Lingering On Her Tongue

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A woman's sexual appetite increases with each new serving.
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I never wore lingerie until that night.

Up to that point, I'd always enjoyed the idea that somehow someone would notice there was nothing between me and the world but a protective layer of fashionable clothing.

It was my own personal game of self-arousal.

I'd wear short skirts and satin tops, my nipples often hard, just to see if anyone knew how stimulated I was during the mundane chores of daily life. I'd move seductively in grocery store aisles, and sit cross-legged at sidewalk restaurants, all while waiting for the right person to catch a glimpse of my secret invitation.

To me, it felt like a public game; and yet, I knew I was the only real player. Waiting for someone else to join in was exciting, but with each passing day, without so much as a furtive glance from a passing stranger, the game grew less appealing.

More than once, I had stopped in the Intimates section of some shop to browse through the options of underwear. But each time I'd pass by a set of silk bras or run my fingers along the lace panties section, I'd fantasize that somewhere in this city a fellow scoundrel would finally notice my open display and enter the game.

As I walked along that evening I began to consider how long I was willing to wait for just the right player. I questioned why I hadn't noticed anyone recently who even suggested they had caught a glimpse of my nipples showing through my blouse or sneaked a peak between my legs while I sat openly in a short skirt at the lunch counter.

The warm breeze floating on the night air was getting balmy as I walked along so I opened another button on my top before entering a quaint street-side bistro.

It was late and the crowd had thinned, but I needed a little something to carry me through the night. I ordered a small appetizer and a glass of wine to help as I reflected on my unique plight.

And then she appeared: My waitress.

She quietly handed me the check and seductively slipped me a note. Somehow during the process of ordering, I hadn't really noticed her; not until the note, that is.

It was a small, pink piece of paper, and written on it were only six words:

'I like a woman in lingerie.'

This wasn't how I had imagined my game to progress, but a new player had definitely entered the arena.

Instantly, I knew I'd been found out and surprisingly, the very idea got me wet. Finally, someone had received my subtle message.

She was slightly younger, with dark, shoulder-length hair and horn-rimmed glasses. And she was very attentive.

I began to wonder how to proceed. She'd noticed me, but clearly had a preference for women in decorative underwear. Yet aside from the note, the meal was uneventful. She made no other mention of it and made no overt gesture to suggest an ulterior motive.

Questions began to flood my mind, and the most prominent of all was the idea that receiving the note had been a mistake.

And so I thought of a plan: Return to the restaurant the next night dressed as usual to test her again.

The next evening, I arrived early and requested the same table. I even went so far as to make sure she noticed my willingness. After being seated, I undid another button on my blouse and pulled the fabric slightly to expose as much skin as public decency would allow.

Moments later, the same young waitress arrived to take my order. She'd pulled her hair back and was sporting a different, yet still sexy, set of eyewear. What hadn't changed was her unique appeal and attentive nature, and my excitement grew as the meal progressed.

But aside from our bantering over my satisfaction with the food, she remained cool and distant. Perhaps I'd mistaken the message, or worse yet, had received the note by mistake.

It wasn't until she handed me the bill that I knew for sure; inside was another pink note.

'A woman in lingerie leaves room for imagination and exploration.'

The game was on and she played by an enticing set of rules.

I spent my lunch the next afternoon shopping for just the right sexy pieces; a matching bra and panty set with stockings and garters seemed ideal, so I hastily made my purchase and eagerly prepared for the evening.

This time I decided to play it more relaxed so I intentionally arrived later than usual, an hour before they closed, to build anticipation. I'd chosen a sheer, pale blouse to highlight the dark bra straps underneath.

There would be no doubt that I had made the effort.

But at first, I didn't see her. The restaurant was still fairly busy, and many faces passed by my table. As I waited, a slight sense of panic set in. It dawned on me that this was the first real chance to play my game with someone new. As much as the idea had always excited me, I felt I wasn't truly prepared for it.

It was too late; the game, it seemed, had begun.

Yet when my waitress arrived, she once again gave no indication that anything was different. Was she testing me as well? Was this how her game was played?

I attempted to dine casually, to keep up the appearance of someone in no need of outside attention, but inside I was burning. After all this time, someone had finally noticed my subtle signals, and the anticipation of where it might lead was unbearable.

Then, as she brought my dessert, she leaned in and gently whispered in my ear.

"I get off at ten. I could get you off by eleven."

She set the small bowl of gelato just beyond the reach of my fingers, and before returning to the kitchen her hand lightly grazed the edge of my shoulder.

It was deliberate and inviting.

I ordered a glass of Merlot, finished my dessert, and sat somewhat paralyzed while the restaurant began to close.

It was 9:55.

What was I going to do? The game had taken on unforeseen elements and I started to question my willingness to go through with...

My mind went blank.

I hadn't gotten this far in my thinking. Yes, the game was incredibly appealing. And yes, I wanted someone to notice my hidden desire, but then what?

My heart began to race. My left hand began to tremble so I placed it under my leg. But despite my trepidation, the overpowering sensation running through my limbs was still my desire.

I quickly steadied my hand, reached into my purse, and scribbled a brief note onto a small piece of paper.

When she returned to the table one final time I handed her my credit card and slipped her the note. She read it discreetly, knelt down, and whispered in my ear.

"I'll meet you in the parking lot in ten minutes."

The feel of her breath against my cheek and the scent of her perfume overtook my senses; it was everything I could do to contain my composure with her so close to me.

I watched the way she walked as she disappeared into the kitchen: So confident.

I steadied myself, gulped back the last of my wine, and made my way to the door.

The night air was warm and welcoming; a soft breeze floated across my face and was a refreshing change as it caressed my skin and blew up my skirt.

I made my way across the parking lot and leaned against my car to wait.

It was the stillness that plagued me, the anticipation that tested my nerve. I could easily have driven away and avoided the awkward scene completely, forgotten about this whole foolishness, and simply gone on with my life as before: Silently alone.

The sound of the door opening and closing startled me.

Barely a moment had passed; a dark, slender figure was making her way toward me. My hands began to tremble again. The excitement was unbearable and goosebumps enveloped my skin.

I could feel the subtle change as my nipples grew hard under the new, silk bra.

I adjusted myself slightly as she approached, all while attempting to remain calm as I watched how she walked; her stride was steady and deliberate.

"Good evening," I said as coolly as I could.

"I'm Allie," my waitress said as she stopped abruptly no more than a few feet in front of me. "Are you still hungry?"

"Famished," I confessed as our eyes met intently for the first time.

She took a step forward and boldly kissed me -- her hands running up the length of my arms, all the way to the thin straps under my sheer top.

She held me frozen, our lips generating all the heat.

As her fingers played with the material, she let her face drop and softly bit down the length of my neck to my shoulder, the sensation sending convulsions through my body and I nearly went limp.

She held me tightly as her tongue and teeth covered my eager skin, but the idea of sex in a parking lot quickly overtook me and I pulled back.

"I've never..." I tried to say.

Instantly, I'd let down my guard. She'd overwhelmed me and I was in complete disarray. I looked to her for reassurance.

"It's all right. You're with me."

"Is there someplace close -- someplace we could go," I asked nervously. "Someplace private?"

"Come with me," Allie said and pulled me across the parking lot to a small staircase leading up the side of a nearby building.

As we climbed the stairs, I once again watched the confident walk of this young woman: Her tight, young body just in front of me, leading me like a puppy to a place I hoped would satisfy needs within me held dormant for years.

She turned the key and opened the door to a tiny apartment.

"It belongs to a friend," she informed me as we stepped into the darkness.

Once inside, though barely able to make her out in shadow, my appetite began to overtake my nerves.

Allie dropped her bag to the floor, switched on a dim lamp, and began unbuttoning her blouse. I stood, frozen, and watched eagerly as she opened herself up to me. With each new button, she took another step and revealed more of her body.

"I like to work fast," she said as her top fell away.

Underneath her work shirt, she wore a white, lace bra, and a small butterfly tattoo graced her left shoulder.

Before reaching me, she undid the buttons on her black jeans, the hint of white panties barely visible.

"Let me see you," she said as she reached for me and began inching my top from my skirt to expose my quivering stomach. "I want to see what you chose for me."

I stood timidly and watched as she removed my blouse. As it fell from my shoulders, she began playing with my bra straps, her fingers dancing over and under the material; her fingernails lightly brushing the tops of my breasts.

"Very nice."

Then her long, slender fingers inched down my stomach, my skin alive to her touch, my core tightening with each new sensation as she made her way to the zipper on the side of my skirt.

Allie looked into my eyes, her gaze penetrating me as she slowly undid my skirt -- my silk panties just below her fingers.

As though through the power of magic, my skirt slid down my hips and hit the floor around my ankles like an explosion.

"You take direction well," Allie said as she studied my body.

I could feel every nerve engage as her hands played with my panties to arouse me that much more, the touch of her fingers draped across my hips.

She kissed me again as her fingertips trailed down my sides. The shaking inside was uncontrollable, so I instinctively let her take over and leaned back against the door while she lowered herself in front of me.

"You smell nice too," she said as her face pressed against my lower abs, then down onto my new panties, my clit moist behind the silk.

My limbs wouldn't stop shaking, so I reached back to brace myself as she rubbed her cheeks firmly against my inner thighs.

"Close your eyes," she instructed as she began easing the thin bikini straps down to reveal the very top of my eager pussy lips. I tried spreading my legs but my skirt was wrapped tightly around my shoes.

As the tension mounted, I felt my panties inching down, could feel the warmth of her lips, her breath, against me, her hands gripping my thighs as she rolled the soft fabric down to my ankles.

"Spread your legs," she said softly and guided me with her touch.

She helped me raise one foot free from my skirt and I pushed my heels wider as my back pressed firmly against the door, my hands bracing against the frame; the feel of Allie's warm, wet tongue was covering the length of my inner thigh and outer edges of my clit.

My body tightened again, but I kept my legs apart for her and pushed my pelvis forward into her face.

"Breathe with me," she instructed.

I had no idea what she meant; my breathing, like the shaking in my limbs, was out of control. The persistent sensation of her hands between my legs was agonizing.

She spread my lips open with her fingers and gently inserted her tongue, licking the edges of my moist lips. My body convulsed. I couldn't help but moan and tense up as the feel of her tongue between my legs shot through me.

My feet unexpectedly went wider, pulling against the panties around my ankles, as her tongue entered my pussy over and over.

My fingers clenched against the door frame behind me as the intensity of Allie's lips on my pussy increased.

It was too much too fast. I knew I was close to coming and had to look down and watch as she licked my pussy lips. I needed to connect with her.

Allie, sensing my urgency, looked up; her mouth was firmly working against my wet lips. But seeing the growing intensity in my eyes, she pulled her face back to give me time to breathe.

"You're ready, aren't you?" she asked.

"Oh yes. Please," I pleaded.

She slowly spread my pussy lips again and inserted her fingers inside me.

"Now watch as I finger you to orgasm," she instructed.

I did as asked and watched closely as she finger fucked me until I couldn't hold back any longer.

"Yes. YES," I exclaimed, desperate to hold out just a moment longer, but the sensations from her fingers inside me were too strong and I squirted onto her hand -- sprayed onto her chest -- my whole body convulsing as the stream erupted out of me.

"YES!" I screamed, unable to hold back, my fingernails digging deep into the frame of the door.

Allie, embracing the moment, gripped my thighs and pressed her mouth against my pussy as the last of my juices squirted out.

I shook from the release and dropped to my knees before her.

Allie quickly wrapped herself around me and cradled me until the tremors subsided. The warmth of her body against mine acted like a blanket as I slowly stopped trembling.

A small tear formed in my eye and ran down my cheek onto her shoulder. I'd lost all control of myself, lost all notion of the game. All I knew was that at this moment, held in her arms, I was free.

She'd moved me beyond climax, and the weight of her gift had overtaken me in ways I had no way of understanding or anticipating.

It felt like hours before I had the strength to stand again, but something inside me wanted another chance to display the gifts I had purchased expressly for her.

I inched my panties back around my hips, refastened the garters, and stood in full lingerie before Allie. I brushed my hair back and hastily wiped the tears from my eyes; I wanted to be seen by her.

Allie casually leaned back and looked up at me.

The feel of the thin material was still a new sensation against my skin, yet despite the meager coverings, I felt was completely bare. With a mere seductive suggestion, someone had gifted me with fresh insight and opened me to new, unexplored arousal.

With great admiration, I reached down and took her chin in my hand to pull her face upward.

"Perhaps," I said, "it's time someone catered to your needs."

I bent down slightly and brushed back her hair with both hands. As I did, I positioned myself directly in line with her lips.

"You served me," I told her, "now let me feed your imagination."

The room, still mostly in darkness, seemed somewhat brighter now. And Allie's eyes, gazing up at me, were brighter than ever.

"I like this game."

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THBGatoTHBGato23 days ago

Your stories are getting hotter as they get longer. Great work.

Taylor_KnightTaylor_Knight24 days agoAuthor

Thank you for the lovely encouragement. I still have much to learn and so much more to explore. I'm also having a deliciously wonderful time.

SofiaLaFrenchSofiaLaFrench26 days ago

I like your style!

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