Losing My Wife Ch. 03


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"And then there is all the planning and catering and..."

"And in the meantime your mother..."


I kissed her lightly, "How about this? We do a quick and dirty ceremony at the courthouse to satisfy the legal side. That lets you do everything you want the way you want without interference from your mother and have a fancy ceremony later."

"REALLY! You'd do that?"

I grinned, "Well it would keep her out of your wedding plans. Which is what it sounds like you want to do."

"Hell yes."

Dena got on the phone to Marcus to explain what she wanted to do. He would start things rolling on his end, and she would contact him again at the first layover.

We were like teenagers on the flight, kissing and talking. We even ordered a bottle of champagne.

"What's the occasion if you don't mind me asking?" the flight attendant asked as she poured.

Dena grinned, "We're getting married as soon as we get to Savannah!"

She looked between us quickly, "Doing things on the fly are we?"

"No, we've been together for a while."

"Oh sorry. I didn't see a... well sorry."

Dena got her ornery grin. "Oh he got me a very nice ring, two of them in fact. Would you like to see them?"

"Well, um, sure. I guess."

Dena handed me her glass, and then before you knew it she had pulled her tube dress down to fully bare her tits. "Aren't they just the most beautiful things you've ever seen?"

The attendant was a bit startled, then chuckled. "I wish my husband had been that creative, I just got some big dangly ones." She grinned and gave her not insignificant chest a little shoulder shake. They both giggled at my groan.

Dena turned and took my cheeks in her hands and gave me the nicest kiss while I tried not to spill our drinks. "I know, isn't he just the greatest!"

She took her glass back and took a nice sip, her top still down around her waist. The guy across the aisle was bug eyed, his wife was going to hit him in a moment.

"You might want to..." and made a lifting motion with her finger.

Dena giggled. "Oh yeah." She took her time handing me her drink, then pulled her tube top out enough to get it over her nipples but not much more, then pulled it around them to let them stand out as much as possible. She turned to me with shoulders back. "How's that dear?"

I grinned, blatantly looking at her nipples standing out, "Absolutely delicious," handing her drink back to her.

Dena lifted the arm rest and snuggled against me, my arm around her neck, my fingers lightly tracing the upper slope of her tit.

Dena turned her head to whisper into my ear. "You know this is really bad."


"When you make my nipples hard like this the tip of that diamond really presses into the tip of my nipple. I'm soaking wet and all I have on is this little g-string. Not even a thong to shove up into my pussy to stem the flow."

Oh that brought the memory of the chamber dinner evening straight to the front. "Evil woman," I hissed back at her, she just grinned.

She did actually leave a little bit of a wet spot on the seat. We had to use the family bathroom when we got to the terminal for our layover. It was a good thing she packed a regular pair of panties and pads in her carry on. Between the family bathroom at the terminal and the restroom in the plane to join the mile high club she would have left a hell of a mess on the connecting flight.

We checked in with Stan during the layover, and it seems that about an hour after Dena's call, the hospital staff were all but kissing his ass. "And one of the nurses is cute enough I'd be tempted to let him do it too."

And the rest of the plans were finalized. We touched down and Marcus was waiting for us. Then off to the courthouse, the judge's chambers, then Marcus' office, and finally the bank.

He also had the letters to the trustees ready and waiting for her signature. Two of them were nice thank you for your service letters. The other three were one step above fuck you assholes, good riddance. I chuckled, it's amazing how eloquently lawyers can say something nasty.

From there we headed to the hospital. Brian was doing well, and as Stan said, the staff were kissing ass. He was in a private room, and it was 'yes sir, no sir, how many bags full sir?'

We had been there about fifteen minutes when three older guys and a lady, all corporate types, came into the room inquiring on how things were going.

"Stan?" Dena asked.

"Well other than that problem when Brian was first admitted, everything has been okay."

Dena winked at Stan, "Just okay? For what we were going to donate I would expect more than just okay."

The older lady stepped toward Dena. She put her hand up and stopped her cold.

"It's okay Dena, they've gotten us whatever we've asked for."

Dena turned back to the four musketeers', "I had better not hear otherwise."

She turned and left without giving them any time to respond. I hurried up to catch up with her. As I put my arm around her she was trembling. "Damn, I've been around my mother for too long."

We laughed all the way to the car. Marcus dropped us at the house and made us promise to keep him updated.

Franklin greeted us warmly at the door, some of the rest of the staff not so much. "Your mother is waiting for you in the lounge."

"Tell her we'll be down after we freshen up a bit."

"But Miss Dena..."

"Franklin, we've been on the go for almost twenty two hours minus what little sleep we got on the plane. We are going to freshen up and then we will be down."

He had a little smirk, "I'll pass that on to your mother."

"Please do." We headed up stairs to her old room, decorated with various pictures of her growing up.

We took a long sensuous shower in a shower big enough to have a party in. By the time we were done we were about ready to drop, but we had her mother to deal with.

We headed downstairs, but Franklin met us as we crossed the entryway. "I'm sorry Miss Dena. Your mother had a previous engagement and had to leave. She said she would talk to you in the morning."

Dena stopped and shook her head slightly, "Why does that not surprise me."

Franklin turned to leave us. "Franklin, could you join us in the lounge for a bit."

"Of course Miss Dena."

He followed us in and stood near the door. Dena sat in an old chair near the desk which got a raised eyebrow from Franklin.

"Please close the door Franklin."

He did so, and turned back to us, "What can I do for you Miss Dena?"

"Several things Franklin, but first I would like your opinion on this." She held out a folded photo copy of our marriage certificate.

He took it cautiously, then broke into a grin when he realized what it was. He grasped her hand with both of his, "Congratulations' Miss Dena!"

Dena pulled him close, "The hell with that old man, come here!" she stood and pulled him into a nice hug.

When he stepped back she sat, "So what does that mean to you Franklin?"

He smiled, "I believe it means there will be a few changes around here."

Dena smiled, "You are correct. And the first question I have to ask is when is Grandmas' ring scheduled to be cleaned again?"

Franklin looked a bit puzzled, then the light came on, "Why I do believe it is scheduled for cleaning tomorrow."

"Thank you Franklin. Now who do I have to worry about on the staff?"

Franklin thought for a moment, "Well Miss Anne of course, she's been your mothers personal maid for sixteen years. I would add Miss Penelope and Mister Graves as possible's, maybe a few others on the fence. Other than that you shouldn't have any problems."

It was a relief we weren't going to have a mutiny on our hands. I could see Dena physically relax.

So we laid out the game plan for tomorrow, Franklin did his best not to enjoy what was about to unfold, he did however, smile quite a lot.

Miss Anne was given instructions the next morning that the ring was going out for its scheduled cleaning and to switch it for the fake one until it came back. She was also given a message to give to Dena's mother that she was needed at the hospital around eleven after her morning beauty shop appointment to take care of some paperwork.

We went to bed and just cuddled, an unusual occurrence for us.

We actually had to get up at a reasonable hour. I went to get a cup of coffee and was run out of the kitchen by a large black woman.

Dena was snickering at me, "I see you've invaded Mrs. Jackson's domain."

"I just wanted to get a cup of coffee."

A moment later that same black woman came from the kitchen with a fancy pot and two cups on a tray. I tried to reach for a cup. She turned the tray away from me as she passed. We had to follow her to the sitting room. She placed the tray on a table, gave me a not so nice once over, and left the room without a word.

I looked at her leaving the room, over at Dena, then back again.

Dena giggled, "Even Regie doesn't invade her kitchen. Here or at home."

Franklin came in a few minutes later, "Ma'am, the staff is assembled."

He led the way to the great room where there was about a dozen and a half staff members waiting.

Dena stopped at the top of the three steps leading down.

"Thank you all for coming on short notice. I know you have your duties and I won't keep you long." She surveyed the room, "How many of you know who I am?"

About a third of them raised their hand. "For those that don't know, my name is Dianna McCallen," there was a soft murmur. "And this is my husband Steven." There were even more murmur's.

"For those of you that don't know or have been misinformed, this is now my house." There was a middle aged woman off to one side who started making her way to the edge of the group. "Miss Anne, if my mother is contacted in any way before I speak to her the only job you will be able to get within five hundred miles of here is the part time night clerk at the seven eleven. Do I make myself clear?"

Miss Anne glared at Dena, but nodded. "That goes for the rest of you. My mother was a caretaker here until either Brian or I married. As I married first, this is now my household."

More murmur's.

"You will find I am an easy person to get along with, and not the slave driver my mother was. Those of you that wish to stay are more than welcome to. If you find you do not, and leave under good terms, you will receive glowing recommendations for you servitude under my mother and a generous severance package."

There were several smiles, "Those of you that wish to try my patience will receive the same treatment I described to Miss Anne."

The doorbell sounded and Franklin left to answer it, he returned with several men in moving company uniforms.

"These gentlemen are here to make the transition smooth and quick. In simple terms Mom will be trading places with Brian and Stan." There were a few gasps at that.

"In my absence you will get your directions from Franklin, Mrs. Jackson, and Regie, in that order." She smiled at Regie grinning, "Sorry Regie, you know how it is."

He chuckled and shrugged, "No different at home." That drew a few more chuckles from the staff.

"So thank you for your attention, I'll let you get back to your duties. If you feel the need to leave, talk to me or Franklin at your convenience."

We stood there as they shuffled out and Franklin got the movers coordinated. She sagged against me as they all shuffled out.

"One down, one to go."

We got to the hospital just as Brian was being discharged and told him what was happening. He was not happy when she told him they were being moved to the main house, but grinned when she added that mom was being dispatched to the guest house.

"Man I bet she raised holy hell."

"She doesn't know yet. She's coming here for paperwork," Dena raised the folder with six copies inside.

Brian noticed her grandmothers' ring on her finger, "How'd you pry that off her finger?"

Dena grinned, "It went out for cleaning."

Brian just laughed.

We went up to his room and waited. It wasn't long before we spotted her mother being let out of her car at the front door.

"If I was as much of a bitch as she was I'd make her take a cab home."

I tried not to laugh. In a few minutes the door opened.

"Brian dear, what do you..." she stopped with hand still on the door knob.

Dena was sitting at the table with me standing behind her. "Come in mother, there are some things we need to go over."

She walked slowly to the table eyeing the single folder in the middle. "Regarding?"

"Things at home."

Her eyes flicked to me and back to Dena, "I don't think Stevie should..."

"Sit down mother." I heard some of the tone Dena had used when she was chewing her mother out with her shirt hanging open. That memory made me grin a little. Her mom sat like she was afraid the chair would bite her.

When her mother had sat, Dena pushed the folder over to her.

Her mother opened it slowly. There was a slight hesitation in seeing the law firm logo at the top of the page, but she smiled as she read the first, and then the second letter. That smile soon disappeared as she read the third. When she started the fourth...

"Dianna, we simply cannot do this. These people have a purpose."

I could see the back of Dena's neck getting red. Marcus had given us some information, be it only strong rumor, of what her mother had been doing with the trustees.

The first two with nice letters had actually been doing their jobs. The other three, married men all, were not above a little pussy on the side. It was even rumored that one of them even made her take it in the ass while she ate his wife. I thought Dena was going to be sick when she heard that one. Needless to say it did not improve her opinion of her mother.

"Keep reading mother, I think you'll find the last page the most enlightening."

I'm not sure she even read the last letter, but when she saw the marriage certificate copy she visibly slumped, then sat back up ramrod straight. "No Dianna, this will not do. I will not accept this." Pushing the folder back to Dena like it would change something.

"You don't have a choice mom," I think she enjoyed every little cringe from her mother calling her 'mom'. "Everything has been taken care of. The trustees were notified this morning about the same time I notified all the staff."

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT... I STILL HAVE..." and Dena raised her hand above the table showing her mother her grandmothers ring on her finger. Her mother sat back deflated, "How could you..."

"You taught us well mother. Your things are being moved to the guest house. I'm assuming Miss Anne will be joining you there. Brain and Stan are moving up to the main house with me and Steven. The combinations on the vaults are all being changed."

We started for the door, she spoke up weakly, "I have a society luncheon scheduled for Thursday."

"You're more than welcome to have it," her mother sighed, "at the guest house," her mother made a 'noise'.

There were no more sounds from her mother as we left. From what her driver said she was up there for quite a while after we left. Marcus said she was rather 'adamant' that our marriage not be recognized as she didn't witness it. She was rather upset to hear that Judge Thompson performed the ceremony himself. Pretty hard to argue with the Chief Justice, he had also heard some of the rumors.

She fumed at Franklin walking Dena down the aisle, and was livid at no pictures for the society pages. Just a simple picture and announcement like everybody else.

She would have been truly mortified if she knew I had tied white ribbons on her nipples and Dena had put a large white vibrating egg in her pussy and the remote in my pocket. DAMN she looks hot in her half cup corset and stockings!

Oh Jesus woman, a little white crystal butt plug too...

Her mother tried various means of worming her way back into the main house over the next few months even after our wedding, and a few of the staff were reprimanded for minor instances, three were let go after repeated violations, Miss Penelope being one of the expected. Probably all under coercion from Miss Anne, but they had been warned.

Miss Anne received her second of three verbal warnings getting her banned from the main house without an escort for six months this time. She was reminded that the third would have her applying at the local convenience store. It was only Dena's mothers' insistence that even got her the warnings.

Her mother kept trying to hold outside social functions at the house. After the third try we decided to let her have one, but with a twist.

She had her tents set up half way between the house and guest house making it look like she was going to base out of the guest house, but we knew better.

The morning of her mother's function several trucks pulled in and began setting up just off the back patio. In a matter of an hour we had a little kids wonderland of bounce tents and games.

Her mother was furious at the appearance. She was even more pissed when several dozen kids from several local shelters showed up and had a screaming good time.

I smiled at myself, I was in Mrs. Jacksons dog house as well. I had a huge grill delivered and I did burgers and hot dogs and anything else I could... on my grill and she couldn't stop me!

This was a private war. I had purchased a small coffee maker to have my morning coffee and put it in our bathroom. It disappeared three days later. I got another, and it disappeared. The third one I wired a fence charger to it. She screamed, I laughed, it stayed.

We had a wonderful time with the kids running all over, I even caught Mrs. Jackson letting kids in her kitchen... she denied it later. Dena shook her head.

We had so much fun with the kids we started doing it semi regularly. I also had a full outdoor kitchen installed... and banished her from using it.

Dena finally forced a truce. I was allowed in the indoor kitchen and she was allowed to use the outdoor. We eventually became good friends when she realized I wasn't just some hack with a grill. I wasn't going to run Emeril out of business, but I didn't burn the water either.

# # # # #

It's been ten years since we were married, and I have never looked back.

We had a few interesting encounters with the staff since Dena and I still slept nude. And even a few more with the kids.

Yes I said kids. We now have a houseful. And none of them are mine or Dena's and her mother hates the very mention of them. She still pouts out in the guest house and pretends to be the matriarch of the family.

She scowls every time she runs up against her allowance. She had just enough for two little events a month, and I mean little. She goes overboard and she's blown it all on one event. I think she actually stomped like a petulant child the first time she whined to Dena for more money and didn't get it.

We don't do social functions, and Dena DOESN'T do donations just to be on someone's social calendar. They have to have merit.

The play dates with some of the shelter kids just expanded. We found we liked having them around so much, and after a serious conversation of having kids I would never get to see grow up, we started long term fostering. Mainly older kids, but quite often a family group. We have between six and ten kids at any one time. Those that do well in school and show initiative are offered scholarships to continue their education as long as they maintain a good grade average.

With the kids we also became the bane of the neighborhood. Bringing 'all those low life's' around. And then we stepped it up a notch. The kids had duties to perform, chores to do. They were not going to be pampered just because of where they lived. The neighbor across the cul-de-sac was furious at the 'bad example' our kids were setting with actually doing physical labor. They were 'behaving like servants!'