Lisa's Dares - Orgy and Parting

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College paramours enjoy polyamory and romance.
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Codes- MF, FF, orgy, group, interracial, exhib, voy, oral, anal, dp.

Intro- This story is fictional and meant for adult readers with mature open minds. It features bisexual polyamory. If you object to this content or the smut codes listed above, or are in an unsafe environment, you should not be reading this story. Positive and/or constructive feedback for this story is appreciated. Thank you to all readers who leave such feedback.

This story is connected to most of my other works but is written with illustrative effort for new readers unfamiliar with the larger universe. I hope it is enjoyed.


Austin, Texas. December 1997.

"I call this first meeting of the West Campus Promiscuity Club to order!" Curvy redhead Lisa Coleman spoke in a Deep South accent, grinned, and smacked her hand against the wall. She was wearing a gray kimono robe and a bright smile.

The nine other people in the room, all dressed casually in jeans and blouses or shirts, stopped chatting and grinned at one another, then directed similar bright smiles Lisa's way. All had been with her sexually at some point, or at least knew of her polyamorous leanings. They were in the living room of the West Campus rental house Lisa shared with three other women and frequent overnight guests.

"So we're about to have sex now?" slim blonde Nicole Masterson asked, before anyone else could, smiling. She glanced at a handsome stocky brown-bearded man wearing horn-rimmed glasses standing next to her. "And you're okay if I fuck your boyfriend?"

Lisa beamed at Nicole and quickly motioned Doug Ramsay to stay quiet. "Long as I can watch, join in a threesome, and have hot reclamation sex with him afterwards, yeah, sure." She glanced at Doug, eyebrow raised. "You okay with things, Hero?"

"Y-yes, uh, milady," Doug said in a stutter, then quickly put on a faux British accent to avoid further stammering. He smiled back at Nicole. "I just met you tonight, but yeah, if you want a casual hook-up, I'm fine with that."

"Long as you understand I'm only into you casually, sure." Nicole laughed and pecked his cheek. "Lisa and I are former girlfriends who scaled it back to casual when our lives went in different directions."

"Right, she's told me that. Have you had threesomes with her and guys before?"

"Yes, but not in a while. Should be fun to do again." The blonde smiled again, then took his arm and led him to one of the couches in the room.

Around the living room, several more people were smiling at each other and pairing up. All were between eighteen and twenty-nine years of age. With one exception, all were college students. Petite Latina Elena Ruiz was embracing her large blonde boyfriend Boris Garin on an easy chair. A pair of black women, dark-skinned Shauna Shapiro and her lighter-skinned more voluptuous sister Tara, were embracing a pair of tall mustached black men- mohawked Del Dawson and bald Jim Wright. The latter was the oldest person in the room. A lanky Chinese-American man named Keith Wang-Matthews was standing alone and looking unsure of himself before Tara beckoned him closer to her. He shrugged and moved in.

I was expecting this gathering to be smaller originally, Doug recalled. Just Lisa, Shauna, Tara, Boris, Elena, and myself. The six of us have enjoyed casual polyamory before. I officially date Lisa, while she's casual sex partners with the other three girls. Shauna & Tara enjoyed a threesome with me a couple weeks back. Boris is Elena's boyfriend and my workout buddy. Lisa and I enjoyed a swap event with Elena and him last week. Then Tara hooked up with Keith, my roommate, after a D&D game session last week. Shauna, her adopted sibling with benefits, soon joined them in a threesome. Keith dates Lisa's sister Stephanie and is pretty devoted, but it's an open relationship. She okayed his liaisons by text message. Shauna and Tara have dated Del and Jim casually before, they were invited so we'd have more guys here tonight. Nicole was a last-minute invite to the party to give us an even number. Del and Jim are buddies of Boris from the downtown entertainment district, like him and all the girls here they swing both ways. Del leans towards guys but is willing to please girls too. The other two guys are the reverse. Keith and I are straight. I exhausted my curiosity about guys a while back and have never cared to ask him about his.

The myriad varieties of beautiful women in the world were enough to excite him, Doug mused as he sat between Lisa and Nicole on the couch. Blondes, brunettes, redheads... Hispanics, Caucasians, girls of Arab and African descent like Tara and Shauna. I've been attracted to Asian, Russian, and Australian girls in my past also. Lisa has tested me the last few weeks, checked if I could handle polyamory and casual loving without anger or jealousy. She laid out some clear rules for this orgy and future similar events to me a couple nights ago. The women are in charge, consent respected and in full play. There are no dominance games going on, just a recognition of mutual desires and capability to address them. We're all adults and we're all going to have fun together. We'll concentrate on pleasing the women. The guys will be pleased also in due course.

The chatting and getting to know each other part of the evening had been concluded earlier. Now the planned casual intimacy was at the fore. Hands were moving to caress bodies and divest them of clothing. Bodies were coming closer together and becoming flushed with warm feelings.

In his close proximity, Lisa was opening and slipping out of her robe, exposing a tanned tautly muscled body with large peach nipples and a thin red line of hair above her loins. Nicole was unfastening Doug's button-down shirt, lightly tweaking his nipples and baring his chest. She ran her short nails over his stomach, squeezed his cock through his jeans. She then pulled back and removed her black cotton blouse. Nicole then stood and finished undressing, discarding her pants and then her underwear. Doug took in her pale skin, her thin brown nipples, and the patch of sparse blonde curls adorning her snatch. Nicole moved back towards him when naked, took hold of his belt and opened his jeans. Doug rubbed her torso and legs with light roving motions, seeming hesitant.

"Go on, touch me," Nicole said.

"Yeah, Hero," Lisa urged, "make her feel good."

Doug shrugged, then moved in to heft and rub Nicole's small breasts. She grinned, pushing down his jeans and underwear. His hard cock stood up once freed. Nicole took it in her hand and stroked it softly. Doug moved to kiss her mouth, but she did not let him, intercepting his lips with her cheeks instead. "Casual, remember?"

Doug sighed, then nodded and kissed her forehead. Nicole smirked and rubbed his cock with one hand, stimulating the underside and head. She then trailed her other hand's fingers along his bicep before pushing him down on the couch, climbing on top of him, and turning her body around. Her lips descended to suck his cock and kiss his thighs. Doug sighed, then returned the attention by gently pushing her legs open and moving his head between them. He kissed Nicole's clit, licked at her vulva. Within seconds she was gasping and tightening pleasantly around his tongue.

Lisa smiled as she watched them. rubbing her body and snorting softly. She then moved close, excited by the display. Soon, she was trailing kisses along Nicole's thighs while Doug licked at her pussy. Nicole moaned under the increased stimulation, kept up her caresses and sucks at Doug's manhood. Then Lisa was draping her body over Nicole's, rubbing her breasts and pussy against Nicole's backside. Doug placed one hand on her pussy and pushed two fingers inside. Lisa clenched those fingers hard in her loins, rubbed Nicole's and Doug's bodies in alternating motions. The trio established a quick rhythm and brought each other to climax. Lisa went off as Doug's fingers pushed at her clit, and Nicole soon followed as he lapped at her loins. His cock erupted seconds later. Nicole swallowed some of his come and snowballed the rest with Lisa when she moved close with open pleading lips.

Doug gasped, watching the exchange of mouths and tongues. The women moved off him, both caressing his body as they did so. Lisa and Nicole stood and embraced, pressing their bodies together. Lips kissed lips, then moved to kiss throats and suckle breasts. Cunts rubbed against thighs. Blonde and redhead grinned at each other, then turned back to him.

"Where are the condoms?" Nicole asked.

Lisa opened a paper bag on the living room's coffee table, took out a Trojan and unwrapped it. She moved close to Doug, took his length and stroked it back to full hardness. Then she slipped the condom on. Doug relaxed, excited by her act and what he knew would come next.

Lisa held his sheathed length firm while Nicole sank herself down onto it. The blonde rode him face to face for several minutes, accepted his kisses on her breasts and caresses on her backside. Nicole kept her hands on his shoulders, thrusting herself up and down on his body. Lisa watched and rubbed herself.

Doug glanced around the room, looking past Nicole's thrusting body. Boris and Elena were in a side-by-side coupling on the armchair. She was riding his length and fervently kissing his face. Del and Jim were meanwhile on the loveseat with Tara, each thrusting into her from one side. Jim's cock was in her pussy and Del's in her ass. Shauna and Keith were intertwined on the floor nearby in a sixty-nine position. Everyone was naked and looked to be enjoying themselves.

We're all here because we want to be, Doug thought. We're friends, or at least kidding acquaintances. I've been with all the women, and there's no jealousy in play. We're enjoying ourselves and each other. It is grand.

He breathed heavily, thrust into Nicole and felt her constrict around him. She rode his cock until she climaxed, then moved off him and held up his length as Lisa had earlier. The redhead grinned and moved in, sank herself down. She then rode Doug until they both came, gladly accepting her boyfriend's mouth kisses and looks of love throughout. Nicole relaxed and recovered while she watched.

Around them, other couples were also reaching climax. Boris went off inside Elena, who gave him a satisfied smile. She let him slip out of her, then accepted his mouth on her loins. Boris licked her cunt until she gasped an orgasm. Keith and Shauna both ejaculated juices into each other's lips nearby. Tara moaned fervently beside them, Del and Jim both spraying her insides. The two black men exchanged a fist bump and smiled at each other as they pulled out.

Everyone took a few seconds after climaxing to relax and recover. Shauna moved to join Boris for the next round, while Elena lightly kissed Keith's lips, then lay back on the floor rug, clearly offering herself for ravishing. Nicole and Tara switched places also, while Lisa stayed near Doug. "Have fun tonight," she whispered in his ear. "But I get you last. Got that?"

"No problem," he answered, smiling. "Let me watch and recover a bit."

Lisa smiled, kissed his lips, then moved away to join Shauna and Boris for a three-way embrace. Doug observed the couplings around him a bit, then turned to Tara and embraced her. She lay on the couch beside him. He stroked her dark nipples and cunt hair. Tara's hands were on his torso all the while, her face beaming at him. They did not kiss much, just danced in each other's laps and then joined their bodies together, cock thrusting into cunt.

Keith joined with Elena on the floor nearby, rode her until they both gasped in climax. He went off first and she followed soon after. "What's the matter?" she said, noticing his downcast look afterwards.

"No offense," Keith said. "Everyone here is great. I'm just missing Stephanie."

"She's going to be here soon," Lisa said from the armchair, breaking a three-way liplock with Shauna and Boris. "I invited her. Did she not tell you?"

"No!" Keith gasped, then grimaced. "Why'd we start without her?"

"Traffic delay," Lisa answered with a shrug.

There was a knock at the home's back door just then. Lisa waved everyone to stay quiet. She stood up, walked to her robe and picked it up, then slipped it on. Everyone else moved to cover themselves with clothes, just in case.

Lisa glanced through the door's windows and smiled. "Hey sis," she said, opening the door.

A tall athletic blonde girl of eighteen years in a silver nylon jumpsuit smiled back and stepped over the threshold. A dusky black girl followed her, wearing a similar tan tracksuit and grin. "Hi, everyone," the blonde said. "I'm Lisa's little sister Stephanie. She and Keith know me. I'm eager to meet the rest of you."

"I'm Lily Astar," said the black girl with Stephanie. She looked around the room, then licked her lips. "This a private party, or is there room for two more?"

Doug was the first to welcome the two newcomers. Everyone else then chorused agreement. The new arrivals stepped inside the house and Lisa closed the door behind them. Stephanie joined Keith and Elena while Lily moved towards Tara and Doug. Soon all were naked and happily enjoying themselves. For the next several hours, good times were had by all.


Four Years Later.

Many further fun episodes followed that night. For the next four years, the group of friends hosted another orgy about once every six or seven weeks. They also enjoyed outings for films, concerts, sports, restaurant and club visits, and vacations to other cities. The four committed couples remained together in open romance while Lily dated Jim for a while and then broke things off, preferring to stay a free agent. Nicole and Del remained single while enjoying off and on liaisons with various others. Keith and Stephanie married each other at the local courthouse, as did Boris and Elena. Shauna, Tara, Doug, and Lisa witnessed the various weddings. Further orgies followed at the receptions.

The group did not advertise their club through mass media but did quietly invite various acquaintances into it during the next four years. Some happily joined. Others showed up for a meeting or two out of curiosity and then left preferring more vanilla relationships. Only after the college students completed their degrees and started drifting out of Austin to find work did the group break up.

"You sure you don't want to come with me to L.A.?" Lisa asked Doug one day in December 2001. She planned to head west to achieve a doctoral degree at the University of Southern California, and perhaps find her big break in Hollywood as an actress or stunt performer- she had yet to decide which.

"I got my deputy job here in Austin," Doug protested. "It was rough getting it. I want to do it for a few years at least. Then maybe I can get the references to apply for something out there. If you don't want to come back here instead."

Lisa grimaced. Neither wanted to acknowledge the dissatisfaction they sometimes felt around each other. Lisa thought she might be getting bored with Doug, craved more exotic or interesting paramours. Her Hero was a steady liasion and always pleased her, but sometimes she wanted more than he could give. Doug, for his part, felt that Lisa was too crazy for him on occasion, and wondered whether he would be better off with someone more mentally stable. Her constant tests of their relationships and hidden agendas drove him to distraction as often as they kept him intrigued.

At least I know she cares for me, he thought. She helped me hook up with Angie Messina as a new steady partner, so I wouldn't be alone. I get the feeling I could get back with Lisa too, anytime I wanted. I just have to ask her and be willing to accept her in my life.

But do I want that? What do I really want out of life? Am I too young to know?

At least, he decided, I'm still young. I have many years to find out and decide.

Lisa moved closer to him on her bed. The Tejano beauty Angie Messina lay beside them, a satisfied smile on her face. They had enjoyed a three-way with each other earlier that night. Angie had fallen asleep afterwards, while Lisa and Doug stayed up to talk about their future.

"I leave in the morning," Lisa said. She kissed Doug's cheek, then his lips. "One more time, before we must part?"

"As long as it's not the last," Doug answered, then hugged her body to his. One of his hands massaged her breasts. His other hand moved to her cunt and inserted two fingers in the tight orifice. Lisa grabbed his cock and stroked it to erection. Her other arm pulled and held their bodies together.

Both of them knew they wanted to remember each other forever, even as they lived separate lives with other partners. They ensured they would retain the memory of each other for the rest of that night until they slept.



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FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemiless than a minute ago

Another beautifully story with an extra sweet ending. Thank you!!

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