Little Sister: the Future In-Law Ch. 03

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These younger sisters won't quit.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 12/17/2012
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So you would think that would be enough for her sister, but not even close. Before we headed up to the Tampa area, where her other sister lived now, my future wife had to have a Bachelorette party in town for her sister. Of course little sister had a complete fit that she wasn't allowed to go, and big drama in-sued.

I wanted no part of it, or the Bachelor Party that was being thrown for the groom I had barely met so I planned a night out with my old next door neighbor Rob from when I lived down in Florida.

The night was going along just fine, I was pretty much blind drunk as always since Rob always drove. Until my phone went off, not a number I knew either. I wasn't even going to bother answering it when Rob said I better get it, it could be the future wife and it could be important. I had just got through telling him the story of her little sister Nancy blowing me for breakfast too.

"Hello?" I said answering it after like 10 rings.

"Oh my god .. what took you so long?" I heard back. It was Nancy, in her little girl spoiled needy voice.

"What are you doing calling me Nancy?" I tried to act stern even though I was drunk and laughing with my hand over the phone. Rob was laughing making the blow job motion with his hand and tongue in cheek thing. "You should be home it's like 2am now, don't get me in trouble with your sister." I told her.

"I'm out with Ginger .. she wants to meet you .. I told her all about you." she was laughing into the phone.

"What do you mean you told her .." I got cut off by her.

"No .. wait .. not all about you .. I mean .." she tried to continue.

"Come on let's go .. where are they?" Rob tried to grab the phone from me laughing.

"Who was that?" Nancy said. "We just got thrown out of the club cause they are closing. Come hang out with us." she pleaded.

"Dude! Come one let's go meet them." Rob said grinning.

With one swift motion he grabbed the phone out of my hand and the decision was obviously made. He talked to Nancy for a hot minute while I pounded down the rest of my beer. We had just left the bar around the corner from the apartment building we had lived in, Rob still lived there.

"OK .. I know exactly where they are. Let's go." Rob said as we turned the corner headed to the parking lot of the apartment complex.

"Hey Brother .. I'm not sure this is a good idea." I said worried.

"Come on. Her friend sounded cool and I could use some head." Rob laughed.

"Man .. I can get in my own trouble you know that, like I need your help." I laughed back at Rob.

"Let's bring them back here." as Rob opened the door to his car. "I can still drive no problem" Rob said.

"You better be able to, but that might not be a good idea though since my lady knows where I used to live." I said as I got in.

"She ain't gonna be coming by here dude .. they will be out all night fucking teasing dicks." Rob Laughed.

I remembered how we used to laugh at all the losers who would play into chicks at Bachelorette Parties when we tended bar back in the day. All those guys thought they were getting easy pussy with all those drunk and playing horny bitches. All they would do is how off for there friends. The real crazy ones wouldn't be hanging out at the bar we knew that.

When we pulled up into the clubs parking lot there car was the only one left, with them hanging out on the hood drinking from a bottle. I laughed because her friend Ginger was in fact a "Ginger", with smoking hot long red hair. Both in mini shirts that barely covered there asses, and usual tube tops that the young slutty ones loved to wear to show off there breasts down here in Florida.

"Damn boy .. now I see why you let her keep sucking your cock." Rob exclaimed as we drove up to them.

"Yeah well I can't take my eyes off her friend, you know how I am on the redheads." I laughed.

"Watch it boy .. ain't you in enough trouble." Rob laughed as we got out of his car.

"MY HEROOOOO!!" Nancy screeched out as she ran towards me with bottle in hand. She ran up and threw her arms around me hugging me tightly squeezing those hot young breasts on me.

"My sexy new brother-in-law to be.." she continued as she kissed me on the cheek just next to my lips poking me with her tongue.

"This is him Ginger .." as she then took a big swig of the vodka bottle in her hand grinning like a cat who swallowed the canary.

"Ohh .. my hero too cause you brought a friend." Ginger staggered over all sexy looking over Rob and grabbing the bottle from Nancy.

"Who is the big guy ..?" she said handing him the bottle and taking a big gulp.

"I'm Rob." he said talking the bottle and drinking down a huge swig.

"Well .. Rob I think I'm not able to drive .. think you can give a girl a ride?" Ginger said as she put her hand on Rob's chest.

"Where you need to go?" as Rob handed me the bottle putting his arm around Ginger's waist pulling her close.

"Oh .. we will go where ever you guys want to take us." Ginger giggled.

I took a big gulp from the bottle, as Rob handed me his keys. All I could think of was that didn't take him long to decide. Nancy was grabbing my ass so they couldn't see leaning all over me.

"You know the way." Rob looked back at me for a second as he and Ginger walked toward her car. Damn she was one fine redhead.

Nancy jumped up wrapping her legs around me, then on me kissing me and sliding her tongue in my mouth. "Ohh god .. I been thinking about you all night." as she rubbed her crotch on mine.

"You got to stop all this Nancy." as I pulled her head back and stopped her from kissing me. "What did you tell your friend." I asked.

"MMMmm yes .. I like that, get rough, pull my hair." she moaned.

"So what did you tell her." I asked again.

"I told her I sucked your big cock and swallowed your cum." she giggled at me. "That you thought I was my sister at first."

"Damn Nancy .. you are gonna get us caught." I scolded her.

"Ginger won't tell anyone, don't worry honey." she put her head on my shoulder nuzzling on my neck.

"She better not." as I grabbed her hair pulling her head back off me.

"MMmm .. you gonna have to fuck me if you keep pulling my hair like that, cause it's getting my pussy real wet." she groaned at me smiling grinding that hot crotch into mine.

"Let's go you two, before you get in any more trouble." Rob said as he stopped Ginger's car next to us. "Break it up before we throw a pail of water on you." he laughed and sped away with Ginger.

"Get in the car." as I pulled Nancy off me and tossing the empty bottle away. "We got to get out of here."

It was a quick ride back over to the apartment. Nancy started rubbing my leg as soon as we got in the car. Never bothering to put her seat belt on she was licking my ear and neck the whole way. Her fingers would only grace over my hard cock through my jeans.

As we pulled in all I could see was Rob's head, it seems Ginger was busy already. I pulled in a couple cars away as they got themselves straightened up enough to get out of the car.

"Looks like Ginger and Rob are getting along just fine." Nancy laughed. "That's what I want to be doing in a couple minutes." as she grabbed my hard cock tight through my jeans. Licking up my neck towards my ear again.

"You have to stop Nancy, we can't go in here your sister knows that I used to live here." I said sobering up from my drunken horniness. "If she comes by here we are dead."

"She won't, but you are right." as she massaged my hard cock through my pants. "I know where we can go though. It will be lots of fun." she purred in my ear.

Nancy then leaned over me out the window. "We are going for a ride Rob do you mind if we borrow your car?"

"Just let us in and don't wreck my car boy." as Rob walked over to the car and grabbed his keys.

"We can be alone, sort of." she giggled in my ear as Rob walked away to let Ginger in his apartment.

"Wait .. what do you mean sort of." I tried to shake off the horny fog enveloping me from her actions.

"You'll see." she squeezed my hard cock one last time before getting back in her seat with Rob coming back to give me the keys.

"Just be back by lunch will ya." Rob laughed giving me the keys back headed back to the opened apartment door.

"OK .. where to Nancy." I looked over at her.

"Go to the highway south." she looked over at me seriously.

"Where though, everything is closed now." I said.

"No .. not everything there is a movie theater open 24 hours." she smiled at me.

"What ..? That porn theater?" I looked at her in amazement.

"Yeah." she smiled back.

"Ginger went there with her older boyfriend just recently." she started to explain. "They had nowhere to go, so he took her there." "She said she had a wild time." as she leaned over and started to unzip my jeans.

"She loves to watch porn, so do I, so I really want to go." as she fished out my hard cock. "I also want more of this big cock in my mouth too." as she licked the head of my cock.

I didn't say a word as she lick my cock up, down, and sideways. I knew where to go and all I tried to do was not crash the car as she sucked on my hard cock. I did reach over once or twice to rub that sweet little ass of hers. Sliding my fingers over her pantied pussy to feel her heat, and god was she wet. Her panties were soaked through.

As we pulled into the parking lot for the theater I noticed there were a lot of cars for around 3am in the morning. Nancy tried to tuck my cock back in, but it just wouldn't go easily. She jumped back up to her seat excitedly.

"There won't be any need for these in there." she giggled as she leaned back and lifted her ass off the seat pulling her panties off completely. "Besides they are soaked through from you anyway." she smiled over at me hopping out of the car.

I got out and watched as she skipped her way to the door. Tiny tight black mini skirt, black sparkly tube top just barely holding back those nice firm young breasts, and bouncing along in her black flats not a care in the world. Horny as hell I pushed my hard cock back in my jeans and followed her to the door.

"Have you ever been in a place like this before Nancy?" I asked her.

"No. Never. I can't wait." as she ran right up in front of me. "Please take me in." she pleaded. "I will do anything you want in there." "I will do anything you tell me to in there." she said very serious. "ANYTHING!" she swore to me looking into my eyes.

"OK, fuck it let's get dirty girl." I said taking her by the hand.

We went up to the window to get tickets or pay to get in and behind the glass was a rather large older black man. He said "$10 to get in, she gets in free.

"If you got ID." he added as if almost forgetting as he checked Nancy out.

"Here you go." as she pulled out her fake ID that said she was older then her sister.

"That's good." he said handing it back under the glass. Holding it for a few extra second while she grabbed it."Enjoy the show." he grinned at her.

I watched her smile back at him as she squeezed my hand hard as to tell me let's get inside already. I pulled her into the dark hallway that led to the theater, or so I thought. This place was huge inside, to the left was a tremendous theater. which is were we went right in. It was very dark to the back and hard to see what was there, but seemed to go back a ways. A big stone wall separated the last row of seats and the immense back dark area. Two walkways split the theater in thirds with the main part being the largest in the middle. I pulled Nancy with me over to the right which was closest because there seemed to be a lot of people inside. I couldn't see much though because my eyes were taking so long to adjust to the lack of light. The brightness of the large screen wasn't helping either right away.

I looked at Nancy and she was looking at the screen in awe. There was a white girl naked on her knees sucking the huge cock of a large black guy on the screen. He had her blond hair filling his hand and pushing her head to take his cock in. Nancy had her mouth open in amazement, she couldn't take her eyes off the screen as I pushed her into the back row which the back was against the wall.

"Oh my god .. do you see the size of that guys cock?" she stammered.

"They are all like that in the movies Nancy." I said looking over at her sitting in my seat. Then I saw what she was looking at really.

"No." she stammered and pointed to the dark figure in the seat in the far corner or our row as she sat down.

"Ohh .. well lots of guys come here to jack off to the movies." I said taking a quick glance over to see a black guy stroking the even bigger cock that he had then the guy in the movie.

"I never saw one that big." and she stared looking through the darkness.

"I thought you wanted to see the movies?" I said to her.

"I want to see the show." she giggled and when the screen lit up she got a clear look at his cock.

"Ohh wow. I can't believe it." she gasped reaching over to grab my cock through my jeans.

"Why don't you concentrate on me." as I grasped her chin pulling her face around to me. "Maybe you need to suck on my cock some to remind you who is the boss here." I grabbed a hand full of hair and pushed her head towards my crotch.

"Yes. Anything for you." as she tried to tear open my zipper and rip down my jeans to get at my hard cock. She lifted my ass up and pulled my jeans and boxers down to my ankles.

I leaned back to enjoy her working on my cock as she stroked me with her hand. She lifted her head to kiss me and I pulled back her head by her hair. "It's time to get dirty little girl." as I pushed her head down on my cock.

"Yes. I'm your little slut now." she whimpered right before taking my cock in her mouth. I pulled up her skirt and smacked her hot little ass loudly. I didn't realize how loud until I looked over at the guy in the corner checking out her naked ass. He was still stroking. but now he leaned forward to move over two seats closer to us to get a better view.

At this point I was so turned on from everything I could explode in a second. I was rubbing her ass, sliding my fingers over her wet pussy lips teasing her. It made her moan around my cock while she sucked me. It felt awesome, and the movie was getting hotter on the screen too. Now there were two black guys on this blond, the one she was sucking from on her knees and the other was rubbing his cock up on her ass from behind.

"Look Nancy. Does that look hot baby?" as I pulled her off sucking my cock. I had to stop her or I would have unloaded in her mouth already.

"Oh my god .. is she going to fuck both those guys?" she stared at the screen. She reached under herself in between her legs to her pussy. I felt her fingers right by mine as she pushed her fingers in her pussy not taking her eyes off the screen. "That is so hot." and she groaned as I could hear her squishing her fingers in and out of her wetness.

I looked over at our friend in the same row and he was only a seat away from her. His hand was only inches from her naked little ass, the other hand furiously stroking him huge cock.

"Sit back and watch the movie baby." I whispered to her. "Lean back and put on a show for me." I told her. Knowing that if she sat up out friend would back off from the sudden movement.

"Yes Sir." she looked up at me and sat back in her seat.

Never taking her eyes off me she leaned back and put her flats on the back of the seat in front of her. Spreading her legs wide to give me a great view of that completely shaved and very wet pussy.

I was right and our friend sat back continuing to stroke his hard cock. It had to be at least a good three inches larger than mine. I was stoking mine now, so she could see then when all this happened we heard.

"Shit." we hear comes from the guy in the row. Just as Nancy pulled her top down to expose her beautiful firm breasts. Which startled her since she didn't know he moved closer. There was only one empty seat between them. With a black man in it stroking his ten inch cock staring at her near naked body.

She gasped as she saw how close he was, but never stopped with her hands working her pussy over. Pushing her fingers in her pussy while working on rubbing her clit with the other hard. Her mouth was open and staring at him jacking off furiously his black cock.

On the screen the blond was now getting fucked from behind as she leaned over between the other guys legs while he sat on a couch. She had the other guys huge cock in her mouth and was sucking him off.

"Don't you want to see the movie baby?" I said to her turning her face away from looking at the guy in the rows cock. "Don't you want to see her get fucked?" I leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Yes. I wanna see." said but tried to look back at the live cock next to her. I heard her fingers squishing in her wetness as she moaned.

"Are you sure baby?" and I turned her face back to look at the live cock being jacked off next to her. "Do you want to watch her .. or be her?" as I whispered to her.

"Yes." as she started to twitch her hips towards her thrusting fingers. "YES." she moaned louder as she came all over her own fingers.

"Pat the chair, get him to move closer for you." I said to her as I started pulling on her nipples.

"Will he?" she whimpered under the manipulation of her nipples.

She barely had time to pull her hand back as she patted the chair in between them. I watched her eyes grow wide as his cock was now with in reach of her hand.

"What do I do now?" she looked at me.

"You be my little slut." I looked her in the eyes. "You do anything I tell you now." I commanded her. "Touch his cock. Grab it. Stroke it. You know you want to." I said as I squeezed her nipples harder.

"Yes." she whimpered reaching over.

I watched as she grabbed hold of his huge black cock. He leaned back in the seat to enjoy her touch. She wasted no time in starting to jack it and slide her hand up and down on the shiny black monster.

"That's it my little slut, play with that big black cock." I continued to whisper in her ear." I pulled her pumping fingers from her wet pussy, replacing them with my own. "Go ahead slut use both hands on it now."

She reached over shifting in her seat, turning toward him, grabbing that cock with both hands stroking. Her face was only inches from the head of that monster black cock now. There was no movie now, there was only that hard cock. Slippery from the pussy juice from her fingers he started to groan out. He reached up and grabbed a handful of her hair then.

"Suck that cock you little slut." as he look in her eyes.

Nancy opened her mouth and took his massive purple cock head in her mouth then sucking her way down his shaft. As she did I felt a gush of juices run from her pussy down my fingers. Her ass pushed back on my fingers, but she wanted more. She wanted to be the blond.

I leaned over as she bobbed her head on his cock, and got her on her knees on her seat. I smacked my hard cock on her wet pussy lips. Then pushed my hard cock into her tight hot pussy. She groaned around his cock but never stopped her sucking. I held her hips as I pumped my cock into her. Our friend was holding her head with both hands fucking her mouth.

"That's it bitch, You're a good little cocksucker." he muttered. "You got a great little slut here boy. Maybe you wanna let me try out some of that pussy too."

With that Nancy pushed back on my cock hard and let loose with another gush coming all over my cock. "Looks like she might like that." as I pulled her by her hair off his cock.

"Yes." as her mouth was free to speak for a second.

"First she has a job to finish." I said pulling her back to me pounding her pussy hard. "A good little slut makes sure she gets all that cum though." I whispered in her ear letting her go.