Lockdown Christmas Miracle Ch. 10


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Whatever shame she might feel tomorrow, Ellie would have endured it a thousand times over for the memory of this spell that his kisses gave her in this exact moment. She slid her body around a little to lie face up on the sofa and allowed Eric to kiss her fully from above as their mouths locked together. Her hand slid up to rest on the back of his neck and coaxed him into kissing her more deeply as she felt his own warm hand slide up under top, to cup and squeeze her breasts as much as he pleased, like he had every right to...because he did.

Cassie looked down the hall from the kitchen, to the light from the TV flickering through the open door to the den. She couldn't see either of them sitting at the couch and wondered if they'd laid out on the couch to watch their movie. As much as she wanted to go in and see how their 'date night' was going, she didn't want to ruin the dynamic of how their relationship was evolving. She resisted any urge that the old Cassie might have had to hover and guide everything and forced herself to simply refill her water glass before she went upstairs to bed.

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WhatsamatterUWhatsamatterUover 3 years ago

Another fantastic chapter in this steamy novel. Again, thank you so much for your time and effort into this wonderful tale.

tinchektinchekover 3 years ago

Holy shit my dude, that was amazing.

HornyKipHornyKipover 3 years ago
And Building

The story progresses as it should. I love it!

tj_4evertj_4everover 3 years ago

Excellent writing and buildup! My opinion is colored of course by my own experience - my sister had a Cassie body and an Ellie personality.

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 3 years ago

A beautiful love scene so well written.5🌟

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Bloody fantastic , a wrighter of exceptional talent,

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
At last

I'm very glad to see we've finally gotten kissing properly integrated into Ellie's and Eric's relationship. I'm also loving the developments between Eric and Cassie, though I can't help feeling that Eric's dismissal of Lisa as a romantic prospect seemed a bit...shallow?

I still have my fingers crossed for a bi awakening between Ellie and Cassie, though that doesn't seem likely at this point. (Please? Pretty please?)

All else aside, I continue to enjoy your story immensely and await a fresh installment with bated breath!

brizzyguybrizzyguyover 3 years ago

Love it......I am there......Your writing style reminds me of YOUBADBOY (one of the authors in here)........lots of detail, teasing, foreplay and anticipation.!!!!

I look forward very much to read more from you....thank you!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Keep going

Love the story, please keep going. I really liked your Quarantine in Neverland series, but I'm really hoping this one goes further than oral sex between the siblings.

SweboSweboover 3 years ago

Just great. It's a slow cooker, but I'm loving every moment. Can't wait for the next one, but I guess I'll have to...all the stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
More more

Amazing journey you’re taking us on. I can’t wait for more chapters. Great job!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You may be the best writer on this forum. I love this story. More soon please!!

tjorgensontjorgensonover 3 years ago

Your story took me back to my youth. Thank you. the words were so much with meaning. Please write more chapters . await them to never end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I hope this becomes a love story

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 3 years ago

Incredible journey you're taking us on - keep it up! 5*

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