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A kitties tale continues.
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This is a requested continuation to my story Heat. You will find some spelling and grammar errors, if this bothers you please move on.

A seriously numb hand woke Lilli. She lay still for a moment trying to figure out why in the world was she sleeping on the floor.

Then the presence of a heavy arm around her and a warm body behind her helped her remember.

With a shriek she lunged to her hands and knees to scramble away on her strenthless fingers, only to be stopped by a strong hand clamping on the back of her neck and dragging her back.

That hold and a strange bonelessness kept her in place as the owner of that warm body untangled itself.

"What are you going to do to me?" She whispered to the carpet near her cheek.

A chuckle answered her. "Whatever you need me to do little kitty." The voice was deep and rich like melted chocolate. It tickled over her skin and she fought off a shiver.

The grip may have kept her immobilized but it didn't keep her from shaking like a leaf. What had she gotten herself into?

"What's wrong kitten," After some scrambling the man lowered into her view. "Did I hurt you?"

Relieved that it was a man in front of her, she burst into tears.

"sh..sh..sh.." He lifted her into his lap. "I know it's scary going into heat away from your pack, but it's ok, we were here for you."

The words only made her cry harder. "I don't understand what you're saying."

"Your pack should have explained things to you better."

"Pack?" She pulled away to look into the stranger's surprisingly beautiful green eyes. Confusion made it easier to forget she didn't know him.

"Do you not call it a pack? We couldn't figure out what flavor of kitty you were." He reached out to brush a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "Your family?"

She looked away. "I have no family, I was given up as a child." Lilli had always felt as if not being adopted was her fault. Surely she was to short, to unhappy, to solitary, her hair to puffy.

The sudden stillness in the arms around her shot alarm through Lilli and her eyes shot back to the man holding her.

"You have no family?" Those pretty eyes grew wide and dark when she shook her head.

"Oh god." He stood with her and set her on her own feet. "Honey, I'm sorry, if we'd known we would have handled things differently." Quickly he pulled a blanket from the couch and wrapped it around her. "How did you handle your other Heats? It must have been so hard for you."

For a long heartbeat she just started at him; he was attractive, some part of her thought. A strong bristled face, broad shoulders but the more he talked the less he made sense. "Nothing you are saying makes any sense to me. What are you talking about?"

Lilli watched as the man who looked so strong and stable stumbled slightly, staring at her like she was the one who'd changed forms. "God" he whispered.

Slowly he reached for her, like maybe she'd run from him, and gently took her arm to guild her to the couch where he sat next to her and hung his head for a while. His voice was soft and calm when he finally spoke. "Love, we assumed you knew..." He gathered up her hand. "I'm sorry, I wish I could have handled this differently."

Lilli took a careful breath. "Thank you, I think, but what are you talking about? What are you?"

His hands shook slightly. "I'm not normally..." Sigh "Look, I'm not great at this kind of thing, but I know you need something now." Again he reached out and tucked that lock of hair behind her ear. "You saw what I was earlier....you are like me."

All the moisture left Lilli's mouth and she swallowed down a panicy sound. "H...how do you know?"

He stared hard into her eyes. "The burning need you've been feeling is called Heat. It's something our females go through; it's not something normal humans go though."

"Are you sure?"

The look in his eyes grew soft. "Yes baby, I'm 100% sure."

Now that sound Lilli had bit back escaped, her hands flying up to her mouth to keep everything else in as she fought to keep tears at bay. "Ok" She whispered. "Ok".

For a long time she simply held herself. Weirdly that need growing in her calmed her. She looked up, eyes scared but determined.

"What's your name? I can't just call you kitty."

He didn't know if she was trying to be funny, but he smiled for her. "Kieth"

Now she smiled weakly "Kieth the kitty." Which made him smile wider.

He felt a bond click into place between them. Normally he tried to keep from connecting with many people, he had a job to do that often put people off. In this case he felt somewhat responsible for what had happened to the girl, and connecting to someone else would probably make her transition into her new life easier.

"Go put some clothing on so I can take you to my alpha. He'll help us figure everything out."

Blue eyes came back up to his and he saw that need growing in her again, that she was lost as to what to do, what to say, how to act, how to tell him what she needed.

"It's ok little Kitty, I'll take care of you." She stood and headed to the bedroom.

"Lilli." She turned. If it occurred to her to wonder how he knew her name he couldn't tell. "Wear a skirt... no underwear." The desire he saw bloom in her eyes told him he'd said the right thing; it'd been a risk but it was worth it.

While she dressed he moved about her kitchen looking for food for her, finding very little; the few normal things no one eats and her forgotten food from the night before. No wonder it took so long for him to be able to get his hands on her, she really did wait until she had no other options. With a shrug he plated up her chicken, cold fried chicken was almost better than warm anyway.

She really was lovely, Keith thought when she quickly returned. A fluff of cinnamon colored hair curled around a delicate face and he knew that beneath her full skirt were hips that filled his hands nicely.

"Eat." The stubborn, yet conflicted look she turned on him made him smile. "You have to eat. I'll make it worth your while."

Still it looked like she was going to fight him. Keith took her hand, lead her to the table and pushed down on the shoulders until she sat and the plate went down in front of her. "Eat". It pleased him that his strong voice made her pick up the chicken.

Lilli had turned her attention to her unwanted food when she felt a touch on her knee. An undignified "Ep!" escaped her and she moved to put her food down and figure out what the heck Keith was doing under her table, which was the only way he could have touched her knee.

"I'll stop if you don't keep eating." The table muffled what was meant to be a stern tone. The feeling of her skirt being pushed up her legs let her know what she was threatening to stop.

Feeling extremely awkward Lilli picked back up the chicken, it felt wrong for him to be doing this while she was eating. Then hard fingers gripped her knees and forced them open chasing that feeling away. She'd do anything to keep those fingers touching her. They caressed the crease between her thighs and the parts she suddenly desperately needed him to touch. Then she felt his tongue; very lightly follow those fingers and that horrible burning need ratcheted up within her.

Keith's evil tongue moved to the other thigh to stroke up to that same crease. Something other than his tongue caressed up her slit and her hands started to tremble. Again, slower and deeper he caressed up that slit, not going nearly deep enough. She ate faster, wanting to be finished before things got any better.

"Are you still eating?" Keith's lips brushed against hers as he spoke, god help her she could even feel his breath on her highly sensitive flesh.

"God, yes". The words sounded more like a plea than an affirmation.

A muffled chuckle echoed under the table followed by what was definitely a tongue tracing the parts already traced. Lilli's breath shuttered out and she ate a touch faster, not caring if she choked.

A few more passes that just didn't touch what needed touching and Lilli finished eating, never more grateful to finish a meal. Finally that tongue pressed into her folds and she gasped, clutching at the tables edge. So slowly he drug that tongue up, closer, closer. When Keith finally, slowly caressed her clit she cried out. Pure, hot desire shot through her.

Again and again he repeated that gesture; a heavy tongue drug from bottom to top, oh so shortly caressing her clit. Before long she was making desperate mewling noises, hands tightly clenched on the table as need slowly, slowly built in her.

"Oh please." She whimpered. "please".

Another chuckle. "In good time" he murmured into her folds. Lilli shuttered, crying out.

Again and again until Lilli felt she couldn't handle it any longer. Finally fingers slid into her to press against her front wall. "Oh God!" She screamed. It only took 3 thrusts before she came, her body flying apart, nearly falling off her chair with the force of it.

For some time she slumped over the table, gasping in air. Keith climbed out from under the table and began to gently stroke her back, steadying her, bringing her home. When she sat up he smiled down at her.

"Come on little Kitty, it's time to go."

Even though Keith's voice was kind Lilli felt fright shiver through her, chasing away her after glow. She searched his eyes for a way out, seeing only determination. She was going to see his alpha one way or another. They needed to find out what kind of cat she was and where she needed to go.

Keith found himself a tad sad at the thought of her leaving and going to some other pack. He helped her to her feet and satisfied himself with keeping her hand. Some part of him wanted to keep her; he'd found her and been the one to follow her for weeks. She felt like his. No other cat had given him as much fight.

As they left her building he thought about all the other times he'd done this, followed a lost kitty and helped her through her heat when her own pack wasn't around. He always felt protective of them, but nothing like this had ever happened. Maybe it was because of how lost she was. Either way he had a job in his pack and he just couldn't see her being ok with it. No one ever had in the past.

He squeezed her hand, at least he had her for now.

They road in his car saying very little; He knew how off balance Lilli must feel and he wasn't sure what he should say. He was a complete stranger, effectively her rapist, considering how little she knew. To top everything off he was a creature she'd likely only had nightmares of. What the heck do you say to that?

"Thank you." Her voice was soft, barely a sound.

Keith fought the urge to turn and stare at her. "Good lord why?".

Surprisingly she smiled at him. "For doing this, taking me..." The smile faded. "... Where ever you're taking me. It's better than being left alone, not knowing anything.".

"I suppose, but I could never do that to you. Leave you alone without a clue."

"Still, thank you."

Silence settled over them again and Keith wished in vain that his radio worked.

"I'm sorry." He flinched at the hesitation in his voice, he wasn't normally like this, so unsure of what to do or say.


He shook his head and drove without answering her for a moment, Lilli granted him that time.

"For what I did to you. I only wanted to help."

"I know." She turned away, staring blindly out of the window. "Truthfully I don't know how much longer I could have held out. I would have done anything to make that need stop."

He nodded to the traffic. "Yeah, in a prowl or pack there would always be someone there to... help you." He stole a quick glance at her. Despite taking care of her earlier he could still feel, smell her need growing. He wondered what kind of kitty she was; her need seemed stronger, harder to satisfy than normal. Keith suppressed a grin, he was more than up to that challenge.

Yet again a silence fell over them. They didn't have that long of a drive but even still she was squirming and shifting in her seat, trying to ignore the feelings bubbling up inside her.

Finally they stopped at an everyday house in an uninteresting neighborhood, and Keith caught her looking at the beige building in surprise.

"Everyone expects something different". He told her. "No one would expect anything unusual in this house, this place."

As they exited the car and moved to the house Lilli felt that need being pushed aside for a feeling of panic. Keith grabbed her into his arms as he heard her voice beginning to hitch in he chest. "Sh... it's ok little Kitty. I promise it'll be ok." He cradled the back of her head in his hand. "I know this has been a lot of take in, but Mathus and I will do everything we can to help you through this."

He held her until her breathing evened out and the shivering stopped. Keith knew Mathus was watching, but also knew he would give them the time they needed.

With no more words Keith lead her to the door. A well built middle aged man with eyes that were obviously use to smiling opened the door before they could knock "Well come in".

Even the living room was plain, except for a rather large TV on the wall.

"So, she's a leopard?" Mathus asked while smiling at her.

"Uh... actually there was a pretty good reason for why we

couldn't tell what she was."

The smile left in a blink. "I'm sure you are going to explain."

"I will, but can we find a comfortable place for Lilli while we talk?"

Lilli would have found it rude and irritating to be ushered out while the men talked, but that horrible burning need was scrambling her brains again.

Keith could feel his pack leaders energy popping and snapping around him, but he knew he'd be given the time he needed to compose himself.

"Mathus..."Keith sat on the non descript cream couch and clamped his hands to keep them from shaking. Lilli might not currently be upset, but he knew how much her life was about to be scrambled. "I've never... It's nothing like we thought."

The couch moved as Mathus sat. "Tell me."

A deep sigh escaped. "She had no clue".

Their eyes met with an almost audible snap. "Excuse me?"

"She knew nothing. Nothing."

For a long moment they stared at each other, power sizzling between them. "Explain."

Horror slowly grew on Keith's face. "She woke up and freaked out.... I assumed...." He swallowed. "Anyway, She told me she had no family, she didn't even know she wasn't human".

"That can't be possible."

"Mathus, she'd never even changed before"

Now horror was growing in Mathus' eyes. "But she was in heat". Keith smiled grimly at the almost wistfulness in that statement; now the alpha was starting to understand how he felt. He'd never heard of a single cat changer that has gone into heat before changing, clearly Mathus hadn't either. Lilli was far past the time when most cats changed.

"I know, believe me I know", Keith broke the gaze to scrub his face. "She was nearly crazed with the need by the time I got to her. I have no doubt she really was in heat, but she's never changed."

As if to ward off all that the other man was saying Mathus was shaking his head. "I've never heard of anything like that."

"Me either."

The wild energy between them pulled back as Mathus sat up straighter. "We have to find out what kind of cat... or... whatever she is."


Their eyes snapped back together and Keith started to feel dread grow in him.

"You know how."

"Mathus, I just can't."

His Alpha stood, putting himself and his power above him.

"You and I are the only two in this pack who can. She's already been through enough shocks without me doing it to her, or some complete stranger from some other pack. She is at least somewhat use to you."

What could he say to that? It was true and he didn't want to cause her more grief than necessary.

"Oh god Mathus." The tortured sound of Keith's voice made Mathus sit back down.

"I wouldn't ask this of you if I didn't think it was important. We could wait... but she should have changed by now."

Lilli paced the small bedroom she found herself in. She didn't know what was happening to her; it seemed like every time that need was met it came back faster and stronger. She couldn't live like this, it just had to go away.

She was almost crying when Keith opened the door.

"Lilli, what is it?"

The concern in his voice caused tears to fall down her cheeks.

"Oh little Kitty." He gathered her into his arms. The scent of her need had filled the room and he could see how freaked out the girl was. That smell tightened his groin, and instinctive response.

Just the gentle brush of Keith's hand down her neck caused her breath to hitch in. "Keith, how can I live like this?"

He let go of her so he could lead her to the bed.

"I promise things will get better." He certainly hoped she wasn't lying to her. Without knowing what she was there was no way to know for sure. "I'll fuck you until I can't fuck any longer if that's what it takes."

His crass words made her gasp with need. "Oh I just can't bare this!"

Keith's hands came up to frame her face. "You don't have to." He whispered. He'd finally thought of how to meet her need and do as his alpha commanded at the same time.

With no more words spoken Keith leaned forward to rub his face against her neck, causing her to gasp and melt into him. He wanted to roll around on her and claim her as his own. She wasn't and likely never would be... but right this moment that didn't matter.

Fire skittered along Lilli's nerves as Keith scrapped his teeth along her skin. While she was reeling from that, Keith managed to get her shirt and bra off. Lilli didn't know if she should laugh or purr, then Keith started to nibble farther down and she decided on purr.

Suddenly Keith grabbed her and tossed her onto the bed, then crawled up the bed toward her before she even had the chance to gasp.

Rough bristles brushed against the underside of her breasts and nearly undid her.

Slowly, painfully slowly Keith worked his way to her nipples. Brushing, licking and nibbling. Lilli found herself clutching his hair and squirming about frantically.

Just when she was certain she couldn't take that any longer he ran a rough feeling tongue over a tight nipple. She cried out and that nipple was sucked into his mouth and worked while Lilli whimpered. Lighting flashed from that nipple to the core of her, curling inside her, setting her nerves on fire.

Her skirt was pushed up so Keith could stroke the curls that rested between her thighs, her legs trapped closed by Keith's so that he tormented her with gentle caresses.

Only when her whimpers turned into desperate needy cries and that curled need had tightened like a spring, did he press his fingers between her moist folds to caress the nub he found there. That one caress along with a careful press of teeth pushed her over that shiny edge, the world graying out in a wave of sensation.

As the shudders subsided Lilli realized Keith had flipped her over and pulled her back so she was bent over the edge of the bed. Before she'd even caught her breath Keith was pushing his way in.

That slow, deliberate push had her clawing at the bedspread.

"oh please, please" She begged, wanting, needing to feel him filling her, pounding her.

"Hush little Kitty, you'll take it as I give it." The firmness of his voice caused a violent shudder to race through her.

The slow push continued, accompanied by her whimpers until he was deep in her, then he started to pull out just as slowly.

Keith gritted his teeth as she shuddered around him. If she didn't hold still he'd go faster than planned. With a growl he bent over her and clamped his teeth into the back of her neck.

As his teeth parted her flesh she violently came again, a deep tortured cry torn from her.
