Love Always Wins Pt. 05 Ch. 19-25


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"God! Stef, I am SO glad that Allison had some errands to run!"

"Amen to that!

"And now, I suppose that we ought to untangle so I can get some food on the table." As we began to separate I noticed a wet spot on my thigh. "Huh? That's odd. Gwynn, have you been sweating?"

"No. I don't think so. Why... Uh, oh, now that the air is getting to my crotch, my pantyhose feel cool like they are wet... I wonder if my annual period is arriving early? Oh crap!" Gwynn did some checking. "Well, I'll be damned! It's not blood, I'm just wet! Hell, that hasn't happened since before Randy!"

"Hmm, does that mean you're ready to kill another dragon?"

"Well, PHYSICALLY I may be closer, but I still have some road blocks in my head that I need to get around before the next dragon bites the dust.

"For now, let me clean up a bit and then let's see about getting some food into our stomachs!"

"Sounds good, Gwynn. Let me grab an apron and I'll see what might be hiding in the refrigerator."

Chapter XXIV

After that we had a new routine. The order and timing of events depended on what shift that Gwynn was working, but always included a kiss, almost always included a cuddle and often included a blow-job. This was over and above the kiss and cuddle that always preceded a comfortable night's sleep.

A couple of weeks after that first blow-job, Gwynn got four days off as a result of a schedule change. We decided to take advantage of the opportunity to explore the Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness for three days.

The first day out, we discovered that the weatherman had missed the mark. Rather than being unseasonably warm, the weather turned out to be unseasonably hot! Very quickly, I was down to shorts and Trail Gloves and Gwynn was down to shorts, Tevas and a bandeau tube top. After she slipped on a rock in the creek and came up soaked from head to foot, she pushed the bandeau down around her waist and finished the day topless. We didn't meet anyone that day, but her plan in case we met any other hikers or horse riders was to release the waist belt on her backpack and then pull the bandeau up over her breasts before she gave any stranger too much of an eyeful.

As for me, I appreciated the improvement in the scenery and Little Stefan appreciated the improvement enough that he was prompted to get a bit rowdy from time to time. Frankly, the little fart was enough of a nuisance that I began to regret that I hadn't worn my kilt—to hell with the delicate sensibilities of anyone I might accidentally flash! There would have been great value to maximizing airflow around the family jewels and keeping them cool enough to minimize tumescent tendencies!

We were exploring a side-canyon when the light began to fade. This was a bit of an oopsy since we had planned to camp along the Aravaipa, but it wasn't critical. We found a reasonably open and flat spot and proceeded to pitch the tent and fire up the camp stove. After dinner, thanks to the lack of strategically placed fallen logs or chair-sized rocks, we retreated to the tent sooner than we expected. There wasn't a cloud in the sky so I felt justified in pulling the rain fly off in order that we could see the stars through the mosquito netting. At least for starters, it was warm enough that we could strip down to bare skin and lay on top of our sleeping bags.

Our conversation meandered from what we had seen that day, to astronomy in general to start with, but as the evening progressed, more specifically to the occasional meteor that flashed across the inky sky.

Suddenly, Gwynn took a deep breath and shifted to a more serious note. "Stef, I'm sorry!"

"Huh? What have you got to be sorry for?"

"Oh Stef, ever since I fell into the creek I have watched you trying to adjust Little Stefan without being too obvious about it. I'm sorry that I've made the two of you uncomfortable."

I had to chuckle a bit. "Gwynn, both of us enjoy seeing a beautiful woman. Maybe there is a tumescent downside to that vision of beauty, but the net effect still balances out as a positive number."

There was a pause, a deep breath and then I could feel Gwynn's body tighten up next to me. "Stefan, please fuck me."

"Not a chance! I will love you, but I will NOT fuck you—at least not yet! As near as I can tell, you are not even close to being ready to be fucked!"

I could feel Gwynn relax and then tighten up and squirm a bit. "Oh Christ! I, uh... Oh fuck! I suppose you're right." She let out a long breath. "I, uh, Stefan, please make love to me. Pleeez!"

"Yes m'am." I gave Gwynn a gentle kiss on the lips that slowly warmed up enough that I shifted to light kisses on her eyes and then headed for the ear closest to me.

Gwynn giggled. "Oh gosh, that tickles! Go easy!"

After she got comfortable with me nibbling on her ear and she relaxed, I started kissing down her neck. The closer I got to her collarbone the tighter her body got. Finally, she jerked away and exploded with, "Omigod! Don't do that! Don't go there! That tickles too much!"

"Do you still want me to love you?"

"Y, yes!"

"Okay, put your hand on your neck. Does that tickle?"

Gwynn gave me a what kind of an idiot are you look and replied, "No, of course not."

"Fine. Now let me put my hand over your hand. Does that tickle?"

There was a puzzled note in her reply. "Uh, no."

"Okay, now slip your hand out from under mine. Does that tickle?"

"Holy shit! No!"

"Now let me kiss you there. Does that tickle?"

The silence that followed was deafening! Suddenly, Gwynn sobbed and grabbed me in a hug that was almost bone-breaking in its intensity! "Oh my fucking God! How did you do that!"

"I read about it back in the dark ages. Supposedly, doctors used it, minus the kiss of course, so they could examine intensely ticklish patients. The more rapport or trust I have been able to build beforehand between myself and the ticklish person, the better it seems to work.

"With you being a nurse, I guess I'm surprised that you aren't familiar with it. I don't know what the proportion of pathologically ticklish persons are in the general population, but I kind of expected that it was fundamental enough to be part of Med School 101 so to speak."

"Well, if they taught it to us in nursing school, I have totally forgotten it. I never picked it up on the job either since I don't ever recall having to palpate a patient and the doctors I've watched do a palpation never had a ticklish patient to deal with."

Gwynn and I proceeded to perform the desensitization process over her entire body. When we were done, I proceeded to give Gwynn a deep kiss on the lips and after we came up for air, I began exploring her body with my lips and tongue.

I could tell that Gwynn was quite sensitive around her breasts and nipples so I proceeded to tarry there and added some manual stimulation into the bargain. Pretty soon she was squirming uncomfortably between the spasms of mini-orgasms and I was having more fun than a barrel of monkeys!

Finally, I decided that it was time to strike out for more southerly regions and started kissing my way across Gwynn's tummy while my hands did their best to keep her nipples from feeling lonely.

Upon arrival at the promised land, I was put off a little by the mild scent of ammonia and stale urine since this was the first time that I had ever performed cunnilingus on a woman who had not just gotten out of a bath or shower. Interestingly, I discovered that the salt on her skin deposited from sweat added a flavor that seemed to attenuate the negative of stale urine. The best discovery was that as I stimulated Gwynn's labia with my tongue, the stale ammoniac scent dissipated as I effectively licked her nether regions clean.

Early on, I had licked her clit lightly and discovered that she was VERY sensitive there. From then on, as I explored her deeper and deeper with my tongue I assiduously avoided her clitoris. Finally it registered that Gwynn's cunt was very well lubricated and had been for a while. I abandoned one nipple to the vagaries of a cold, cruel world and moved my hand down to explore her cunt. In no time at all I had three fingers sliding in and out and exploring for her G-spot.

As soon as I was getting a reaction from the G-spot, I vigorously swirled my tongue around Gwynn's clitoris which quickly engorged and allowed it to completely slip out from its hood. Once it was completely unveiled, I then attacked it with as much strength and energy as my tongue could muster. Gwynn came unglued!

My head was locked between Gwynn's rigid thighs. I couldn't breathe at all and sound was significantly muffled. There wasn't much I could do but continue to stimulate her clit and G-spot, so that's what I did. What with the pressure from Gwynn's thighs, I'm amazed that my skull didn't crack and that I could still hear her scream loud and clear—or so it seemed. And what a scream! I swear that it must have echoed through the canyons all the way to both the east and the west entrances to the wilderness!

The post-orgasmic experience was something of a let down for me. Gwynn didn't just come down from her orgasm, she passed out from the sensory overload! After her legs released my head, I crawled up next to her so that I could give her a kiss when she woke up. Well, she cheated—her unconscious breathing gave way to a gentle snore! I never got a chance to give her a welcome back kiss!

I was reduced to jerking off, pulling the sleeping bag over us, and cuddling up with Gwynn. It had been a long day of hiking and exploring, so my residual frustration was no match for the sandman when he came along and put me out for a good night's sleep!

Chapter XXV

I cannot believe what my first thought was in the morning! Wha... Where's the covers? I thought that the desert gets cold at night. How could I have kicked the covers off?

And then I focused on what should have been the first thought. Wow! That's a beautiful butt sitting on my chest! I wonder... Holy mackeral! And no wonder Little Stefan's morning wood is feeling like a giant redwood—he's being deep-throated!

Well, I guess that I should engage in a little Christian charity. One good turn deserves another!

"Err! Ohhh! Aarrgh!" Gwynn yelped! "So you finally woke up! No! No! Don't talk! That feels REALLY good! Don't stop now!"

Breakfast in bed was a whole lot of fun for both of us that morning!

Later as we sat around the camp stove sipping on our after breakfast tea (that's breakfast number two which was cooked over our camp stove, by the way), I was motivated to ask, "Not that I am complaining by a long shot, but that was a new routine this morning. What made you decide to go for a sixty-nine all of a sudden?"

Gwynn gave me a knowing grin that bespoke guilty pleasure in spades before she replied, "Terri told me to do it."

"Oh, she paid you another visit?"

"Yes, she visits me every now and then in my dreams. Last night she told me to straddle you after your morning wood came up and give you head. She did not tell me to expect a return in the form of a sixty-nine!"

Memories flooded back with a jolt! The momentary agitation was sufficient to make me spill some of my tea. "Ohhh fuck! That one still hurts!" I spilled more tea as I tried to wipe tears off of my face!

"Omigod! Stef, what's wrong? What did I do? What did I say?" The next thing I knew was that Gwynn was sitting beside me and hugging me.

It took a while, but I finally managed to pull enough of my tattered aplomb together so that I could reply. "Not your fault! You couldn't have known there was a tripwire there—in fact, I didn't even know it was there.

"Our last morning together she gave me head and I couldn't return the favor because her period had arrived and she had put on her panties." I broke down in great wracking sobs and dropped my cup out of suddenly lifeless fingers. "Oh God! I wasn't able to love her back!"

This blast of mental anguish dominated my reality for an unspecified period of time. When I returned to a more complete awareness of reality, I realized that Gwynn was holding me in a hug and rocking us back and forth. When she sensed that I was coming back and was more than a mere lump of pain, she said, "So that's what she meant! And here I stepped right into it!"


"Terri said that there was a minefield and to be careful not to step into it. Now I'm pretty sure I know what she was talking about."

"It doesn't sound like it, but she isn't haunting you is she?"

"No. Since you and I first slept together, she has always appeared to me the same way she appears to you. I think that her threat to haunt me was real, but she gave me an out and I took it by sending you that email.

"Since I've been sleeping with you, my nights haven't been nightmare city—or if they are, I don't remember them. When Terri visits me she sort of brightens everything up. I really like her and I understand why you loved her." Gwynn took a deep breath. "And I am so very sorry about your loss!"

"Well, I'm sorry that I melted down like that in front of you!"

"You're sorry? For having a broken heart? Come on Stef, get real!"

I gave Gwynn a quick kiss and said, "Okay, thanks for the dose of understanding, sanity, and compassion! I love you!"

Gwynn actually looked surprised, then she gave me a hug and replied in a bit of a broken voice, "Oh God, Stefan, I love you too! Please! Please! Never leave me alone!"

We sat and held each other for a time while our hearts seemed to beat in synchrony. Finally, I sighed and said with a rueful smile, "You know, we should really get busy and break camp so we can continue our exploration of this magical land. The hospital only gave you four days off."

"Ah yes, reality intrudes. It's almost as bad as death and taxes. What would you like me to pack up first?"

We got packed up and resumed our hike. However, the underlying motivation had changed. When we had started the hike, we had expected that we would transit the entire wilderness from the East Entrance to the West and return to our start. Now, it was more important to drink in the beauty that nature offered, and to that end we found ourselves exploring side canyons, clumps of trees, cracks in the canyon walls and whatever else that nature offered and that caught our attention.

At one point, we came upon a small herd of javelinas. We made sure that we weren't blocking an avenue of retreat for the animals and then we sat down to quietly watch them forage for food until they finally disappeared into the brush.

Another time we were surprised to find lots of bees buzzing past our heads. We paused and wondered what was going on. A little observation and some deduction led us to a beehive in the canyon wall.

Standing on tiptoe, we could just see the honeycomb in the back of the hole about a yard into the rock. We didn't spend a whole lot of time inspecting the hive in this manner since the busy bees buzzing back and forth past our heads was a bit unnerving. We retreated to a big rock a bit off the main bee flight path and settled in for lunch while we watched the bees glint in the sunlight as they made their rounds back and forth.

The shadows were starting to lengthen when we came across a wide spot in a side canyon that looked like someone had designed it as a camping spot. There was a flat spot for a tent, several slabs of sandstone that were almost perfectly sized and arranged as a kitchen table and chairs, and the pièce de résistance—a little pool of water fed by a spring farther up the canyon.

The pool wasn't big enough to swim in, but it was big enough to soothe our tired feet after we stripped off our footgear. After a while of foot-soaking, we looked at each other and in silent consent proceeded to strip off all of our clothes and give each other a sponge bath. After that, clothing was not an option until we departed the campsite on the following morning.

That night we brushed the sand and dirt off of each other's body and crawled into the tent on top of our sleeping bags. We cuddled up and Gwynn gave me a breathtaking kiss that seemed to last forever.

"Stef, please love me tonight. I mean all the way. I want to feel you inside me."

That was a straight line that I couldn't refuse so I teased Gwynn with a smile and said, "Will you promise not to go to sleep in the middle of the process this time?"

"Sleep? What... Oh! You're awful!" That last line was delivered with a surprisingly effective left jab to the general vicinity between my kidney and my navel!

I got my breath back and replied, "It's a good thing that you didn't shoot lower or the answer would have to be no! However, damage control reports that shield damage is minimal and we should be able to effect a penetration of your castle walls. I propose to move against your works momentarily."

Gwynn rolled her eyes at me. "Dear Captain/General Picard/Grant, you may initiate action immediately! I propose to resist your advance with open arms!" The advance and resistance was delayed as both of us descended into a fit of giggles.

Finally action commenced with a languid kiss that rapidly heated up as both of us explored every inch of the other's body that we could reach with our hands and our feet.

As we came up for air, Gwynn interjected, "By the way General Unconditional, I do have a condition associated with your proposed penetration. I propose to kill what I think is my last dragon and I need to ride Little Stefan to do it. What say ye, good sir?"

"Condition granted! Dead dragons are always welcome!" Gwynn gave a happy squeak as I moved to nibble on her earlobe. From there it was but a short march to the land of gorgeous tits and nipples where I slowed the advance long enough to cause her a number of mini-orgasms. By the time that I had kissed and tasted every inch of Gwynn's body save the labia and the mysteries beyond, she was strung as taut as a loaded crossbow! At that point, she turned the tables and soon had us playing sixty-nine!

Little Stefan was already standing tall, but Gwynn's ministrations quickly brought him to a painful state of tumescence! I managed to retaliate with a tongue-lashing from clit to rosebud which caused Gwynn to freeze momentarily! "No! No! Stop! Please stop! I want to go over the edge while you're in me!"

"Yes m'am!"

A few moments later Gwynn had approved Little Stefan's readiness for a vigorous penetration and was straddling my body above him while she lined him up with the entrance to heaven! She came down and began to work her way over him. Her degree of lubrication was very commendable but talk about tight! Gwynn took Little Stefan about an inch at a time. She would rise almost to the tip and then would come down with a groan about an inch farther than she had accomplished in the previous stroke.

When our pelvic bones touched, I swear that Gwynn almost glowed with accomplishment! She leaned down, slipped her arms around my neck and embraced me in one of the most loving kisses that I ever remember getting. As if that wasn't enough, she pulsed her hips so that Little Stefan was subjected to a short, but rhythmic stroke of about an inch or so. Eventually, we had to come up for air, dammit! "Omigod Stef, you feel so good! I love you so much! Where have you been all my fucking life?" She gave me a conspiratorial grin and said, "The dragon is dead! Just one thing is wrong."

"Oh? And what's that?"

"That damned bottle of Port is sitting about a hundred miles away from the dragon's corpse! We can love and fuck each other until Hell freezes over and we will not be able to toast the demise of the dragons!"

"I have a flask of brandy hiding in my pack. Why don't we christen the good ship Sexy Gwynn with that and save the Port to celebrate completion of the shake-down-cruise—or cruises?"