Love of Autism Ch. 06


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Scott and Katie looked at the menus and each decided what they wanted within a few minutes.

"So what are you going to get?" Scott asked.

"The salmon looked really good so I'm getting that. What about you?"

"The 12oz New York Strip."

"No offense but that seems like an easy choice for you."

Scott chuckled at that statement. "Well if I was here with my family instead and not all dressed up, I would have gotten the full rack of ribs instead."

"Well you would have had leftovers then to take home."

"If there actually were any left over," Scott said with wry smile.

"Do you not eat any of the fries that come with it?"

"Yep. The fries would be gone too."

Katie looked up and down at Scott, not believing him. "You can't eat all that and still remain that skinny."

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "I have a high metabolism."

Katie shook her head in amusement. "I'll have to remember that if I ever make you something to eat. No small portions for you."

A minute later the waitress came back to take their food order. Once she got it she left them alone.

"So what got you into anime?" Katie asked.

"As far back as I can remember I've always watched anime."

"I hope you didn't watch Attack on Titan as a young boy."

"No Katie, I didn't watch Attack on Titan growing up. I watched other anime like Dragon Ball, the first episodes of Pokémon, Digimon, many of the Gundam series, and you have absolutely no clue what any of these series are," Scott realized as he was listing off the names of anime.

"I recognize Dragon Ball and Pokémon by name, but not the other two shows you mentioned," Katie admitted.

"Anyway, I've always just watched anime growing up. As I got older my dad let me watch some of the more violent and intense anime, like Attack on Titan."

"That's good that he had you wait to watch shows like that."

"Yeah, I don't think having nightmares about being chased by giant creatures trying to kill me would be a good thing for a little boy to go through."

"Does Sarah like anime too?"

"Only a couple shows and movies. She doesn't complain if I put one on the TV most of the time."

"That's good she doesn't complain."

"Yeah, I guess. So what shows did you watch growing up?"

Scott and Katie continued to ask each other questions about growing up, foods, movies, and various other things they had not really had the chance to before. With the exception of when their food was being served to them, they didn't stop talking. Much to Scott's surprise and delight he found having a long conversation with Katie much easier than he thought. She didn't seem to mind listening to him talk about anime and video games, but he knew not to only talk about that stuff.

Everything seem to be going well after they finished eating their food as they just talked, but Scott noticed that Katie seemed a little distracted. Her eyes seemed to be looking elsewhere in the restaurant.

"I'm sorry if I'm just droning on," Scott apologized.

When Katie heard that her eyes immediately went to Scott and saw that he seemed dejected. "Oh, no, you weren't. I just..." her eyes again looked to the same place as they were before.

Curious to see what Katie was looking Scott turned his head to where Katie's eyes were looking. It took him only two seconds to see what had her distracted and he turned to look at her. "Do you want me to get our waitress so we can get the check and get out of here?"

Katie nodded her head and much to Scott's relief their waitress came by asking how everything was. He said great but that he needed the check so they could go see a movie that they had tickets for. Once the waitress had left them he thought that everything would be fine. That hope was soon dashed though as the person Katie was looking at had decided to come to their table.

"Hi Katie, how have you been?" the man asked. Katie just looked down at the table, ignoring the man. "No need to be rude to your dad."

Katie looked up at her dad and glared at him. "You are not my dad. You stopped being my dad five years ago."

"Look, I just wanted to see how you were doing and who you were...Scott James?" Katie's dad said in disbelief.

Scott also glared at him. "I think it would be best if you left us alone."

Katie's dad shook his head trying to wrap his mind around what he was seeing. "Not until one of you explains to me to how you two are on a date? Did one of you lose a bet or something?"

The waitress returned with the check and Scott immediately got out his dad's credit card and gave both back to their waitress. "Why we are on a date is no concern to you and you should just leave."

"Wow, I see some of my daughter's rudeness has rubbed off..."

"The only rude person here is you asshole," Scott interrupted, "and you stopped being her dad the moment you left her and her mom to be with another woman while married. You deserve every piece of hostility from Katie. Now, leave us alone so we can enjoy the rest of our night."

Katie's dad was about to say something but the manager came by noticing the commotion. The manager asked him to leave Scott and Katie alone and to go back to his family. When Katie's dad reluctantly left them alone, the manager apologized about the situation and offered them a coupon for twenty percent off the next time they eat there. They thanked the manager as they got the bill back from the waitress. Scott wrote down the amount he wanted to leave for the tip and they got their things, got out of the restaurant and headed to his car.

Once in his car Scott took Katie's hand and gave it a kiss.

"Thank you," Katie said letting Scott keep a hold of her hand.

"You're welcome. I know that wasn't easy for you."

Katie looked down at her feet. "No, it wasn't easy at all. I was hoping that I would never have to see him ever again after what he put me and mom through." She then looked up at Scott and smiled. "But being with you and watching you defend me confirms I am making the right choice in the man I want to be my boyfriend."

"Well why don't we start calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend then starting right now?" Scott asked. "I mean, we more or less act like a couple so why not just make it official?"

Whatever sadness Katie was feeling before was completely gone. She continued to be amazed at how easily Scott could make her feel loved and cherished whenever things seemed to be looking horrible.

"Sounds like a good idea to me amazing boyfriend," Katie said happily.

Scott kissed her hand again and saw the smile on Katie's face grow even bigger. He loved seeing her smile and wanted to make sure that she kept on smiling for the rest of their date. However, now they needed to get over to the movie theater and actually pick out a movie to watch. "As much as I would love to keep holding your hand, I kind of need it to drive. However, I was wondering if you could look up what movies are playing at AMC on your phone."

"Sure. Just let me get my phone out of my purse."

With that Scott started his car and Katie started looking up what movies were playing at the local AMC movie theater. She started listing off name of the movies that were showing that evening when one title caught Scott's attention.

"Wait, Spirited Away is showing?"

"Hold on a second," Katie said as she tapped the screen to get the show times for that movie. "Looks like it is showing at 7:30 tonight. Why do you want to watch that movie?"

"Because it is a really good movie done by one of the best, if not the best, anime directors of all time."

Katie couldn't help but laugh at Scott's seeming love for just about everything anime. "And what makes you think I would agree to watch it for the movie part of our date?"

"Because if you hate it the next time we see a movie in theaters you get to choose without me complaining one bit about it."

"You won't complain?"

"Not even a little bit or attempt to resist your choice of movie."

"That is an intriguing offer," Katie admitted, "but what happens if I do like it? Do you get to pick the next movie?"

"Nope," Scott said shaking his head smiling, "this is purely a win-win for you. Either you like the movie or you hate it and get to pick the next one. No downside for you at all."

"Even if it is a complete chick flick?"

Scott nodded his head, "That is correct."

Katie thought about it for a few moments. There was no real downside to any of this and she was sure Scott wouldn't choose any anime movie that he knew she wouldn't like. "OK, let's see Spirited Away."

Scott gave a quick glance to her and said, "Trust me, you're going to really like it," before putting his eyes back on the road.

A few minutes later they were at the movie theater. Scott paid for their tickets but didn't get any concessions other than a bottle of water for each of them as they were more than full from dinner. Once they found their seats they sat down and got comfortable, snuggling up next to each other with Scott's arm around Katie's shoulder and hers around his waist.

Soon the trailers for other movies were playing with a few that Scott was more than excited about. Katie of course was clueless about anime being shown in the trailers but some did seem interesting. Once the trailers were over the feature presentation started. An hour and half later the movie was over and Katie couldn't believe not only how good the movie was, but how much she wanted to watch it again.

"So what did you think?" Scott asked as the credits rolled.

"I think you're getting me to like anime. What was the name of the guy who made this movie?"

"Hayao Miyazaki and this isn't even his best film."

"Damn and this was pretty good. I can only imagine how good the others are."

Scott turned his head and smiled at his girlfriend. "No matter how good they are, any night with you will always be better."

Katie tucked her head into Scott's neck. "Thank you Scottie. That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

Scott gave her a light kiss on her head and they sat there while everyone else left. Once the credits were done rolling they resigned themselves to the fact that they had to leave and that their date was just about over with. Neither of them wanted it to end. They wanted this night to last just a few more hours.

"I think we need to leave or else they are going to kick us out," Scott said sadly.

"Yeah, I know," Katie agreed feeling the same way.

They got up out of their seats, left the theater, got into Scott's car and they drove off to Katie's house. The drive was silent between them as neither knew what to say to lighten the mood. They arrived at her house much sooner than either would have liked as he pulled up into the driveway.

"Let me get your door for you," Scott said trying to think of any way just to spend a little more time with Katie.

"Thank you Scottie," Katie said appreciative of the gesture.

Scott got out of his car, went around it, opened the door for her and also gave her his hand to help her out. Katie was appreciating every bit of every gentlemanly gesture Scott was doing. Once she out of the car they walked hand in hand slowly to her front door.

"Thank you for the amazing night Scott," Katie said as they got to the front door.

"You're welcome Katie. I just hope we get to do this again sometime soon."

"Well we don't have to get quite as dressed up. I would be happy just sitting on the couch at either of our places watching a TV show or movie."

"I think that can easily be arranged. Maybe you could have dinner with me and my family again."

"I would love that," Katie said with a big smile. "I just wish your sister wouldn't hate me so much."

"Give her time." Scott turned and wrapped his arms Katie and she did the same in turn. Everything about that moment just felt so right. He loved the feeling of his arms around her and hers around him. Never had he felt more at calm and peace, yet he wanted more. "Katie," he said as he slowly backed away his head.

"Yes Scott," she said as she backed her head up as well looking at him, but noticing the he was looking into her eyes and maintaining eye contact.

Scott looked into her beautiful blue eyes and thought of what he wanted to do. He said he didn't want to rush things after what happened with him and Alyssa, but his desire overrode that thought completely as he slowly moved is head forward and placed his lips on Katie's who was more than happy to receive and return the kiss. What was only a few seconds felt much longer as they kissed each other in a way they had never kissed anyone else before. When their lips finally parted, they breathed heavy.

Once again they looked into each other's eyes, both knowing that was no ordinary first kiss. That was the first kiss of many that would follow in the immediate future and for as long as time would let them live. Scott knew exactly how he felt and there was no point in not telling Katie the truth.

"I love you Katie," he said loud enough for her to hear as he was still trying to catch his breath.

"I love you too Scottie," Katie said giving him a gentle kiss on the lips, not wanting to overdo knowing her mother was still home and probably waiting for her to come in.

Slowly Scott let go of her. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"You better. You're my boyfriend," Katie said with a smile.

"And you're my girlfriend," Scott said returning the smile.

Nothing more was said between them as Scott walked away, but they still kept on smiling knowing this was the start of their relationship. Once Scott had gotten into his car and drove off to his house, Katie opened the front door and walked in.

"Mom, I'm home," she announced.

"I'm in the kitchen," Jillian yelled back.

Katie walked into the kitchen and saw her mom with an open bottle of wine, an empty wine glass, a yellow envelope and several pictures spread out over the kitchen table.

"Mom, is everything OK?" Katie asked concerned. She knew from past experiences if there was an open bottle of wine her mother was having a really bad night and was very likely to be drunk.

Jillian wiped the tears from her face before she looked up at her daughter. "Yeah, I'm good. How was your date?"

Jillian's words were not slurred so most of Katie's concern went away but that was replaced with confusion. "It was really good. We had a good time at dinner and watched a really good movie."

"That's good," Jillian said with a smile. "I'm really happy you had a great date with Scott."

Katie cautiously approached the table. "Mom, why are you drinking and what pictures are you looking at?"

Jillian looked back down at the pictures and shook her head. "Katie, what was it like when you started to see Scott differently?"

"What do you mean?" Katie asked really confused by her mother's question.

"Homecoming night, when you and Scott started the process of making peace. Did you feel like...that every mean thing you did to him was unjustified and that deep down he really was a nice guy?"

"Mom, where is this coming from?" Katie asked as she got close enough to see the pictures and immediately recognized them. "Why are you looking at the pictures that showed dad cheating on you? You should have just left them in the safe."

Jillian shook her head in amusement. "Those pictures are still in there."

"What do you mean?"

Jillian looked up at her daughter, still with the same smile. "We have the second set of pictures. The person with the first set had instructed the private investigator to make a second set and have them delivered to us."

Katie looked at the pictures again. Emotions of anger welling up inside her, remembering that day when her mother yelling at her dad, showing him the pictures of his affair, and accusing him of being a cheating bastard. Things only got worse a few weeks later when he revealed that the woman he was sleeping with was pregnant with his baby and that he was planning on leaving them soon anyway.

Katie shook her head and had to look away, tears starting to well up in her eyes. "So why are these pictures here? Did the private investigator bring them or something?"

"No," Jillian said, "the person who originally hired the private investigator did. I called him and his wife over after you left with Scott."

"You could have them over when Scott was here. We would have stayed out of it and just left as soon as he got here."

Jillian let out a little laugh. "Sweetie, these photos belong to Scott's dad. He was the one who told the private investigator to send me copies so I would know the truth."

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FatStratFatStratalmost 5 years ago
One more thing

Liz says: "but now we need to find shoes, necklace, and earrings to go with it."

then you write: "A half hour later Liz and Katie walked out with everything Katie needed for her big night."

A half hour to buy all that stuff? What are they, guys? I sincerely doubt that they would be able to get everything in that short a time. That would be some kind of record. LOL.

FatStratFatStratalmost 5 years ago
Interesting turn of events

Nice chapter. Can't wait for the next one!

Holdfast68Holdfast68about 5 years ago
Great work

I like ve both of these series. I cannot wait for extra chapters

MDG1969MDG1969about 5 years ago
Very nice short chapter.

Very nice. Please continue with your writing, I enjoy it very much.

AnnaValley11AnnaValley11about 5 years ago
Great story development and a superb ending....

The last sentence has opened a whole new aspect to this romance.

Looking forward to seeing how this story develops.

Well done

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