still fucking away like a mad man. How long had it been? I glanced at the clock on the bedside table. Over an hour. Way over an hour. The three of us were covered in sweat as each of us grabbed a bottle of water to drink. My whole body was beginning to ache from the effort of going from one pussy to the other and back again. My staying power was no doubt helped with the odd intervention by our Director in residence who had the uncanny knack of knowing exactly the right time to say "CUT!"

"Spasibo," smiled the mewling girl as I kissed her cheek. Her eyes were closed and I could feel her right hand under her playing with her well-fucked pussy as I began to pull back and out of her. As I knelt between her legs, I watched my still hard, and very sore, penis emerge from her sex which clung to the bloated purple head as if reluctant to let it go.

Tatty was on her knees next to us and wrapped me in a warm hug. "You neposlushnyy chelovek, Mister Teecher!" she grinned as she fondled my lost member.

Her friend had sat up and was running a hand through her damp hair. "She say you naughty man, Larry," she laughed as she got to her feet and took another long slurp from her water bottle. "Tatty be liking Mister Teecher very much!"

She handed the bottle to the other girl as Doris came over to me. Her husband was standing over by the bay window holding his camera up to the light to make sure he had recorded everything.

Glancing at Charlie to make sure he wasn't looking, she reached down and stroked my erect cock lovingly. "Nice to see you haven't forgotten how to show a lady a good time, Larry," she smiled knowingly as she looked up from my sausage. "This thing always did know the quickest way to a girl's heart."

Her eyes met mine and held. The same unspoken words from when we first met passed between us again and the soft ache of what might have been washed over me. Maybe if we had talked, really talked, back then things would have been so very different now. I took her right hand and brought it to my lips.

"You were and always will be a moment in time that I wished I hadn't let slip by, Doris Smith," I said truthfully. "But the past is the past."

She stared into my eyes and nodded. "I'm happy," she sighed. "But I think with you I could have been happier."