Lord of the Lifeguards Ch. 08


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Gayle pondered the messages for a few minutes. She was a regular reader of the magazine but didn't recognize the reporter's name.

Over the years she had carefully crafted and cultivated the foundation's image and had always dictated how it was covered by the press. it was the writers for the local newspapers and society magazines she had to keep under control but that generally wasn't an issue since those that deviated from her script didn't last long. But this was different. Getting a call from Vanity Fair was almost tantamount to getting a visit from 60 Minutes...it was usually never a good thing.

Gayle took a deep breath and picked up her desk phone and dialed the number on the message.

The person on the other end answered immediately. After Gayle identified herself, the reporter went on a long diatribe for the reason she was calling and the subject of the article that was about to be published in the upcoming issue. The blood drained from Gayle Pearson's face as she listened.

The reporter explained that she was up against her deadline and asked Mrs. Pearson if she would like to comment for the article to which Gayle promptly replied, loudly proclaiming that the reporter could "go fuck herself" and she furiously slammed the phone down.

Gayle Pearson was able to get an advance copy of the article and learned that the upcoming exposé was indeed about her work and that someone (the hackers?) had leaked videos to the reporter and provided background on how the foundation lured young people to use as sex workers to help solicit donations from well-healed benefactors. Central to the story was how one of her employees, Nick Newman, would groom both males and females for work at foundation events and the reporter had the videos to prove it. It hardly mattered that Nick wasn't employed by her since the article contained damning transcripts of him demanding sex from the associates in the name of the foundation.

There was no mention of any videos of Gayle Pearson so she was left to wonder what else was out there. The story named names of some of the foundation's patrons and donors but those were also people that had appeared in various society page articles about her gala and other events so it didn't appear that her database had been turned over. But the implication was clear to anyone that read the story, her donors stroked larger checks to the foundation when they had been in the company of her young associates.

When the magazine hit the newsstands, the reaction was swift and immediate. The board of directors quickly sacked Gayle Pearson as Executive Chairwoman of the very foundation she had created and cut her off from her life's work. The fallout didn't stop there. Every charity that benefitted from the foundation running for higher ground to distance themselves from the taint of the tsunami scandal that ensued. Key donors and supporters also claimed the moral high ground and bailed, requesting their names be forever stricken from the foundation's masthead.

Gayle Pearson quickly became a pariah in her community. Sex was one thing, but human trafficking was an entirely different matter and multiple criminal investigations were launched to dig deeper into the illicit enterprise. Poor Nick Newman never knew what hit him and he bore the brunt in his fall from grace. When his bitch wife Mitzi learned of his infidelities, particularly the ones with other males, she promptly dumped him and filed for divorce for she knew her gravy train was over.

Through it all, Gayle Pearson wondered who the source was behind the article. It obviously couldn't have been Nick since he was her closest confidant and, as it turned out, other than herself probably had the most to lose. She thought of Mandy but deemed her too incapable of pulling off such a stunt. Besides, she surmised, randy Mandy didn't have the balls to do such a thing. She finally settled on the theory that Eastern European hackers were the perpetrators of the scheme although she didn't have a clue who else may have been supporting it.


Mandy's smartphone buzzed with the notification announcing an incoming text message.

It read: "Please ring me ASAP -- Elena"

When she dialed her number, Elena Klausman answered the phone.

"Hello Mandy, thank you for calling me back so quickly."

"Good afternoon Madame Ambassador. A great pleasure to hear from you again," she said excitedly.

"Let's dispense with the formal titles Mandy. You know it's just Elena to you."

"Of course ma-, 'er, Elena I mean," she replied with a nervous giggle.

The truth was, she wasn't quite sure why she should be nervous at all given what had transpired over the year she'd spent in Switzerland.

"Thank you for that. Now Mandy, I know it's short notice but would you be able to free up your schedule to join us at our place this weekend? It's Max's birthday and I'm having a small party for him. Besides, I do believe we have some unfinished business, no?"

Hearing the words immediately made Mandy's pussy tingle with anticipation.

"Uh, you want me to travel to Switzerland?"

"No, of course not honey," she said with a laugh, "I meant to our place in the Hamptons."

Mandy's face brightened when she heard this.

"I'd love to join you Elena. When would you like me there so I can book a flight?"

Elena laughed again when she heard that.

"Don't be ridiculous darling. I'll send our plane to bring you on Thursday if that works for you."

"That definitely works," Mandy replied enthusiastically.

"Great to hear. I'll have our pilot pick you up at the executive terminal at say, 9 a.m. sharp? And Mandy, just bring casual attire. It's unbearably hot here right now so we'll be spending a lot of time poolside."

"I'm looking forward to it. Oh, and Elena, I just wanted to thank you everything you and Mr. Klausman have done for me. It really wasn't necessary you know."

"Don't be silly Mandy, of course it was," she said. "I look forward to seeing you this weekend."


The Gulfstream G700 touched down at East Hampton Airport midafternoon and taxied to the executive terminal. When the plane's door opened and the stairs deployed, Mandy was immediately hit with a blast of hot air rising off the tarmac.

She saw Alex standing next to a black SUV with tinted windows. He looked relaxed in a polo shirt and tight-fitting chinos, his chiseled biceps and shoulders accentuated by his fitted shirt, the sun reflecting off his aviators. He smiled at Mandy as she stepped off the stairs onto the red carpet, his demeanor far friendlier than the first time she'd met him in the Klausman's suite at The Canyons.

"Hello Miss Hall, I hope you had an uneventful flight," he said in his thick accent, taking her bag from her.

Mandy smiled back at the man, "It was great. I could fly like that all the time."

"Couldn't we all. If you liked that ride you should see their newest jet.

"Oh, I look forward to it," she said with a smile as they walked to the car.

Her nipples hardened as she climbed into the back seat and the cool air conditioning enveloped her.

"It's nice to see you again Alex," she finally said.

"You as well Miss Hall. We'll be to the Klausman's in fifteen minutes or so," he said as he settled behind the wheel.

"And Alex, thank you again for your help with my, uh, problem," she said.

He studied her in the rear-view mirror for a moment.

"No need to thank me Miss Hall. I was happy to help but so you know, nothing would have happened without the boss's okay so you need to thank him."

She was silent for a minute. Funny, she thought to herself, she knew precious little about this man that she had availed her body to on a regular basis while in Zurich.

"So, Alex, you have a beautiful accent," she said, changing the subject. "Are you from Russia?"

"No Miss Hall. I come from Ukraine."

Mandy correctly sensed that Alex wasn't really interested in exchanging any further pleasantries so she rode in silence, catching Alex stealing the occasional glance at her in the rear-view mirror. He had rugged good looks and she guessed he was probably in his late 40's. His build was lean but solid, and she hoped to enjoy his uncircumcised cock once again. She snapped out of her daydreaming as the SUV slowed and turned off the main road.

The Klausman's beach home was set far enough away from the road amongst the maple and oak trees to afford a large measure of security privacy. As the SUV drove through the gate and up the long driveway, Mandy could see Elena waiting for her in the shade of a large wrap-around porch.

Elena stood at the top of the steps smiling and was wearing striped culotte pants and a white lacey bralette that slightly pushed up her small breasts. Mandy marveled how a woman her age could look so sexy. When the vehicle came to a stop, Mandy jumped out and ran up the stairs to give her a big hug.

Elena briefly broke the embrace and then leaned in and kissed Mandy fully on the lips, her hands sliding down to cup her ass through her jeans. She pulled her in tightly as their pelvic bones began a slow grind as their tongues explored each other's mouth.

Breaking off the kiss, Elena looked Mandy in the eye and whispered, "You are so delicious. I've been thinking about you a lot lately."

"Mmm, me too Elena."

"C'mon," she said, taking Mandy by the hand and pulling her inside. "You must be tired from the flight. I'll show you to your room so you can freshen up."

Elena guided Mandy up the staircase of the modest home. Well, modest by Hampton standards meaning they only paid twenty million or so dollars for it a few years previously when a hedge fund friend had to sell it quickly as part of a nasty divorce settlement.

"Our room is down at the end of the hallway and you'll be in this guest room," Elena exclaimed, opening the door to a large suite.

Mandy was awestruck when she saw the suite and the view of the ocean through large doors that opened onto an adjoining deck. Although the temperature was hot, the sea breeze helped cool the air and a large ceiling fan circulated it throughout the room. Everything in the room was white, from the walls, to the birch wood floors to the expensive linens on the large four poster bed.

"I can't believe how beautiful your home is Elena."

"Oh, this is just our summer weekend place but we hope you'll be comfortable in any case. Here, I got you a little something," she said, placing a wrapped package on the big bed.

"Please come join us by the pool for a drink whenever you're ready," Elena said as she walked out of the room, gently closing the door behind her.

Mandy marveled at the suite. It was far plusher that anything she had ever seen before. Through one door was the en suite bathroom, if you could call it that. It had a claw foot bath tub in front of large bay windows overlooking the ocean.

The shower with multiple shower heads could easily fit 3-4 people, a tile bench on one side. Next to the toilet was a bidet, something she had seen on her European travels but not ordinarily in homes in her state.

She walked out onto the balcony and up to the railing, taking in the scent of the ocean, the breeze blowing through her blond hair. Down below was a large pool and beyond that, a private walkway to the beach beyond. The yard was framed on both sides with large, dense hedgerows to provide some seclusion from the neighboring properties.

There were a couple of chaise lounges on her deck and Mandy imagined that she could no doubt sunbath in the nude if she so desired, such was the privacy afforded. The deck also wrapped around the backside of the house towards where Elena had indicated their room was. She smiled to herself and thought how very convenient that was.

Mandy jumped in the shower, the cool water not doing much to tamp down her own state of arousal. Her nipples were stiff with anticipation. She didn't need to feel her sex to know she was damp from the sensuous kiss she had shared with Elena.

Mandy dried off and was about to slip into some shorts when she remembered the package Elena had left on her bed. Unwrapping it, she found a teeny tiny bikini and she immediately smiled when she held up the top and saw the cutouts for her nipples.

The bottom was a black crotchless g-string with a small string of blue beaded gems that would settle into just the right place. She wasn't exactly sure what kind of gems they were, maybe blue lapis? Regardless, she was pretty sure they weren't inexpensive.

Mandy slid the bottoms up her legs and pulled the string into the crack of her ass, the cool gemstones nestled in between her labia. When the coolness of the stones met the moist humidity of her slit, it was as if a chemical reaction occurred sending small jolts of energy up and down her spine, her pussy now on fire with anticipation. When she put the tiny top on, her nipples were now framed by the same blue stones. Mandy licked her finger tips and lightly brushed them, ensuring they were as erect as possible.

She felt incredibly sexy as she admired herself in the mirror and was hoping that Elena and Max would appreciate how she looked in her new gift. Lastly, she pulled a short silk robe out of the box and slipped it on, offering her a smidgeon of modesty as she walked out of the room and went downstairs to the pool.

Max was standing next to a bar by the pool sipping on something tropical when Mandy spotted him. Deeply tanned, he was wearing a white linen shirt unbuttoned halfway down and showing off his silver chest hair. He had matching white linen pants that were very transparent so as she walked up to him, it wasn't too difficult to see the outline of his half-erect penis through the thin material.

He smiled as Mandy came up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a big hug. Max kissed her and with his big hands, he reached down to her ass and pulled her into him where she could no doubt feel his cock pressed against her body. They held each other tightly for a few moments until he released her from their embrace.

"Hello my beautiful. It's wonderful to see you again Mandy," he said with a broad smile. "So glad you decided to join me for my birthday."

She smiled back at him. "I wouldn't have missed it for anything Max. Especially after all you've done for me," she added with a slight nod of her head.

"Truth be told Mandy," he said in his French accent, "I did it for all of us. I have a deep disdain and mistrust of those that would mistreat the ones I care about so deeply. And I care very deeply for you Mandy," he added in a paternalistic tone with an emphasis on the word "very.".

He didn't need to add that along with that distrust came his uneasiness of anyone being able to tie him to a scandal, so he had no choice but to act decisively.

Mandy smiled and leaned in close to him and caressed Max's shaft through his pants.

"How can I show you my gratitude and appreciation?" she asked as she massaged his hardening prick.

Max gave her another peck on her lips.

"Let's save that for a little later. You know how it saddens Elena if I don't share you with her too. Besides, she's getting changed and will be down soon," he said as he took another sip of his drink.

Pivoting away from the subject, he offered her a drink.

"Would you care for a Mai Tai dear? Alex makes the best even though I'm not much of a rum drinker.

Mandy nodded and a couple of moments later Alex appeared behind the bar and began squeezing limes for the drink.

"Better make that two Alex. Elena's on her way down."

Elena soon walked up and smiled at both of them and saw the cocktail waiting on the bar for her. Before saying a word, she looked at Mandy and eyed her up and down appraisingly, stopping to stare at her prominent nipples pressing against the fabric of her robe. After a long moment she untied Mandy's robe and opened it wide and looked her body up and down.

"Mmm, looks delicious," she said as she pushed the robe off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground as she leaned in to kiss Mandy's lips.

Elena stopped kissing Mandy long enough to untie her own robe and robe take it off. Mandy saw that she was wearing an almost identical bikini set except instead of the blue precious gems adorning it, Elena's were deep red. Mandy was pretty sure they were rubies as she leaned down to suck one of Mrs. Klausman's already stiff nipples.

After a couple of minutes, Elena grasped Mandy's hand in her own and led her over to the cabana where Max had disappeared to. Under the canopy was a large platform bed covered in white linens with large throw pillows arranged around it. Max was lying on his back naked, his hands behind his neck with his large erect penis lying on his belly pointing towards his head. He smiled as he saw the two women approach.

Elena took the drink from Mandy's hand and set it on a table next to the bed, then she lay down on her back next to Max and pulled her down on top of her. Mandy leaned down and their lips met again as they went in for a long, deep kiss, their tongues again intertwining and exploring one another's mouth.

Mandy straddled Elena's legs and moved down and began to gently lick and suck on her rock-hard nipples, running her tongue all around them, her saliva coating the surrounding gem stones. With her butt raised in the air, Max ran his strong hand up Mandy's leg and cupped her ass cheek. He pressed the string of stones into her wet slit along with a thick finger and began to explore her. Soon, he had his index finger inserted in her anus and his middle and ring fingers pressed into her pussy and he began to slowly slide them in and out of her as Mandy moaned into Elena's breasts.

Mandy started to move lower on her body but Elena stopped her.

"Max first," she said emphatically.

Mandy understood and moved off of Elena and lay on her stomach between Max's legs. Grasping his big tool in her hand, she held his cock with it pointed towards the top of the cabana and squeezed it gently as they smiled at one another. She moved up and licked the glans tasting his precum that she had squeezed out of the head. Mandy concentrated on bathing his cock with her tongue as her warm saliva greased the veiny shaft as she slowly pumped him up and down.

She could feel his rod pulse in her hand as she pumped, her other hand gently squeezing and fondling his balls.. She moved her head up above his cock and was about to take him fully in her mouth when Max pulled his dick away from her and brought his knees up towards his chest.

Mandy looked into Max's eyes and smiled because she knew exactly what he wanted. She'd never been into rimming before she met the Klausman's and now she fancied herself a bit of a savant at the art of ass-licking and she enjoyed eating Elena's and Max's equally. She moved lower and took Max's heavy balls in her mouth and gently sucked on them one at a time until his sac was dripping with her saliva. She moaned into them as she licked, knowing they held the magic elixir she desired and yearned for.

As Max pulled his knees back toward his chest, Mandy lifted up his balls and laid eyes on his puckered hole. With fine wispy hair surrounding his brown eye, she took in his familiar fragrance as she leaned in and started licking his bud with the tip of her tongue, the first touch sending shockwaves through his body. As she licked broadly around his asshole, she fisted his engorged prick and began pumping it in her hand.

He loved a good rim job and it was even better coming from an experienced tongue like Mandy's. To Max, getting your ass licked was the ultimate show of fealty and loyalty from the giver for if they were willing to do that, then it meant they would likely do anything for him. But he wasn't looking for that from Mandy. He was now her protector and she had become almost family to Max and his wife from their time spent together in Europe. Well, as much as they could be a family given he and Elena had no children of their own.