Love of Autism Ch. 12


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Scott turned his head to look at his girlfriend, happy to see a smile on her face. "That's good. Anything else interesting happen?"

Katie's smile became a nervous one, not sure how Scott will react to what she has to say. "Well, my dad and I had a heart to heart after dinner. We talked...about his and mine relationship."

"I'm glad you and your dad..." Scott did a double take, realizing what Katie had just said, what word she had just used. "You called him dad."

"Um, yeah, I did," Katie admitted sheepishly.

Scott shook his head, still not believing he heard Katie right. " happened?"

"Well, he started off by apologizing for everything he put me through because of cheating on mom after I kind of admitted that I missed him."

This confused Scott even more. "You missed him?

Katie laughed at herself, realizing what she had just said was confusing. "It's a long story that might be better talked about when we have more time. But yeah, the short version is my dad and I made a little peace feels good to not hate him so much."

Scott grabbed Katie's hand and kissed it. "I'm glad you and him are getting along better. I hope though this doesn't mean you're not coming over this weekend."

Katie leaned forward and kissed Scott's forehead. "I wouldn't miss a weekend that I get to spend cuddling with you."


Katie took another bite from her burger that she seasoned with a mix she wanted to try. "Mmmmm, I think I need to do this seasoning mix again."

"Maybe next time we'll have you make two burger patties for you, one for dinner and another to reheat for lunch the next day," Jackie suggested.

"I would not refuse that offer," Katie said before she took another bite.

Everyone continued to enjoy their burgers and fries and make small talk. Once all the food was finished, Katie helped Jackie clear off the table and clean the dishes.

"You know you don't have to help me with the dishes," Jackie said with an appreciative smile.

"I know," Katie said smiling before looking at Jackie, "but I want to. I like being around you and the rest of the family."

Jackie gave Katie a light kiss on the side of her head. "And we are enjoying having you around us. Even Sarah has started being nice to you."

"Well things do tend to change when people forgive each other."

Jackie nodded her head in agreement. "I'm glad you two are getting along better and she isn't trying to be as rude to you anymore."

"Well I think it is going to help that we are going to the mall tomorrow to shop for clothes for her little double date with Colin later on in the evening"

"Is Liz joining you two?" Jackie asked.

"No," Katie said shaking her head, "just me and her. It just needs to be us so we can bond together."

"Honestly, I wish you and Scott were going with them as well. I mean I trust Liz and Steve to not get Sarah and Colin into any trouble or suggest that they do something stupid, but Scott is still protective of Sarah and I know you are becoming a little protective of her too."

"I understand where you are coming from, but Scott and I still have a lot of things we need to talk about and it is best if we work it out just between us."

Jackie thought for a few moments as she washed one of the plates before handing it to Katie for her to dry. "Be honest, are you still somewhat shaken by what happened two weeks ago?"

Katie nodded her head as she dried off the plate and set it down in the drying rack. "Yeah. That is what we are going to talk about tomorrow night and he said he also wanted to show me something in relation to that."

"I see," Jackie said knowing exactly what Scott was going to show Katie. He was going to show her the room in the basement with the punching bag and explain why it is there.

"Do you know what he is going to show me?" Katie asked as she took another plate from Jackie.

"I do," Jackie nodded, "and all I'm going to tell you is try not to be scared of what he shows you."

That only caused Katie to become scared. "Ok."

Jackie heard the change in tone and realized she had just made Katie become scared. "What he is going to show you something that even my husband uses from time to time and if anything helps me it's knowing he's dealing with his emotions in a good way." Katie looked up at Jackie and smiled. "Trust me, it is a good thing Scott is making himself more vulnerable to you. It took Keith years to be able to open up to me in some of the ways Scott is opening up to you."

That made Katie smile knowing Jackie approved of what Scott was going to show. Still, she was still nervous as to what it could be she was going to be shown.


Sarah came out of the dressing room with a horrified look on her face that Katie matched as soon as she saw the outfit she tried on. "I think that is a definite no."

"Most definite no," Sarah agreed as she closed the door and took off the clothes and started to put on a dress. "So how many outfits is that now?" she asked loud enough for Katie to hear her.

"Over ten I think. I swear it is harder to find clothes for girls our age that doesn't reveal so much cleavage or too much skin elsewhere."

"I know right. I'm not trying to seduce Colin and we only kiss. I'm nowhere near ready for any of that other stuff."

"Trust me when I say this. Wait until you know Colin is the right guy. If he is, it will be worth it in the end."

"Well there are no modesty concerns in this dress," Sarah said as she opened the dressing room door again, but this time with a big smile on her face. Katie smiled as well loving how the dress looked on her boyfriend's sister.

"Now that is something I might need to find in my size. Classy, modest, and beautiful. Turn around. Let's make sure it looks good everywhere." Sarah did as she was told and even a few more times, feeling absolutely beautiful in the dress. "Someone has found her dress."

Sarah stopped spinning with a huge grin on her face. "Yes I have." She went back into the dressing room, put back on her normal clothes. A couple minutes later she came out with the dress back on the hanger and ready to purchase. "I think I'm..."

"Not quite yet. You still need new shoes to go with that dress."

Sarah slouched and pouted. "Really? What is wrong with the shoes I have from homecoming?"

"Think about it. This is a blue dress you're buying."

"Um, yeah, so was my homecoming dress."

"Yeah, a dark blue dress. This is light blue and matches your eyes. Not to mention we are in a Michigan winter right now."

Then it dawned on Sarah what Katie was trying to say. "Oh, not high heels, but flats."

Katie nodded her head, smiling. "Yep. Don't want to let your toes freeze from whatever snow you might walk into."

Both of them proceeded to the shoe department and after trying on about twenty or so pairs of flats, they finally found the right pair. They went to the cashier and paid for everything and Sarah winced at the total. "I'm going to be doing a lot of chores to pay back my parents."

"Trust me, that dress will be something you wear again many times."

"We'll see," Sarah said not convinced.

The two of them proceeded to walk around the mall, checking out various stores and trying on clothes just for fun. In case though, Katie found a blouse she just had to have. Her mom let her use her credit card on shopping trips as long as the total didn't get too out of hand. Once she purchased that, she convinced Sarah that they should get something to eat and walked towards the food court. Once they agreed upon which place to get food from, they got in line and ordered their food. Katie paid for it and they found a table to sit and eat.

"Thank you for taking me shopping Katie."

"You're welcome. Not that I don't enjoy time with your brother, but it is nice to have some girl time once a while."

Sarah took a bite of her food and swallowed it. "I know there are many things you and Scott haven't talked about yet, but if you two do decide to get married and have kids, would you be worried about if your child was autistic?"

Katie chewed and swallowed the piece of food that was in her mouth and thought carefully before she spoke. "Scott and I haven't talked about it, but honestly I am a little worried because...I wonder if I would be a good mom for an autistic child."

That was not the response Sarah anticipated hearing. "Why do you say that?"

Katie shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I mean...Scott is eighteen and...I guess there is no other way to put it. Most of his autistic growing pains have come and gone and he's had a great support system with your family, Liz, Steve, and their families. I know you will be an amazing aunt and your parents will offer their support, but who knows if Liz and Steve will still live close to us. And mom will be even more clueless than I am right now." Sarah couldn't help but smile and laugh at Katie. "What's so funny?"

"Do you know how lost I feel sometimes as a younger sister to an older autistic older brother? I don't know what will set him off, understand if his mind is close to being overwhelmed, if he needs someone to vent on, or just a hug to let him know he is not alone and someone actually cares about him. I know Liz has already told you that Scott is only one she is comfortable crying in front of. Trust me, whether your child is autistic or not, he or she will want to snuggle up to you anytime she is sad or scared."

Katie loved hearing Sarah say such nice things about her. "Thank you Sarah. It means a lot to me for you to say that."

"You're welcome. So do you have any advice about how to get a quiet, shy guy to open up a little more?"

"Colin still pretty shy around you?"

"Yeah. Like...he just isn't confident at all around me. I just don't know what I can do to help him see how awesome he is. I tell him all the time he's kind, handsome, an amazing boyfriend, great kisser, just overall...why are you laughing?" Sarah asked as she noticed Katie trying to hide her laughter behind her hand.

"I'm sorry, but I've literally just gone through the exact same thing with Scott. Listen, you can't convince a guy like Colin who has self-confidence issues to just turn around be someone he is not. It might take time and maybe some help for your brother and Steve, but don't force him to feel confident. Just love him for who he is and always know at the end of any date or even just at the end of lunch that you are happy he is your boyfriend."

"I guess I could try it your way. I have nothing to lose."

"Trust me. Just give it time and you will see a difference."


Katie cuddled up next to Scott on the couch as they watched Gilmore Girls.

"And how did you trick me into watching this?" asked Scott, still not believing he is actually watching Gilmore Girls.

Katie smiled at his question. "Because you love me, you shared your love of anime with me and I want to share my love of Gilmore Girls with you. Besides, I've heard you laugh more than a few times already."

Scott rolled his eyes not wanting to admit that Katie was right. But he knew by not giving a verbal answer he was actually telling her she was right. "Yes, there are some funny moments in the three episodes we've watched."

Katie's smile grew even bigger knowing she got Scott to admit that he was liking her show.

They sat there cuddled up for another half hour as the episode finished. They agreed to watch three episodes that night before Scott would show her what he wanted to show her. As the episode finished and the credits started to roll, Katie detached herself from Scott, sat up and got the remote to turn off the TV. "So, I guess it is time."

"It is. Meet me downstairs. I need to get the key from my parents."

"Key?" Katie asked, confused as to why he needed a key.

"You'll understand."

Katie suddenly became unsure if she wanted to know, but she knew Scott was trying to be more vulnerable with her. She nodded her head and went downstairs to the basement while Scott got the key from his parents. A minute later he was downstairs with Katie and he guided her to the far end of the basement where there was a locked door. He inserted the key, unlocked the door, and opened it, guiding Katie into the secret room.

"Well, welcome to the anger release room," Scott said, not sure how else to describe the room.

Katie walked past Scott into the room, examining it. In the center was a large punching bag and against one of the walls was storage container filled with gloves. "Is this where you come to let off some steam?" she asked as she picked up a pair of gloves.

"Only when I get really angry and I need to...release it in a positive way. Mom and dad only let me use this room when they feel I'm a danger to myself or someone else."

Katie set the gloves down and walked towards the punching, pushing against it and feeling how heavy it was. "This bag isn't light at all," she commented.

"Nope. My dad uses this room sometimes as well if his day at work was really rough. He's learned how to control his anger better than I have."

Katie turned and looked at Scott. "Did you come down here two weeks ago?" Scott nodded, not wanting to say it out loud. He still felt shame for going off on Katie the way he did. She turned back towards the punching bag and lightly hit it a few times. She asked herself how many times Scott needed to come down here after school because of her bullying...or the bullying of some of her classmates. A thought then came to her that there were times she probably could have used this room. Homecoming night being one of them after catching Jack cheating on her. Putting his picture on the punching bag and hitting it repeatedly might be a good way to get over him.

She hit the bag harder, thinking of him kissing Melinda. Then again, even harder, thinking of how much time she wasted on him. She was ready to hit the bag again but Scott put his arms around her.

"Please let me go," she begged. "I need to get something out of my system."

"No, I can't let you."

Katie struggled against his hold. "Please. I need to hit the bag. I hit Jack."

"I'm sorry, but I can't," Scott said, knowing exactly how she was feeling.

"Why?" Katie asked, wanting Scott to let her go.

"It's the same reason why I can't just come down here and start hitting the bag and think about something that angers me. If all I think is anger, I will let it consume me. Trust me, I would love to hit this bag thinking of Jack as well for what he's done to you and how he's attacked you since homecoming. But we can't let him dominate our minds like that." Scott loosened his grip on Katie and she stopped resisting him. He turned her to face him, but she just looked down at the floor, tears falling from her eyes. "I know it hurts." He then wrapped his arms around her in a hug as her head rested on his shoulder.

"I know I should happy that you're my boyfriend and not focus on what he did to me. You are more amazing than he could ever be, just seems like since we've been together all these old wounds that never healed are opening up again." Katie wrapped her arms around Scott and hugged him tightly. "I never knew how much I actually really missed my dad until Carly asked if I missed him, not knowing that my actual dad was her dad the whole time. I've been wondering if things would have been better...different with Jack if my dad was able to warn me about it him..." she started to cry hard and her words were broken as she sniffled. "I just be happy...and I'm not." She began to cry even harder and Scott let his shirt soak up all her tears. He rubbed her back as she cried.

"Do you want to go back upstairs to the couch so we can cuddle?" Katie nodded her head as she pulled herself away slightly from Scott so she could look up at his face, her face red, tears still streaming down her cheeks and snot coming down her nose. "I'll meet you upstairs," Scott said in a calm voice while smiling at her. "Go to the bathroom and get a box of tissues. I need to lock up the room and give mom and dad back their key."

Katie again nodded her head, understanding what Scott told her. She let go of him and headed upstairs as Scott locked the door to the room. She got the box of tissues from the bathroom and headed back towards the couch in the family room. Once she sat down, she opened the box and pulled a few tissues to wipe her face and the snot from her nose. A few seconds later Scott sat with her, also pulling a few tissues from the box and helping her wipe her face. Once he was done helping her, he scooted to the end of the couch and laid back against a pillow. Katie positioned herself to lay next to him so she would lay her head on his upper chest and wrap her arms around him.

With one hand, Scott rubbed her and the other he used to hold her hand. They just laid there together, not saying anything. He knew there was no point in talking and that Katie just needed him to be her emotional support right now.

After about a half hour later Jackie came to tell them that they should head to bed, but when saw the way they were laying on the couch she knew that separating Katie from Scott would not be a good thing. Instead she got a fleece blanket from a closet and a bed pillow. She approached them and gave the pillow to Scott who put it behind his head to lay on. After that she put the fleece blanket on both of them. "If you two need to sleep on the couch tonight you can," she whispered to them.

Scott smiled at his mom, happy that she recognized what was going on. He looked down at Katie to see if she heard Jackie but she was already fast asleep, which caused him to lightly laugh. He looked up at his mom and thanked her. Jackie nodded her head, welcoming him, and went back to her bedroom to go to sleep.

He looked back down at his girlfriend, thinking how beautiful she was as she slept. He continued to rub her arm for a little while longer before sleep overtook him.


Katie slowly woke up, still in the same position she fell asleep in. Once her eyes opened, she gained her bearings and looked up to see Scott still sleeping with his glasses on. 'He must have been tired like me and just dozed off,' she thought to herself. She didn't remember though when the fleece blanket was placed over her.

She slowly got herself up to avoid waking Scott and placed the fleece blanket over him. She also slowly took off his glasses just in case he rolled over. Once that was done, she decided to walk into the kitchen and see if there was anything she could make for breakfast.

"Morning Katie," Keith greeted as he was getting the pancake mix out of the cupboard. "How did you sleep?"

Katie froze, knowing full well she had just violated Scott's parent's house rule about sleeping together. "Morning. I um...slept ok I guess."

Keith looked at her and smiled. "You can relax. Jackie told me that you and Scott you cuddling on the couch and that you fell asleep. She gave Scott her blessing for you two to sleep on the couch together."

"I'm sorry," Katie said, still feeling depressed.

Keith shook his head. "There is nothing to be sorry about. Scott was there to support you and you just fell asleep. The only reason we don't want you two sleeping together is because we don't want to hear you two having sex and give us grandkids too soon. Stuff like last night is another story, so don't feel guilty."

Katie weakly smiled after hearing what Keith said. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Since you're up, would you like to help me make some pancakes?"

"Sure, what would you like me to do?"

"You can get two mixing bowls out of the cupboard right of the microwave."