Lion's Den Ch. 04


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"Max don't fucking walk away from me. We need to talk about this now. Do you love me, or are you just in this to get dicked." Leo was so steamed he wanted to hurt Max.

"Leo I don't know. France was supposed to help me clear it all up, but it just did not happen. Can we just take it easy this week? I am going back to school on Sunday, why rush to cement things?" Max was trying to wrap her mind around their little conversation last night, at this point she was hesitant to confess she loved him. She was still petrified it would be destruction of them both; her independence, his life.

Leo's icy slits glared at her. "I think you are a game playing bitch. Perhaps you were using me to get daddy's attention by fucking around with some trouble. And fucking we did, up the ass, in your mouth, with no condom, but what the hell, a slut like you has probably been on the pill since you were twelve, but whatever I am done with trying to get you. See your way out."

Max stood naked looking at Leo in disbelief, and trying to control the queasiness in her stomach. He was the man who had, just hours before, promised to love her forever. She slowly redressed following the path of her clothes to the front door and walked out.

Leo cursed himself as soon as the words left his mouth. You fucking imbecile. If he knew anything about Max, she could shut someone out very quickly. She would not beg for him, she would take her dismissal in silence, and never come back. He could not believe his anger had taken such hold. He was seething and full of regret.

Max walked up to Prospect Park, with tears streaming down her face. She could not process what just occurred with Leo. Why couldn't I just say I loved him? I feel things for him that I have never felt for any man. I care for his well being, but is that love? And the things he said, how can I love a man who only sees me as a whore? What if he is right about my daddy issues? Maybe that's my thing...I like dangerous controlling men. What the freak is wrong with me? I can't stay here. I need to go home to North Carolina. I need to put all this crazy behind me, finish my year, graduate, and go to Colombia for awhile. There's the plan.

Max caught the subway, back up to her parents' apartment. They were surprised to see her arrive without her bags, but figured Leo was going to bring it later. After she showered, she bought a plane ticket for later that night to Wilmington, North Carolina. Tara and Antonio were about to have their siesta when Max called out to them. She told them that she was done with Leo and would be heading back to N.C. that night.

"Why in such a rush Max?" her mother asked sorely disappointed that her daughter and Leo had not been able to make things right between them.

"I've got something I need to do before school starts," she replied knowing her parents understood what the something was.

"Hija, are you certain? Once it's done it's done."

"I understand, Papi, but it is what's best for all involved."

Antonio was at a loss, just last night his daughter seemed so happy to be going off with the man she loved, now her face was sad and resolute as she was about to make the worst decision of her life. Whatever went on between her and Leo was her business, but damn if he did not want to kill him right now. He sighed sadly, "What time is your flight? Maybe we could do dinner before you leave?"

"That would be nice," she answered meekly, knowing she was breaking their hearts.

Dinner was strained for the first few minutes until her dad broke out into song, when the live band began to play some old Spanish song he knew. He grabbed her mother and spun her round and round on the dance floor. Max looked on feeling pangs of jealousy. She wanted to have with Leo what both their parents have, but it seemed not to be written in the stars for them. When dinner was over she kissed her parents good bye and caught her car service to the airport.

Max left word with Rick that when her bags arrived he should keep them downstairs, it made no sense to haul them upstairs only to bring them down a few hours later. When Leo arrived with Max's bags Rick was a little surprised, he was the same guy who dropped off the letter for Max some weeks ago.

"Is Miss La Costa in?" Leo asked hoping he would get a change to apologize.

"No, she is not, is there a message you would like to leave?"

Leo wondered why they were putting Max's suitcases in the storage room, but didn't ask any questions, the guy at the front desk did not seem to like him nor interested in volunteering any information. On a hunch he called C.J. to check all flight manifests going to Texas or North Carolina tonight.

"Damn Leo you should be a P.I." C.J. found Leo's obsession with this rich Upper East Side girl interesting. From their days in school together he knew of his friends taste for big black girls but this one was different. C.J. had continued his investigation into her, even after Leo had told him not to. He discovered almost everything about her, but would not reveal it to his friend unless he asked or it became necessary. "I found her. She's heading out to N.C. tonight. Want me to put a Homeland Security flag on her name?"

"No asshole, just give me the airline and time?"

Max got to the airport just in the nick of time. When the car got to her terminal she rushed in to do an electronic check in. Thank God for technology, she thought as she tagged her own bags and put them on the carousel. Suddenly the hairs on her neck stood up, she knew she was being watched and by whom. She finished up and proceeded to remove her belt and jewelry ignoring the feelings and emotions that swept through her. She wanted to turn around and confront him, but wanted even more to be out of New York, to be rid of him. Two weeks didn't do it, perhaps an entire school year would.

Leo watched Max move with that fierce independence that he loved and loathed at the same time. She was one strong willed filly and he couldn't break her. He wanted to; he wanted her to need him, to want him, to see him as her champion. Leo walked toward her thinking he was going to catch her off guard, but he should have known better. As his hand reached out to her, she spun around with the most seductive smile, and if it were real he would have melted.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me. You have lost all right. Do you think you were that good that one touch from you would have this slut riding your cock again? And if you came here to apologize, don't. You have every right to say what is in your heart and mind. Thank you for delivering my bags." Max's tone was cold.

Leo knew he did not have a leg to stand on, but it didn't stop him from trying. "Max, what I said to you this morning was cruel and untrue. I love you, and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you if give me another chance."

Max laughed a harsh bitter laugh and eyed Leo up and down, "Aren't you tired of making promises you can't keep? We are done. There is no getting around that, no wooing me back, I have a life to live and it does not include you. So you know what? Deuces." Max threw Leo a sideway peace sign and walked off.

Leo stared at her until she was out of his line of sight then walked out of the terminal devastated, and desperate to do damage.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

love a strong woman character


she is a little big headed now that he loves her and she realizes that she loves him also. TO not tell him of his child is wrong, even if she chooses to get rid of the precious baby. She should tell him All of The Truth and then go on from there...

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I love Leo...fuck the BS. She not playing it correct with him..and I'm a women that;s done some mean shitlike that before... As a women I understand I think differently then a Man so why the hell would I expect him to be able to read my mind....let the story flow...this reminds me of how i ended with my wonderful mixed breed babies.

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
When can we expect the next chapter?


I keep checking back for the next chapter....when????

Leo is so typical of quick to fly off the handle and assume the worse without asking.....fix him, honey so he can have clarity before his woman does something just plain dumb.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
My Tiny Rant....

A woman is a woman! I don't know why people feel that just because the girl is black that she will be wiser or stronger or whatever the hell people think black women go through in these types of situations. She is a WOMAN first!! Yes, we are strong willed but we have our moments too...and that needs to be recognized.

Max is capable of whatever she puts her mind to and if she happens to be in love with a total douche bag that is possibly bi-polar...well then she is. It happens. It doesn't mean that she is does that sometimes.

Good job, Elektrical!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

honestly, i like that max is not weak as most women are depicted in here. Im a little disappointed that she's knocked up and so soon. I really hope she doesn't make things easy for leo and keep his baby, it's just not REALISTIC! even for fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Liked it

But your Spanish needs a little work especially this sentence "Sí, metomóuna prueba de embarazoesta mañana." it just needs proper spacing. "Sí, me tome una prueba de embarazo esta mañana."

Why is Max bipolar, it's like she can't see what's right infront of her.

Please let him find out what she is going to do! Don't let her have the abortion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Well done!

Ya'll don't be so hard on Leo. He's just calling a spade a spade. Max is a little fast and hot. But, hey it takes two to tango.

More please Miss Elektrical.

Nauti Nymph

jlly16jlly16over 12 years ago
Ooooh, please update soon

You make me want to slap the taste out of his mouth. This story feels so alive, I can picture all the scenery and characters playing out their roles. He's going to have to come correct big time. Can't wait to read the rest.

eternalreader00eternalreader00over 12 years ago

let her keep the baby. PLZZZZ!

IM begging.

by the way great chapter, i certainly love this series. can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
very good story

I will keep reading. That was very cold of mr. lion. I like how max is very strong. Please let her keep the baby, that's her little angel. If it not asking too much can you write max's parent story. Thank You.

hisangelbeautyhisangelbeautyover 12 years ago

this can't end well i see that now lol, great chapter

honeybreehoneybreeover 12 years ago
Interesting web here….especially from both point of views

Though Leo was wrong I kind of get why he said it, Max is very hot and then cold with him. It took me awhile to read carefully but it IS love at first sight…literally…with him…lol so from his point of view she is just mind fucking him. So now I get all the intensity and passion he has during the short time frame. I like Max she is a different kind of female lead then most of the stories on here, at least she is not weeping and whining (thank god) like most female leads do. She has her head on her shoulders with quick wits hopefully we can see why she is so emotional distrusting with her heart and love besides the example of how her parents came to be. Can’t wait to see where this goes especially with a “maybe” baby thrown into the mix

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I wish my wife had half the qualities which max has.She can manage things on her own,she is sensible, she does not spend her time thinking of ways to get guys into her pants, she is independent but at the same time knows how to take care of others, in adverse situations too she is resilient. She is a rare combination of beauty with brains. That makes her hot. WOW !!

She did a mistake by taking Leo to be a nice guy and ended up preggers. Not expected of her. But after Leo told her how bad he thinks of her LOLZZZZ,she is wise enough to move away from Leo as far as possible.She is sensible enough not to retaliate to Leo for what he said and did to her.She didn't ask for anything from Leo even though she is preggers with his child.She has enough self respect to do that.Any other woman in her place would have definately given Leo a bad time.She is one wise woman must say.She has simply carried on minus Leo without saying anything.HOT !!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
beautiful ending to this story

You write beautifully. Its as if everything is happening in front of the reader.Little proof reading would make it better.

You have given a beautiful ending to this story.

Its time for max to wake up and smell the coffee.Although ite slightly late but still she finally woke up from deep slumber and saw where she is headed.She should have realized what leo is upto the first day itself.Better late than never.Is she that dumb.Max & Leo were never in love.Leo seduced her simply for sex and she fell for his trap & got pregnant. Finally she can see things with leo as they are.

She's right.Leo is a complete @#$% and is not worth it.She has gone forever away from leo for good and should never look back.She should start things afresh and forget what leo did like a bad dream. Getting pregnant with leo's child is bad. She has taken the right decision.Leo has no place in her life now.Now that max has gone out of leo's life, leo too should move on.Leo too should forget max, the way she has forgotten him.

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