Little Lissa Ch. 02

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The seduction of her father's friend continues.
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 03/10/2012
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I want to thank everyone for the positive comments and encouragements. I especially want to thank aussie_101 for all his time spent editing and talking me through this process. All mistakes within this work are mine and mine alone. And a big 'thank you' sleeplessgurl for introducing us. I owe you guys! Anyway here is Chapter Two, I hope you enjoy it!

For those of you new to the story or cursed with a really bad memory like mine, Melissa has manufactured an excuse to come to "Uncle" Robert's apartment the weekend while her parents, Peter & Evelyn, are out of town. She has come with the clear intention of seducing him. She is 18 to his 32 years and while he is trying to resist, she is not going to make it easy for him. (Or you could quickly go and read Little Lissa Ch. 01—just sayin')


Robert groaned low in his throat and her eyes flew open. He pulled back to look at her. "God Lissa, what have you done to me?"

She could only stare at him mutely. With the target of her fantasies so close, the man of her dreams finally in her arms, Melissa realized she didn't know what to do. Should she pretend to know what she was doing, to have experience she didn't have? Play the coquette and try to bluff her way through this?

Her innocence shone on her face and for a moment he considered, hell he tried, to back away. As if sensing his retreat, she wrapped her arms around him and laid her lips against his.

"Please. Please! I want you. I-I want this. Oh God, please," she pleaded, almost sobbing with the overwhelming need of it.

He took her hands from around his neck and brought them between their bodies. Holding her clasped hands in one of his, he lifted the other to smooth back her hair and look at her. His hand stayed cupped at the back of her head as he kissed her forehead in an almost paternal gesture.

'God help me, but I've pictured this moment often enough,'he thought. But before he had always put his unbidden, sordid imaginings what? An appreciation of the female form? Inwardly he scoffed at the notion. Somehow with Melissa it was different. He had never noticed any other young woman, never fantasized about any young woman the way he thought and dreamed of her.

Melissa closed her eyes and leaned into the contact. She could feel tears gathering.'This isn't going to happen,'she thought defeatedly. Her body began to shake with a sense of impending rejection.

"Shhh..." he crooned. "It's okay. Breathe for a moment."

She tried to breathe but a hiccup escaped as the tears began to fall'Oh God, how childish I must seem,'she thought. She tried to get herself under control, but the more she tried the more she seemed to spiral down.'I'm losing any chance here.'Desperation crawled into her belly and the hiccupping increased.

He hugged her close and stroked her back, trying to calm her. "It's okay Lissa. Calm down." Robert placed small kisses along her hairline as he tried to soothe her. Finally, thankfully, the crying subsided and she drew a shuddering breath. Melissa pulled away from his comforting embrace.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this," she stammered, stumbling over the words. "It was wrong of me must think..." She closed her eyes and tried to gather her thoughts as she scrubbed at her face.

Robert gave a crooked little smile and reached up to wipe an errant tear away with his thumb. "It's okay," he repeated. "Here, sit down. Let's talk."

He eased her onto the couch and sat down beside her. He took her hands in his again and she stared miserably at their entwined digits.

"Lissa, look at me." His deep warm voice poured over her, touching every nerve ending of her body.

She swallowed before meeting his gaze. She expected to see mocking condescension but instead she saw a gentleness that stole her breath.

"Uncle Robert," she began.

"Please, just Robert," he interrupted. "'Uncle' just seems a bit... wrong, right now."

She shifted nervously and started again. "R-Robert, I-I just...I c-came here tonight..." She blushed as she stammered, the words dying in the throat. Her embarrassment overcame her ability to speak and she again looked down to their joined hands.

Robert's voice was cool. "Lissa, I have a very clear idea of why you came here tonight. What I don't understand is why. Why me? Why now?"

He watched as her blush flared higher. "Lissa you must understand. I'm a grown man. I don't go around having affairs with young teenaged girls. So I have to ask. What made you think this would work?" He waited in the growing silence for her answer, curiosity and dread beginning to mix and curl in his stomach.

Melissa finally looked up at him. "I just wanted you so much that I hoped," she hiccupped on the word and started again. "I hoped to convince you."

Robert sighed. "But why, Melissa? I'm your father's friend. Christ, I've known you since you were a little girl. Why me? What are you seeing here? What do you see in me?"

She shrugged. "I don't know," she muttered.

"See," he said his voice suddenly hard. "That right there is why this is just a bad idea."

Melissa blinked in confusion.

"You're still such a child," he explained, rough and unfair. "You come here with a half-planned seduction you can't even explain. You are asking me to put a friendship on the line for what? You don't even know. You can't even say the words, can you?" He made a move to rise. She grabbed at him to stop him.

"Wait please," she cried. "Give me a minute." Taking a deep breath she gathered her thoughts.

"I know why I came to you Unc—Robert," she corrected. "I came to you because you're a man, a grown man. I'm going away to college in a few short months and up to this point my experience has been with boys. Grabby, groping little boys—"

"So you just—"

"Please don't interrupt," she quickly said. "You asked me to explain and I'm trying to. Do you remember the New Year's Eve Party my parents had?"

"Vaguely," he responded, wondering where this was going.

"Well, I do. You were there with a date. Her name was Susan, or something. Anyway, I was there with Tommy and when the ball dropped everyone was shouting and kissing." She looked at him to see if he remembered. At his nod, she continued.

"Anyway, there is Tommy slobbering and grabbing at me and I happened to look over and see you. We were in the kitchen and you were in the little alcove in the dining room. I could see you kissing her and I heard her moan. She moaned. She seemed so into the moment, you seemed to be having such an effect on her... I've never felt anything like that, not with Tommy or anybody, and at that moment I wanted to trade places with her so badly."

Robert shifted uncomfortably at the thought of being watched during such an intimate moment. Normally he would never have engaged in such behavior openly at a party where anybody could see. He wondered what Melissa's reaction would be if she knew that she was the cause of his uncharacteristic and unknowing exhibitionism. He had watched her all that night with that young kid and it made him jealous. Jealous at the way she would occasionally turn to smile and giggle to her date. Jealous of the way she settled into the young's man body as everyone began to count down the minutes to midnight. By that time he had been in such a state, he had dragged Susan into that darkened recess and tried to purge Melissa from his thoughts.

Embarrassed by his silence she quietly continued, "I broke up with Tommy the next week, but after that night, every time I looked at you I...I..." She brought her head up, looked him in the eyes and cleared her throat, steeling her resolve. Determined to make him understand.

"After that night, every time I looked at you I had fantasies of being held by you. Being kissed by you. I realized that I'd had enough of slobbering Tommys."

Robert couldn't help but smile at that, even despite his inner turmoil. 'Slobbering Tommys,' his mind echoed as he grinned.

"I just...I want this so bad, Robert," Melissa went on. "Just once before I leave for college, I want one night with you. One night to understand the difference and see what itshouldbe like."

Robert coughed. "Melissa," he began.

"No Robert," she said. "You told to me explain why I've done this – and I have. I know you don't go for teenaged girls and I waited until I was eighteen, but I can't wait any longer. If not you then I will find someone else." She chewed her lower lip, waiting for his response to her veiled challenge.

Robert was surprised at the stab of jealousy that came over him in thinking of his 'Lissa' with someone else. It didn't make any sense. He had no claim on her. Had no right to claim her. She should be out with people her own age. She should go away to college. Meet some nice young man. Experience the beginning of her life. She could never be his.

But God, he wantedher to be his.

'You can have her,'whispered the little devil suddenly on his shoulder. Robert could feel the creature prodding at him.'Look at her. Soft. Warm. Young.'He tried to shake off the destructive, dancing little imp.

In his heart he knew it could never work, knew that ultimately she could never be his. She was too young. He had experienced life and he knew that if he cared for her he would give her the chance to do the same, but still the devil whispered to him.'You want her. You've been good. You've tried to behave. All these months you've denied yourself what she is freely offering. Take it. Take her."

Yes, he had tried to behave. For months he had sat by and watched her. Trying hard to deny his feelings, feelings that he knew to be wrong and should never be acted upon. He had to be strong and do the right thing. He had to sayNo.The devil screamed at his decision but he valiantly ignored it.

He closed his eyes and took a deep fortifying breath, preparing himself for the confrontation. But when he opened them, she was still chewing on her lower lip in such an endearing manner that it pulled at him. Without thought, he reached up and used his thumb to soothe the worrying movement.

"Stop," he gruffly ordered.

He had meant the gesture to be one of comfort but the feel of her soft lips under his callused thumb undid him. It was then that his good intentions were destroyed. He would put his friendship with Peter Grant – her father, his friend – on the line for this time with Melissa. He was going to do it, even if it might damn his soul to Hell.

He replaced his thumb with his lips.

It was the softest of kisses, just a feather light touch. His tongue softly ran along the worried flesh. But when she would have opened her mouth to allow him further access, he pulled back.

"Awww Lissa, what you do to me." His hands settled on her shoulders and caressed her but when she moved toward him he pulled even further back. "Wait."

Her brow knitted in confusion. What was the problem? "But..." she began.

"Rules," he looked at her seriously. "We need to set some rules in place here. Do you understand?"

She wrinkled her nose in response but nodded and waited nervously for what he expected of her, for how he would define her experience.

"Number one," he began, lifting a finger. "This is for tonight only—"

"Weekend," she interrupted. When he quirked an eyebrow at her, she glanced at the clock. "It's already almost eleven o'clock. The night's already half over. So it shouldn't count completely. Besides..." and she paused, her brain scrambling for another reason. "Besides, my parents will be gone until Sunday. So we can have all day Saturday. Unless you already have plans. You don't do you?" She looked at him pleadingly.

He rubbed his face with his hands and gave his a look. "All right. What the hell, in for a penny and all that," he conceded. "Butonlythis weekend, understood?"

Melissa nodded eagerly. Robert held up a second finger.

"Two. No one is to ever know of this—"

"Of course!"

"I mean it Lissa. If your parents ever find out about this, I'm a dead man. So no one, not even your best friend can find out about this." A guilty look crossed her face and Robert sighed. "Ah hell, out with it. Who knows you had this planned?"

"Only Jen. But she won't tell anyone, I promise. I've known her forever. I trust her with my life," she explained in a rush.

Robert stared at her critically and then asked softly, "Do you trust her with mine?"

This time it was Melissa's turn to frame his face with her hands. "I do, Robert. I promise, she won't tell." Leaning forward she pressed a kiss to his lips. "Please trust me. I promise no one will ever know."

His hands came up to embrace her as he groaned against her mouth, "Just know I am placing myself in your hands."

She giggled, "I thought it was supposed to be the other way around."

Robert chuckled and hugged her to him. Emboldened and excited by his acquiescence, Melissa began to place small wild smacking kisses on his mouth, onto his jaw and further down onto his throat. Her innocent excitement enveloped him and he could feel himself responding. He wanted to get swept away in the moment, to allow her youthful exuberance dictate the pace...and so, for a while he did just that.

He let his hands roam across her back and skim up the sides of her body as she squirmed closer to him, closer to him, seeking him out, hunting down his kisses. Soon he was leaning back, hard up against the couch and she had all but climbed into his lap.

He stroked his hands up her sides until his thumbs came to rest just under the soft swell of her T-shirt clad breasts. He felt her shudder at the sensation.

Slowly he rubbed his left thumb over her nipple and even through the thin T-shirt and bra, he could feel it pucker. She dropped her head to his shoulder and drew in a harsh breath. The warm moist air heated his skin and her low moan reverberated in the quiet apartment.

He drew his right hand up to brush the hair from her neck and smiled inwardly as she quivered at his touch. He could feel her tensed and waiting, every nerve trying to anticipate his next move. He lowered his lips to the point where her slim neck met her delicate collarbone and placed an open mouth kiss. She shivered at the contact and then jumped as it turned from a kiss to a nip, just the faintest scrape of teeth against skin. His tongue laved at the slightly abraded flesh before moving just a few centimeters to the right and starting the process again. Kiss, nip, lick—she trembled at the sensations but dared not move for fear that he would stop.

The neck of her T-shirt hampered his questing mouth and he growled when he could no longer pull it out of the way. He began to suck lightly on one spot as his hands travelled lower to find the hem of the offending garment. Melissa wanted to move, wanted to rip the shirt over her head and send it flying across the room, but she couldn't bring herself to shift herself, to break contact. She was too fixated by the feel of his mouth; the gentle suction on her shoulder was driving her insane and she didn't want it to end. Finally he was nudging her back and sliding the thin cotton fabric up. She lifted her arms as he drew it up, over her stomach, over her tingling breasts, over her head.

She was now sitting completely astride him. Her beautiful rich chocolate hair had settled back into place, all except for a curl that lay just above the plain cotton bra she wore. He smiled at it—white with pink polka dots and a little pink bow in the center, it was the epitome of innocence. The innocent hell-bent on seduction had come to him without the traditional trappings. He chuckled at her lack of experience. She probably had no idea how erotic the simple undergarment really was or maybe it was just the fact that she was the one wearing it.

At his low laugh, Melissa frowned and made to cover herself. Robert stayed her hands. "No," he said. "God, you're beautiful."

She could only watch as he held her hands to her sides and leaned forward to press a kiss to the inside curve of her breast. Her eyes fluttered shut and her head fell back as his lips kissed and his slight stubble scraped over the exposed sensitive skin. She shivered at the dueling sensations and he smiled against her. He absolutely delighted in her reactions.

Slowly he let his tongue dip into and drag along the edge of her bra. She moaned and he released her hands so that she could clutch at his head. Her fingers tangled in the short, dark hair at the nape of his neck, urging him closer. She lifted herself to him, offered herself with a silent plea but still he continued his tortuously slow assault along the edges of the fabric.

She moaned in frustration, but his low wicked rumble was the only answer. She squirmed in his lap, trying to get closer to him. She could feel the rising force of his desire,dear God she could feel him,beneath her. His hands clamped onto her hips and held her still. She could feel the curve of his smile against her skin as she released a growl of her own.

She couldn't believe the sounds that wanted to come out of her. She moaned when she felt his hands skate up her back, his fingers lightly skimming along her spine. She hissed when she felt him undo the clasp of her bra. Suddenly there was no impediment to his teasing digits. His hands slid over her shoulders to slip the straps down to the crook of her arms. She lowered her hands from his hair and the last barrier between his mouth and her body fell into their lap.

Robert hummed in appreciation as he gazed upon the beauty of her breasts. Plump and firm, they sat high on her chest and were tipped with rosy puckered nipples the size of quarters.

"Beautiful," he breathed as he reached up to cup them. Her breasts just slightly overfilled his hands and again with a sound of appreciation he lifted one of the hardened nipples to his lips. At the feel of his tongue, Melissa gasped and clutched at his shoulders.

"Oh God, Robert!" Her cry filled his ears and he fought to keep himself in control.

Melissa's nails dug into the fabric of his shirt. She blinked at the odd texture and then began to pull at it, desperate to rip it from him. She wanted to feel his skin beneath her fingertips.

With a groan he levered himself back just enough to allow her to accomplish her task, and she quickly whipped his own shirt over his head. Then he went back to paying homage to her breasts.

She scratched at his back and tugged at his hair while he continued to suckle at first one and the other breast. Oh God, it felt wonderful. It felt glorious. She wiggled and arched into the warm cavern of his mouth.

Out of nowhere the shrill, insistent ringing of a phone penetrated the sexual intimacy of the moment. She jumped at the intrusion.

"Ignore it," he growled. "God, you taste good."

She sank back onto him, only to jerk when the ringing began again. This time it was his cell phone.

"Goddamnit!" he cursed, his head jerking back. "Who the hell could possibly be calling me right now?"

Melissa moaned at the loss of his warm mouth. He continued to curse as he juggled her on his lap while he leaned forward and tried to reach for his phone. It lay on the coffee table just inches from his fingertips. Finally he was able to pick it up, but when he read the caller ID his curse was even more succinct.

"Fuck." He cleared his throat and answered: "Hey Peter. What's up?"

Melissa's heart froze and her blood ran cold. It was her father.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Awaiting in anticipation

Very good cliffhanger

sleeplessgurlsleeplessgurlabout 12 years ago
Fantastic second chapter

You sure know how to keep us on edge, wanting more. Nicely done with the rising tension and anticipation.

The tenderness between them and Robert's attempts to resist are just lovely.

Looking forward to chapter 3.

deadeye_76deadeye_76about 12 years ago
Can't wait...

for the next chapter. Please don't tease us too much... although just a little teasing is exciting.

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