Lingerie Party

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Tables are turned on a voyeuristic husband.
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"Hubbie, I told you, I need you to be out of the house for a few hours tonight, remember I am having my lingerie party tonight." My wife chided as she scurried around the kitchen.

I had not forgotten, I just did not want to miss the action. I had grown up with the Tupperware parties my mother had hosted. I had been trying to imagine how a lingerie party would compare with the silly antics I had witnessed as a child. I had heard rumors about these lingerie parties from the guys at work, although none of the guys had actually been present to witness anything first hand. My wife was very tight-lipped about what had gone on at the parties, insisting that they were not that exciting and not at all worth talking about.

"Oh, baby, just let me hang out and watch, I will not get in the way, and I promise I will bring my check book!" I pleaded in vain hope that she would remit and allow me to witness this "girls only" event.

"Honey, I work with most of these women. They would be quite embarrassed to be shopping for their lingerie in front of a strange man!" She smiled and winked as she said "you can understand that!" She continued "honestly, you will not be missing anything, in fact if you want next week I can take you to Victoria's Secret in the mall and let you pick out something nice for me." She promised.

"I was thinking more like Fredrick's of Hollywood!" I countered.

"Victoria, Fredrick, Penney's, Target, anything to make you happy baby. Just get changed out of your work clothes and go to Hooter's with Sam and hit a movie or something, just move your ass! OK lover? I love you, but you need to scoot!" Her voice was getting louder and firmer.

"Ok, ok, I'm going, I'm going." I muttered as I grabbed an apple took off my work clothes, threw them in the hamper in the mud room and walked naked to the master bedroom where I got dressed quickly before making a noticeable exit from the kitchen back door.

I rushed to the car and revved up the engine, pushed the car into reverse and squealed the tires just enough as I backed out of the drive that she would know I had left home. I made a left out of the drive. At the end of the block I made another left and then one more quick left placed me behind our home. It was mid-November and at 6:00 pm it was already dark. I was able to cut up the driveway of a house for sale and make my way into our yard and around to the front of the house. I saw my wife still in the kitchen and my heart started to race as I reached for the front door handle and slowly opened the door. I felt like a thief in my own home. As I made my way to the guest bedroom, I was proud of myself for being the first guy in my group to break through the veil of secrecy and discover the facts of the goings on at a lingerie party.

I made it without being heard and soon shut the door to the room nearly all the way. I had a clear line of sight into the living room. The darkness in the room slowed the passage of time. Not since I had waited for Santa as a child had I experienced such anticipation. I heard my wife's movements in the kitchen as the various doors opened and closed. After what seemed like hours, the front doorbell rang. I backed away from the door as I heard my wife's footsteps moving towards the door.

"Hi, Kathy!" Lynne welcomed the person at the door.

I did not recognize the name and as it turned out she was the representative of the lingerie company. Kathy carried various bags into the living room. When she came into my view I was surprised at how professional she looked. Not unlike any saleslady who I might have seen at any department store. She appeared somewhat older than my wife, perhaps in her mid 30s. She had blond hair which was put up on the top of her head. Her breasts were perhaps a "C" cup, but it was hard to tell with her business suit. Nice looking, long legs, but didn't look especially "sexy."

One by one the other women arrived. Some of them I had seen before at the company parties, other names I recognized from stories that Lynne had told me. There were a few "friends of friends" perhaps as many as a dozen women in our living room by 7 pm. Most dressed in jeans. Nice looking, none were supermodels, but for the most part "cute" women. The kind of girls that you see on the street, just average American women, not at all unlike those who had attended the Tupperware parties. There were a wide variety of breast and ass sizes. Julie and Trudy were the most remarkable of all of the women. Julie had long red hair. I had seen her at many of the company gatherings over the past several years and more than once I had wondered how far down her chest the freckles went and if her pussy was auburn as her hair. She had breasts which were a very full "B" cup. I had wondered if she had padded her bra, or if they were as full and firm as they appeared. Trudy was all of 5'4" tall with short sandy hair and small "A" cup breasts. My wife's breasts are quite large and pendulous; the kind that many men lust for. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing with her orbs, but as they say, the grass is always greener on the other side and I could not help from lusting after what I did not have.

There were a few "mixer" activities; a name game and "icebreakers" used to raise the comfort level and soon the living room was filled with women laughing and chatting as they snacked on my wife's hors d'oeuvres. The commotion was stilled as the sound of a knife on a wine glass focused the group on Kathy's announcement that it was time to start. She explained that in addition to the bras and negligees, there would be "marital aids, toys and gag gifts;" but the latter would have to wait until after the line of clothing items were displayed. She went on to announce that most clothiers provided models at their sales shows, but in an effort to keep the overhead low their company asked those in attendance to model select items. In return each woman willing to model would be given a small item at the end of the evening. After a bit of giggling she announced that her experience was available to help them choose items which would bring out their best attributes and that the modeling was more of an opportunity for them to share how good they would look in the proper lingerie.

"Now we need a changing room," Kathy said as she turned to Lynn "we decided it would be best to use the guest room, right?"

Lynne nodded as she pointed my direction. I backed away from the door. "It is right off the hall over there." She said.

"Crap!" I thought to myself. I had not counted on this. There was enough light coming in from the window to allow me to see the sliding door to the closet. I nearly flew to the door, slid it open and found a safe hiding place within. I guess I had expected that they would all rush to the room at once, but it was still some time before the first woman entered the room and turned on the light. I had left a slight crack in the door and hid in the opposite end, I pulled a quilt over myself, leaving only my eyes exposed.

I did not recognize the first women into the room. She moved to the end of the bed. Her back was to me as she pulled off her shirt, exposing a tan bra-strap and not much more. From the width of the strap I assumed she had large breasts. She did not remove the bra, but slipped on a long negligee before pulling off her jeans. With that she turned briefly towards the mirrored door, smashed her breasts together so as to maximize her cleavage and then left the room. The whole process could not have taken more than a minute or two. My heart was beating so loudly that I was sure she would hear every lub-dub. I heard the applause from the other room as she left the "changing room."

The next gal into the room was a bit plump. She too ended at the foot of the bed. She too pulled off her sweater and left her red bra confining a pair of DD breasts. A moment later she pulled on a long nightshirt. Like the first woman she removed her pants only after her nightshirt was on. She looked cute in the cotton gown. I had been in the room for well over an hour and in the closet for at least 15 minutes and had thus far seen less than I would have at the beach. Never-the-less the anticipation was nearly overwhelming. With every passing moment I could not but wonder what I might see next.

The third woman was carrying a pair of PJ's as she stopped at the foot of the bed. She laid the PJ's on the bed and removed her shirt. She had a lacy white bra covering her "B" tits. It was a very fine lace and I could see even at the distance the dark outline of her areolas. She wiggled her ass as she pulled off her pants revealing matching white lace panties. She bent forward slightly as she stepped into and pulled on the heart covered PJ pants. My cock twitched as she stood up and covered her tits with the matching shirt and slowly buttoned it. It seemed like an eternity, but it was over all too quickly as she gathered her belongings and returned to applause and whistles.

One by one the women entered the room. The next several women donned a variety of gowns, PJs and nightshirts and for the most part I saw little more than bra straps and occasional panties. It was just as well. The women were not especially beautiful and I was becoming somewhat disappointed.

Finally, the door opened and Trudy entered. Trudy tossed the teddy on the bed before she even came into view. She pulled off her shirt even before reaching the bed revealing that she was not even wearing a bra. I had a perfect view of her pink areola's and long nipples. Her body was tan and she turned and ran her hands first over her breasts and then down along her sides before she unzipped and pulled off her jeans revealing a purple thong. She was hot. She turned around slowly looking at her reflection in the mirror before she stopped and pulled off her thong and tossed it on the bed. She had shaved her pussy and was tan from head to toe. She had to snap the crotch of the teddy before she donned the item and adjusted her tits into the cups. I could not believe that I had seen her naked. My hand could not help rubbing my dick through my pants. I had seen too much and not enough all at once.

Several more women came and went before Julie found her way into the room. She took off her shirt revealing a teal bra. She reached behind her back and undid the straps. The bra fell forward I strained to see if her tits were covered with freckles, I could not be sure, but I could not see any from my distance. I could see her pink nipples, they were not as long as Trudy's, but they were erect. Her mounds were perfectly symmetrical and buoyant on her chest. She then pulled off her pants and panties with one movement revealing a shaped, but full, auburn pussy. Once again I grasped my cock as she stepped into the panties of the green baby-doll she had chosen. Then it happened. As she was pulling on her top my leg cramped. As I moved it, it hit something and a small but audible crash followed. With that Julie screamed, and in an instant both Kathy and Lynne joined her.

"My God, What's wrong?" Lynne quizzed.

"I heard something in the closet!" Julie gasped.

"In the closet?" Kathy repeated "It's likely nothing."

"I can not imagine." Lynne said as she opened the sliding door. Her eyes at once falling on my quilt covered body. "OK, who ever the hell you are, you had better get the fuck out of my closet." Her voice was loud and shrill, as threatening as any marine or cop. "I mean it, who are you!" She demanded.

With that I stood up and took off the quilt.

"Frank?" She stepped back as if in shock.

"Frank!" Julie repeated "You fucking pervert! Lynne, Frank is a little pervert!"

"Your husband!?" Kathy turned to face Lynne, whose face by now was red. "I thought you assured me that he would not be here! You have violated the contract!"

By this time all of the other women were standing outside the door to the bedroom.

"Frank you son of a bitch! How could you have pulled some crap like this?" She said as she turned and glared at me.

I could tell that not only would the party soon be over, but our marriage very well could be as well if I did not take responsibility. "Look, I'm sorry, Lynne thought I had left. In fact I did leave and I parked my car around the block and snuck back without her knowing."

"You knew nothing of this?" Kathy looked my wife straight in the eye.

"I had no idea, I feel so bad. You have no idea how bad I feel right now!" She turned and glanced at the door "I'm sorry guys, he will pay for this I promise."

"He didn't see much of me." One of the girls said, trying to deescalate what was becoming a very tense situation.

"Me either." Chimed in a couple more.

"Well, the pervert saw plenty of me." said Trudy.

"I know he must have gotten an eyeful of me too." Julie said as she glared at me. "And I think that he should pay for it!"

"I am so sorry!" Lynne said to Julie.

"Are you?" Julie replied curtly.

"Yes, I am sorry for his lack of manners and his disrespect. Julie, how can I ever make this up to you?" Lynne was in tears now.

"You said he would be punished, did you mean it?" Julie quizzed.

"Of course, he will be paying for a very long time!" Lynne said as she wiped her tears from her eyes.

"Well then, I think it should start now and I think that we should all have a hand in it." Trudy said as he worked her way into the room and stood next to Julie.

"He is all yours!" Lynne said, first to them and then turning her gaze and fixing it on me.

All I could do was say "hunh?" as I gulped. Lynne, I was used to, I had suffered the silent treatment and the shopping trips which had atoned for my prior offenses. But I had no idea what Julie or Trudy might do, and from the look in their eyes, I was afraid. I was very afraid. My dream was fast turning into a nightmare, worsened by the fact that the guys at work would expect a report. I wished I had not called my car pool buddy, Sam, on my cell phone telling him of my plan to spy on the girls.

"Kathy, can I take over the party for a while? I don't think your company wants to be responsible for what is going to happen next!" Julie said "Frank are you willing to go along with whatever punishment the girls have in mind?" Kathy asked.

"I guess so." I stammered.

"Well then, if he is willing and you all have witnessed his willingness to go along, then I see no reason why you can not take over for an intermission before we get to the second half of the show. We were going to have some entertainment in a few minutes anyway!" Kathy explained.

"Everybody back to the living room," Julie demanded "you too pervert!"

The stunned women took their seats around the living room. Julie pushed me into the center of the room.

"What do you guys think we should do?" Julie asked the group.

"Well, the punishment should fit the crime." Said the chubby girl in the nightshirt.

"That is a good point!" Julie said.

"Well, he wanted to see us naked, so I think we should see him naked!" Said the girl in the heart PJs.

"Excellent point!' Julie confirmed. "Take off your clothes pervert!" Julie demanded.

I looked at Lynne expecting some sort of relief "Don't look at me, just do it, asshole. You are lucky they are not calling the police!"

"Take it off! Take it off!" the room chanted.

My hands trembled as I started to unbutton my shirt.

"Now the pants!" Trudy said.

I kicked off my shoes and pulled off my Dockers revealing my boxer shorts.

"Don't stop now!" Julie instructed.

Once again I looked at Lynne. Her face was beat red. "Don't expect me to take them off for you."

"I will." Julie said as she reached forward and jerked the legs of my boxers, pulling them down to my ankles.

"Oh my god!" Trudy exclaimed.

"What?" Asked Julie, who had been standing behind me.

"The size!" Trudy said with an audible giggle in her voice.

"Is it that big?" Julie said

"Not exactly..." Trudy countered.

And with that half the room burst into laughter.

Julie pushed on my right shoulder, "Turn around!"

I slowly turned in time to see Julie's eyes fall to my dick. "Oh Lynne, Oh Lynne, now I am so sorry." Was all that Julie could say. With that the other half of the room joined in on what was now riotous laughter. "How big is that, Lynne? Two inches?"

"Well I've never measured." Lynne said.

"That is the smallest cock I have ever seen on a grown man." Trudy said.

"I always kind of wondered why you never said anything when we girls talked about the size of our husband's cocks." Julie said.

"Me too, I thought you were just shy!" Trudy chimed in.

"I always wondered how big a real cock was." Angie said.

"You still don't know." said Julie. "This is NOT the size of a real cock!"

"Lynne, do you let him fuck you with that little pecker?" Trudy quizzed.

"Well to be honest, it does get bigger when he gets hard!" Lynne said somewhat defensively.

"It does?" asked Tina. With that the laughter began all over again.

"Yes, it does." Lynne said.

"Let's measure it!" Said Cindy.

"Yeah, where is your tape measure?" Inquired Julie.

"In my sewing basket in the guest room." Lynn answered.

"Get it!" Demanded Trudy.

With that Trudy and Lynne disappeared into what had been my fantasy island. Trudy returned carrying the tape. She pulled out six inches of tape and placed it next to my flaccid dick. "One and ¾ inches." She called out.

"Now get it hard!" Trudy demanded. I look at her helplessly. "Come on you little pervert, play with it and get it hard!" I placed my hand on my cock. And slowly massaged the soft manhood, it did not respond. "A little limp, are you?"

Before I could answer Julie chimed in. "Does it always take him so long to get it up?"

"Not always, but sometimes, if he is not too excited." Lynne confessed. "I guess this is not as exciting as you anticipated, is it?"

"Well I guess we could give him a little help. Does he get off on girls kissing?" Rebecca asked.

"He does talk about it a lot." Lynne replied.

With that Rebecca turned to Tina and started French kissing. Tina responded by slipping her hand under the top of Rebecca's PJ's. Before long Tina was laying on top of Rebecca and there hands were grouping each other's bodies. My dick took over and was soon engorged with blood. Trudy once again placed the tape along side of my dick.

"Got it!" Trudy announced. With that the kissing stopped, the girls sat up and Trudy pronounced the verdict. "Five and ¾ inches"

"Wow, that's twice as big!" Gasped Angie.

"Impressive growth" said Ashleigh.

"But still below average!" announced Trudy gleefully claiming her revenge.

"It is?" Angie said revealing her virginity to the group. With that once again the room was laughing.

"Ok, let's go on, get him a chair!" Commanded Kathy. With that Kathy pulled out several items. "This is the thrill maker 5000!" Said Kathy as she held up a 7 ½ inch vibrator in the shape of a thick cock.

"Do they get that big?" Gasped Angie.

"Mike's dick is bigger than that!" said Julie.

Kathy cleared her throat. "This is one of the prizes we give away," she said "it usually goes to the youngest or least experienced girl at the party, but with respect to Angie, I think that perhaps Lynne should have it."

"Lynne! Lynne! Lynne!" Chanted the girls.

"Would you like to feel what a larger than average cock feels like?" asked Trudy

"I, I don't know!" Lynne's eyes were wide with amazement.

"It might ruin you for shrimp dick over there." Said Julie. "I know that Mike's cock has ruined me for all other men!"

"Shrimp dick! Shrimp dick! Shrimp dick!" the girls all said.

"I think shrimp dick should have to watch his wife use the big vibrator." Trudy said.

With that the door bell rung. Kathy went to the door and opened it a man in a police uniform was at the door. "Yes officer, is there something wrong?"