Lore of the Angels Ch. 10


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"I still don't understand..." said Kissa.

Aria looked across at her sister and sighed. "Only Cardinals can wield Illusion Kissa..."

"But we're still mortals Ahizpa..."

"Would you like your wings then?" interrupted Gaia. Kissa, Troy and Angelo exchanged looks but Aria shook her head warningly.

"It is not that easy Gaia and you know it," said Zilarrezko.

"My ancestors willingly chose to be mortals for a reason..." Aria was adamant. "And I don't think the reverse is possible."

Everyone fell silent. The three younger children listened eagerly --to be an Angel! What a dream! But the three Cardinals were much more serious as they looked at each other.

Then Zilarrezko moved his hand to caress Aria's cheek gently. "Won't you be immortal for me, Aria?"

Aria heard her sister gasp and all she wanted to do then was burry her face somewhere. To ask for immortality was an affirmation of something bigger than just --whatever exactly they had going on at the moment. It was like the mortal concept of asking her to marry him.

"Say yes Ahizpa!" Aria looked up to see Kissa nodding her head encouragingly. Even her two brothers were looking excited. Those traitors... they just wanted to have wings!

At that moment, Lucian returned with a very energetic Leiha holding his hand. At the sight of Gaia, she hid behind Lucian and peeked out at their strange guest.

"Ah... now that Lucian's here...Perhaps, we should have this conversation somewhere else," said Aria uncomfortably. "Just the three of us." She heard her siblings groan unhappily but Aria would have none of it. "Lucian, Marcus... I'm sorry to trouble you like this but could you keep an eye on them for a while? Will that be alright Archangel?"

She didn't look like she was asking permission --again --but Zilarrezko said yes. He'd forgive her this time. Besides, there were also things he needed to discuss with Gaia that shouldn't be heard by minors.

"Let's go to my office," he said, ushering both female Cardinals towards the elevator.


"Alright, tell me what's going on," said Aria the moment they stepped into his office. Her eyes were focused solely on him; forehead scrunched in a frown.

When he came closer to touch her, Aria scowled at him. Zilarrezko raised an eyebrow --did he say something wrong?

"Why are you angry at him, Aria?" said Gaia absently; her eyes looking straight ahead into the open skies.

"It's just..." Aria knew she was simply redirecting her anger towards Zilarrezko. It was the elderly Cardinal that frustrated her. "You shouldn't promise things that you know are impossible. Those children are going to expect wings to sprout from their backs and what am I supposed to tell them?"

"Tell them you'll get their wings for them," replied Gaia. "Zilarrezko knows how."

"Gaia..." it was a warning voice. "I've already tried... and the results are not good." When Aria gave him a questioning look, Zilarrezko knew there was no hiding the truth from her any longer. "Yuki's already sending troops and preparing for war with me."

"The Ice..." whispered Gaia. "She plans to start an Ice Age again..."

There was something in Gaia's voice that made Aria stop scowling. Instead, she took a seat beside the elderly Cardinal.

"Cardinal... I don't mean any disrespect... but how does this have anything to do with me and my siblings? You called me a Water Cardinal... but I am just a mortal."

Gaia raised her hand to take a lock of Aria's hair and rubbed it between her fingers. "Valkyries were Angels... you know that right?" Aria nodded slowly; unsure where Gaia was heading. "Angels of every element... except Earth of course."

"And... you think I was born into the Water clan --or at least my ancestors were."

Gaia blinked those exotic silver ringed eyes at her. "I do not think Aria. I know..."

"But how? Even Valkyries can't tell what elements they were before... and I don't even look anything like the Snow-Water clan..." Gaia simply smiled at her.

"Once, a long time ago, Yuki looked like you... or closer to that little sister of yours..."


"Yes, the tiny one. Such pretty blue strands in her hair too..." Gaia looked away; her eyes turning glossy with memory. "She was the only one who offered to be my friend; to help when the Fire clan started to destroy parts of Earth... Surely you know the story?"

"Yes I do..."

"Yuki was... no, is still a very smart Angel... she learned to evolve; to be a stronger element than what she was born into. She became obsessed with being pure... being apart from the other elements. She hated that the water bodies were filled with salts. But we are not created that way --we live in symbiosis." Gaia paused to look at Aria. "What is Ice, Aria?"

"Pure water... frozen," she whispered, understanding the drift.

"Yes... to be the purest form of her own element --something no other clan can be. What is Light without Darkness? You cannot measure one without referring to the other. And Fire --just another expression of Light. But Ice... ah, exists on its own --a landmass that could even challenge mine."

"Is that why... all the Water Angels are of the Snow variety?"

"Not by choice mostly... Yuki --my dear, dear friend --wanted only the purest of Angels to carry her clan name. Those who are unable to evolve were killed... but some chose to be mortals... Yuki saw that simply as postponing death but she forgot..." Gaia was laughing; shaking her head. "Mortals reproduce much faster... much often. Locked in her snow palace, she is ignorant of such... mundane events."

"But... why is she declaring war on you? What have you done?" Aria turned to Zilarrezko; eyes filled with worry.

"I tried to get your wings for you."

Such a simple answer... but Aria knew the severity of his actions. It was bad enough that Aria was a despised variety of the Snow-Water clan... but a Cardinal level?

"You... shouldn't have," she said sadly. Getting up, Aria gave a small bow to the two Cardinals and walked towards the door. "I'm really sorry..."

"Where are you going?" He wasn't going to let her go --not again.

"I'm not going to let innocents die when it is me she wants."

"No!" Zilarrezko took her by the wrist; twirling her around to face him. "You are not leaving!"

Her eyes reflected storms as she looked up at him. "You are not going to war for me!"

Swirls of black and blue stared angrily into eyes --of the deepest copper red.

"Let go of me!"


She slapped him.

Startled, Zilarrezko let go of her wrist and watched as she slammed the door behind her.

"Let her be... She's not leaving," said Gaia. "Sit down."

Zilarrezko wanted to go after her --he was furious --but Gaia was right. Aria wouldn't leave --at least not yet.

"It'll take her a few hours to convince the children." Gaia's eyes twinkled with amusement. "By then, we'll have finished our talk."

Still annoyed, Zilarrezko moved towards her and sat down. "I don't really understand women," he said, narrowing his eyes at her.

"That's what makes them more mysterious," she laughed. "Your mother would have enjoyed watching the two of you."

The Metal Archangel stilled... then looked away. "I might not be so stupid if she was here."

"Stupid to love a mortal? Angels have been doing that for centuries, Zilarrezko... why do you think we have Valkyries in the first place?"

"I can't Gaia... I cannot be a mortal for her --especially not now. And she..." The Archangel let out a groan of frustration.

"Immortality... is a very long time," she whispered as she looked away. "Sometimes, even I crave for death."

"Don't say that..." he turned to her sharply. "Death is forever..."

"Perhaps... But I have already died a long time ago, Zilarrezko..."she sighed. "A little after your mother died... and then a little more each day since Iluna unclipped my wings... Now this body? It is already dying... but I am not. One day I will just be an immortal rotting flesh..."

"Gaia..." Zilarrezko was heartbroken to hear her words. "You should stay here... I don't want you to be out there, weathering yourself..."

Gaia shook her head. "You're too kind... just like your mother. But like I said, I am staying here because I like that Ayn of yours... and I wouldn't let Yuki begin a new Ice Age when your mother had sacrificed her life to end the last one."

"How do you plan to stop this?"

"You know how..." Gaia's voice was soft and tired. "All those troops... Ice on land, ships in water... they will listen to their Archangel --regardless of who it is."

Zilarrezko stood up in shock. "Aria's just a mortal! You seriously can't expect her to challenge millennia old Cardinal! She will die!"

"You know how the change of power happens right? This is necessary."

"Gaia! This is not a battle between two Cardinal Angels... Do you truly expect me to put her out there to die? I can't watch another woman I love die in front of me!"

"You would rather go to war, risk many more lives --both Angels and mortals --just so she can live? You are an Archangel, Zilarrezko... Do not forget that. Your duty is to those you rule."

Zilarrezko pressed his fingertips onto his temples as though fighting back a headache. "I wish sometimes... just sometimes that I'm not who I am."

"I know..." whispered Gaia. "Sometimes I wish that too..." The elderly Cardinal sighed slowly before turning to Zilarrezko, "I have a proposition for you..."

Zilarrezko looked up, unsure if he liked the tone of her voice. "I'll hear it."

"Would you be willing to be mortal for your Ayn?"

"Marcus is not ready for that."

"The young Metal Ordinal? Yes... yes he's not." She looked away with a pensive look on her face. "I'll watch over him for you."

Zilarrezko had to frown now. "I don't understand."

"I will lend you all of my Earth Angels on Asia, Africa and Americas... in exchange," Gaia was almost whispering now. "For your wings."


Zilarrezko was staring at Gaia; speechless.

She was offering him an opportunity to turn the tide of the war and also a chance to live --and die --with Aria.

"It's not your land that I want," she said lazily. "These lands are already mine to begin with. All you Archangels are simply... administrating it for me."

The Metal Cardinal was still too shocked to speak.

"Think about it Zilarrezko. Do you know how many Earth Angels there would be under my command the second you give me your wings? Billions."

That caught his attention.

"Gaia! They'd be like babies learning to use their wings for the first time! You can't expect me to allow you to pawn them out like that!"

"Oh please. The moment Yuki sees the Earth Angels, that's deterrent enough. She wouldn't waste fire power to take them all out."

"But some will still be sacrificed!"

"So?" she shrugged. "Many more will be grateful to be immortals."

Zilarrezko gave her a disgusted look. He wasn't sure if it was because of her deteriorating body that was making her mind demented or if she was truly that heartless.

"Gaia... if this isn't war time I would seriously consider that offer. Wings... are not a pretty accessory for an immortal. It's like gaining a new limb after decades of never once stretching those muscles."

"If you do this, then there is no need for Aria to challenge Yuki for sole Cardinal status. Either Noor or I can take her out..." When he narrowed his eyes at her she sighed, "No, I will not unclip her..."

"Noor will do it." There was finality to his voice. Zilarrezko didn't trust Gaia as much as he trusted Noor.

"So you're giving me your wings?"


"Are you sure?"

"I'm asking you how you do it. I'm not saying yes yet."

Gaia pouted. "Spread your wings out."

Zilarrezko didn't do as told and instead went over to his communicator panel to instruct Marcus to come up to his office.

"Okay then what?"

Gaia gave him a sly smile. "Afraid I'll unclip you now?" At his stoic expression, she laughed. "There is a feather at the very edge of your wing arch --it behaves like the embryonic stem cells. Once you take it out, the embryo, or in this case your wings will die."

"How do you know which is the right one?" Zilarrezko was frowning. "Even I haven't seen the back of my wing arch."

Gaia smiled once more and leaned back in her seat. "Your Ordinal is here."

At that moment, a knock came on the door and Marcus stepped in. "Cardinals..."

Zilarrezko wasted no time relaying Gaia's plans to him.

"You can't be serious Cardinal!" Marcus looked like he was about to be sick. "I'm too... I mean, I'm not ready for this."

"You shouldn't think just for yourself..." said Gaia. "By the time you even reach pre-Cardinal, Aria will be dead."

Zilarrezko did not appreciate the candor.

"But... your Earth Angels... they're going to be like babies. I... I don't mean disrespect Cardinal but we can't expect them to be entering combat when they're stumbling around..."

She shrugged. "It's up to you. Discuss and decide." Gaia slowly got up and started to walk carefully towards the door; her body slightly bent with age.

When she closed the door behind her, the Archangel took a seat and let out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry Marcus."

The Metal Ordinal widened his eyes. "You have done nothing wrong Cardinal."

Zilarrezko looked up into the copper eyes of his Ordinal. "I'm asking a lot from you."

"No... you will not give her your wings!"

The Archangel smiled at his Ordinal. "In the future, if you ever meet a mortal that you feel attracted to; either kill her or stay far away from her at all cost."

"What are you saying Cardinal..."

Zilarrezko actually found it amusing despite the seriousness of the situation. "Because by the time you get to this stage I'm in, there's no chance for either of that. You'd rather kill yourself than hurt her."

"But I'm not ready to be an Archangel... I'm not strong enough or brave enough... I like following orders and I'm..."

"Marcus..." Zilarrezko's voice was gentle. "I became an Archangel when I was slightly younger than you. Of course then I had no choice because my mother was dead. But the only difference between us is that you still have me to give you advice. Gaia will stay here as regent but you are still the Metal Archangel and you still have rights over our clan."

Marcus looked down sadly. "You're my Archangel...and will always be."

"Tell me what you've learnt from your recon in Iluna's land."

Marcus looked up in surprise at the change of topic and stammered as he answered, "I... there's a lot of... snow. I mean, the southern parts of her territory have been completely frozen. There's also a permanent Ice bridge linking Antarctica to Argentina. There are Yuki's troops stationed there as well."

Zilarrezko nodded. He could hear Marcus slowly regaining his composure and confidence. "Iluna's own military?"

"At the moment, they've all advanced north. She hasn't engaged any naval forces yet but her Fighter Wings have been mobilized. However, I get the feeling that Archangel Iluna isn't putting much effort into her attack. She's not sending any Dark Angels in her infantry."

"You mean they're all Valkyries?"

"Yes and neither of her Ordinals are with the troops either."

Now this was news. Zilarrezko was certain that Iluna was up to something. By the looks of it, she had knowingly allowed Yuki's troops to advance into her lands without retaliation --a sign of distrustful alliance.

"She's planning to run and hide..."whispered Zilarrezko before looking up at Marcus. "She's coming here..."

Marcus frowned. "But why? She's willingly abandoning her land?"

"No... she knows that Yuki is going to slice her wings off..." Before Marcus could reply, Zilarrezko stood up and spread his wings out; every metal blade loosing its sheen.

"Marcus, look at my wing arch and see if there is anything special there."

The Ordinal hesitated but something caught his eye. Moving closer, Marcus saw something shiny embedded in the scapula blade. "There is something... shiny."

"What does it look like?"

"I can't... I mean it's embedded between your feathers..."

Zilarrezko understood his Ordinal's concern. "Yes, you have my permission."

A few seconds later, he felt Marcus's cool fingers on his wing blade and sensed the slight ruffling of his feathers. "What is it?"

"It's like... a broken shard of metal... I don't know exactly how to describe it but the edge looks like a quill and it's not attached to any of your ligaments... but it's facing out. I could pull it..."


Marcus moved his hand away immediately as his Archangel turned to face him.

"Will you let me see yours?"

The Ordinal turned without protest; the bronze sheen removed to display pale brown feathers. There was something sad in his Archangel's voice that made him comply wordlessly. "Do I have the same thing?"

The Archangel was silent but Marcus could feel his fingers resting on something at his shoulder blade.


"Yes Marcus... yes, you have it too... we all have it."

"Do you know what it is?"

Zilarrezko moved his hand away and waited for his Ordinal to face him.

"That is how we give up our wings for a mortal."

"By pulling that quill out?"

"Yes... I think it's an inverted feather that's embedded deep within the muscle. It retains the exact color of your metal form even when you've let your guard down."

"Cardinal..." There was a warning tone in Marcus's voice but Zilarrezko ignored him.

"Marcus... find Aria and Gaia for me. I want her to watch." The Archangel had made up his mind.


"Marcus..." The Archangel sounded resigned. "This is my last instruction for you... you should carry it out."

"No. ..." His wings spread open to show perfect blades of bronzed metal tipped with brown diamonds --sharp enough to even cut through metal. "If you insist then you will have to fight me."


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moonsolielmoonsolielover 12 years ago
Please give credit where it is due...

I have enjoyed the story so far but I feel you should give credit to Nalini Singh. The world she has created of angels, Archangels, and mortals and vampires is unlike any other. I feel that she deserves credit for her ideas. I have read the four books in the Guild Hunter series those who have suggested this story should be published may want to read them (the first book is Angels' Blood, followed by Archangels Kiss) . Copyright is something which many people do not think is a big deal but it really is, whether it is intended or not. Miss Singh also has a series of books about shape shifting animals which has been borrowed extensively borrowed from on this site as well. I guess for me this story was just the straw that broke the camels back. I have no issues with your story as I said I have enjoyed it I just feel that you should give credit where it is due.

Soul_childSoul_childover 12 years ago
5 stars

A must read!!! I'm so glad I don't ve to wait side most chapters r already up. But I hope like other readers that you have some great tales lined up for us to read lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Love, love, loooove this whole series! I can't even begin to imagine how you've churned this out into such a well written series; let alone come up with this amazing story! Please don't make Zilarrezko give up him wings! Please! Gaia seems like she's setting a trap :(

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

A bit more polish and I think you should get it published. Definitely book club worthy. You've hinted at a few possible pairings -hope there's a sequel ready!

gunnerettegunnerettealmost 13 years ago

just gets better and better - the twisting of the tale is amazing but please dont make him give up his wings :)

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