Love of Autism Ch. 05


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Once the bell to end class rang, they immediately got out of their seats and headed towards their respective lockers, getting everything they needed to do their homework for the night. Scott had just closed his locker when Alyssa approached him.

"Hey, you left math class in a hurry before I could talk to you."

Scott didn't want to have this conversation with Alyssa, but he knew it had to happen sooner or later. "Sorry, I was in a rush to get to English," he said trying to walk away from her as fast as he could.

"So you've skipped out on me the past two nights," Alyssa said, keeping pace with Scott. "I could understand yesterday because you weren't here but you stood me up Monday."

Scott stopped in the middle of the hallway deciding it was best to deal with this now instead of later. He was already about to have a tough conversation so why not have another right beforehand. "I'm sorry, but I can't be your tutor anymore. We've crossed lines we shouldn't have and..." he trailed off trying to think of what to say next, not wanting to cause a scene in the middle of the hallway.

"OK, but I can still be your tutor," Alyssa said in a naughty tone that Scott easily picked up on based from experience with her.

"No," Scott said defiantly, "I can't be your friend in that type of way. I don't want that at all." He turned and started walking to get to the parking lot as fast as he could. Alyssa however wasn't ready to take no for an answer and followed him all the way to his car.

"You haven't given me a good reason why you are turning me down," she said, mad that he was turning her down. "You do realize you are turning down an opportunity to learn how to please a woman."

Scott grew tired of Alyssa and her persistence. "Because I'm going to try to make things work with Katie and I'd rather show her my commitment to her."

"OK," Alyssa said understanding that point, "but that doesn't explain why you can't tutor me in math."

"Because he knows you two have gone too far already," Katie said from behind Alyssa, "and knows you'll pressure him to do something he doesn't want."

Alyssa turned towards Katie and scowled at her. "What we have done is none of your business," Alyssa stated.

Scott moved to stand next to Katie. "It is because I say it is. You manipulated me into thinking you liked me as more than a friend when really you just wanted to use me to gratify yourself. Leave me alone and don't bother me or Katie ever again."

"You don't really mean that," Alyssa said reaching out trying to stroke Scott's arm. He stepped back though out of her reach and stared her down.

"Leave us alone," Scott said, completely serious.

Alyssa shook her head in amusement. "Your loss Scottie."

"And don't call me Scottie. You haven't earned the privilege to call me that."

"Whatever," Alyssa said as she walked away from them, Scott still staring her down until she was out of sight.

"Wow, that was impressive," Katie complimented.

Scott relaxed his body, turned to face Katie, and put his arms around her. "Thank you for supporting me."

Katie in turn put her arms around him in tight hug. "You're welcome Scott."

They held each other in their arms for several minutes before Scott broke the silence between them. "So, can we get into my car and have our little talk. It is a little cold right now."

Katie laughed, loving how Scott was able to bring humor into moments that needed some. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind getting a little warmer in your car."

They let go of each other and got into Scott's car. He started the car and set the heat for maximum, but didn't engage the fan yet. "This car takes quite a while to warm up enough for me to turn the heat on."

"That's fine," Katie said with a smile, happy to be alone with Scott. "So, do you want to start or should I?"

Scott took a deep breath having already decided who was going first. "I will. I need to go first or else I won't have the courage to do this again later on."

Katie nodded her head. "OK, then."

"So this might be hard for you to hear and seem unfair, but even though you have been a lot nicer to me, it is hard for me in the end not to think there is some ulterior motive in the end."

Katie didn't expect Scott to say that and was confused as to why he felt that way. "Um, well...I really don't know how to respond to that."

Scott ran his hand through his short hair. "I know. Let me try to explain. Aside from me, has your perception of someone differed from who they are in reality, but that perception is so strong it is a reality to you that can't and won't be changed?"

Katie laughed having the perfect answer. "My dad's family, more specifically his kids."

Scott couldn't help but bust out laughing himself. "Yeah, that is more or less a perfect example."

"Yeah. I mean I know they haven't done anything wrong to me, but still, it is hard to like them just because of that whole situation."

"Well, because of how much of a bitch and bully you were to me my whole life, I have always been used to that. I've only seen you as those things and with the way my brain is wired, it is harder for me to see you as something different. In short, my perception of you, well the past you, is an even stronger reality to me."

"Oh," Katie said understanding now where Scott was coming from. "That makes sense I guess."

"And like I said, it is unfair because you haven't been that person to me at all. If anything, you've been the nicest person to me and...someone I really care about." Katie looked at Scott and smiled. For him to say he cared about her made her feel special. "It is also because I care about you that I don't want to hurt you by bringing what you used to be like if we ever get into a fight or argument."

Katie leaned back into her seat, still smiling. "So because of your fear of hurting me you have been keeping me away at arm's length."

Scott looked down, feeling ashamed for what he was admitting. "Yeah, and in the end I still ended up hurting you."

Katie grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. "That still makes you the sweetest guy I know. To try to protect me from yourself says a lot about you Scott."

"Yeah. It says I'm an immature idiot."

A tear ran down Katie's face. "No, it says you're a mature idiot who cares too much. Honestly, I would rather be with you and have you tell me off like you're afraid to do because you're being honest with me about how you feel."

Scott shook his head and turned to look at Katie, "Why would you want me to..." he noticed the tear coming down Katie's face. "Why are you crying?" he asked, concerned that he did something wrong.

"Because everything you've been telling me is that you just want to protect me and I don't know many guys who would do such a thing. I'm happy you're telling me all of this and want you to know that I'm willing to go through anything with you."

Scott did something that has always been hard for him to do, he made eye contact with Katie. He looked into her blue eyes and saw the sincerity in them. "Are you sure Katie? You really have no idea what you are getting yourself into with me."

Katie laughed again as another tear came down her other cheek. "I'm sure. If we're actually having this conversation after everything I've put you through, I think we can see if we can be more than friends. At least I hope you want to be more than friends."

Scott smiled and tightly squeezed Katie's hand. "I do want to try to be more than friends. Just know it is going to take some time for me completely come to terms with everything inside my own head and I may need some time as to feel comfortable enough again to kiss."

"After what Alyssa put you through emotionally, I am willing to let you take the lead for when you want to kiss me." Just then Katie's phone started to ring. She got it out of her purse, saw it was her mom calling her and answered it. "Hi Mom."

"Hi Katie. Are you on your way home?"

"Um, I will be soon." Katie debated whether or not to lie to her mom again, but decided lying wasn't worth it. "I'm talking with Scott right now about some stuff."

Jillian let out a long sigh, trying to keep herself composed. "How long do you plan on talking with him? You're grounded, remember?"

"I know Mom. Just give me like fifteen minutes with him and I'll head straight home."

"So you'll be home in half an hour then?"

"Yes, Mom," Katie said annoyed being asked all these questions.

"OK, see you in half an hour then."


Jillian waited patiently for her daughter to come home. It had been almost a half hour past the agreed upon time and she was ready to call her daughter again when she heard the garage door open. Immediately so got up from the kitchen table and waited by the door that lead to the garage. As soon as the door opened she laid into her daughter. "You said you would be home a half hour ago. What's your excuse?"

"Scott and I needed to talk some things out and there is more that needs to be talked about."

"What do you need to talk to...what is he doing here?" Jillian asked seeing Scott also walk into the house.

"I'm here to make the case for why you should let me and Katie be friends," Scott said boldly.

Jillian had a blank look on her face, wondering if Scott was actually being serious. "Even if you could make the case, why should I let my daughter be friends with you? I still won't allow it."

"So you're willing to go as far as to control every aspect of her life during her last year of school? What about when she goes to college?

Jillian laughed at the questions being asked. "What makes you think she'll still want to be your friend in college?"

Katie was ready to step forward and speak up but Scott put his arm out, signaling to her he wasn't done trying to persuade her mom. "Did your attempt to ruin my mom and dad's relationship work out in the end?"

"No, it did not," Jillian admitted. "I didn't think Jackie would figure out the truth at all."

"Because there was something outside of your control that you didn't plan on, my dad's ex from high school helping her figure it out."

"That I did not see coming at all. I still need to get even with that bitch for ruining what was a well laid plan."

Scott decided not to pay any attention to the fact that Jillian had just called his aunt Stacy a bitch. He knew she was just trying to get him off topic. "And the same can be said with your daughter. I will be seeing her at school every day at least once because we share a class together. We will still be having lunch together even after we are no longer forced to sit at the same table. You cannot control what she does during school nor how long she decides to spend time with me after school. Even if you do manage to find a way, the only thing you'll be doing is pushing Katie away."

Jillian thought about what Scott was saying and even though she hated to admit it, he was right. She couldn't control her daughter's every move and action at school and with her constant travelling for business, there would be little she could do to keep Katie away from Scott. However, she wasn't going to let Katie and Scott have their way. "Even if all that is true, I can still find ways to make your life hell."

"But again, all you would be doing is pushing away your daughter and closer to me in the end. If you want to have things your way, you will end up getting nothing what you want out of this."

Jillian looked away from that, hating the fact that Scott was right about everything. "So what are you suggesting?" she asked through gritted teeth.

"Simple. Let Katie decide if she wants to be my friend and let her decide if I'm worth the trouble. If she wants to hang out with me, let her. If you want her home by a decent time on the weekends, my friends and I will make sure that happens."

Jillian turned her head and looked straight into Scott's eyes. "And if you hurt my daughter?"

"I'm a dead man. How I die will be up to you of course."

During the whole conversation Scott never took his gaze off of Jillian. He knew better than to look away and not give her his full attention. This did not go unnoticed by Jillian.

"I won't get in the way of you being friends with my daughter," Jillian said after a minute, "but do not do anything to make me regret this or I will have your head on a spike for all to see."

"I would expect nothing less Mrs. Paulson."

"Now I believe you should be getting home. It is still a school night and I'm sure you and my daughter have homework to do."

Scott nodded, gave Katie a hug and told her that he would see her at school tomorrow. Once he left, Katie looked at her mom with quizzical look on her face. "You were nicer to him than I expected."

Jillian rolled her eyes. "He made a decent argument. There are worse people you could be friends with I guess."

"Gee, thanks Mom. You sound like a changed woman."

"I don't need your sarcasm. Allowing you to be friends with Scott was hard enough. Give me a break."

"You're right, I'm sorry," Katie apologized. "I'm just surprised."

Jillian let out a big breath. "You're not the only one."


Scott had finished the little homework he had and was on Steam, browsing the new video games that had been released, seeing if there were any that he wanted even though most of the time he never ended up buying any of the games. It was fun for him just to browse and read the reviews people posted.

As he was reading reviews for a role playing game, or RPG for short, a notification popped up on his phone. He checked it and saw it was a text from Katie.

Hey, are you available for a phone call?

Scott picked up his phone and called her, which Katie answered right away.

"So I take it you are available," she said sounding very happy.

"Only if I call you," Scott replied.

" did call me."

Scott rolled his eyes. "And you just ruined the joke."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's OK. You're still new to my sense of humor."

"That's true. So what did you think of my mom actually letting us be friends?"

"Honestly, I didn't think she would agree to it so easily. I thought for sure she would have put up more of a fight."

"I thought she would have too, but you did make some very valid points."

"Hopefully this means we can hang out once in a while."

"Why not go out on a date together?" Katie said half joking.

"We could do that too."

"Um, are you serious?"

"Um, yeah, why not? We both like each other and will eventually end up dating I think anyway."

"Wow, OK then."

That response confused Scott. "What, did you not want to go out on date with me yet?"

"No, I want to. It's just seemed to want to take things slow."

Scott internally kicked himself because he did say that. "Well, we've already done one double date and I think we got very comfortable with each other. Hell you even got my sister to like you a little bit."

"I still don't like her that much," Sarah said from Scott's bedroom door.

Scott turned, annoyed to address his sister. "And you're listening in on my conversation because?"

"Because mom wants to talk to you."

Scott ran his free hand through his hair and rubbed the back of his neck, trying to stay composed. "You could have just called out to me and told me instead of listening in on my conversation."

"But then I would not have gotten to hear you try to set up plans for a date with your girlfriend," Sarah mocked.

"She's not my girlfriend," Scott said and one second later realizing Katie was still listening on the phone. "Hey, um..."

"It's OK Scott," Katie said trying to help alleviate Scott's embarrassment of the moment. "We are not boyfriend and girlfriend so you can tell people that. Go talk with your mom and I will see you at school tomorrow."

Scott was relieved that Katie understood the situation and helped calm his nerves. "Thank you. See you tomorrow and have a good night's sleep."

"You too Scottie," Katie said, but quickly remembering Scott had told Alyssa very few people could call him that. "Oh, sorry. I forgot that..."

Scott cut her short before she could finish. "It's ok Katie. You can call me Scottie. You've earned the privilege."

A big smile formed on Katie's face when Scott told her that and her heart filled with joy. "Thank you Scottie. Good night."

"Good night Katie," Scott said before hanging up. He turned to see his sister still at the doorway to his bedroom, but now she had a dumbfounded look on her face. "What?" he asked wondering why she was still there.

Sarah blinked a few times before finding the words. "You are letting Katie call you Scottie?"

"Um, yeah," he said, not seeing why it mattered.

Sarah's eyes nearly busted out of her head when he confirmed it. "You don't even let Steve and Liz call you Scottie." Scott rolled his eyes, got out of his computer chair, and walked out of his room past his sister. "Don't walk away from me. You have to tell me...Scott stop!" Sarah said, chasing her brother all the way to the family room where their mother was waiting for him.

"You wanted to talk to me about something?"

"Yes, please have a seat next to me," Jackie said, patting the couch cushion next to her. He sat down next to her and Sarah tried to also sit down. "Sarah, you are not to be part of this."

"But Mom..."

"No buts," Jackie said sternly. "This is a mother son talk."

"What's the harm..."

"You will be grounded this weekend and have to do all of Scott's chores if you don't leave within the next ten seconds." Knowing full well that threat was real, Sarah immediately left the two of them alone. Jackie let out a big sigh. "I swear your sister just wants to know everything that is going on with you."

"Well, she fits the annoying stereotype of 'annoying little sister'", Scott joked.

"She can be annoying sometimes," Jackie said laughing.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?

"Well, I actually just got off the phone with Katie's mom."

"Oh," Scott said, a feeling a dread starting to come over him. "What did she want?"

"Well she told me about your little conversation you had with her earlier today." Scott was petrified with fear that Katie's mom changed her mind. "And that she was a little impressed by you."

Scott shook his head, not believing that he heard his mother right. "She was impressed by me?"

"A little bit, yes," Jackie nodded her head.

"Um, ok." Scott wasn't sure what to say next or where this conversation was going.

"She wanted me to also tell you that you have her permission to be with Katie alone at her house if she is gone for the weekend on a business trip." Scott did a double take, again being shocked by Katie's mom. "However, I expect you to be on your best behavior if you do decide to go over there and are indeed alone with her. I don't want to hear you got her pregnant."

"Of course," Scott said really fast, "I mean, I'm not planning on having sex with her."

"Still, just be smart and use protection if you two do decide to have sex."

"Um, ok Mom," Scott said with his face turning red, embarrassed to be having this conversation with his mom.

"You know I was going to have this talk with you at some point Scott."

"Yeah, I guess, but maybe when there was actually going to be a chance Katie and I were actually going to have sex."

"OK, just wanted you to know what is expected of you. Also, Katie is coming over for dinner on Friday."

Scott was starting to feel overwhelmed with information and that last piece really shocked him. "What, why?"

"Because your father and I want to get to know her and her mom is going to be out of town again for another business trip. When she told me that, I suggested she come over for dinner so she wouldn't be alone."

"Mom, you know I need time to prepare for that right?"