Long Ride Mom's Pussy


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It's logical, but I can't shake the thought of that green dust which came from the meteor. I also have to think that Aunt Sylvia has ulterior motives.

"So I'm supposed to ignore all this?" I ask.

Aunt Sylvia smiles. "You're a good daughter. I love that about you. If you stay quiet, I'll blow someone so you can get a fantastic internship after college. How does that sound?"

I accept the deal with great reluctance because I know Aunt Sylvia can do wonders for my future career -- thanks to her experienced mouth. Deep down I know it'll lead to trouble. I can only assume that Aunt Sylvia is the reason why my brother touched Mom's crotch.

We enter the van. Leo goes in first, with Mom right behind. Without any encouragement, Mom gets on Leo's lap, as if eager to sit there. The sight makes me cringe, but what can I do? Aunt Sylvia joins them in the back.

I sit in the middle row.

"One last time," Mom says to my brother. "At least until I recover from what happened earlier. I'll never bother you again."

"No worries," Leo replies.

As I get comfortable in my seat, I spy on them. Mom's butt presses against my brother's crotch. She seems fine with this level of intimacy, even after having an orgasm with him. My brother should know better, but I guess not.

The ride starts and all I can think about is the subtle power play happening between them. The incestuous dynamic between my mother and brother. Their fight for space and supremacy in a van full of family on this innocent vacation. Every turn the van makes, every bump in the road, Mom has to adjust her hips on my brother's crotch.

My uncomfortable truth is that I've developed a crush on my mother. I've always thought it was harmless. Maybe it's my weird obsession with smart older women. Mom, after all, is the epitome of a smart older woman.

It started during our weekends together baking pastries for Sunday service. Our hands and clothes would be messy with dough and sugar. She'd look cute like that. Watching her multi-task was exciting. Seeing her make snap decisions, organize containers, and measure ingredients with efficacy was a treat.

When we'd go to religious functions, she'd be dressed in something classy while mingling with other attendees. Her sophistication and beauty are what drew me to her. Sometimes the feelings were so strong that I'd be forced to use the bathroom to masturbate.

Now I'm doing my best to stare straight ahead at the view of the mountains, 15 minutes into the ride. I hear things happening in the back. What the hell are they doing? I still blame Aunt Sylvia for Mom's orgasm with my brother. How could she do that to our family?

I take a quick peek. And I mean, real quick. Fast enough that they don't notice me. A small blanket is wrapped around Mom's hips and legs. It's cold, but I've never seen Mom wearing a blanket during a trip before. Mom's eyes are closed as she snuggles with the blanket.

Could it be to keep Mom warm? She was in shock, after all. She had recently taken a bath in the lake to wash off that green dust. I pray this is the reason.

Or could they be doing something depraved? While looking towards the road, I imagine Mom playing with herself, masturbating on my brother's lap. Worse, that Leo's hand is down there again, playing with our mother.

Everyone has a weakness. No one is perfect. My imperfection is that I'm getting aroused by the thought of anything happening with Mom's crotch. Her vagina. Dare I say it... her pussy.

I resist the urge to look, but my imagination runs wild. I think of Leo's fingers going in bare. Circling Mom's clitoris. Stroking her labia. Going deep inside to find Mom's g-spot.

Whispers are coming from behind me. This is my chance to spy, so I listen carefully to every word. It's difficult to hear them.

I manage to catch a few words:

"Are you sure?"

"Do it."

"Just this once. It's okay."

It's hard to tell who said what, but I'm pretty sure Mom said the last part. I resist the urge to turn back and look because I don't want to ruin the trip with an awkward situation.

A few seconds later, I hear the unmistakable sound of clothes sliding across the seat. Bodies shifting. Fabric brushing against skin. The movements are slow and controlled like there's something to hide. I'm sure things are happening beneath Mom's blanket. I wonder if her pussy is bare. I wonder if Aunt Sylvia is watching them.

The engine of the van covers the sound of whatever they're doing. Assuming they're doing anything perverse at all. I acknowledge it could be my twisted imagination, but what do you expect? My brother confirmed that Mom had an orgasm earlier. It's only logical that things are escalating.

I do my best to eavesdrop. I listen for any morsel of sound that comes from the backseat. Anything that can spur my imagination. I mostly hear the engine, but sometimes I'll hear the sound of clothes ruffling. Then I hear the sound of rubbing against the seat.

Could it be? Are they doing what I think they're doing? My full attention goes to the sounds they're making -- and the sounds they're trying to avoid. I hear humming from Mom's voice. Subtle groans.

"Oh my god, Leo," Mom whispers in a low breath.


Aunt Sylvia shushes my mother in a soft, sweet voice, as if helping someone go to sleep. From the sound of things, it's safe to assume that they're having sex. Sex, of all things. Dare I say it? Fucking. They're fucking.

I acknowledge the reality of the situation. My brother is fucking our Mom bare. Can our family ever be the same? Or are we doomed? Surrendered to sexual depravity. I feel a tremendous amount of guilt for not stopping this, for not yelling at them. I also feel guilt for being aroused listening to them fuck.

Yes, I know I still have the power to end this. All I have to do is turn around, then this will be over. But deep down -- however far -- my dark desire is in control. I'll never forgive myself because my arousal has won.

I activate the camera on my phone. As discreet as possible, I point my phone between the seats, towards their direction. I record what I can, without getting caught. I'm officially a voyeur.

When I review the recording, my suspicion is confirmed.

I have a video of Mom gyrating on my brother's lap. Mom's eyes are closed and her lips curl. She's so entranced that she's unstoppable. Her hands hold tight on the seat in front and she pushes her hips -- back and forth. Leo holds Mom's hips as this happens. The blanket covers the view of anything explicit.

The video clip plays over and over on my phone. I'm close to deleting it, but I can't. Knowing myself, I'll keep this video for the rest of my life. A piece of evidence regarding Mom's sexuality and my secret lust for her. I put the phone away because watching it repeatedly is torture.

As a yoga practitioner, I close my eyes and it's meditative hearing the faint sounds coming from the backseat. My yoga instructor would have a fit knowing I'm using these mental practices to concentrate on real life incest. At a certain point, my concentration becomes so deep that I can almost smell the aromas of Mom's pussy fluids.

Then the van slows. We're off the main road and nearing the destination by the forest. We pass other parked cars. Other people are here. The van slows, looking for the right place for our family to unpack.

Ruffling in the backseat becomes loud. I can only assume they're finishing their devious deed since we've reached the destination.

I hear seatbelts unbuckling. Mom gets up and moves. The blanket shuffles around. Clothes rub against the seat. I have to wonder; was this worth it for them? Was the risk of getting caught worth the sexual escapade?

My curiosity is overwhelming, I do my best to avoid looking at them, but it's impossible. There are some things in life that you have to see with your own eyes. As it turns out, incest with my beautiful mother is one of them.

When I turn around, I see two things:

1) Mom is no longer on my brother's lap; she's laying on the side with her eyes closed, looking like she's reached heaven. Her pants and panties are down to her knees and I can see her pussy.

It's my first time seeing Mom's pussy. There's a patch of pubic hair that gives her a mature look and there's cum leaking from the entrance. I feel nauseous seeing my brother's cum flowing out of Mom's well-fucked vagina, but at the same time, I'm glad I'm seeing it. As sick as this sounds, the image is the most beautiful thing in the world. Mom's labia is a welcoming entrance and her hole is a wet delight.

2) Aunt Sylvia's head is buried in my brother's lap, with the blanket covering her face. She's bent over sucking Leo's cock -- head bobbing up and down at a quick pace -- while my brother is leaning back and gasping. Leo sees me staring and he's so embarrassed that this is happening. But of course, he doesn't stop this from happening.

It's the wildest thing I've ever seen in my life. I'm generally disgusted by hardcore internet porn, but I've seen raunchy things. The fact that this is my family, my loved ones, makes my stomach churn. But I can't pull my eyes away. I'm engrossed by the sight of my Aunt sucking my brother's cock under the blanket.

My eyes return to Mom in her state of disarray. I've never seen her so helpless. She looks drugged, but it's the aftermath of intense sex. If anyone else looks back here, our family is screwed. If Mom opens her eyes and sees me, our relationship changes forever.

Aunt Sylvia pulls the blanket away as she finishes sucking Leo's cum covered dick. I see her lips wrapped around the softened penis. Saliva drips down the shaft and balls, but she takes the cock out of her mouth and slurps it clean. It's my first time seeing my brother's cock. Aunt Sylvia licks the soft penis like an ice cream cone to clear the cum and excess saliva.

She kisses the dick, rubs his thighs, and whispers sweet things. She sucks on the cock head again and then swirls her tongue. I've always known she was a nymphomaniac, but this is ridiculous. Nothing is off-limits to her.

The van slows down to park and Aunt Sylvia sits upright, while wiping the sides of her mouth for the remnants of my brother's cum. Leo pulls his pants up, still blushing with embarrassment.

"Family secret," Aunt Sylvia whispers, surprised to see me. "Just between us."

"I can't believe what you did back there."

Aunt Sylvia leans forward. "Your mother is out of it. You might as well."

I can smell cum in her breath and I'm horrified by what she's suggesting. But then I look at my mother again. Mom looks half-asleep and her wet pussy is still exposed with her clothes around her knees. My dark desire lingers and my mouth waters.

Perhaps my Aunt notices something in me. Perhaps her decades of experience dealing with sexual matters makes her recognize my twisted desire. Maybe it's visible in my eyes. As the van slows, I have to make a snap decision. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and Mom needs help.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and move to the backseat. My brother scoots aside, shocked that I'm back here with them. I'm on my knees. I get a close look at the pussy that birthed me -- however twisted that sounds, it's my truth.

Mom's pussy is everything I hoped it would be. Thick labia. Wonderfully shaped. Inviting. I brush the pubic hair aside and look at the erect clitoris. This is a dream come true for me and I don't care anymore if my Aunt and brother know it.

The van stops and this is my only chance.

I press my mouth against Mom's pussy. I plunge my tongue inside. Delicious. My tongue strokes up and down. My tongue goes up and circles the hard clitoris, flickering the sensitive spot. This makes my Mother groan and come back to life, which makes me so happy. I plunge my tongue inside and taste her wetness and my brother's cum. The taste is potent; one that I'll never forget. Mom squirms as I eat her pussy.

When the engine turns off, I pull my tongue out. I can't get greedy or else all of us will get caught. Our family would be ruined. I take a final look at heaven, then I pull Mom's pants and panties up. My brother helps me.

As a sibling duo we fix Mom's appearance and she comes to her senses with a light smile on her face. She opens her eyes and looks at me. Surprised to see me. I blush from the shame of what I've done. She isn't mad.

Everyone leaves the van and my head is spinning. Mom knows what I did. She'll always know. When she looks at me, she sees the distress on my face and wants to comfort me. I love her compassion.

"We'll talk about this when we get home," Mom says. "I know it's a lot to handle. I'm struggling with it also. For now, let's enjoy the rest of the trip. Okay?"

I nod. "Thanks for understanding, mom. I love you."

"I love you, too."

Mom looks around. Everyone from both vans has gotten out and are stretching their legs and talking to each other. When there's a second of privacy, it looks like Mom wants to hug me.

Instead she kisses me on the lips. Her tongue slips in my mouth and she tastes her own orgasm, along with traces of Leo's cum. Before I could tongue-kiss her back, she pulls away, careful that we don't get caught. She looks tense as she walks away.

Later I check my phone for news. The site of the meteor crash has a full quarantine. The government is seeking anyone exposed to the green dust. I look at my mother, who's smiling as she mingles with family, while having a pussy filled with cum.

The End

Always take care of yourself. Be well.

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HeyAllHeyAllabout 1 month agoAuthor

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ronz2000S10ronz2000S10about 1 month ago

Great 👍 Story More please

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

What a very well written story!

And very unique, too. The meteor strike was certainly an unheard of plot twist, but very cool.

In literary sense.

In reality, I'd of been running desperately for the car, and tearing the hell out've there.

A meteor could very likely be radioactive, so no way do you want any contact with it, or it's fallout dust!

Outside of that bit, what a scorchingly steamy story! I loved the sex descriptions of the happenings in the van with the Lady Miranda and her well loved luscious labia.

The end piece of her daughter giving her mother's messy mound a quick cleaning like that was just spectacular!

Pure excellance! 5 bright and shining stars!



AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

all family yes mother son daughter brother daughter mother aunt nephew really enjoying themselves, more more more.


stonecoldcowboystonecoldcowboy8 months ago

Awesome as always! Wish I’d been in that van!

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