Love Always Wins Pt. 02 Ch. 05-09


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"Hey! That's not fair! What's with the panties all of a sudden?"

Obviously surprised, Terri gagged a bit before she replied around my penis, "My period arrived last night, dammit!"

The vibration from Terri's voice managed to pull the trigger on Little Stefan and things started moving very fast! "Holy shit! Terri, I'm cumming!" Each surge of semen was accompanied by flat-out painful spasms of every muscle in my body as Little Stefan seemingly tried gallantly to jump all the way down to Terri's stomach!

Terri was busy licking me clean and sucking me dry before I was able to muster the wherewithal to speak! "Holy bleeping shit, woman! Is this the latest assassination technique that you are practicing? Nobody ever knows that it was an assassination because the victim always dies with a grin on his face while he goes into full coronary arrest!"

Terri finished cleanup to her satisfaction, reversed ends, cuddled up and gave me a long, loving, cum-flavored kiss!

After we came up for air, Terri grinned and said, "Well yeah! But you're still alive! My CIA handler told me that it is always fatal! You must be an awfully tough old bird!"

She paused for a breath. "And what were you doing all night long? Running the sperm factory on all three shifts? I swear, that is way more cum than you have produced in any of our previous hook-ups! You can talk all you want about assassination, but I will swear in court that you tried to drown me!"

"Tried to drown you with cum? Excuse me m'am, but flattery will get you anything you want! What exactly do you want?"

Terri sighed, "I want what I can't have. Not only is Miss Kitty all bloody, but she is way too sore to play!"

We managed a little more small talk, but both of us soon dozed off until such time as there was more than just the gentle glow of the sunrise shining thru the window.

"Excuse me Ms. Wonderful, but I have got to get to the bathroom and drain a crankcase!"

"Alright, be that way. Leave me all cold and lonely here in bed."

"I hate to say it, but we probably should get our acts together and try to demonstrate that we are still alive. What would you like for breakfast?"

"I think that we destroyed your makings for french toast yesterday. What do you have in the line of hot cereal?"

"How does buckwheat and breakfast soufflés sound?"

"Sold! By the sexy chef with the silver tongue that both my ears and Ms. Kitty love! What can I do to help?"

We were about halfway through breakfast when Terri shifted the topic back to the elephant in the room. "Well, I guess this is as good a time as any for you to deliver your negative sales pitch."

"Ohhh, goody—not! But, yeah, I reckon you're right.

"Let's see—let me start with the most important issue..."

"Which is our age difference, right?" interjected Terri.

"Sorry, no. It's resources."


"If we top out at level four, I reckon that we can put any number of resource plans together that we could live with. However, if we manage to take this to level five, that is, marriage, this becomes critical.

"A family raising children needs more income, and a more dependable income, than two adults living their version of the life of Riley. I am past the prime age for making a decent wage working for the man. Maybe there is an entrepreneur living behind my beard, but until something actually happens, that's not a solution that I am willing to bet my life on; and absolutely, it's not a bet that I'd stake one or more children's lives on!

"What I do bring to the table is a modest, but stable income. Most of it is the contractual obligation that the government owes me for giving them twenty-five years of my life while wearing a uniform. The lesser part is what I get for crossing the magical milestone of my sixty-second birthday.

"You, Terri, are the one with the best potential for a decent steady wage. Maybe you have an entrepreneur's magic lamp, but we can't count on something like that until it actually starts delivering.

"In my book, anyone who brings a child into the world is responsible for them. And that does not mean that it is right to hire someone to raise that child. A child should be raised by their parents, and not by some kind of government surrogate or private nanny! That means that at least one parent gets to stay home and assume the career of homemaker, nanny, nurse, child psychologist, teacher, and jack-of-all-trades. That's not to say that they can't contribute support to the economic unit that is the family, it's just that the children come first!

"Hmm, I guess that raises the issue of child rearing. I raised my children using a mostly traditional approach to bringing them up. They have all turned out well, but I never really got comfortable with the approach and the role. If we are to have children, I would like to investigate alternative approaches to the raising of children. Peaceful Parenting is one that I have heard of but never explored since I never expected to be able to use it after I discovered it.

"Anyway, I am willing to assume the roll of Mr. Mom if you have to be the breadwinner. However, that introduces a number of new variables into what is commonly considered a 'normal' family.

"Some women can't stand the idea of being attached to a man that brings home less money than they do. Are you one of them? And, no, you don't need to answer that now. It's just something that you need to meditate on for the next three weeks or so.

"Now that I think about it, there are a number of questions I will leave you with that do not need immediate answers. They are just homework that you get to meditate on until we get back together... uh, of course, that's presuming that we do get back together."

"I understand, Stef, but for the time being let's be positive; we WILL be back in contact in three weeks or so. Okay?"

"Boy! That works for me, Terri!

"Anyway, leaving this little digression and getting back to the main topic. The Universe has gifted women with milk factories and in my experience the Universe is almost always more likely to be right than all the overeducated blowhards that populate the human race.

"Terri, if you become the prime supporter of the family, how would you propose to handle nursing the children while bringing home the bacon?

"Oh, and I hope you like home-brewed beer! It promotes lactation and I have four sons who turned out very well on beer-based mother's milk! In my book the bottom line is that baby formula is on a kitchen shelf strictly and only as an emergency back-up!

"I could probably squeeze a little more blood out of this resource turnip, but the topic is now on the table and I'm sure that you can find and pursue any number of related permutations on your own.

"Our age difference is probably the next biggest elephant we need to think about. I'm not going to beat that bush with the social consequences that can come of it since we already touched on that topic the other day. What I think I need to mention are some of the actuarial consequences that we need to be aware of.

"My father is in his nineties and has a decent shot at making it a bit past one hundred. On the other hand, my mother 'only' made it into her eighties. Based on my own condition and advances in health and medicine, a century does not seem like an unreasonable duration for me to live. In nice round numbers, that would give us the potential of thirty years together.

"Are you willing to go into this knowing that you are likely to be a widow by the time you are around fifty or sixty? Of course, you are young enough that you may turn out to be a member of the first generation of humans that are effectively immortal, barring fatal accidents. I guess that would probably make me a Dora to your Lazarus. Wouldn't that make an interesting twist on Bob Heinlein?"

"Huh? That sounds more like an argument FOR level five rather than an argument against it!"

"Uhh... Come again, Terri. I don't follow you on that one."

"The logic is the same as it was among the ancient Greeks and other older cultures. A successful thirty year old man marries a twelve year old girl so that when he kicks the bucket, she has the grown up children to take care of her in her old age. As far as love is concerned, the arrangement probably stinks, but economically, it's a very good deal for the woman... uh, girl." Terri gave me a mischievous grin and continued, "It sounds to me like the real message is that if we go beyond level three, we should try real hard to get to level five!"

I shook my head a bit, "Allll right. I follow the logic. At least economically that argument holds water. However, from a cultural and personal psyche viewpoint I think you will agree the prospect is not exactly rosy, right?"

"Oh yeah, I know that we are dealing with shades of gray and not black and white."

"Damn! It is so much fun talking to you! I suspect that you are smarter than me and yet you pay attention to what I have to say and contribute useful thoughts and information to the conversation!"

Terri grinned and replied with, "Riiight! Flattery will get you anything you want! What is it that you want?"

I felt the heat of what must have been a pretty bright flush and Terri giggled, "That's what I thought, you dirty old man!"

"Okay... Okay, let me see if I can get my negative sales pitch back on track for you.

"Differences in physical capabilities between us may turn out to be important. If you are into running or jogging, I may never be able to be a running partner unless somebody can figure out how to make the metal in my ankle evaporate. If you are, or if you ever get, into extreme sports, I may never be able to be more than a spectator or a cheerleader."

I had to smile as a related thought struck home. "Hmm, on a different physical capacity, if you are heavy into music and dance, I am likely to be a disappointment. I may not have the classic tin ear that C. S. Forester gave to Horatio Hornblower, but I am definitely musically challenged and if you manage to get me out on a dance floor, all I can promise is that I will do my very best to not step on your toes.

"I guess kind of related to this general topic is that I don't have any genetic traits like Lazarus Long's longevity gene that maximizes his sexual market value with every lady he meets and who finds out about it. As near as I can tell, genetically, I'm just about as average as they come!

"Now that I think about it, expectations may turn out to be dangerous terrain for us too. We are coming off what for me is the most amazing sexual fling that I have ever had in my entire life! We may be totally disappointed if we get back together in order to resurrect what is effectively the equivalent of getting hit by a bolt of lightning. Or maybe winning the lottery is an equivalent but more positive analogy. The bottom line is that perfect past performance is no guarantee of future results. I'm sure we can have a wonderful sex life together in the future, but if we expect supernova sex as the norm, we are almost guaranteed to be disappointed!

"And, speaking of flings, one of the reasons that I have found it to be so satisfying is because we have explored to all the frontiers of my kinkiness. If we have not reached your frontiers of kinkiness, that could be a disruptive influence on a relationship between us. I will admit that my fantasies cross a few of those frontiers, but I frankly can't see myself crossing them in real life. I dunno, does that make sense to you?"

"What? Is that like my bondage fantasy that turns me on for some reason that I don't understand, but which I cannot ever imagine actually doing of my own free will?"

I had to grin. "As a matter of fact, that's one of the exact same frontiers that I will cross in my fantasies, but would probably die before I crossed it in real life!

"Moving on then, there are personality differences. I joined the Army expecting that I would spend most of my time away from big cities and in or at least close to the field. Uh, I guess I should add that 'field' means 'relatively rural areas' in civilian-speak. The hardest part of my Army career was that they wanted to station me in metropolitan areas most of the time! If you are a hard-core city girl, we may have difficulties being happy together.

"On top of that, twenty-five years of service in the Army has turned me into a modern version of Smedley Butler."

"A Smedley? Butler!? Huh?"

"General Butler was a Marine, the most decorated Marine in American history. Before he retired, he was Commandant of the Marine Corps. He wrote War is a Racket and I have seen the war scam he writes about first hand. Butler paints a crystal clear picture of how it works and does it in a pretty succinct style reminiscent of a briefing.

"I joined the Army to defend my country just like many other young men and women volunteer to serve. I, like every other veteran, wrote Uncle Sam a virtual check payable for any value up to and including my life so that even if I had to die, my country would live! It would be an understatement to say that I am bitter about the fact that I wasn't defending my country as was my clear intent, and instead was defending the profits of America's corporations and the political parasites that share in those profits!

"And don't get me wrong! I'm proud of my service! I did my duty to my country for all the right reasons even if I had fallen, hook, line, and sinker, for the system's propaganda schtick!

"And by the way, my attitude is not Butler's fault. It took me a long time to see the light, but I was there before I found Butler's book. What Butler did do for me was to enable me to decide that I wasn't crazy as a loon on a topic that the system would just as soon keep in the Never Never land of conspiracy theories and generalized dementia.

"Terri, if you are deeply and uncritically into a narrow patriotism that celebrates Mom, Apple Pie, and the Flag, you might find it kind of wearing to live with me. I am a patriot, but more in the sense that Teddy Roosevelt defined it: 'Patriotism means to stand by the country and not just to the government no matter its machinations.' I've forgotten the exact quote, but that is my working paraphrase of it.

"Politically, I label myself a libertarian these days. Simplistically, that means that conservatives disagree with me for half of what I believe and progressives disagree with me for the other half.

"For myself, I can get along with just about anyone who is willing to work from hard data to logical conclusions without automatically jumping to the conclusion that anybody who disagrees with them is stupid, or evil, or both. In my experience, that means that I can get along with many conservatives and some progressives. The rest I am perfectly happy to leave with their heads stuck in the sand and their unprotected asses stuck up in the air where any sociopathic demagogue can come along and fuck with them until it's too late to save anything!

"Religion... I can get along with just about anyone and their religion as long as they don't think that it is their mission to convert me. On the other hand, I know people who would avoid me assiduously if they knew my philosophy.

"For the record, I label myself a self-created scientific deist who accepts most Christian morality as a workable philosophy but not necessarily as the almighty Word of God. Hopefully, that doesn't put you off too badly."

"No, it makes me curious. That's too big a label for me to be able to put it into a pigeon-hole. If it's not classical deism, what is it?"

"Well, for all my life, religion has left me pretty much cold. At their core, most religions seem to have some pretty good ideas, but it is always overlaid with dogma, ritual and other man-made crap that turns me off. The concept of a god or gods has always been problematic for me since there is nothing in the real world that can really explain the how, the what, and the why of such an entity. It always falls back to faith without any real objective and testable support from science or philosophy.

"When I first got wind of the theoretical concept of quantum computing, I finally had something scientific, even if it was just theoretical, that I could hang my hat on. Teleporting you to the conclusion that I eventually arrived at, the Universe is a quantum computer! If a couple pounds of wetware in my skull can be sentient, then obviously, the Universe is sentient! The sentience of the Universe is what most, if not all religions call gods or God. In many ways we can say that we are living in the Matrix—the important difference being that we are not in a planet-wide, alien orchestrated Matrix, we are in a universe-wide and Universe orchestrated Matrix!"

"Stef, I wonder, are you familiar with Thomas Campbell and his Big Take On Everything?"

"Huh? John and Joseph ring a bell, but Thomas Campbell is not someone I have come across."

Terri smiled. "I think that I can give you some homework while I'm away. Thomas Campbell is a physicist who has reached similar conclusions to yours but he has gone into it in much more depth and rigor than you have been able to. I'm willing to bet that you would find his work absolutely fascinating!"

"Okay, what am I looking for? Scientific papers? Books? Videos?..."

This time Terri launched her Cheshire grin. "He has written a trilogy that he has named, with tongue firmly in cheek, My Big TOE. He also has a website, but I think the books are the best way to get the full dose of his Take On Everything."

"Okay, yes m'am. Duly noted and marked as 'to do.'

"I kind of feel like I have lost some of my train of thought here, but I believe that I have mentioned most of the important potential pitfalls that you, and ultimately we, need to think about.

"I'm sure that when we reach the point when we have enough information to make love level four and five decisions, it is almost a dead certainty that we will both find a few more issues crawling out of the woodwork that are important to one or both of us. At the moment the most important issue is that I want you to have a safe drive to your Dad's place, so I need to be letting you go while there is still plenty of daylight.

My throat got kind of dry so my voice started sounding a bit thin. "Do you need help getting packed or can I make you a lunch to take with you?"

Terri looked kind of crestfallen, "I... But... Yeah, dammit, you're right.

"I'm comfortable from breakfast so I don't need you to pack any food for me. I'll... Oh! I know, would you please make me a travel mug full of your Tibetan coffee that I can drink on the road? While you're doing that, I'll get my stuff together and loaded up."

About all I could muster was a whisper. "Sure... I can do that."

About fifteen minutes later by the clock, Terri was ready to go. Subjectively, it felt like a few microseconds had flashed by. We hugged and I was able to croak, "I... God dammit to hell, Terri, I don't want you to go! I know we have to do this, but it's bloody hard to let go of somebody you love!"

All that Terri was able to do was squeak before she broke down in a wave of tears. "I know. I love you too!" Both of us proceeded to cry our hearts out.

Finally, I was able to unwrap my arms from around Terri and whispered, "Terri, I've got to give you time to get home safe! I've got to let you go. I've got to... Dammit, I've got to!"

"I know..." Terri's breathless reply was almost too low to hear. She broke from the hug and almost robotically turned and got into her truck. The engine started and through a new wave of tears she was able to say, "Goodbye Stef. I love you! No! Better is, je t'aime! Au revoir!"

"Yes! See you later! And Terri, go with God! Be safe! I love you!"