Lost Creek Wives' Club Pt. 17


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Maureen shrugged as she looked at Colette and Sharon and added..."And she probably would too."

Just then, the front doorbell rang and the arrival of the rest of our social club began. Within a half hour everyone arrived, including two who I thought for sure wouldn't attend because of their mostly negative attitude whenever our conversation during recent get-togethers revolved around self-pleasuring and Sapphic sex.

Once everyone arrived, they ended up either in the kitchen helping themselves to a drink and talking in small groups, or standing in front of the tables in the living room oohing and aahing over all the items on display.

After Louise introduced Trish to me, the three of us went to the far end of Maureen's large kitchen to talk. But as soon as we did, Louise quickly excused herself to talk to someone who waved at her from the other opposite end. And while I might have been wrong, it seemed she used it as a means for us two to be alone together.

Once Trish and I were..."I can't tell you how nice it is to finally meet you, Lacey. And I feel like I already know you since Louise talks so much about you."

"I hope it's all good."

"Very much so, and before I forget, thank you for suggesting Louise invite me tonight. It was very nice of you."

"I did want to meet you after Louise talked about you, and I thought it would also be a good way for you to meet everyone and to convince you to attend our regular afternoon socials."

"I'd love to if it wasn't for me teaching. I'm sure Louise told you I wouldn't feel right about attending just during summer months."

"It wouldn't be a problem as everyone would understand why, so please give it some thought as I'd love for you to attend them. Especially since we have something in common."

After she laughed..."I didn't know we did until the ride over here tonight. Louise told me she mentioned something to you recently about her and I being intimate, and I pretty much figured out you two were from the way she talked about you. Finally when I simply asked her about it, she fessed up. And so you'll know, your secret is safe with me as I'm sure mine is with you."

"I can assure you it is, and very much so. Now as much as I'd like to compare notes", which caused her to chuckle..."I understand you're divorced. The only reason I mention it is because after I suggested Louise invite you tonight, she jokingly figured you'd jump at the chance since you could use all sex toys you can get."

After she laughed..."That sounds just like something Louise would say. And yes I'm divorced. Fairly recently, and it's my second one. After about two years, my second husband and I realized it just wasn't working out between us. The divorce was amicable and I got to keep the house since we relocated here soon after we married and was fortunate to get a great position teaching here locally. It worked out perfectly for me since not long after the divorce my ex was transferred again to the east coast. I would've hated leaving if we were still married since I love teaching here."

"So both of you aren't originally from here?"

"We're originally from northern Illinois just north of Chicago." After she paused for a second and looked at her empty glass..."I don't know about you Lacey, but I could use another drink. Would you like one?"

"I'm fine. I'll wait here until you return unless you want me to introduce you to some of the other girls?"

"Not just yet, so I'll be right back."

I couldn't help but admire her as she walked away. Especially her bum, which I swear she put a little extra effort into the way she walked for my benefit.

Trish is younger than Louise and I by at least five years. She was adorable and almost petite as Louise. Long blonde hair, which she had in a ponytail and like Louise, is cute as a ladybug. Except for the long hair, the other only exception would be very full lips compared to Louise's much thinner lips in spite of being a wonderful kisser. Figure wise, she was a bit heavier than Louise, but not by much and it would be hard to be as slim unless you were as athletic as she is from her daily running routine. Not very big busted, but not small either. Then there was her delectable looking ass in the very form fitting slacks she was wearing.

All things considered, it made me wonder why according to Louise, she wasn't active socially and pretty much keeps to herself. As cute as she was, and with her terrific figure, she wouldn't have any trouble finding someone to keep her company if she so desired.

Soon as she returned with what looked to be another gin & tonic..."On second thought Lacey, why don't we make our way to the living room so I can get a look at what I overheard someone saying was an unbelievable selection of sex toys on display."

"Sure. While I've already seen it, I'd love to see your reaction to some of them."

As we were making our way to the living room, Louise from the other end of the kitchen gave me a very knowing smile along with a mischievous wink.

When we reached the table, Colette was standing at one end and after telling Trish I needed to talk to Colette, I approached her and asked when she'd like to do her presentation.

"I don't even know if I need to. You wouldn't believe how many orders I've already taken from people just looking at the items on display. I'm surprised how so many act like this is all new to them and it brings to mind how kids supposedly act in a candy store for the first time. All I can say is they must be living pretty sheltered lives. Not that I'm complaining as this might end up being one of my best nights for sales."

"I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear it. And since things are going so well, do you still see a need to do your presentation, or are you thinking it won't be necessary?"

"I still want to, but it'll be a condensed version. Maybe in another half hour or so as I like to wait until everyone has a few drinks to loosen up first, although with this group it doesn't seem it'll matter. And from the discussions I've had it looks like it was a good decision to bring Sharon along. From the questions I've been asked already I have a feeling the videos online won't satisfy their curiosity about them and some kind of in-person demonstrations will be necessary. I might even have to help Sharon with things. We'll just have to see how it goes."

"Since it looks like there's a couple of ladies waiting to talk to you, I'll leave you be for now. Just let Maureen or I know when you're ready for your presentation and we'll gather everyone together here in the living room." Then after looking around I asked where Sharon was.

"She's outside taking a break to have a cigarette."

After excusing myself I returned to be with Trish, who was holding one of the strapless dildos in her hand.

As soon as she saw me at her side she showed it to me and asked..."Did you ever see one of these before Lacey?"

"Not until recently, and between you and me, I had the pleasure of it being used on me." Although I made it a point not to share the fact it was Louise who did. "And before you ask, it was a very enjoyable experience. So if you're thinking of getting one, don't hesitate."

"Based on your recommendation, I just might. But I'm not sure how you'd actually use or wear it without a harness. I'm assuming you're supposed to insert these two smaller appendages in your anus and vagina, but."

"I wouldn't be of very much help since I've only been on the receiving end of one so it might be best to ask Colette after she does her presentation since she and Sharon are the experts. And if need be, they'd be willing to show you how to insert it, which I'm sure some of the other girls are as curious about it as you are."

Just as Trish was about to ask me another question, Maureen came up to us..."Lacey, are you going to introduce me to who I assume is Trish, or are you going to keep her all to yourself?"

After I introduced them to each other I couldn't believe how smitten Maureen appeared to be with Trish, which probably had something to do with how close she was to her own age compared to most of us in our club. Seeing she was, I nicely excused myself so she could be alone with her and decided to visit with Sharon outside.

Soon as I saw her I quietly walked up to her as she was standing with her back towards me at the end of the walkway having a cigarette.

"That sure smells good."

She jumped slightly at first, before looking over her shoulder..."You scared me Lacey. And would you like to have one with me?"

"As much as I liked to, I'll pass. Being an ex-smoker, I still love the smell of a cigarette, but I better not tempt fate since it took me so long to quit."

"I've probably tried a hundred times, but obviously never successfully. The best I've been able to do is cut down to about a half pack a day." After which she put her unfinished cigarette out.

"You didn't have to do that because of me."

"It was more for me. I rarely have one right after another, and only when I'm nervous."

"Nervous about what?"

"From my discussions with some of the ladies in your club, it's looking more and more like I'll actually have to demonstrate some of the toys."

"I thought it's the reason you were here."

"It is, but I wasn't expecting I'd actually have to. Colette only asked me because with the short notice in the change of plans to be prepared for possible live demonstrations none of the other girls who usually do them were available. Being good friends as we are, I couldn't refuse when she asked. And the only reason I did is because she said it was unlikely I'd have to, and if I did, it would be only for women. If it was mixed couples, I never would have agreed to it."

"But what about the videos you do?"

"While it might sound contradictory, I don't mind doing them. I actually enjoy doing them. I've even found myself getting carried away as when doing the g-spot vibrator video you saw, and had an unbelievable orgasm. No doubt I'm somewhat of an exhibitionist as I personally get excited knowing other people enjoy watching me in the videos. The problem is, I've never demonstrated anything in front of anyone other than the two women who do the videography, and know very well. In front of a group of women I don't know will be a whole new experience, and I'm not sure I can do it."

"I never would have guessed this would be your first time demonstrating anything in front of a gathering like this. I don't know what to say other than with it being the case you'll do perfectly fine if it comes to that based on the video I watched of you. Especially because of how comfortable and uninhibited you seemed in it. But if it's going to be a problem, I can make sure you won't have to."

"That would be asking too much at this late stage. Besides, I wouldn't want to disappoint Colette since she's counting on me. She committed to demonstrating something herself if necessary even though she rarely does."

"Like I said, I can make sure it won't be necessary for either of you and it wouldn't be a problem. Besides, I'm not sure anyone here is actually expecting anyone to. This kind of an event is totally alien to many of them, so I don't think they have any expectations of an in-person live demonstration."

"It's not a case of anyone expecting it, but from the conversations I've had so far there have been a lot of questions about how best to use certain toys. The videos Collette can access via the internet on the TV might do the trick for some, but won't for most compared to a live demonstration. And it's the reason why we have a number of girls who do it on a regular basis."

"Once again, I feel you'll do just fine and if need be, I'm even willing to help by demonstrating some of the toys with you if it'll make you feel more comfortable. One thing I've learned about myself is I'm also an exhibitionist, and after I get over the initial uneasiness I might put your regular girls to shame."

I wouldn't have made such an offer just for anyone. But for some reason I took a liking to Sharon after I saw her in the video and from what Colette told us about her afterwards, which only heightened once I met her in person.

After Sharon laughed, and in a relieved sort of way..."While I don't know you very well, I have a feeling you could, but I couldn't ask or expect you to. Besides, what would your friends here think?"

"A few might be shocked, but I have a feeling most wouldn't give it a second thought. And if we ask for volunteers to help demonstrate something such as one of the strapless dildos, I wouldn't be surprised if half the girls raised their hands, and the other half would probably kick themselves they didn't after the fact." At that point I didn't want to belabor the issue. I figured the more we talked about it, the more apprehensive Sharon would get. Plus the sun disappeared behind the horizon and no sooner than it did the late summer warmth it provided also disappeared. "I don't know about you, but I'm starting to get chilly and I'm sure Colette and Maureen are starting to wonder about us. And don't worry about demonstrating anything, everything is going to work out just fine if it comes to that and I was serious about my offer to help."

Sharon then stood real close to me and after saying how much better she felt she took my face in both hands and kissed me. Very lovingly with a partially open mouth, of which I enthusiastically responded. It was a brief kiss, maybe five seconds, but as wonderful as a kiss could be. After it ended, Sharon looked at me briefly and just when I thought she was about to kiss me again she turned without saying a word and made her way back into the house.

I quickly followed her and as I did, I couldn't help but think how risky it was to kiss me the way she did. She had to be bisexual and it proved once again, a woman who is could sense another woman also was within minutes of making their acquaintance. From the way she held my hand earlier I got a strong inclination she was and she obviously sensed I was too. If she didn't, there was no doubt in my mind she never would have kissed me like she did. At most, it would have been an affectionate kiss on the cheek as a way to say thank you for attempting to put her at ease.

As soon as we were in the house, Maureen spotted me and came over to inform me Colette thought it was time to do her presentation. We informed everyone else and asked them to congregate in the living room, which they quickly did after refreshing their drinks. Soon as they all were, Colette began her presentation.

After reintroducing herself and Sharon, she accessed her company's website on the internet and played a video on the big screen TV over the fireplace that gave an overview of the company, and the products it sold in generalities. As with any good presentation with an overview, Colette provided the narrative and her slight, but cute French accent made her very captivating.

While speaking, she made it a point to pay strict attention to her audience to ensure they weren't getting bored or disinterested, and from my observation none did. Quite the opposite as the video progressed and she began to describe all the products her company provided in more detail, of which there was only a partial sampling on display in front of the fireplace.

As she was drawing to a close she encouraged everyone to be sure they had one of their catalogs for future reference, and to be sure to ask any questions they had about any of the products on the tables, or in the catalog. Finally she made it a point for them not to be bashful about asking questions of which she and Sharon would be more than happy to answer..."Even demonstrate one if need be. When it comes to sex toys, it's best to be fully informed as to how one works, what it will do, and most importantly, what it'll achieve before you buy one. There is no such thing as an inappropriate question when it comes to a sex toy, and you shouldn't feel the least bit reluctant to ask."

With that said her presentation ended, and everyone gave her a polite round of applause, after which she asked if anyone had any questions. The room remained totally quiet as everyone seemed hesitant at first. Just when I thought no one would and was about to ask one to break the silence, Donna finally did.

Besides Maureen and I, Donna is one of the most regular attendees to our socials, and I can't think of one she's ever missed. And since she's very outspoken and never been shy about anything, I wasn't surprised she was the first to raise her hand before asking Colette if she had brought a Sybian along with her..."I've always been curious about one, but would never think of getting one without at least seeing one up close and personal. When I noticed it in your catalog I was hoping you had one with you?"

"It so happens we do. A demonstration model in the van. A lot of women are curious about it." After she asked Sharon if she wouldn't mind getting it for Donna..."Does anyone else have a question they'd like to ask?"

Since Donna broke the ice, about a half dozen hands shot up. As Colette began to answer them, Sharon came over and asked if I'd help her get the Sybian, which I was glad to do.

By now it was dark outside, but fortunately Maureen's front yard is well lit with landscape lighting, plus when Sharon opened the back of the van it lit up inside and had more than its share of ample lighting. And big as a Sybian is, it was easy to spot as soon as I entered it.

As I lifted one end to gauge how much it weighed, I was surprised how relatively light it was..."You didn't need me to help you Sharon, it's a lot lighter than I thought it would be."

"Around twenty-two pounds if I remember right, but I need help with carrying a box of attachments and a platform that comes with it. Plus I wanted to get you alone to advise you that according to Colette, whenever someone asks to see a Sybian it almost always leads to a demonstration of it. As pricey as one is, I can't say that I blame them."

"If you're worried about having to demonstrate it, I can always put the kibosh on it if Donna asks. Or I'm sure you must have a video you can access online showing how it works and how to use it."

"We do, but like I said, as pricey as one is, almost anyone who's seriously interested in one wants to see how it works in person."

After we gathered up the Sybian, the box of attachments, platform, and an extension cord and foot four square two inch thick cushion, of which Sharon thought to bring along at the last second, we headed back to the house. As we were, Sharon suddenly stopped and turned towards me..."While I have you alone I want to apologize for earlier."

"Apologize for what?"

"For kissing you like I did. I shouldn't have, and don't know what came over me at the time."

"If it'll make you feel any better, I'm pleased you did. And it was an incredible kiss so there isn't anything to apologize for unless you regret it for personal reasons."

"Hell no, if we were any place other than outside in broad daylight I most likely would have kissed you more than once...and more passionately. All I'll say is, I can't tell you how attracted I am to you and leave it at that." After which she left me standing there on the walkway speechless and quickly headed towards the house.

By the time I reacted to catch up to her to respond, she was already entering the house. All I could think is what a night it had been so far. First I found myself "attracted" to Trish, then getting the "hots" for Sharon. Made me wish in some ways I never developed a special fondness for other women by exploring my own bisexual curiosity. Not that bisexual women can't just be friends without being intimate, but it seems in my case I immediately become "intrigued" with what it would be like to have sex with another women I know or sense to be bisexual.