Little Dirty Girl

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Katie goes to a Papa Roach concert and gets brought on stage.
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I ripped the shirt I was wearing off and tossed it into a growing pile of clothes, I had spent the whole day getting ready for this concert and only realized fifteen minutes ago that I hate every article of clothing in my closet. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table and started to panic, Amanda would be here soon and I had no idea what I was going to wear. Another three shirts later I noticed a bag from a store I didn't recognize stuffed into the back of my closet. I took it out and peaked inside and remembered when I bought the dress inside, it was on sale and, in a rare fleeting moment, I 'had' to have it, only to never look at it again. The dress was nothing like my regular style, typically I wear jeans and t-shirts. This dress was short, low cut, and skin tight. I was going to toss it back in the closet, when I looked up and realized that I had tried on every shirt I owned and tossed them in my 'no' pile.

I shimmied out of my jeans and worked my way into the dress. It hugged my curves and showed off my chest, something I never do. I had to take my bra off so it wouldn't show, but the dress was tight enough that I didn't need the bra anyways. I liked the look, even if i didn't recognize myself, but it was missing something. I heard the honk outside indicating that Amanda was here and too impatient to come inside, where I would have normally hesitated and switched back into jeans and a t-shirt I made a split decision and knocked on my roommates door, there was no answer and when I peaked in she wasn't home. I walked slowly into her room at first but a second honk made me jump, and grab the first necklace i saw on her desk, it was a black lace choker.

I slipped on my converse and hurried out the door, as I sat down in Amanda's passenger seat she did a double take, "Jesus, who are you and what have you done with Katie?"

I looked at my best friend, in her crop top and tight jeans, and down at myself, sheepishly I asked, "Is it too much?"

Amanda tore out of the driveway, as if i might change my mind and get out of the car. "Too much? Those converse are too much. The rest of you looks like you're ready for the real world! Dave wont be able to take his eyes off you tonight!"

I felt a shiver run down my spine, one of fear and not lust. I didn't have the heart to tell Amanda that her boyfriend's best friend had forced himself on me last week. I had gotten out of there before too much happened, but he definitely had his hands in places that he didn't have any right to. Biting my lip to stop myself from crying I tried my best to sound nonchalant "I didn't realized you invited Ryan and Dave to the concert tonight."

Laughing, Amanda shrugged, "Ryan is a huge fan of Papa Roast, and when Dave found out you were going well he wanted to too."

I cringed, "It's Papa Roach, like the bug, not roast."

"Whatever," Amanda said, shrugging again, as she turned into Ryan's driveway, "You know I'm only going so you're not there alone. There's tons of creepers at concerts."

I didn't bother telling her that one of those creepers happened to be crawling into her back seat with her boyfriend. I nodded stiffly at them and kept my eyes forward as Ryan leaned over the seat to kiss Amanda. I didn't hear much of the conversation on the drive and jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder, swinging around in my seat to see Dave's dark eyes searching my own, with a tilt of his head towards Ryan and Amanda, who were standing outside the car kissing again. "Are you getting out? Amanda had said this was your favourite band, I didn't think you would want to spend the night in the car."

He said it in such a light way that I wondered if he even remembered feeling me up last weekend. I got out of the car, and went to join Amanda in the line up of people waiting to get into the venue. Dave's arm wrapped around my shoulder, causing me to shudder as he whispered, "You look amazing tonight."

I stepped out of his embrace and mumbled a quick thanks, I tried watching the people around us but kept getting distracted by Dave's presence. Just as I was starting to resent Amanda for inviting the guys, the line up started to slowly make its way towards the door, and eventually we were greeted by a big burly bouncer. He checked our tickets then ran an electric scanner over us to make sure we weren't bringing any weapons into the show.

I turned to Amanda to see her tongue down Ryan's throat, yet again. I cleared my throat, "I'm going to the bar, I need a couple drinks before the show starts."

Neither Amanda or Ryan even seemed to hear me. Dave was looking pretty uncomfortable himself and out of place so I rolled my eyes and grabbed his elbow steering him to the bar with me. Once we had our drinks, him a beer and two double gin and tonics for myself, we turned back around and realized we lost Amanda and Ryan in the growing crowd. Trying to make the best of the situation I took a long sip and looked up at Dave, time to make small talk I suppose, "So do you like Papa Roach too or are you just here with Ryan?"

Dave nodded, "Yeah! I totally used to listen to them back in high school all the time. I didn't realize that they're still around though."

I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes before saying, "Not only are they still around they're still putting out new music too. Don't worry though they tend to play their past hits as well, so you shouldn't be too out of the loop."

The venue filled to capacity and the local warm up band came on stage, they were drunk already and played a mediocre set. By their third song I was on my fourth drink. I didn't recognize the second band either, but I would have been disappointed if I had, whoever was in charge of the vocal mic needed to turn it up because I couldn't make out any of the words. I turned to the bartender and handed him my glass and a twenty, he passed me another gin and tonic in return.

Dave decided to wander off in search for Ryan and Amanda. A few minutes, and yet another drink later, I spotted him leading them back to where I stood. Amanda waved and pointed to the bathroom, so I met her halfway and we went to join the line up. She leaned in close and in a loudly exaggerated whisper she asked, "So, whats up with you and Dave?"

I choked on my drink, "Absolutely nothing. Gross."

Amanda laughed and stole my drink, downing it before winking at me, "That's not what he said. Relax babe I already know you guys hooked up last week. Plus you guys totally took off together as soon as we got inside."

Rolling my eyes I shuffled further up the line towards the bathroom, "I didn't hook up with him Amanda, he forced himself on me and I stopped him, distinct difference. And you and Ryan were attached at the face as soon as we got in, no one wants to stand around and watch your public displays of affection."

We made it through the doorway and I took the first stall, fuming inside that he would go and tell her we hooked up, a small knot formed in my stomach wondering if he told anyone else. I was washing my hands when Amanda finished her turn in the stall, she sauntered over and leaned into me while getting her hands wet, "I don't see the big deal, Katie. He was drunk, its not like he actually raped you or anything, and besides he said you were kissing him back."

I stared at her through the mirror, dumbfounded at my best friend, "You do realize, that had I not stopped him he would have kept going? He didn't rape me only because I stopped him and left."

Amanda rolled her eyes, "I think you're making it a bigger deal than it really is. Besides he's really into you, AND he's cute!"

I tossed the paper towel I was using to dry my hands into the trash, then left Amanda in the bathroom without another word. I couldn't understand her logic, was I supposed to overlook the fact that he unsuccessfully tried to rape me because he was cute? I headed back to the bar for another drink but saw Dave and Ryan standing right beside it, they were looking in another direction though so I turned and got lost in the crowd in front of the stage instead. Even though I couldn't really make out what the singer was saying the energy from the crowd had me jumping around with everyone else in no time.

As the band left the stage everyone started shuffling closer to the stage and the floor was filling up more, as I wasn't being hindered by anyone having to keep up I ducked and dodged and slipped right up to the front of the barrier that prevents the crowd from actually climbing onstage with the band.

The energy was alive and you could feel everyone waiting with baited breath collectively. A crew hand walked on stage and a few people started to cheer, those who weren't fans enough to know he wasn't really a band member. As he finished testing the guitars a chant started picking up and I joined in. Horns in the air while shouting, "Papa Roach! Papa Roach!"

At last Jacoby led the rest of the band on stage, in all his tattooed glory. I let out a primal scream along with ninety percent of the crowd. This was it, without hesitation they started right into 'Getting away with murder' it was a perfect way to let the whole crowd feed into the spirit, being as it was one of their first singles and still incredibly popular. I sang along, well more screamed than anything, as I jumped around with the crowd. All thoughts of Amanda and Dave were pushed out of my head, replaced only with the thrill of the moment.

Song after song played and I sang my heart out to all of them, Jacoby was a ball of energy, riding on the high of the crowd. I could see the sweat pouring off him and for one brief moment I actually got to hold his hand as he leaned out into the crowd.

After Scars played Jacoby had a drink from a water bottle on stage as he looked out into the crowd, I felt his eyes on me for a second and felt my breath catch. He flashed his crooked smile and asked the crowd how we were feeling, we all screamed to let him know we were amazing, and then he went a bit more serious, "This next song we're about to sing, is written for all the dirty little girls out there. Do we have any dirty girls here tonight?!"

I knew what he was implying yet I screamed along with have the venue, and his eyes locked in on mine, he pointed to me and my heart started racing as a security guy started lifting me over the barrier and up onto the stage. I tried my best to keep my legs together to prevent the whole crowd from seeing my panties as I heard the intro into 'I almost told you that I love you.'

Jacoby offered me his hand and twirled me on stage to show me off. My cheeks were flushed and I caught sight of Amanda and the guys in the back of the crowd, they all looked dumbfounded. I felt pressure on my shoulder as Jacoby gently pushed me to my knees, to go along with the lyrics, "You know I love it when you're down on your knees, and I'm a junkie for the way that you please."

I was caught between staring up at Jacoby and from the side of my eye watching Amanda as Dave leaned in and said something to her and her laugh looked so cruel. So when Jacoby's thumb pressed at my mouth I opened it playing along with the next part, "You shut me up when you swallow me whole, my back to the wall you're going to town!"

The crowd went wild as my tongue swirled around his thumb and I knew it was wrong but I felt a sense of pride. Jacoby lifted me up to my feet again and passed me back to the same security guy as before, I was expecting to have to go around the crowd to the back like the crowd surfers who come over the fence but instead the guy pulled me off to the side and handed me a back stage pass. He winked and then walked away. I didn't want to miss the rest of the show though so I ran along side the crowd towards back to grab a drink from the bar, and figured I'd go back stage later, provided I could work up the courage.

As I sipped my gin and tonic I turned around to watch the rest of the show, only to be bombarded by Amanda, Ryan, and Dave. Dave put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, whispering in my ear, "You got me so hard up there."

I tried to not throw up in my mouth and dug my elbow into his ribs so he would release me, "It wasn't for you Dave. If you haven't noticed, I'm not into you."

Amanda snorted, "Please, first you dress up all hoochey like, lead him on at the bar and you were staring at him the whole time you took that guys nasty finger in your mouth. Stop playing hard to get, no ones buying it."

I glared at her, "Honestly Amanda how are you even my best friend? I told you he tried to rape me and you're still pushing us together. Plus you didn't tell me he was coming until I was in your car ALREADY dressed, and if you're not going to bother giving a shit about the band, go home. 'That guy' is Jacoby Shaddix, and he's invited me backstage!"

Dave smirked, "He's only invited you back there because he thinks you're a slutty groupie."

I downed my drink, left the glass on the bar and stared Dave right in the eye, "You know what Dave you might be right about why he invited me backstage, but I think that makes you jealous. Because YOU know that no matter what you tell people happened last week the truth is you can't have any part of me willingly... but Jacoby can."

With my heart racing I whirled around and walked around to the back stage door. There was a different bouncer there and he nodded as I flashed my pass at him. The warm up bands were already hanging out on a bunch of couches, and I started to feel awkward. I spied a cooler full of beer, and asked the guy beside them if i could have one, he passed me one and turned back to the girl he was talking to.

After about fifteen minutes of nursing my drink I was starting to think I should just go back out to the crowd but then I heard a huge roar and the band came back stage, Jacoby spotted me and jogged over to where I was standing. "Hey, we're about to do the encore, come watch from the side of the stage."

He took my hand and guided me, to a spot where I could watch the band but not be seen by the crowd. Then as the crowd's chant for an encore got loud enough to probably be heard outside the whole band ran back on stage, I could feel the stage shake with the uproar of the crowds approval.

I watched them preform 'Between Angels and Insects' which happens to be my favourite song by them. I could feel the energy of the crowd and before I knew it was nodding my head and swaying my hips to the music. I was flushed and smiling as they came off stage and Jacoby leaned in close to my ear, "Hey! Whats your name!?"

I tried my best to be heard over the roar of the crowd without actually yelling in his ear, "Katie!"

Next thing I knew I was being picked up and tossed over his shoulder, potato sack style, and hauled back on stage. Jacoby gave me a slight shake before yelling out into the crowd "Let's give it up for Katie!"

He spun me around so my face was to the cheering crowd, I laughed and covered my face with my hands. When he turned back around, my dress shifted and I knew my panties were starting to show, I could hear everyone chanting, "Katie! Katie! Katie!"

Jacoby slapped my ass and carried me off stage, as I looked out at the crowd one last time, I spotted Amanda staring in disgust at me. So I blew her a kiss, which only made the crowd cheer even louder.

I was still laughing as Jacoby set me on my feet, steadying me as I stumbled. I adjusted my dress quickly and he put his arm around me to led me over to one of the couches. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap, causing me to have a internal panic attack.

Most of the guys on the couches had girls in varying stages of dress on the couches with them. One girl actually had someone's dick in her mouth. I stared at them for a minute entranced, wondering if she was aware people were watching. Jacoby noticed where my attention was, "Come on, we'll go somewhere more private."

I let him lead me to his dressing room. I tried to calm myself down by studying his make up selection laid out for him in front of a mirror, I was momentarily in shock at how much he actually had, I had thought he only wore eye liner.

Jacoby sat down on the single couch in the middle of the room, stretching his arms behind his head, "You can relax Katie, I don't bite, unless you want me to."

I turned to him and blushed, "Sorry, I just don't really..."

I waved my hands between me and him, as if I could portray whatever the hell it was that we were doing. He smiled softly at me, "You mean you're not here because of me, you're here because you're hiding from someone else?"

I shifted my weight and bit my lip, "No, and yes? I don't know, honestly this is a dream come true meeting you, but I didn't think I would actually come back here. Thats not who I am, I ... I don't know."

Just then we were interrupted by a knock on the door, it opened and the bouncer who let me back stage poked his head in, he looked at Jacoby while nodding in my direction, "There's a girl and two guys are demanding to be let back, they said they're with her."

I felt blood rise to my cheeks as my expression turn to stone, how dare they try and con their way back stage on my back, I was about to turn and go deal with them when Jacoby stood up, "Give us a sec, Bruce."

The door closed, and I turned to Jacoby, I was about to apologize when he spoke first, "I think I've discovered who you're running away from. I assume one of those guys is a boyfriend?"

I shook my head, "No, opposite actually. Amanda is... well, was my best friend. It was supposed to be just us tonight until she invited her boyfriend and his creep of a best friend who doesn't understand what the word no means, and even though I've told her he's a total creep she keeps trying to push him on me. I'll tell them to leave, actually they're my ride. So I guess, uhm it was really great to meet you."

I turned to the door as he grabbed my arm and pulled me back around to face him, "Let's worry about how you're getting home later, would you like to send him a message that you're absolutely not interested?"

I felt a shiver run down my spine as my breath caught in my throat. I nodded, but Jacoby put a finger under my chin to lift my face up to look him in the eye, "I need you to say it Katie, do you want to stay here with me and prove to him that your not with him?"

I swallowed and surprisingly heard the words come out of my mouth, "Yes, I.. I want to stay."

Jacoby reached around me and opened the door. Bruce was waiting there and his eyes darted down quickly as Jacoby slipped his hand into mine and back up again as he spoke, "Let them back, but be ready to help them find the way out."

I went to follow Bruce when I was pushed gently against the wall. Jacoby leaned into me one of his hands on my hip, the other rested above my head, his face a mere inch away from mine. I was entranced with the star tattoos under his eyes. I could hear footsteps in the hallway, along with Amanda's voice, "She was so excited she forgot we were here too, typical Katie."

Ryan laughed, "Nothing about this is typical babe."

By the time they all shuffled past the open door into the dressing room Jacoby was kissing me, and my body moved instinctively into his, my hands fluttered up to his chest. I could feel four sets of eyes on us yet I didn't care, Amanda cleared her throat and sarcastically said, "I thought you didn't like public displays of affection."

Jacoby pulled away from me, I bit my lip and turned to face our interrupters. I felt Jacoby's arms snake around my waist pulling my back to his chest and I smiled with pride. I tried my best to not squirm as he started giving me little kisses on my neck. Dave looked like he was ready to kill, so I allowed myself to giggle and lean into Jacoby, "I don't know how this counts as public, I don't recall inviting the three of you back here. In fact, I'm pretty sure the pass was only meant for one."