Little Debbie the Girl Scout Leader


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Without awaiting my permission, my pussy-drowning cock went ahead and released a pressurized load of pent-up man-cum. Thick globs of semen and sperm shot into Debbie's sweltering hot wet vaginal void.

Pussy muscles constricted against my meaty erection. Squeezing vaginal contractions milked my cockshaft. Euphoric, earth-quaking orgasms rattled and shook my world.

As my heated cock cream filled Debbie's pussy, she began knowing the thrill of multiple orgasms. This young woman's virgin-busted vaginal hole wasn't spacious enough to hold a swollen chunk of man-meat 'and' the heaping servings of thick cum-gravy too. Squishy, squashy squirts of excess male and female fluids spurted out and coated both of our sex-enraged pubic loins.

Debbie's tight, teenaged pussy begged my cock for more and more. My mind told me that 'biologically' I had no more to give. Yet, incredibly, my love and lust inspired body contradicted the rules of biology. My seminal reservoir was not yet depleted of all its natural orgasmic liquids.

I began cumming into my sweet Scout Leader lover's slippery pussy again. If I had breath to spare, I would have squealed with orgasmic delight. I held onto the ass of the girl riding my cock and allowed the victory of orgasms to sweep my mind and body into a netherworld of bliss.

Debbie' teeth biting into my shoulder let me know she was cumming again, too. From out of nowhere, she found a breath of air. This 'once-virginal' young lady allowed wanton 'unladylike' squeals of joy and whines of pleasure to peal out loudly.

At long last, panting moans and whimpering cries began fading away. Debbie's arms held onto my neck with the seeming intention of never letting go. I too held onto the young female in my arms with no immediate plans of ever letting her go.

The room became quiet, so quiet that long-ignored sounds could now be heard. Debbie and I could hear the crackling of burning logs in my fireplace. We heard a drip, drip, dripping sound and recognized it as the dropping of orgasm-fluids onto the hardwood floor beneath us. Our lust-sated loins were leaking excess male and female cum, vaginal lubricants, and virginal blood.

Breaking the comforting sounds of silence, Debbie whispered, "Jason, do you believe in love at first sight? Oh I do, because I love you! There is an older country music song I've heard my mom listen to. I remember some of the lyrics which say this; 'If loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right.' Oh Jason, the love I have for you feels so 'right' it just can't be 'wrong'! What do you think?"

"Oh good god girlie, don't you think I'm a little too old for you to 'love'?" I answered. "I'll say this about you Debbie Darling; you have an appropriate last name. You have become the 'darling' young lover who has brought love and joy to my life. Honey, yes I feel love for you too, but 'young' lady there is another old song I remember. The song says this; 'Go away little girl. You're hurting me more each moment you delay. But, when you're near me like this, you're must too hard to resist. So, go away little girl before I beg you to stay.' So, Debbie my darling love, perhaps you should go away for awhile and let us think about this."

Warm, wet tears dropped from Debbie's eyes and dripped on my shoulders and chest. Reluctantly, her arms loosened from my neck. She slid her body down mine and stood on the floor. Picking up her backpack, she ran for the door and jerked it open.

Looking back, she passionately said, "Jason, I'm not a 'little girl' and from what you just did to me, you damn well know it! Mister, one of these days, you will 'beg me to stay'! And, I will."

Without closing the door, Debbie ran out into the blustery cold. Reaching for the doorknob, I looked out. The skies were darkening and snow was now covering the ground. Several droplets of virgin blood lay on the pristine whiteness.

Oh god, the girl should have cleaned up a little before leaving. She could have at least put on her panties. Looking down, I suddenly became aware of the feminine undergarment still hanging on its cock-rack.

Closing the door, I held Debbie's panties up in the flickering firelight. Just like my shrinking cock, the sheer, lacy underwear was soaking wet from drippy cum and blood. I knew these panties would require several washing in order to prevent permanent staining. But no, I wasn't going to wash them at all. I was going to keep them 'as is' as a reminder of this day.

Hanging the girlie-girl panties near the fire to dry, I thought about how strange it was that I had dipped my cock into a pussy I hadn't even seen. Why, come to think of it, I hadn't seen any of that sweet Scout Leader's body except for her hair, her pretty face, and a glimpse of her tantalizingly seductive slim legs!

Laughing at myself, I said aloud, "I guess that's what you call putting your 'cock' before the horse!"

(Part Two) Hot Chocolate

The late afternoon and early evening hours dragged on uneventfully. I had bathed and put on a dark wool shirt and faded jeans. While the snow continued falling, I snacked on cookies and absentmindedly tried to watch part of a football game. Flipping off the TV, I tried surfing some porn, but the flavor of mint chocolate cookies drew my thoughts back to the taste of a luscious young Girl Scout Leader's lips and the feeling of a tight pussy enveloping my cock.

I suppose I ate too many cookies so my supper was just a hurried snack of thrown-together leftovers. About 6 o'clock, I cleaned up the kitchen and then went to the living room to stir up the embers in the fireplace. I threw a few logs in and soon had a cozy warm fire heating and lighting the room.

Curiosity led me to flip on the front porch light and take a look at the weather through the front door's ice-covered windowpane. Huge flakes of fluffy snow were falling like windswept feathers from the darkened sky. Several inches were already covering the ground.

Suddenly, my peering eyes caught a glimpse of a hat and coat-covered figure trudging through the snow on a heading straight towards my door. The short stature of the struggling person made my heart leap with hopeful anticipation. If my instincts were right, my young Scout Leader lover was returning like a thief to the scene of an afternoon crime.

When I cracked the door open, the snow-covered apparition rushed inside and headed straight for the warmth of the fire. Throwing a backpack in a chair, my visitor removed gloves and then snatched off a sock hat and a long scarf.

A fly-away mop of curly brunette hair confirmed my suspicions that my Little Debbie had indeed returned to me. "Hi Jason," she breathlessly said. "Goodness gracious, I didn't realize it was so 'wintry' outside!"

Although I was elated beyond belief to have my teen love back in my home, I couldn't stop myself from admonishing her. "Damnit Debbie!" my unbidden words said. "I thought I told you to 'go away little girl' until we had time to think things out!"

"Hold onto your horses, Mister," Debbie retorted. "I didn't come back to stir up trouble. I've brought your jacket back to you. I'll leave when I get warmed up. Okay?"

Digging into her backpack, Debbie drew out my jacket and tossed it to me. Throwing the coat aside, I grabbed the girl and jerked her into my arms. "No young lady, it's not 'okay'!" I answered forcibly. "You're staying for a while! If I need to, I'll do what you said I would someday say. I'll 'beg you to stay'! Now, take off your coat and your wet shoes and socks, please."

Stepping away from me, the obedient teenager shrugged her shoulders and then removed her coat. When my astonished eyes realized what this girl had on beneath her outerwear, I just about peed in my pants!

Long gone was the tight-fitting Scout Leader uniform. In its place the young woman wore a pair of ragged, baggy 'bib' overalls. Beneath the bibs she had on no shirt! She had on no bra! And, if I were to guess, I'd guess she had on no panties!

Debbie stood flatfooted and then bent over at the waist. She began pulling off her snow-wet shoes and socks. Without the confinement and support of a bra, this girl-woman's breasts fell down and strained against the barely-concealable covering of her bib top. The twin thin straps crossing over her bare shoulders were the only mechanical supports keeping the busty boobs from escaping completely.

For a young lady of such a slim and diminutive stature, her tits seemed to be enormously over-proportioned. I never was a fella who kept up with the technicalities of boob-cup size. I usually used a more objective measurement. I'd say Debbie's breasts were about the size and shape of a couple of Sunshine State grapefruits on an overdose of steroids.

At the moment, those dangly mesmerizing melons were swinging to and fro in the firelight's glow. As they swayed, jutting nickel sized dark-pink nipples flashed out from their bib covering. Two inch pale-pink areolas framed the nubile nubs.

"Goddamnit Debbie!" I suddenly announced. "I thought you just said you didn't come here to 'stir up trouble'! Hell girl, a female with exposed tits like those is going to get plenty of 'trouble' coming her way!"

Debbie smiled, grabbed her backpack, and took a seat on the floor near the fire. "Jason, my dear," she teasingly scolded. "Mister, I have on more clothes than you had on when you greeted me at the door earlier today! Hey Honey, guess what? Sit down because I have a surprise for you."

Giving in to undeniable temptation, I sat on the floor. Digging into her pack, Debbie removed a covered Tupperware container, a stainless steel thermos, and two mugs.

"I suppose you've had supper?" the girl questioned rhetorically. "I bet you haven't had dessert. You know what? I've been thinking about you for hours, so I baked you some 'homemade' cookies and made you some 'homemade' hot chocolate. Want some?"

At first, I didn't answer. My eyes were glued to the exposed expanse of uncovered female flesh. The bib straps did little to conceal a flawless naked back and a set of curvaceous shoulders. I moved my position on the floor so I could get the swollen erection bulging inside my pants straightened out.

"Debbie, in truth, I haven't had dessert," I managed to say. "Now, aren't you the little domesticated lady making 'homemade' cookies and hot chocolate for my dessert?"

Laying out her bounty, Debbie winked at me and mischievously teased, "Oh Jason, the milk and chocolate are just and 'appetizer'. Here is what I really brought for you to 'eat' for a dessert treat."

Slim fingers flipped the bib straps loose from their buttons. The bib top fell into the girl's lap. This young woman's tantalizing pair of ponderous boobs burst out and swung as free as a couple of over-ripe pendulum nectarines hanging heavy on a fruit tree.

Just as my startled eyes were adjusting to the majesty of this sight, the wickedly wondrous woman-child stuck her hands into the sides of her overalls and slid them down over her butt, her legs, and her feet. Confirming my suspicions, she had on no panties.

Blushing shyly, the nude teenager scooted across to me and plopped her young ass in my lap. "Jason, I guess I wasn't completely truthful about 'stirring up trouble'," Debbie whispered. "I suppose I'm hoping you'll 'make love' to me again and if you did I wanted to be naked myself."

"Oh god, Jason, please don't think of me as a wickedly wanton 'hussy'!" Debbie hastily added. "But Mister, I love you and if you wanted to 'take' me again then I'd really like you to. Of course now, if you want me to 'go away' again, I will. Do you?"

I suppose it was my own damn fault for awakening the sleeping passion in this sexy young woman. This conniving vixen had boxed me into an inescapable lust and love trap. She was using her feminine wiles in a seductive entrapment scheme.

My voiced boomed, "Damn your sweet sexy young ass, girl if you try to 'go away' now, I'll throw you on the floor and rape the hell out of you! Hell, I think I'll savagely attack you anyway! If you want me to 'eat' you for a treat, then 'eat' you, I will!"

Soft, luscious lips became the first victims of my desire. I kissed my Scout Leader lover with lust-inspired love. I was so fanatically aroused I tongue-fucked her mouth with my stiffened saliva-coated tongue. Somewhere in the back of my kiss-hungry mind I realized that Debbie was tongue-fucking my mouth, too.

Debbie's fingers were tugging at the buttons of my shirt. Before I knew it, the shirt was off and lying atop her bib overalls. My pants, underwear, shoes, and socks joined the heaping pile of clothing.

I'd made the mistake of getting my cock before the 'fucking-horse' earlier this day. I was determined not to repeat the error of my ways. Before I did any fornicating this night, I was going to do a lot of looking at tender young female flesh and I was going to have a feast of eating.

Pushing Debbie down flat on the floor in front of the fireplace, I gazed in awe at the splendid beauty of her unblemished teenaged body. Her big-boobed breasts had flattened out a bit. Her abdomen was a smooth expanse of slim, flawless flesh. Short, slender legs stretched out seductively. And there, right between the 'V' of my love's legs was a sparse bush of thin pubic hair only slightly concealing a swollen mound of erotically exciting female pussy.

Without waiting a second longer, I bent over, spread the girl's legs wide, and attacked the tender young pussy staring me in the face. I viciously kissed the soft skin of her bush-covered pussy mound. I kissed and licked every delectable inch of feminine flesh from her thighs to her pussy lips.

I spread the swollen pussy lips and captured the girl's clitoral jewel between my lips. I licked and sucked the rigid 'girlie-girl' treasure. Debbie's teen clit stiffened in an effort to accept his ferocious oral assault. My tongue flicked and licked feverously. I explored the young cunt with the spit-wet slippery wetness of my tongue and mouth.

Sexually stimulated, pussy-hungry, and horny beyond belief, I cupped my tongue to stiffen it and plunged it into the hot-pink opening to Debbie's vaginal hole. This girl had reached the full age of puberty so her young female body produced an abundance of feminine moisture. I licked and lapped all the wetness I could get. Debbie was whimpering wantonly and sighing contently.

I ate my young lover's cunt with the appetite of a pussy-starved man. Sweet, warm, wet vaginal flesh was mine to consume with all the wicked debauchery of a man gleefully possessed by bedeviling lust.

With this same unfettered lust, I assaulted Debbie's breasts. These delectable orbs and their nipple-topped pink buds fell victim to my untamed oral mauling. The skin of my face had been clean-shaven a few hours ago, but enough stubble had now grown out to scratch and scrape the tender tittie flesh. With the same reasoning as a dog would pee on a tree, I deliberately marked the unblemished breast skin as a sign of territorial acquisition and ownership.

Stopping to gaze at Debbie's stubble-scratched breasts, I couldn't help but imagine the quantity of baby-nourishing milk these wondrous mammary jugs could hold. If she were to become a mother of my baby, then I knew the child would be well-fed.

Abruptly, I ended this violent oral onslaught on my lover's body. After pressing my lips to Debbie's in a deep, love-obsessed kiss, I bodily scooped her up from the floor with my muscular arms and carried her featherweight body to my bed.

This 'barely legal' young woman had giving her willing consent to being fucked again, so curse my wicked soul to hell, that's what I would do to her! I pitched her pretty, silky-smooth, female body into the center of my bed. I climbed into the bed above my love, spread her legs, and positioned my cock at the entrance to her dripping wet feminine glory hole.

With the breeding urges of a domineering 'stallion', I mounted my in-heat 'filly' with all the uncontrollable, animalistic desires of a wild, feral animal mating. There was nothing romantic about this carnal coupling. With the insemination instincts of a wild creature, I fucked Debbie.

Nothing romantic about this coupling...? Well hell, I realized with this mating that I truly loved this young woman and she genuinely loved me! Our 'bareback' sex seemed to be emphasizing the depth of loving commitment we were willing to take. Throwing caution to the wind, we seemed to be subconsciously saying, "If 'we' get pregnant, then so be it!"

Putting thoughts of pregnancy aside, my cock parted my woman's pubic bush and sank deep into her bottomless, sweltering hot vaginal cavity. Debbie's pussy accepted the welcomed intruder and urged it to do its duty with all deliberate haste.

Debbie felt my elongated, swollen shaft pounding into her pussy with jackhammer strokes which penetrated deep into her innermost feminine sanctuary. After only a little while, she felt the beginnings of orgasmic fire being conceived. Just as she'd hoped, the flames gave birth to the wildest, most intense orgasms she'd ever had. She gloried in the ecstatic, euphoric majesty of it.

My body too was reveling in the delightful exhilaration of powerful, cock-quaking orgasms. My masculine loins quivered, shuddered, and shook. My pulsating penile rod began spewing forth torrents of slippery, milky-white seminal cream. I grunted and groaned with the guttural sounds of a man overwhelmed by orgasmic forces stealing away his mind, body, and soul.

My steaming seminal cream was filling Debbie's pussy and triggering the birth of another round of enormous orgasms. Multiple orgasmic births followed in the wake of those before. This young woman's body sprayed her forbidden lover's loins with all the feminine cum she had in her body.

Time lost its meaning as my cock and Debbie's pussy joined together in a race for orgasmic rapture. The end didn't come quickly. Time slowed to a crawl as a man and a woman's joyful bliss continued for an eternity and then gradually subsided. The two of us lay in each others arms and basked in the warming comfort of sexual afterglow.

Debbie cuddled tightly against me and softly whispered, "Jason, I'm a cummy, slimy mess and my pussy is so sore I'm not sure if I can walk. But, can we take a hot bath and then do this again before I have to go home?"

After kissing my young Scout Leader lover, I lifted her into my arms. I made a detour on the way to the bathroom. Back in the living room, Debbie scooped up the homemade cookies and hot chocolate.

(Part Three) Hot Bath and Bedtime Cookies

Debbie and I had a long, leisurely bath in my Jacuzzi tub. We kissed, we fondled, we tickled, and we teased. My delightful Scout Leader, college girl lover became infatuated with my recovering erection.

"Jason?" she demurely asked as we dried each other off. "I'm not sure how to do it, but will you let me 'eat' your cock like you ate my pussy? Can we finish our cookies in bed? Mister, you wouldn't kick me out of your bed if I were to spill some cookie crumbs, would you?"

Without answering, I snapped my towel and towel-whipped Debbie's shapely, pretty little ass all the way from the bathroom to my bed. The giggling girl laughed merrily, jumped under the covers, and waited with excited anticipation.

As I stood by the bed, Debbie's female form emerged from under the covers. Without warning, she reached out with her small, feminine hands, grabbed my cock and began to play with a skill born of instinct.

This petite-figured young woman's short fingers couldn't quite completely encircle my swollen shaft, yet she played and fondled energetically. Not one inch of my blood-engorged meat went untouched. My balls were squeezed, juggled, and bounced. Fidgeting fingers ran through my pubic hairs combing, pulling, and tugging. Debbie's voice heatedly declared, "Oh god Mister, your cock's more wonderful to play with than I imagined it would be! Jason, I'm going to kiss and suck it now."