Love, Lust, and Chicken Soup

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Girl meets mysterious man for series of "firsts".
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Tick tock, tick tock - the minutes ticked by as Lisa gazed sideways at the big illuminated numbers on her alarm clock as she lay in bed. A dull ache that started at her scalp radiated down her body to the tips of her toes. Even her ears hurt. She couldn't even imagine trying to move. She lay on her down-stuffed comforter and wished for a nice warm bowl of chicken soup. This cold had hit her hard and she been in bed for two days.

As if that weren't bad enough, Lisa couldn't believe her horrible luck – sick on Valentine's Day. Of all the days to be sick, why this one? In the past, she was alone on Valentine's Day and, wouldn't you know it, healthy as a horse but without a date. Now, finally, when she found someone nice, cute, funny with great date potential, she was coughing up a lung.


Lisa met Mark two weeks before Valentine's Day. Even the timing was perfect. It was a chilly winter day and Lisa was leaving a Starbucks with her morning vanilla latte. She was on her way to work and she was wearing her cute new boots with the stiletto heel – an unfortunate choice as a midnight frost had left the sidewalks distinctly slippery.

Lisa took two steps on the icy sidewalk and both her boots and feet failed her and together slid out from underneath her. Lisa watched in horror as her world turned upside down and she braced herself for contact with the hard cement. Suddenly, though, she realized that she was suspended mid-air. She slowly turned herself around and, as she raised herself up to her feet, she locked eyes with the most gorgeous man she had ever seen.

He had wavy brown hair and olive skin. Long eyelashes framed his soft, warm hazel eyes which seemed to dance with a hint of laughter.

When their eyes met he let out a soft chuckle and whispered, "I saved you, but I'm afraid your muffin wasn't so lucky."

She looked down in surprise and saw her blueberry muffin, mercilessly squished by pedestrians on the busy city sidewalk.

"Let me buy you another one," he offered in a voice that was both sexy and mysterious at the same time.

Lisa opened her mouth to object – she was late for work – but then closed it and decided for once to do something spontaneous with her life. After all, what else did she have to look forward to? Another exciting day at the office and then take-out Chinese at home with her cat? No, this day would be different.

"Well, maybe just one muffin," Lisa sighed.

Mark smiled, "ok, one muffin it is" and he led her back inside the Starbucks.

One muffin turned into two muffins and another latte and before she knew it, Lisa was three hours late to work. It turns out Mark was not only handsome, but smart too and he worked as a successful ad exec in a big firm. As he spoke, Lisa found herself watching his lips and wondering how soft they were. She tried concentrating on his words but it was difficult to deny the heat she was feeling just being near him. She looked at his strong hands and well-groomed nails absently fingering the last of his raisin muffin. How was it possible that a man this handsome, this quietly seductive was single?

She caught snippets of the words coming out of his mouth "alone", "townhouse", "divorced", "Valentine's Day"? Huh? Jolted from her reverie, Lisa realized that Mark was asking her a question. Embarrassed at being caught not paying attention, Lisa wondered if Mark could guess that she was daydreaming about his lips.

Mark spoke slowly as if her were speaking to a deaf person "I was wond-er-ing if you would like to go out with me on Val-en-tines Day?"

Lisa could hardly believe her ears. "Yes!" she stammered. Did she sound too desperate?

Mark laughed for what seemed like the zillionth time that morning and wrote his number on the back of a business card. "Call me, please," he said, "I've loved meeting you," and he slipped out the door and disappeared onto the crowded sidewalk.

Lisa stared into her latte and swallowed hard. What had just happened? It was like she was in some sensual crazy dream. As Lisa rose she grabbed the table to balance herself on her lucky stiletto boots. Valentine's Day was two whole weeks away and Lisa was beginning to wonder whether she could endure 14 days of the tingling that was already making its way up her legs.


Lisa waited two days to call Mark – hopefully the right amount to look not too desperate but also not too interested. Geez, how did guys usually handle this? Lisa did secretly appreciate that Mark left it up to her to call. Even though the whole when-to-call question was a bit difficult, she enjoyed feeling like she was in control.

Lisa waited until the evening when she hoped Mark would be home. The phone rang three times and Lisa was just weighing her two bad options – leaving an awkward message or hanging up – when thankfully Mark answered.

"Hi Mark?" Lisa stammered, "it's Lisa from Starbucks." God, it sounded like she worked there. What kind of an intro was that?

Lisa stopped and hoped for what seemed an eternity for a sound of recognition from Mark's voice.

"Lisa! I've been waiting for you to call!" Mark said with definite enthusiasm. "Are we still on for Valentine's Day?"

"Yes," she said, "but do we really need to wait so long?"

"I have a feeling about you," Mark said "and I want our first date to be special."

The sincerity in Mark's voice made Lisa know it was worth the wait.

"OK, we'll wait, but it'll be hard..."

Lisa was surprised at her boldness, she was letting Mark know that she wanted to see him, but something in his voice made her know he felt the same. It was that heat again, she could feel it through the phone. How would she make it?


The next week and a half passed by in a blur. Each minute of each day inched by and Lisa spent most of her time lost in a fantasy land. The wait only made her tingle harder.

Two days before Valentine's Day, Lisa barely noticed when her nose started itching and she started to sniffle. When a co-worker asked Lisa if she was getting sick, she barely gave it a second thought and told her it was just allergies. But it was clear by the night before Valentine's Day that she was definitely coming down with something besides the love bug. Her head hurt and she felt wobbly.

When Valentine's Day dawned, Lisa opened her eyes silently praying that she would be miraculously healed. Unfortunately, a cough rumbled in her lungs and she knew that it was not to be. She stayed home from work and nursed her cold all day long with Echinacea tea and Vitamin C.

It was 6:00 in the evening as Lisa lay in bed watching the minutes on her clock tick by. Mark was supposed to pick her up at 7:00. She couldn't wait any longer and finally drug herself up on one elbow to make the call. As horrible as she felt, she had to admit that an even bigger reason for canceling the date was vanity. She couldn't let Mark see her for the second time ever in her current state – hair in disarray, no makeup and old pajamas.

As the phone rang on the other end Lisa cursed her body for betraying her when she needed it the most. Luckily, Mark answered the phone.

"Ma-ark?" Lisa croaked.


"Mark, I'm so sorry, but I'm sick, I'm not going to be able to make it."

"Oh no, really?" he sounded concerned. "Are you sure you can't make it? I was so looking forward to it."

Good, he sounded like he liked her too.

"Yes Mark, believe me, this is killing me."

"Is there anything you need?" he asked.

"No, no, I'm good. As soon as I feel better we'll get together, ok?"

"OK, I guess. Feel better soon." Mark whispered and hung up.

Lisa felt so disappointed she thought she would cry.

C'mon Lisa, pull yourself together, even if you haven't had sex in a year, it will eventually be your lucky day..... and with that she dozed off with an aching body and an aching heart.

Lisa awoke with a jolt. She thought she heard something. She looked at her sideways clock and saw 8:30. Reality came rushing back - by now she would have been staring dreamily across a table in some romantic restaurant into Mark's beautiful eyes. There it was again, the doorbell! Who could be here? And, dammit, she was gonna have to drag herself out of bed.

"I'm coming" she yelled as she fumbled in the dark to find her fuzzy bunny slippers. She shuffled into the hallway as she groaned and threw open the door. There, before her, was Mark. Her breath caught in her throat as her heart surged with excitement. But then, she realized how she looked and her hands flew to her face.

"Oh my God, what are you doing here!?!" she screamed and tried to hide behind the door.

"OK, not the reaction I was looking for," Mark smiled and hesitantly looked behind the door and shyly tried to pry her hands away from her face.

Lisa peeked through her fingers and had to admit it was good to see him – she'd forgotten how luscious he looked – and she felt that warm sensation spread through her again.

"Oh Mark, I'm a mess," she moaned and tried to look away.

"Is that what you're worried about?" Mark asked as he gently turned her face towards his.

"I think you're beautiful - hope you don't mind if I let myself in," and with that he swept her into his arms and carried her into her apartment.

He laid her gingerly on the sofa and said "nice place – you wait here" and ran out the door. He came back in a few minutes later, arms laden with a variety of Valentine's goodies including a box of chocolates, a single red rose, and a giant white teddy bear. He then produced a bottle of red wine and, to Lisa's delight, a steaming container of chicken soup.

She laughed hoarsely and said, "what is all this?"

"Well, since you couldn't come to me, I decided to come to you!" and he ladled out two bowls of hot soup and placed them on the coffee table. Lisa slid to the floor right across from him and started on her soup.

As they sipped, Lisa felt warm inside, and it wasn't just from the soup.

"Mark, I don't know what to say, but thank you" she stuttered.

The tingling grew stronger and Lisa realized that what she wanted more than anything was to be inside of Mark's strong arms and finally kiss those soft lips. She scooted around the edge of the table until she was right next to him.

"Mark, I'm so sorry I'm sick, because I would like nothing more than to kiss you right now."

"I don't care," he breathed as he circled his arms around her waist and drew his lips to hers.

Lisa melted in his arms and suddenly every ache in her body was replaced with a sense of longing and desire. His soft lips caressed her cheek as he brushed by to plant sweet kisses on her throat. Her fingers tentatively reached under his shirt and ran across his broad, muscular back. Together they slowly slid back onto the floor and Lisa felt Mark's weight on her body.

Mark slipped off the knot on Lisa's robe and gently pulled it open. He then started with the first button of her flannel pajamas and one-by-one opened the buttons, his tongue trailing shortly behind. By the time he got to her belly button, Lisa was shivering.

"Are you cold?" he asked, as he started to cover her back up.

"Oh no, far from it," Lisa cried, "please don't stop!"

Mark smiled with relief and went back to her belly button and began to move his tongue downward. When he reached the top of Lisa's panties she held her breath as he traced around and down into her inner thighs. Lisa thought his tongue was even softer than his lips as he slowly moved up her thighs and then began kissing her pussy through her panties.

He slowly pulled her panties to one side as he opened her outer lips and softly slid his tongue up and around her clitoris and settled on "the spot" which he found remarkably fast. Lisa gasped and started to sit up.

"Relax, this is about making you feel better," Mark said and gently pushed Lisa back to the floor.

Lisa rolled from side to side as Mark continued to suck. Soon, Lisa knew it was time and she fleetingly realized that all of her aches were gone. All she felt was pure animal desire for this man.

"I'm cumming!" she screamed and the tingling raged through her body as she reached climax and her body erupted into a series of shudders.

Mark's head lay still on Lisa's abdomen. "Come here, let me look at you," Lisa begged and drew Mark up to her so she could look into his eyes.

The expression she saw when their eyes met surprised her – a mix of compassion and lust that made Lisa even crazier.

"I want nothing more than for you to fuck me right now," Lisa growled breathlessly and Mark scooped her up and, with her legs wrapped around his waist, carried her towards a door that he hoped was her bedroom.

He got lucky, it was the bedroom, and they crashed down on the bed. Lisa began tearing hungrily at his clothes and popped the buttons off his shirt in her rush to get him naked. She then began clawing at his belt and hurriedly unzipping his pants. Before his pants were even down, she grabbed his dick, which was already hardening, and started kneading it with her hands.

She then slid down onto the floor and slipped his cock into her mouth. The taste of his pre-cum surprised her – salty and strong. She'd never had a cock in her mouth before, it just never seemed the right moment, or never the right man, until now. She slowly slid her lips back and forth over his cock, being careful not to scrape too hard with her teeth – well, maybe just a little.

Her heart fluttered as she felt him respond and his cock swelled inside of her mouth. She began to move faster and faster and more cum leaked out. Lisa enjoyed the feeling of knowing that she was responsible for his pleasure.

As she continued to pump his cock, Mark started to moan, "Oh Lisa, I'm going to cum, oh yeah, I'm cumming!"

Lisa kept his cock in her mouth moving even more quickly in response to his urgent thrusts. Then, finally, she felt his cum spew into her mouth shooting over and over again as his cock quivered. Lisa suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to taste him and began swallowing his cum.

Mark looked down at her, incredulous, "are you swallowing my cum?"

"Oh yes baby, and I'm loving it," Lisa choked out between swallows.

Then, she suddenly took his withering cock in her mouth and deep-throated him. "OH MY GOD!" he shouted as she continued to pump.

Slowly she withdrew and wiped her lips with her fingers as he collapsed in a heap on the bed.

Lisa rose and had just flopped down beside him when he drew her into his arms.

"Wow, you're a catch," he smiled, "no pun intended."

Lisa laughed as she thought back to that day when Mark saved her from a major butt bruising – could it really have been only two weeks ago? It already felt like Lisa knew him so, well for lack of a better word, intimately. Lisa gently stroked his body as he gazed in the moonlight at her curves.

"Thank you so much for coming over," she breathed, "you saved me."

"I think you're the one doing the saving," he said as he pulled his head towards her and once again gently kissed her lips.

Lisa felt electricity bolt from her lips to her toes as she once again marveled at the softness of his lips. She pulled him closer to her and felt the unmistakable movement of his cock hardening once again. Lisa giggled with delight and pulled herself on top of him. She leaned over his head and placed her breasts over his face. Mark sucked a tit into his mouth and began slowly moving it around with his tongue.

Lisa moaned and began sliding back and forth as she felt his dick growing underneath her naked pussy. She slid up and as she slid down, the tip of his now throbbing cock thrust into her. She gasped as the passion rose to her throat. She began rhythmically circling her hips, riding him slowly at first and then harder and faster.

Suddenly, Lisa looked at him wildly and said, "I've never done this before, and I hope you don't think it's weird, but I want you to fuck me in the ass."

Lisa looked at Mark hesitantly and cringed, fearing that he would reject her or tell her that she was too freaky for him. Instead, his eyes lit up and he said "I would be honored" as he lifted her off his dick.

He then turned her around doggy-style as he placed the knob of his cock at the entrance to her ass. He licked his fingers and began circling them around her pussy as she began to moan and rock backwards, little by little forcing his hard dick into her asshole.

"You feel so tight," Mark mumbled and Lisa nodded in agreement as his cock completely filled up her ass.

With Mark touching her pussy and a huge dick in her ass, it didn't take long before Lisa started to cum. As she whimpered Mark seemed to sense her excitement and began pumping back and forth harder and faster.

"Oh yeah baby, harder," Lisa commanded.

For several seconds time seemed to stand still as their bodies moved in unison, slamming together and moving apart. Finally, in one breathless moment, both of them screamed as Mark's cum gushed into her asshole. Lisa trembled as Mark let out a long, loud growl of pleasure. Mark wrapped his arms around Lisa's waist and they both fell, completely spent, to the side on the bed as Mark's dick slowly inched its way out of her.

"I've never felt so complete," Lisa slurred dreamily as Mark mumbled an "um-huh" and they both drifted to sleep.

Dawn came and Lisa awoke with the sun shining in her windows. Her gaze fell on Mark – naked and sleeping. Lisa smiled as she thought about everything that had happened. Love had found her when she least expected it, and it looked like she'd found everything she had been looking for. Lisa snuggled back into Mark's embrace as she slipped back to sleep thinking that this was the best Valentine's Day ever. She didn't even realize until several days later that after that night her cold was instantly gone. Her miracle had happened, she'd been completely cured, and she suspected that it wasn't because of the chicken soup.

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sharpie_73sharpie_73about 13 years ago

This is a great story, and I liked that you tweaked and twisted it a tiny bit. Your writing style is unique and I like it! Please write more (and preferably not lesbian, but its your choice!)!

darkstone57darkstone57over 16 years ago
can i have some of that chicken soup

that was so cool. I can only imagine how miserable she must have felt, but to have him come to her and with so much to offer. I don't mean the teddy bear or rose either. Good story, nice sex.

Rumple ForeskinRumple Foreskinover 19 years ago
Now that's a house call

A different sort of romance. But I can't help but wonder if that sort of treatment is covered by her HMO? :)


kbatekbateover 19 years ago
Romance at its finest

Any romantic story beginning with "coughed up a lung" is worth a 5 in my book, any day any time!

Good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
soup & more...

I liked it! It takes a good man to make a girl feel that wanted while she's sick :)

Bridget69Bridget69over 19 years ago
A different kind of medicine.

A very creative way of curing the common cold indeed. The story was engaging enough, and Mark's gestures were thoughtful ones, although I would have liked to see a more prolonged courtship and for Lisa to be recovered before the actual intimacy took place.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

just loved it

thickandjuicythickandjuicyover 19 years ago
ok good writing but

she was sick ...ew im sorry flu sex ew if they were both sick ok maybe but she was coughing up a lung...come on lol couldnt they have waited till she got better... the only reason why im not giving u a 100

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