Liza Makes Deals


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They hovered close, even pushed my knees apart themselves for a better look. I was a little surprised and concerned by their manipulations, but let it pass as forgivable, boyish exuberance. I began to grunt against the pressure at my bladder, though. Finally, I could stand it no more.

"Boys, I'm sorry, but I have to go pee," I said between clenched teeth.

"Oh, no you don't. We aren't going to let you get away with that old dodge," Jake said. "You just sit there and fulfill your debt, like you promised. We made a deal."

"No, I'm serious," I begged. "I really need to go. I promise I'll come back. I promise."

"No way!" Sam said.

I needed a plan, desperately. Then it came to me.

"If you let me go pee, I'll let you watch."

They looked at each other with big grins on their faces.

"Then you'll come back here? For as long as we want, no limits?"

"Yes, anything, it's a deal..."

Gleefully they helped me off the counter and to the bathroom. I straddled the commode the way Ally taught me. The boys got as close to the action as they could. I held my pussy lips open, relaxed, and the stream began. The boys were in heaven, and so was I. For the second time today my peeing had an audience, and I was reveling in it. Every muscle in my body felt relaxed, as if just having had a massage. It was wonderful.

"Jake," I said when the flow stopped, "tear off some toilet paper and dab my hole." I inexplicably turned bold, and wanted my fans to serve me.

I held myself open for him as I felt his touch. It was gentle, yet firm: hesitant and bold at the same time. Sam was jealous and wanted to help, but Jake pushed him away.

"Next time will be your turn," I placated Sam, doling out my favors.

"Well, all right, but it's back to the counter with you, now."

The three of us headed for the kitchen. I marveled at how I was now completely at peace with my nakedness with these two young men. I felt no degradation, no humiliation, not the slightest embarrassment. I climbed willingly, perhaps even with a dash of enthusiasm onto the counter. I slid my butt to the very edge and spread my legs as widely as I possibly could. The boys resumed their places between my legs, but still weren't satisfied. They asked me to hold my lips apart, as I'd done in the bathroom. As I complied they examined my clitoris and asked if I could make it emerge from its sheath. I pressed at the base and they marveled as its pink head bobbed forth. I'd been in an aroused state since my humiliation in the closet, and now my juices flowed and the scent of my sex filled the room. All it took was my own gentle touch to quickly summon the familiar trembling deep within. I gushed as an orgasm surfaced. I rocked as wave after wave jolted me. The boys stood witness to something neither had truly seen before. I collapsed backward on the counter and lay there, panting and still wide open to their view. A reverent, worshipful silence reigned in the presence of a goddess.

"Knock, knock," a voice called at the door as it opened.

I sat straight up as if hit by a bolt of lightening, slamming my legs closed. Sam saw the panic in my face, but instead of helping me seek shelter someplace, he pushed down on my shoulder to hold me in the sitting position there on the counter. I brought an arm across my breasts, but he pulled that away quickly, forcing my hand to grab the edge of the counter at my side. As quickly as he removed the first arm, though, I covered myself with the other. Again, he forced that arm to my side. The struggle lasted only a second and ended after he had forced my knees apart with a whispered warning not to move.

So, there I was, sitting naked on the kitchen counter, my legs hanging over the edge, knees spread, and hands with a firm grasp of the counter's edge at my hips. My breasts heaved wildly as I frantically sucked air into my lungs. In no way did I want anyone to find me entertaining the boys in this fashion. I was scared to death. Sam hovered over me to make sure I remained in position. I was a trapped animal, now, no longer a revered goddess.

Jake had gone to the door to see who it was. Though the door was only a few feet from the counter, there was a wall between the kitchen and the entry. The voice would have to come those few steps around the corner to see me. All I could do was hope that Jake could head it off, get rid of it.

"Hi, I just dropped by to check on Liza. Is she here?" I recognized Ally's voice.

"No, don't come in Ally!" I shouted from around the corner.

In hindsight, I realize that wasn't the best thing to say. The strange command and the stress in my voice only propelled Ally past Jake like a rocket. When she saw me and Sam, she stopped in her tracks, eyes wide and jaw lowered.

"I...I can explain," I stammered.

"What the Devil?" she brought out at last.

"Um, Liza was just giving us an anatomy lesson. That's what," Jake was quick on the uptake. "She's been so kind. We've learned so much..."

"Liza?" Ally looked at me quizzically.

"Um, yes. The female reproductive system," I added, blushing so hard I thought I was going to faint.

"Well, is it over, now?" She asked in an incredulous tone.

"No, not quite. It's not over till we say it's over. Right, Liza?" Sam looked me straight in the eyes.

I hung my head, wondering how a worshiper could so quickly become my tormentor.

"We'll be just a little longer, Ally. Could you come back later, please?" I begged.

"I just wanted to drop by and check on you, Liza," she continued as if I hadn't asked her to leave at all. "I'm showing the apartment next door. They're making up their minds, so I thought I'd check on you while they're deciding," she continued. "I just wanted to check to see how your lunch went with your husband," she babbled on, "and see how he liked your, well you know," she looked at Sam and Jake, then lowered her voice and leaned toward me slightly as if to prevent their hearing the next word, "panties." As she said 'panties,' her hand went under the hem of her short dress to the crotch of her own panties. The boys' eyes became as big as saucers.

"Ally, this really isn't a good time. I'm really rather occupied at the moment, as you can see..."

Jake and Sam were struggling to hold back the laughter, really enjoying my predicament. My knuckles were white from squeezing the edge of the counter with all my might. The counter was taking the place of Ally's neck, and the necks of Sam and Jake, too.

"Yes, well, if you're sure. I do have to get back next door. As I said, I just dropped in for a minute to check on you while the Smiths are deciding. I can see you're in good hands, though."

I really wanted to strangle this meddlesome little leasing agent, standing there in front of my naked body with her hand stroking herself. She made no move to leave, despite her words.

"No, don't leave on our account," Sam couldn't refrain from torturing me. "Stay and enjoy the lesson with us. Maybe you can help..."

"I doubt I could show you anything that Liza hasn't already shown you," she replied coquettishly. "She does have such a beautiful...reproductive system, doesn't she?"

"Oh, you've seen it before?" Jake asked.

"This morning."

I was about to die of shame.

"How did that happen?"

They were discussing me and all I could do was sit there with my pussy spread widely.

"Oh, well, it's a long story, but it all started when Ms Thomas sent me over..."

"Please! Ally, don't," I interrupted.

"No, go on, Ally. I want to hear this," Sam said.

"Yeah, me too," Jake added.

"No, please," I begged.

"Miss Faber, are you in here?" came a voice from the open door.

'Oh, god. I have got to start locking that door,' I thought to myself.

Sam placed his hand back on my shoulder, just to make sure I would remember not to move. I wanted the earth to swallow me.

Mr. Smith came around the corner first, followed immediately by his wife. They were a handsome couple, early thirties, dressed in expensive suits. They were obviously professional, well-to-do people. I thought I was going to swallow my tongue when I saw them, or was it they who were about to swallow their tongues? Either way, the situation couldn't have been more awkward or bizarre. The five of them now crowded around me, taking in every inch of my nakedness. Ally was still fingering her crotch, her dress bunched at her wrist. Sam's hand on my shoulder still held me in place. The Smiths held hands and stared, waiting for some sort of explanation. Jake was on the edge of hysterical laughter.

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith, this is Liza Daniels. She will be your next-door neighbor if you take the apartment. Liza, let me introduce Mike and Sarah."

I couldn't believe it. Ally was making introductions as if it were the most natural thing in the world to find a naked woman surrounded by people in her apartment. I was dumbstruck. My whole body shook. My cheeks flamed.

Mike offered his hand for me to shake. I glanced at Sam, who nodded for me to take it, so I released my grip on the counter to shake Mike's hand. My hand was a pool of sweat, but Mike pretended not to notice, just as he was pretending not to notice my body. Sarah stepped forward next, though reluctantly, and I shook her hand, mumbling some pleasantry as I did, accepting the same mumbled pleasantry in return.

"Is this the same floor plan as next door?" Mike asked Ally as I was shaking Sarah's hand.

"It's the mirror image. The only difference is that because Liza and her husband have the corner apartment, they have an additional balcony on the side. The two apartments share a balcony in back, separated by a partition."

I still couldn't adjust to what was happening. Here I was on my kitchen counter, naked as the day I was born, and people were milling about as if everything was perfectly as it should be.

"Liza, may we look around your apartment? Get an idea what it looks like with furniture?" Sarah asked.

"Um, sure, I guess so," I stammered. "Help yourselves."

The Smiths headed for the bedroom with Ally in tow, and I turned quickly to Sam.

"Please let me down, now," I begged quietly, not to be heard by the new neighbors. "Hasn't this gone on long enough?"

"Maybe she's right, Sam," Jake took my side.

"Here's the deal. I'll let you down, but, hey, they've already seen you. I want you to be with them just as you were with us last night: natural and nude. If you are, I'll consider shaving some time off the counter requirement. Deal?"

"Yes, deal." I agreed, though with some degree of begrudging. I saw his logic that they'd already seen me, and thought that at least I might get some small concession from the boys out of my public display.

"I want to see perky. Understand? If not, I'll consider it a breach on your part. Understand?"

"Yes," I tried to comply with the required enthusiasm.

"Now, let's join them and see what happens."

Jake and Sam each held one of my hands as I slithered from the high counter. My knees were a little wobbly, but I managed to walk to the bedroom on my own, careful to keep my hands away from my crotch as Sam whispered orders and instructions for behavior on the way. They were on the balcony off the bedroom.

"As you can see, from the second floor you have a nice view of the park and the ocean in the distance," I jumped right into the fray with my best, bouncy voice...and breasts.

"It's great!" Mike replied. "We really didn't expect such a view. I'll bet you're out here a lot, huh?"

"Well, we just moved in over the weekend, but that is one of the things that drew us to this place. We have a barbecue on the other balcony with some furniture. I suppose we'll be using the other one more. It's off the kitchen and living room."

"May we see it?"

"Of course."

I led the way from the bedroom. I could feel all five pairs of eyes on my butt as it swayed with each step. My nipples jutted and my pussy began to leak. When I got to the sliding glass door to the balcony, I opened it and stood to one side, inviting them to step outside. They brushed past me. No way was I going out on that balcony! All I needed was for Ms Thomas to catch me naked on the balcony, after spanking me for being on it in just a towel.

The group milled about out there for a while, then rejoined me in the living room.

"Would you guys like a beer?" Sam made a general invitation.

I swallowed hard. I knew what he was doing. I saw that he obviously has a cruel streak, or at least a penchant for mischief, and that he really, really likes beer.

"Yes, please. I'm parched," Sarah smiled.

Sarah's acceptance surprised me. I would have expected it more from Mike.

"Sit down. Liza will bring them," Jake said.

I headed for the kitchen as they all made themselves comfortable. Ally prattled on about the apartment to the Smiths; Sam and Jake listened politely. I grabbed the last cold six-pack and rejoined them. The Smiths were on the couch, Ally and Sam were in the facing chairs, Jake sat on the floor at the far end of the coffee table. My packages and the little black dress were still piled on the table in the middle of everything. I set the bottles down next to the packages and, with nowhere to sit, just stood at the end of the coffee table looking down at them.

"You have a lovely apartment, Liza," Mike said after he unscrewed the top from his bottle of beer.

"Thanks. We're renting the furniture until we make up our minds just how to best decorate it."

"That's a good idea. I never thought of that," Sarah said.

"Yeah, Sam and Jake, here, work for the company."

"Well, that's good to know. We could use a few pieces ourselves. Do you have a card?" Mike asked Jake.

Jake had one in his pocket and was glad to give it to him, mentioning a few things about the company that might encourage business. When he finished his short sales pitch, he fell silent and no one said a word for several seconds, which is an eternity in a situation like that.

"Liza," Mike began with something that was obviously on his mind, "do you mind if I ask: are you a nudist?"

"No, not at all," I gave a half laugh; trying to keep it light, shrug it off. "Not at all."

"Well, then why...If I might ask?" Mike pointed at me with an up-down motion, and I realized he would not be satisfied until he got an explanation.

"Oh, boy!" I began. "Well, I don't know where to begin." I looked to Sam and Jake to see what they were going to do, but they just sat there as observers. "You see, it all started on Saturday, when the boys, here (I pointed to Jake and Sam), brought our furniture. It was hot and they worked hard, so we rewarded them with a beer and the use of our shower. Well, when Sam came out of the shower to get a towel, I accidentally saw him naked."

"Accidentally?" Jake mocked. "You were spying on him! Don't deny it."

"What?" I said in disbelief. "You shouldn't think that! It's not true. It was an accident, I promise. Really."

"You stood there just staring at him. I saw you!" Jake would not be dissuaded.

"You must believe me, please," I begged.

"Hey, it doesn't matter. Just tell the rest of the story," Ally called a halt to hostilities.

"Well, after that Sam and Jake convinced my husband that I owed them...Well, I had a certain debt, if you know what I mean..."

"So you had to let them see you naked? Is that it?" Sarah caught my drift.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it," I said.

"And that's what we walked in on?"

"Well, sort of. It's a little more complicated than that." I didn't quite know how to continue, or explain further. My own understanding of events and the logic behind them was too muddled. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. I could feel my pussy lips pucker slightly. I glanced over at Ally, who still had her hand at her crotch. I could just imagine what the Smiths must be thinking about this looney bin.

"Well, how long do you have to stay naked? You couldn't have watched Sam for very long." Sarah wanted to know more.

"Yes, well, that's a good question," I blushed, unable to answer a question I, myself, wanted to ask.

"I'll let you know when her debt is paid," Sam jumped in.

"Well, don't you think that making her stand in front of us naked is a bit excessive?" Mike began to plead my case. "It's clear that she's a good sport and serious about paying her debt to you, but don't you think you're asking a lot more from her than she got from you?"

"Not in the least. You haven't heard the whole story, the deal she made. And besides, you're enjoying the view, aren't you? You liked the view from the balcony, but thanks to me you're having the best view of all right here in the living room. Right?"

"Yeah, I suppose you've got me there," Mike laughed. "Here's to the view!" He raised his beer in a toast.

For a moment there I thought I had found a champion, but I guess all men are the same. Whatever small protest they make against indecency fades quickly.

"She is pretty," Sarah raised her bottle as well.

'Et tu, Sarah,' I thought to myself.

"Well, perhaps it's time to head back to the office and do some paperwork," Ally, always the agent, addressed the Smiths.

"Sure, okay," Mike agreed and Sarah nodded.

They rose to shake my hand good-bye, and we said all the expected things about how nice it was to meet and how wonderful it will be to be neighbors. I had a knot in my stomach the whole time, of course. All I needed was two people who have seen me naked living right next door. 'Damn! What if they expect to see me naked again, just like Steve and the rest?' I muttered in horror to myself.

"Okay, break's over!" Sam said after Ally and the Smiths left. "Back to the counter. Let's go."

"Please, Sam..." I gave a pitiful pout, hoping for mercy.

He looked at me sternly. "A debt is a debt and a promise is a promise. We made a deal. No limits, remember."

I didn't like the sound of that, and it stung my senses. I started to protest, but remembered that, indeed, I had made that deal. I started to remind him of his promise to shave time off the deal if I behaved for the Smiths, but I sensed the futility of that. I could also sense, though, that the only power he was going to exert over me was that of my own sense of responsibility. I knew I could put a stop to this just by telling him to go to hell. I wondered if it really made a difference what he or anyone else thought about my ability to keep my word, to 'be a good sport' as Mike put it. I toyed with the idea that I could just let it go with these two, get them off my back once and for all, then try to keep my word to others, in matters that made sense.

I made up my mind that I wasn't going to let them hold me to all the absurd deals I made, each under enormous pressure, but then I remembered my new neighbors. I couldn't get rid of them as easily as I was about to dispatch Sam and Jake. Sam would tell them if I broke my promise. Mike was probably going to rent some furniture from them. Mike and Sarah seemed impressed that I would be naked like that, taking my debt seriously. They actually seemed to like me because of it. I remembered how Marc told me in the bar at lunch that my willingness to pay my debts was what people loved about me so much. It occurred to me that perhaps I was one of the reasons the Smiths decided to lease the apartment, and I realized I wouldn't let their good opinion of me be shattered. Damn!

I walked to the kitchen, climbed up the stool and onto the counter. I draped my legs over the edge and spread my legs. For good measure I stuck out my chest as much as I could, daring them to accuse me of reneging on a debt.

"Would you like to listen to some music, Liza?" Jake asked politely.

"Yes, that would be nice, thanks," I replied sweetly, hoping the adoration they showed me before was returning.

Sam went in the bedroom to make a call on his cell phone as Jake turned on the radio to a jazz station and began to rewrap the package with the little black dress. He looked up at me frequently, then walked over to the counter. He took two lengths of tape, spread my knees a bit more, then stuck the tape on the counter at the insides of my thighs.